89-1957 . i�
File No. 18576
Voting In the Matter of improving the foll wing streets with a bituminous paving,
Ward concrete curb and gutters concrete driveway aprons and outwalks,
6 & 7 boulevard restoration con isting of sodding adjacent to residential
areas and sodding and see ing adjacent to commercial and open areas;
also constructing a lante n style street lighting system:
Beech Street fr m Johnson Parkway to Birmingham Street
Margaret Street fr m Clarence Street to Birmingham Street
E. Sixth Street fr m Clarence Street to Birmingham Street
E. Sixth Street fr m Hazelwood Street to Kennard Avenue
Ma.rgaret Street fr m Hazelwood Street to Rennard Avenue
Clarence Street fr m Margaret Street to Minnehaha Avenue
Etna Street fr m Margaret Street to Minnehaha Avenue
Birmingham Street fr m E. Sixth Street to Minnehaha Avenue
" Hazelwood Street fr m Beech Street to Minnehaha Avenue
� Hazelwood Street fr m E. Sixth Street to Margaret Street
! Barclay Street fr m E. Sixth Street to Margaret Street
Germain Street fr m Margaret Street to Minnehaha Avenue
Kennard Street fr m E. Fifth Street to Beech Street and
Flandrau Avenue fr m Beech Street to Minnehaha Avenue.
All to be known as the Ke nard/Beech Area Street Paving and Lighting
The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and
having considered said report,hereby resolves:
1. That the said report and the same is here y approved with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof
is$ 1,075,000 , financed by a sessments $335,000; Sewer Revenue Bonds $104,000;
1990 Capital Improvement Bonds $636,000.
2. That a public hearing be had on said impro ement on the 19th day of December, 1989 ,at
nine ��o'clock a.m., in the Council Chamb rs of the City Hall and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul.
3. That notice of said public hearing be give to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,statfng the
time and place of hearing,the nature of th improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date OCT 3 � �
Yeas Dimond Nays
Goswitz Certified P sse b Council Secretary
Re t tman In F or
Scheibel �
Sonnen Aga' st
Wilson Mayor
NOV - 1 1989
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