89-1945 WHI7E - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council /� ly+��✓ GANARV - DEPARTMENT /Z,i BLU� - M4VOR File �O. I �� • Counc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City off cials are hereby authorized and directed to accept the contribution from the C ty and County Employees Credit Union to the City of Saint Paul, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Co ncil approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: �� Budget Dire or ; COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favo coswitz Rettman �7 �ne1be� Against BY Sonnen Wilson (�CT 3 1 1989 Form Appro e by ty At ney Adopted by Councii: Date � Certified Pa; ounc� Se re BY \ B� L_ Appr by Mavor: D e �OV — � ��9 Appro y Mayor for Sub ' io �!b Council pj�g��ED ►�Jv 1 � 1989 w , . ���i�'�" DEPARTMENT/OFFl(�JOOUNdI l • DATE INITMTED Executive Admin./Office of Personn 1 9�21 89 GREEN SHEET NO. 2 2 � � OONTACT PER�ON 6 PHONE �I�fT1�1./,� INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR /(.,��/ I' �CRY COUNpL Vicki Patschke, 298-6861 ��� �GTY AITORNEY �dTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL ACiENDA BY(DAT� ROUTIWO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 I�ACiT:SERVICES OIR. �MAYOR(OR AS8ISTA I � Chief ACC TOTAL#OF 81GNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP A L L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� �cno��uesr�: �, �� Approval of budget increases. Q�� �,A ���9 REWMMENOAT10N8:Appraw W ar ReJect(R) COUNq ITTEEJRESEARqI F�PORT OPTION'AL ANALYST E _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE OOMMI8810N _CIB COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: _STAFF — _DISTRICf COURT — SUPPORTS WHICH COl1NqL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE.OPPORTUNITY(Wla,Whet,When.Whas.Why): Contribution available from the City an�l unty Employees Credit Union. , R�CEIVE� � � 0 C T� 1 � 1°89 ,wv,wr�es iF,�P��: � �;i��`(y�t'S OFF��E Funding will enable further improvemen#s o the employee newsletter, "Let's Talk," as well as provide two columns of Credit LTni n news. RECEiVED C��T � 1989 DISADVANTAC�ES IF APPROVED: ��,J D{a�,�„� �j��-1 s..C. DISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: Councii Research Center. OCT 171989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN81►CTION = 800.00 CpgT/pEVENUE SUDOETED(GRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE Contribution ACTIVITY NUMBER General Fund (00157) FlNANCIAL INFORMAl10N:(EXPWN)