89-1979 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII �//y CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL /A % BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �` • �• : Co ci Resolution �jq�� � Presented By i Ref To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED: That application (ID 15968) for a Class A Gambling Location License by Willard's iquors, Inc. DBA Willard's Bar at 738 Thomas Avenue, be nd the same is hereby approved/d�r�d. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: I Dimond ��g _� [n Favor ' Goswitz Rettman B �be1�� � Against Y Sonnen Wilson �V � ��9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified as Co .' S r ry By ' � �`/�r� B� ��1�� S �p t�ppro by iVlavor. Date — UV � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �. P����D C,!U V 1 � 1 89 � � . � � �c'�-��i� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT E�DMINIS TION DATE � 11 �� l � ��) a � INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Proc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud , .�vhn 7• �au-E'mG•� Applicant �,() i � IC�✓d5 ���j (,(D�5 ►'�v Home Address Business Name �,(,1�ICtrd�S (�jl.�� Home Phone Business Address � �J � I YLOWIG 5 Type of License(s) ��Ct S5 q - C`�Grvn r��iv�c� Business Phone c�-o� �� 3� 5� C�UC4���^ Public Hearing Date �� �- g _ License I.D. 4f � `� /v 4 at 9:00 a.m. in the Counc 1 C ambers, � U G.0�� 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 41 � ! llate l�otice Sent; Dealer 4� � 1� to Applicant /a-/'��'c� 1�, rederal Firearms 4� l�-��/� Public Hearing �i S+ � 1'l o��teeY a�( �- �S� DATE Ir'•SPEC ION REVIEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS A proved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � g� ! pl� Health Divn. ! , N� � � � Fire Dept. � �VI� � l�- � �� o � , � � ! 5-e,�- I� i i �5 Yolice Dept. �I a'I � Q /� � License Divn. i � ���� � � � City Attorney � �v��� �/� d Date Received: Site Plan ! l 0 �j�j To Council Research �J ( �l 0 1 Lease or Letter � ate from Landlord � l� � . � . . � � �.�96�' ity of Saint Paul n � Department of Fin nce and Management Services � �47� Licens and Permit Division � 203 City Halt St. Paul, innesota 55102-29&5056 APPUC ION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew � oo a Date —�/ 1� Code No. � Title of t,icense �–� � C���r /, From �� t�To � �'`/ 191�'' `�� ' �'} �% �.�'`� �� � �Q ' ' '� � ; //' ioo �'.G����G' '. �.,�. - ;�v—r�rii��'/ � AppUeantlCompany Name _ �� • � ^ � / � / /' ��.�i� /ij.�—�c-dr_�,�� 100 Buslneas Name �a.°. � ��Ss `]` �p ,00 �� � �.���'. '�� Business Address Phone No. '� .��,.�' �Z�����J ���t� - �� i 100 Mail to Address Phone No. ( ) _ `� / �^� _G� 100 �,i.l1t 1'�✓dv � . yC GZGL-, �YJ2�lLi'�i IGJ'anaperlOwner•Name �oo !/ � i�l Q,�.� -� �Oa f' G c��v�.��� 100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address Pho�e No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 • R�ive th�m of � 100 ' � �T�v� �-C� � � Q ManapedOwnea•City,State 3 Zip Code 100 Tot 100 � � ' ,7 I(' � (^�y�.;2., � ,�' /_���r���!%Yy� LldenSB InSpeCtO� ~v By: � i J 'i Sfg�aturepj�Applicant �.J Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiration Date ; Minnesota State Identlfication No. � Sociat Security No. : Vehicle information: Serlal Numbar �ats Numbsr ' Other. � THIS IS A REC IPT FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application(or lice e will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the 1o�ing , ordfnance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire Zoning and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR LL RETURNED CHECKS ��� '� 9�h P` � . � � ����9 � �s^ ,� � . ' . ` TO BE CO PLETED BY BAR OWNER C�"a y�'(�'?q Application vo. Dat Received By CITY OF AINT PAUL, MI:JI�ESOTA CHARITAB E GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled o t with a typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partne , by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/ r association in which the name of the license ' will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PL'BLIC � 1. Application for (name of license) L� �- 2. Located at (address) � %� J J� 3. Name under which bus iness is opera ed �,.�'��t_ f{�/�g L1 �t � 4. True Name � Phone � 3� �Og�/ (F rst) (Middle (Maiden) (Last i � S. Date of Birth � � S � Place of Birth -Ri1 Pr�ra�/J i ��t,�y4 (Month, Day, Yea ) � �� 6. Home Address ' 'Z fo � ' �(,s� fL OxK. Home Phone ,S•4r�.G� �� 7._ Have you ever been convicted of an gambling violations? �'j�'j 8. List licenses which you currently old at this location. �iq� D�li� S�LC� S w o�. � 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAMBL G BOOTH WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR ERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DE.*IIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have a wered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true a correct to the best of my knowledge and beli.ef. I hereby state further under oath that have received no money or other considerations, directly, or indirectly, in connection th this license, from any person by way of loan, gift. contribution or otherwise, other n already disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minnesota ) ) SS � , County of Ramsey ) /, � Subscribed and sworn to before me this ' /�Y�t ( ( �'�'1 day of \.�� (Signature of licant) �:�vvt-�r- 19 � 1 c-�,� � ���� " ;,��"�:� . , ��� ., ,�;=� . r .►�t.��;��r..�.,`�.• _ . . -� �-- � Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mi esota �,���,..��_� � � � ��: � C, .,, My Commisaion expires I � / � '` � . ...;�w�n �V�v�......�;��: . . - Ta BE COMPL TED BY BAR OWNER ���,7� MIYNES .1 TAX LDENfIFICAtION YUI�pI Pvreuant to Lavs oE Y1nn�eoca, t984, spter 502. Arcicle 8, S�etion : (270.72) (Taz Clear- anee; iaawnce of Lieens�s), licen�in auchoritiea are r�qnir�d co provide to ch� !tlnneaota Camslssioner of Rev�nu• ehe !linnesota usin��� tarz ideatificatlon nu�ber and che soelal a�eurity nwb�r oE eaeh lieense applic nt. Uod�r Ch� MSnn��ota Cov�rnm�nt Oa[a P etie�s Act and the Pederal Privae� Aet of 1974, v� ac� rpuir�d to advis• you of th� fol in` re;ardin� the u�� of thls lnfor�tion: 1) This lator�tioe u� be us�d �o d y eh� U�uane� or c�nwal of yout 1le�ns• in eh� �v�et you OY� MSI1���OCi sales, oyer's vithholdin` or sotoe o�hiel• �:eis� ta�c��; 2) Upoa e�e�iving chis ia[ormatioa, e • licm�in6 auehority vill �uppl� it oal� to ehe Mian�eota D�patts�nt of R�v�nu�. ov�vec, und�r th� i�d�r�l Exehan�t of Lnfonation ' A�r��unt th� Deparc�ent o[ R�v�nu eay snPPl� chis inforsation to eh� Int�rnal B�v�nu� SfN1t�; 3) FAILURE TO SUPPLY THIS INYORMA220N tJILL JEOPAdDLZL OR DELAY iilE PROCESSIliG Oi TOUR LICENSS LSSUANCE OR RENlWAL APPLI 1ION. Ninne�ota Ta�c Lnd�ntitieaelon Nu�b�rs Sale� 6 Us� iat N�ab�r) u� b• obtain�d Erw che Stat• o[ Nina�sota - Hu�inu• Reeotd• epart�ent - Roo� C90 C�aanoial Huildin� - 658 Cedar Sez�et. (evo bloelu �outhea�t of tha tat� CapitolT PAon�t 296-2�63 Applleanes U�t Naa Flr�t Na�� Middl� Initial � ��� p icants i►ddr�s• Citr. State, Z1p Cod� Phon� llo. �a� o� � � � S�;�z 3 ,� -��s �1 ApQlieants Soe 1 Seeurity No. �o�ltion (Offic�c, Partaer, •te.) ^7 7 ��� �-c`S��' �w,,�e Buainess Na�e ,� r,c� � � s �i.P � �c� �/-3js j lu�ln��� Addr��• Clt�, Stat�, 1p Cod� pbpp� bo, Kinn�soca ta�c Id�ntitieatioa uu�b r: �_�V [✓ �J�p (If a Mianesota ?u Id�atitleati Nwb�r 1� not reauir�d tot th� � Du�in��� beins op�r�tad. lodlcat that S� placinf au Z in th� boz.) t I R*RfAff��AfJt*�t!►iM!*dAAfAfAt►*f/lffff fillf!!�#1f*fAff1lflff*Nlf��NN�ff!#NMrM1R►tf�*� 40 S' COl�QISA?ION Pursuant to ch� Minn�sota Stat� Ls�lsl tur• bp Chapt�r 3�2, Section 67, Lavs ot 1987, ev�ry stata and loeal 11��asinf as�oe� is e� uiz�d to vithhold th� i��naae• or renwal o[ a 1le�aa� or p�r�it to op�sae• a bu�iaa� in ![lnn�wea uatil eh� applieant pr�s�ots ue�pt- abl� wid�ae� ot eo�qlla�• ritA tA� rk�r�' ee�p�n�atioo inaraac� eov�rap rpoirn�nts ot Saeeloa I�6.lsl, Subdivisioa 2. '[hi� lnEoeaation is r�auis�d b7r lav. a lie�n��• and p�c�its to oq�r�te a �u�in��� �� aot b� Ls�u�d oe e�nwW it it is not pro� d�A �ad/oe is tal��lr c�Poet�d. Furth�ssor�. it eA• intoc�ation !� noe pse�ided aad/or tal •1� s�yoet�d, it �� r�wlt is • 51.000.00 paultr �������d aialast ch� applieant b� th� �la�ioa�s of ed� D�p�rMat ot Labor �nd Indwtr� pa�abl� to cA� Sp�eial Co�p�a��tioo . Opos rpnest. lle�e�la� authoriti�• ar r�Qoir�d to furniaA wrk�r�' eo�pen�atioa Sa�urane• eo��rap lofo�tion eo tti� D�parwne ot Laboc aad Ind�ucr� eo e6�ek Lor ea�pliaoe� vitA Mlm�rota Staat• Saetiea 176.1e1. Su ivialon 2. As� qn�stioas re;ardia� vork�rs' co�p� aeloa �6ould Ae dir�et�d to th� llinn�wta D�pares�ne . of Laboe and Iadwcr� - Sp�eial llmd S etioo - 297-i777. Lnsusaae• Copaa� lf� �' (NO't eh� inauranc� apae) u Polie� N��t or S�li-I�uurance P�esit usb�t d �J � "' 0�''-' ���`j 6.Z Dat�s of Cov�ra;e Bft�ctiv�: ^'i ' E�cpiratioa: � � -y � � -OR - I as not r�qulr�d to hav� wriuti' e n�atioa liabilie� cov�ra�� beeau��: ( ) I hav� no wplo���• ear�r� br c6� lav. ( ) Oth�r (Sp�cit�) I XA�E READ AMD UNDE&RiAND !R RLGIRS 06(.IW220l13 WITII RlCARD 70 6USINESS LICF115LS. P[RMI23. AlID Sp ' �pl�CNSA22 Cp S. AND L CLRTIYT TAA? Lll RMA'fI011 lROYIDm IS TRUE AND CO � / sign tur� da � � � � � - � � � - ��-r�74 TO BE COM LETED BY BAR OWNER i under�tan�i �ncl wi11 uphol�i che ord nance amending Chapcer �i�� ot che St. P�ul Cegislative Co�le (Incoxicat ng Lic�uor) . I further undersc�nd chac failure co comoly may resulc in c}ie >tispension or revocacion ot . ; On Sale L.iquor a d corresponding licenses. �� S' gnacure , I / ��� �i�> Establishment 9r oaLz Recurn co: License v Per�ic Division Room :U3, Cicy fiall St. Paul , NN SS1U2 Please retain the attached ordinance for your records. 3/sb s • , . . ����"'ig?4 DEPARTMENT/OFFIf�JCOUNqL DATE INI ' Fi nance/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 5�4�0� CONTACT PER30N d�PIiONE �DEPARlMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNpL Chri sti ne Rozek 298-5056 N�� 0 cm nrrau�ev Q CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� AOU71N0 �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.SFAVICES DIR. 11-L�H 9 �MAYOR(OR ABSIHTANT) ��1C-I� TOTAL N OF 81aNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of an app1ication for a 1ass A Gambling Location License. Notification Date: 10-17-89 Hearin Date: 11-2-89 RECOAAMENDAT10N8:Approve(lU a Reject(F� COUNCI MITTEE/RESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL�RVICE COMMIBSION ��YST PNONE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE _ COMMENT8: _STAFF _ _DISTRICT COURT — SUPPORTB WHICH COUNqL OBJECiIVE? INfMT1N0 PROBLEM,ISBUE,OPPOFiTUNITY(WhO,Whet,When,Where,Wh�: Willard's Liquors, Inc. DBA Willa d's Bar at 738 Thomas Avenue requests City Council approval os its appl cation for a Class A Gambling Location License. This license will allow the liquor establishment to lease space to a charitable organization (Min esota Jazz Association) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. All f es and applications have been submitted. All required divisions, Zoning, Fire, Police and License have given their approval . ADVANTAQEB IF APPROVED: . If Council approval is given, Will yd's Bar, 738 Thomas Avenue will be able to lease space to a chari ble organization for pulltab sales. ��E�vFn DIBADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: �e r� ���Y ��� DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Council I�esearch Center, OCT 191989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YLS NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPUUI�