89-1969 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council /� /� CANARY - DEPARTMENT V/J� (/Q_y/, BLUE - MAVOR File NO• ,�• � r ` Counci Resolution � �-� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, financing is requir�d to �•ro�i e money far site analysis ard design of a soutrwest team polic� si�e; NOW, THEP,EFORE, SE IT R�SUL'YED �y t"e C uncil of the City of Saint Paul , with tne advice of t!�� Suin� Pau? L�ar�g-Ran�e Capita� ?m rovement Budget CommitteE, ana upan the recommendation of �he Mayor, thdt thE C pital Improvement Budget as he,�eto�ore adopted ar�d air�endea by the Courc; ' , is nereby furth r amended �n the fcl �owin� pa-ticulars: L'URRENT A�IE"dCEC A�COUhT GODE _TM ?iTLE APFK�P. L�iANGE APPR�P. 9C053-7GCC4 Spec?fi�u Co„iingency: 6y,��8. ��3 -28,�OO.C� 4� ,523. v� �er:.erai �cvernrent CiE C�9-to be Southwes� ?eam Poli�e �� 2��,OOC.Ou 2�,GOv.00 assigned AND, BE IT r=U�TNER RESOL`J��, tnat when �e project is fully financed in the 199C Ca�ital Imp�ovement �udget, the $�B4OOG will be rei�bursed. Approved as to Funding: aNpr�o�4�a1 �?ecommended: . � n ._ � , ��✓ � �i r�ect�r ��nance nd Manayement Servi Budget� C ectcr -� -:_,�, - , ''���..�.,.—��_ . . ; _ - _ �.°�°�2.�!�_.__ �_.__._ _ __._..._---__ .._...__._. Sirra�:d:��`d ,� °�l� �t'. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by De artment of: Yeas Nays , Dimond ('f �LK Lo�g � In Favo Goswitz ,r^C�e�� Rettman (�` B L �be1�� _ Against Y .sawoeo, Wilson p � �2 1�v Form App ov d by City A mey Adopted by Council: Date �. Certified P•ss d by Coun .il S et By � _�� By, ��N t�pprov by iVlavor: _ 6 Approve y May fo 'ssion to Council � C "t�i���.�r� i.';,� � l '� I �J _ � � ����9 DEPARTMENT/OFFICEIOOUNCIL� ' ' DATE INRIATE • ��Folice loi�7i GREEN SHEET No. 52�� PE PHONE ,A INITUW DATE INITIAUDATE r� ���5�z �.r a N� Q�ATTORNEY� o���` MU8T BE ON OOUNCIL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO Q BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SfRVICE3 DIR. [�M"r°R�°a"ssisT""n �]�hi ef J�cct TOTAL#OF SIGNATUAE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL ATIQNS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION FiE0UE8TED: Approval of City Council resolution for fu d transfer to Southwest Team Police :Design RECEIVEp HECOMMENDATIONS:MP��U►)o►�1�(� COUN�. NEPORT OP'fIONAL _PLANNINf�OOMMAISSION _CIVIL 8ERV1�COMMI88bN ANALY8T T3 .7 �CIB C06AMITTEE _ �sTn� _ CO"""' E QIRE�T�R � _wsrRicr couRr _ !"�EPARTb .. "'" �111iANCE su�oars wHia+couwa�oe,�crnEZ MA OR'S O�FICE ��v� MANAt,".;�.,. ,,��ViCES INITIATINO PROBLEM.I�UE.OPPOR7UNITY(1Nho�Wh�t�WMn,Whsro,Why): The Southwest Team Police office is being orced to vacate its current location at Edgcumbe School. ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: Preliminary site study and design of a new building can begin immediately so that the goal of April occupation of a new buil ing remains on target. as�varrnc�es�,�v�: Reduction in CIB contingency amount. � c �(/ . � pSADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Risk not having building for relocation o Southwest TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 28�00�.00 C08T/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONEj YE8 NO FUNOING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER - - ed FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �