89-1961 (�8 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �9��/�� �.... C:��-�,•�r � � , Resolution Ratifying and Confirmi g BY�`-��7--����-- - Condemnation and Awards of Dam ges 18434Fr2 and Assessment Therefor File No. Vatin}� In the matter of �Jar� i� 7 Condes�nin� aad taking a pexm Aant utility e�se�aent for the Arca�de/tiinneh�hs Area 5e�rcr S peration Pro� ect on . under aad acr�ss ti�at part of Lot 15 , Joh stoae � s Subdivi�ion c�f Biack I12 of Lyman Aayton' s Additios� to a3nt Paul�, triangular in shape, lying eaaterly of a 2ine fram a point 1{J. 5 feet west caf th� northeae� cornsr of aeid Lat I � me+�sured on tt�e norih litte of saici Lot 15 and a paint 8.a i�ea $outhwesterly of the northeast corner of �aid Lot 1�, nea�cu�e on the southeaste�rly line of e�aid Lo� 15. , under Administrative Order " approvecL Preliminary Order gg""L�Z� approved Ju�.y 11, 2989 FinalOrder � 14�� approvecL�u�t 1'�, 19$9 A public hearing having been had upon the aking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages th refor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now ther fore be it RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnat on of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and m de a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set for in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said asses ent of benefits, be and the same is hereby in a11 respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted o the District Court for confirmation. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date OCT 3 i � Yeasp�� Nays ���a Certified ass d Coun ' Secretar � � In Fav r B . �.ec�.a� �a�ii�si � Agains 80�tD �O,t _ � 198(� Mayor 1�1L'1.san � PU�I�!�D P���V 1 �J 1989 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. ��` I f�I Report of Director of Finance By �* ��'''� . on Condemnation of Lands �����_� File No. �r'G't�r�� In the matter of ��r� _� 7 (:c>r�d�+ra�i�� aa� t��,fn� +t �,�r�a� �n[ tatil �ty' eaaa�+��t �c►�r tl:� R�rca��/�inn��Ca�a �kre�r, �+�wa� �� �axati�r� Pr���ct oa, �e�a,ieer aRd x�crr�ae� t��aE �art t�f X.r►t �5 , ,3t�t�r� t�c��te 's �fiubdivi�foa c>f ��c��t� t �� a�' E.�r�,a�h �ayton'a A�diti�►� �� aixe� P�ul# Cria�,�ular ��s sh��s�� lyi ��, tast�rl� o!' a 2l�� f��� pol.z�t 1C�. S lrat ���t. +�� ��+� nort#�e�at +csr�ar a�f uaidl L+�� 1� ��,+�sur�rd o� t�►e �aact�► lin� ca� n��f+� S.�c tS ,��d �a p�i�ra� t�.t� i��� �►o�tt�vast�rly n�' t�a� �vcth�a�t �arr��r of aatd S.ot t�. �ea�►r�r� �a t�Q �aath+s��Ctz��r Xfn�t c�f �e1d �vt 1 �. under Administrative Order approvecL PreliminaryOrder ��"���' approve� ���y �1r ���� Final Order ��"`1��� approve�l��x ��� �'��� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of he land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards o damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and termined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, an that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the ndersigned's finding on said matters. Director of Finance � City of St.�aul COUNCIL FILE N0. �� - ��� 1 Notice of Hearing in Condemnatio By � � �� _ Proceedings -- FileNo. ��'��'��''� `�`�`��-���, In the matter of �iR�rt! �';;- i:c►�t����i�� ��� ts�ktn;� R n�s�aa�r� ��� �ti3. ity �►�as�ss�it fa�r t�se :�rca�le/3�in�+eb�+t�u Aree �+tr�+�� l����sa�t �r��� �ra�sc� +�a , a�a��� �vti�� acrn�� t�.�st ��rt c�f i.v� l� , Jo�ane� ��* •r �i�s�c�fwir�o� ta! ��r�c:k 21� ��' �.!��aaa� G�rto�n•r A�4ditl�►n te � i.�tt ���1, kr�a���1�c i� ��a;s� � lyin� e��t�sJ� y a3" � lir+� �ta� a pat �►� i�. � f+�at �►��t +�P ch� �+nrE���+�t �+��r�+�c ai ��id Lot 1�. �eras�a��d +�� e.��r xaar►t� li�s� bf. K�►id ;.@t tS •�t� � ��►iti�t �.t� Ce�+rt �uz�tlav�earte�ly af tht� �+r�r�.i�ra��t tU�t�s�r �� �e�#d �,�t 1 � � �a��,�nred �R�a t�� •�tttttr��eottrr�Ig lin� of s�ie! �ut 1'�. under Administrative Order approve� Preliminary Order °^ '`�'� approved .��ly 11. ���3� Final Order approved_�dt��� 4�, ��►�'� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing wi 1 be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. aul, on the day of , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the o ner ox owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvements, and the persons to who such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of bene�ts to the propert from the making of said improvement. Objection, to the taking of such lands or ease ents therein, or the awards of damages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed or said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated Director of Finance � ` ,' , ~ RE 9/ 3/89 ������ DEPARTMENT/OFFl�UNdL r DATE INITIA Finance & Management Services si23 89. GREEN SHEET NO. 3i��AQ�i►r� CONTACT PER80N 8 PNONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECiOR �CITY COUNpL Peter White 298-5317 �cmr��ronr�r n CITY q.ERK Musr ee ori couNa��on ev�an� 19 89 ❑euoc�r anecroR L j FlN.d MOT.BERVICE8 dR. Must be in City Clerk's Office no ❑"""���+�ST""n TOT/LL#�OF 81QNATURE PA 1 (CLIP AL LOCATION$FOR SIGNATURE) �cnoH�cuES�o: 1. Setting of hearing date for ratifi tion of permanent utility easement 2. Ratifying perma.nent utility easeme for the ARCADE�MINNEHAHA SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT (Finance File 4�18454E-2} RECOMMENDATIONB:Appraro(N a Ry�ct(F� COUNqL MITTEE/RESEARCH I�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO WMMISS�N _CMl SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYBT PNONE NO. _p8 COMMITTEE _ A STAFF _ � _DISTRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTB WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVEI SEWER SEPARATION INI7UTINQ PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wh�t,When.Whsro,Why): The future maintenance of the above me tioned storm sewer requires the easement as shown and described on the attached ma . A�/MITAOES IF APPROVED: This easement will facilitat future repairs on the above mentioned sewer. '' RECEIVED SEP 1�-1989 dBADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Easement will creat� a encumbrance on the sub�ect property. DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Not to acquire this easement would make future maintenance on this segment of sewer impossible without cquiring ,an easement at that time. � ��',.:;�:�'i ���E,'�1'"C�'1 'i.-�iii�Y SEf' 1� `���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 123.60 C08T/REVENUE 01lDOETEO(CIRCLB ON� YE8 NO �Nqpp gp�p� Fu ACTIVRII NUMOER CPL-C87-2T602-0787-29023 FlNANpAL INFORAAATION:(IXPWIQ , . , . � .� ` , . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIOWS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(3REEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL � MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO:298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequqnt types of dxumeMs: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNGL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ bud�t exists) Accept. Orants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating DepartmeM 2. Budqet Director 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssfstaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Gtity Cou�cil 6. Finance Accounting 6. (:hief Accountent, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revisbn) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating DepaRment Director 2. Department AccounteM 2. Ciry Attomey 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Aseistant . 4. Budget Director 4. Gty Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othere) 1. Initiating Department 2. Gry Attorney 3. MayoNAsslstaM 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and� each of these p8geg• ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the project/request aeeks to eccomplish in either chronologi- cel oMer or oMer of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your list with ��verb. , : . RECOMMENDATIONS � CompletA If the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICkI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key woM(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUA�.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED _Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are apecific ways in which the City of 3aint Paul end its citizens will bene8t from this projecUacNon. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or ma�or changes to existing or past processes might this project/request produce if it is pasaed(e.g.,traffic delays, nase, tex increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequencea if the promised action is not approved?Inability to deliver aervice? Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loss of revenue? FINANqAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the inMr►netion you provide here to the issue you are addreasing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is gofng to pay? a � , y . � • . � �� —/�j�vl — � — � z - . v -°-� � . � MINNEHAHA AVE. io.s � � �o � -- - � 0 J��� RCADE/MINNEHAHA N �, 5� ASEMENT PROJECT LEGEND � PERMANENT UTII.ITY EASEMENT That part of Lot 15, John tone's Subdiv. of Block 112 of Lyman Dayton's Add. to Sa'nt Paul, triangular in shape, lying easterly of a line rom a point 10.5 feet west of the northest corner of s 'd Lot 15, measured on the north line of said Lot 15 and a point 8.0 feet southwesterly of the northeast corner o said Lot 15, measured on the southeasterly line of sai Lot 15. . _ �c-��j-l�1(v/ .:.� � �*�f =:�°.� r ��F <;.Y J > '� : . - ,.' ,, �.. _ �� ` $�Sli� ' �. E� ,��8$� . . �eoN sx� a.. � aF ����a w�v�4� . � I �Couoctl,�'i1e No;8'�1�-By�'om imond�- . y'� r r .� ,� - °r �- , � Qrder 8�i8�2 app'roved JuIY 1 . �, ,:Fina� Ortler 8$<�+�4d apprflved A'�gas�25, ��, . . 'The l3irector of Firiance la� �:tl�p4�.�ttt�e�bt��t��q- ,, tb��ii�n�t t���ieaeg�a��d f. �t�g����r�or e�t�f�� �PPsoFri�e�.#flt�'��t�Et��i �F �Q; ;� ° ����:, � ��� ,f submitteii h3s asses�r�+ent:af 'pen ts to p�op�°.fato��t�._ �a�%�,.., ' ix_,ctprov�nent,thereforg be`it ! . � � _ . -,-: : `'�,, -�_� $� ;.' . _ ,. R�S�3LV'ED,That,�he said-�ss ent af bene�i�be an.d�he sa�:� , .�f�h;y appraved: .. � - . ; , RESOL�ED FUItTHER, �at pub3ic hearitig�_be hstl be#oi�e tb�Cou�eil � : upon said report aad for a con$i tion of the award oi dasYages xns�e b3►xhe Direstar of Finance arikl also�P{�n said assessment o��e#st�>��(, Gcn�eil � Gha�ber.in the,Cour�Hpu�se��k ��ty�of�St:Paul'o3�tf►e 31s �88 'at 9:�o'c o M.,�ni�"'ti�ti: Dii�ectp�of Finance b�e i 'to ;no ice o sa����g��s��he' ec2,k�y't8e�b�arter.' "* �_ . File 170:�18��. �, � .. � c , - � Adogted by t�1��°.ou�ctl Se�t�m �1,I�& : . APProvec'��eptember 22� l 9. ' � . �� 30, 1a89� � , .� � ���G�--!I' �v/ �a�oLV�ox a�v�vt�.� , ' � > vr��. TBB�1�1�ND FI]�fl�$'�I�pp 4N���wI�OF�� - ... . .4� .n{ . , - � . -. _ Council File Aio:a9=��-�:`'By`�'om imoriiI—' � ^��; In the�atter of . 'a�a tagin¢a ppr��y � � �ment�pir�}y� Arc�de/Minnehaha A�ea Sewer � �, 3'el�ion Pr��!oa,uader s��f'aCro�s tlia�.part , of Lot 15,Johnstane's Subdiv�sion 81ock 112 ot L�rnnan Daytan's Addition to •, ; . -- Saf�ti`kauF;t�'i�fi�ui�,it���hape:i �t�f�r�r'�t ��,'•.,;^ oi tlse northeast�corner oi said � l3 m�auYei�a��he 1itii��`�id.�►t 15. . �nd.a�oirxt 8A,teet southv�reste�l nor�hesst eti�pe:+?ai'��7�-�,:�d� on �e`aoutheaaterIy-line.:oi•sa� ` �.�T�;.i�ia�d �:.un�e�,P�naty C}�'d�r 89-1222 a�praved Julg 11, �8 ,1�ia�Ordp�;$9-144�aAProved,�,a�st.2l�,. i�i$9. - • _ The F�irector of Eina�.hav � l�dtt,repor��4����.ti�#v : the a�naunt o�ds�sages�ra�d7�. �o��e k�d;.t��gas : aP��FTia'�ed'Yor•t�e i��o��- 'ta��om�;�sc1 . :: - 9u mittec� his asse�s�me�it of � t� 1 �p: Ps°aPerCy;fmxs��-�:� �': i�tiprovea��ent,therefore b�it I � , ; 3�,,�� e RESOi�.VED,T�a�the said as� 4 t isf be�se�,b��qd},�.����y appro�►e�.' . _ � �. �: . �.�- �..a: RESOLVED FURTI;ER, Tha� a blie�►eanBB be had�r'e'�h�C�., • uPon said report snd for a eon�ir� of t1�.award'o�dama�ea mau�s�'lap � Direcxor of�inance and also upon the �mee�t af beaef�i. �_� � s C�a�'� ttie Court H9use ia ;�ty'.o!`. t.,�'a+g'on fi�. st�. � �, ..•. 1g89;.an:'�i e' " '�t e ` , �� Kl � �:�s:�^e � ."�, b3!.t�ae,��harter = Fiis No. �i845�4�2 Adopted,by the Gouueit$epte�ct , $�.�igggF, �- ,-' �.�.: . K - �P�����4tz��+;�2,T'9�.' , s - ;;' (Sep�em er 30,1�891 _ _ � . , • ' ` Members: ��_���� CITY O SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair � ,,,��,,,,;,, . ' Janice Rettman a��� �i;u OFFICE OF TFi� CITY COUNCIL Tom Dimond Date: October 18, 1 89 Com ittee Report To: Saint Paul City Counci From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, C air 1 . Approval of minute of October 4, 1989. Approved 3-0 . 10/31/89 Ratification Appro ing Award of Damages: Approved 3-0 Condemning and tak ng a permanent utility easement for the A CADE/MINNEHANA AREA SEWER SEPARATION P OJECT. 3. 10/24/89 Final Order: For onstructing the Approved 3-0 JESSAMINE/FRANK AR A STORM SEWER PROJECT. (Bounded by Maryla d on the north, York on the south, Cypress on the west, and Barclay on the eas ) . 4. 10/24/89 Final Order: For mproving the following Approved 3-0 streets with a bit minous roadway, concrete curb and utters, outwalks, driveway aprons, b ulevards will be reconstructed and odded and a lantern style street lighting system will be _ installed: Parts f Geranium, Jessamine, Magnolia, Cook, Je ks, Frank, Duluth, Atlantic, Magnolia Lane, Lane Place and Burnquist. To be own as the JESSAMINE/FRANK AR STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. lso, storm, sanitary and water connecti s, if requested by the property owners, wi 1 be constructed. 5. 10/31/89 Final Order: For c nstructing the Laid over to PORTLAND/ALDINE ARE STORM SEWER PROJECT. 11/1/89 (Bounded by Selby, ry, Princeton and Fairview) . CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOO SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ae 6. 10/31/89 Final Order: For improving the following Laid over to streets with a bituminous roadway, 11/1/89 concrete curb and gutters, concrete driveway aprons and outwalks and upgrade an existing street lighting system to a lantern style street lighting system: Parts of Aldine, Ashland, Fry, Herschel , Pascal , Pierce, Portland, Saratoga and Wheeler. To be known as the PORTLAND/ALDINE AREA STREET PAVING AND LIGHTING PROJECT. Also, storm, sanitary and water connections, if requested by the property owners, will be constructed. 7. Vacation: Proposed vacation of Lots 27 Approved 3-0 through 30, Block 4 Aurora Addition for property at 1889 and 1895 BUSH AVENUE. (Laid over in Committee 8/30/89 and 9/20/89) . 8. Resolution 89-1714: Approving the Approved 3-0 appointments of inembers to the TOXIC CHEMICAL TASK FORCE. (Referred to Committee 9/26/89) . 9. Resolution 89-1715: Removing residential Laid over to permit parking restriction on both sides 11/1/89 of WILDER between Dayton and Selby, and both sides of MOORE between Laurel and Selby. (Referred to Committee 9/26/89) . 10. Resolution 89-1691: Petitioning the Approved 3-0 Minnesota Transportation Board to determine cost sharing for signal relocations on the Chicago and North Western Transportation Company crossing of AMES near FLANDRAU. 11 . Resolution 89-1469: Authorizing District Laid over to Councils to use funds allocated for 11/1/89 neighborhood clean up projects in addition to NEIGHBORHOOD CLEANUP DAY and that District 15 Community Council is authorized to utilize its Neighborhood Cleanup allocation for printing and distribution of solid waste reduction and recycling brochure. (Referred to Committee 9/21/89) .