89-1972 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAUL Council ///���///��� ///��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT ������ BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. 'C unc 'l Resolution � // � ' Presented By ��� __._ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The West Side Foo Co-op Inc. has disbanded; and WHEREAS, The West Side Food Co-op Inc. has determined that the money remaining in thei cooperative fund should be donated to worthy organizat'ons; and WHEREAS, The West Side Food Co-op Inc. has developed an interest in the Baker Recre tion Senior Citizens Program; and WHEREAS, The West Side Food Co-op Inc. wishes the "Special" Programs Section of the Sai t Paul Division of Parks and Recreation to coordinate an donation to the senior citizens of the Baker Recreation com unity, and WHEREAS, The West Side Food Co-op Inc. has determined that $553.50 be donated to the B ker Recreation Senior Citizen Program; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Sa'nt Paul City Council authorizes the "Special " Programs Sect'on of the Saint Paul Division of Parks and Recreation to acc pt the donation of $553.50 for the sole purpose of the sen or citizens in the Baker Recreation Community. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � Department of Community Services �ng [n Favo Gos�vitz �� Rettman �% B s�6e;n�� __ Against �+�- wilson �OV ' 2 �9 Form d by City orne Adopted by Council: Date c /, . Certified Pa. • d �iy-.Council S ret � B By ` � Appro by Mavor: Date _ � Approv by May r fo ission to Counci� � �116LtS�D �y�V 1 � 19 9 `` � � �I', /�j � DEPARTMENT/OFFlf�/COUNGL DATE INITIA D �+' �/ / � COMMUNITY SER�'ICES 10-1 -89 GREEN SHEET NO. CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE ���— DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Robert Trammell 292-5500 N� iTVnrroaNer ❑arrc�a�c MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOH �FIN.d MQT.SEHVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR � � a TOTAL#OF 81GNATURE PAQES (CLIP AL LOCATIONS FOR I(3NATURE) ACT10N REQUESTED: O�T N � Approval of Council Resolution �,m ��`�4��.'���� REC�tVED ��� �� _ RECOMMENDAT10D18:llpprove(N a►Rel�(R1 COUNCIL MITTEE/RESEARqI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMI3SION """"'sT RECEfVEE� PHONE NO. _qB COMMfREE _ „ . . _,,,_ _STAFF _ COMME C T 2 31989 - _DISTRICT COURT _ suPaoRrs wt+ia+caiNa�oerecnve� A1�C3R¢S OFFICE INITIATIN6 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The West Side Co-op Inc. wishes to donate $553.50 to the Baker Recreation Senior Citizens and ave the "Special" Programs Section of the Saint Paul Division of P rks and Recreation Coordinate the funds . ADVANTAQES IF MPROVED: The senior citizens in the Bake Recreation community will have the ability to decide how this dona ion can benefit as many senior citizens in their area as possible. D18ADVANTACiEB IF APPROVED: None �CEIVED ��s,� Council Research Center. C1TY CLERK OCT 241989 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The Baker Recreation community senior citizens will be denied the opportunity to contribute omething of value to the West Side area. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING 80Ui�E ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLA►N)