89-1944 WHITE - C�TV GI.ERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L Council �/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT //��/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � • Cou 'l Resolution �j�� , � r �.' Presented By Referr o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #93361) for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor (B) , On Sale unday Liquor, Entertainment II and Restaurant (B) Licenses currently i sued to Pat-Con, Inc. & Blarney, Inc. & J. J. White DBA Pat' Bar & Grill at 719 No. Dale Street (Patrick A. Conroy, r. - Pres. ) , be and the same is hereby transferred to Leap rog, Inc. & Pat-Con, Inc.�DBA Pat's Pub & Grill (James L. Vine - Pres. ) at the same address. �, Blarney, Inc. and J. J. White COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fav r -�• Rettman B � Scheibel � A ga i n s Y Sonnen Wilson OCT 2 b 1 9 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� Certified Ya_s� Council S r ar By By Approv Mav • a _ V{rT � 7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �v-"�.�- !� gy Pt1Bt.1S� , �;'�' 15�3� � . .. - , - ���'����� ARTMENT/OFFIC�/COUNqL DAT INI TED Finance/�icense GREEIV SHEET No. 5037 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Kl^i s VanHorn/298-5056 N � cm�rropNev �GTY CLERK MU8T BE ON OOUNdL AOENDA BY(DAT� �BUOOET pRECT�i �FIN.d MOT.8ERVK�EB DIR. �MAYOR(OR A861STMIT) � �0 U 11 C 1� TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PA�ES (CLI A LOCATtONS FOR SIGNATUR� � ACTION REGUES'TED: Transfer of an On Sale Liquo ( ) , On Sale Sunday, Entertainment II and Restaurant (B) License. Notification Date: Hearing Date: co�r�►�s:�vv�•w a R•�•«c�► co �PORr o�owu. _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _pNll SERVIC£COMMI8810N A YST PNONE NO. _q8 OqdM1T7EE _ _STAFF _ _DI$fRH:I'COURT _ SUPPORTS WHK�i COUNCII OBJECTIVET INITIATINti PROBL.EM.ISBUE.OPP�'T1JI�NTY(Wla.Whet.YYfwn.Wtwrs.�NhY): James L. Viner/ Leap Frog, I c. & Pat-Con, Inc. DBA Pat's Pub & Grill at 719 No. Dale Street reque ts Council approval of his application to transfer the On Sale Liquor (B) Sunday On Sale Liquor, Restaurant (B) & Entertainment II License c rr ntly issued to Pat-Con, Inc. & Blarney, Inc. & J. J. White, In . at the same address. Al1 applications and fees have been received. A 1 required departments have reviewed and approved this application. ADVANTIU�ES IF APPROVED: RE�EIVED SEP�3198g CITY CLERK ������: D18ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ���u;:c�l �:�v4,c;c� Center 5�:� 12 �i:;�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/REYENUE BUD�iETED(GRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTNITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATbN:(EXPWN) _ � '. _ , . i ,4 NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIWBLE IN THE PURCHA31Nti OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-422.7. ROUTIN(i ORDER: BNow an prof�rrod routinpa for ths Hw most froqusnt typss of documeMS: OONTRACTS (aqumes autho�ized COUNCIL RE30LUTION (Apis�id,Bdyta./ budgst axfeta) accept.c3raMS) 1. Outafde A�ncy 1. DepertmeM Director 2. Initiatin�D�putmeM 2. Budpst DirecWr 3. Gty Attomey 3. Gty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. Mayor/AssistaM 5. Finar�s�M�mt Svcs. Dirsc�or 5. Cily Council 8. Finence Iwccuntinp 6. Chist/►ccountant.Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ." ADIAINISTRATIVE ORDER (B�' OOUNqL RE30LUTION �and ORDI�NANCE �Iavi �, ��M�� 1. Initiating DepartmeM Director . 2. DepeRmerlt/1COOUMsnt 2• �Y Att�Y 3. DspaRrt�nt Direator 3. MayoN/►ssistant 4. Budpst DinCtor 4. City C�hdl 5. Gty Gsrk 8. Chisf Accountant� Fln&Nipmt 3vcs. ADMtN13TRATIVE ORDERS (aN othsrs) 1. Initiadng D�partmsM 2. Qity Attornsy 3. MayoNAsdstent 4. qty aerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SKiNATURE PAOES Indk�te the#of pa�ss on whicM sipnatur�are requfred and pepe►CIfD ..d,or a,e.s p�.s. A¢TION FiEt]lJ�BTED De�cr(bs wM�t`tlw proj�Unqw�t�ka to eccomplish in eiMer chronologi- cN ordsr or or�dsr o#hnportance,whichsvsr is most appropriede for the IMUe. Do not writ�canpkte ssnt� Bsgin each Item in your Ifat with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complets if the iesus in qwstbn has b�sn presented befors any body,Public w private. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNdI OBJECTIVE? Indk�te which Courw�il objectir�(s)Yau�P�►«1��PP�$bY lisdng . ths key woM(s)(FIOUSINCi, REGREATION, NEIC3HBORHOODS,ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER 8EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNGL COMMITTEFJRE3EARCH REPORT-OP'TIONAL A3 REGIUE3TED BY COUNGL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, 188UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the sitwtbn or conditfona that crseded a need for your project or roquest. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicats whethsr thfs is simpy an annwl bud�t procedure requirod by law/ ch�rtK a whethsr thsn are apsciHc wa in which ths Gty of 3aint Paul and its citizens wHl bsnsflt hom this p►o�ictlactlon. DISADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED Wh�t nepative sifects or maja chan�ss to sxiating or paat proceases migM thb project/roqu�t produ�if R is paseed(e.g.,trefNc dNeya, noise, tax incresass or a�esert�snts)4 To Whom?When? For haw bng? DISADVANT/�QES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs ths nepsUve consequenc�a if the promised action is rwt approved?In�iqty to dNiver ssrvice?CoMinued high traffic, noiae, axident ret�4 L.o�s of revenus? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the informatbn you provids here to the issue�rou are addreasing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it �oing to c�st?Who is going to pay? . ��-i9�y UiVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�RMIT A.DMIIVI TRATION DATE �� /_�' oZ,.3 �r7 INTERDF.PARTMENTAL ItEVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ��(,�; ��.Home Address " �( ��.�s i � Rusiness Name � ��j �- Home Phone - Business Address � Type of Lic.ense(s) � }3usiness Phone � _ Y�Fn Public Hearing Date �.a(p License I.D. 4{ �;� 3(o� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chauibers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1 a��?�� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer 4� �'� � /E— to Applicant —r ,n rederal I'i_rearms �� V l(� Public Hearing DATE TI�S ECTIUN REVtEW VERFIED ( OMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved ot A roved � Bldg I & D � a� � O Health Divn. � � �,/ ' � � �` ' O , Fire Dept. � � � ' a� � O � � � Police Dept. �� I �a` � C� License Divn. c� I � � � ' City Attorney � � 1 � , � +� Date Received: Site Plan �cx� To Council P.esearch � � � � �1 Lease or Letter I Date from Landlord ((� t , . . . - , �� f��� �pplication No. Date R ceived By CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON S E INTORICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNDAY ON SALE I TOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE PRIVATE CLiJB I OXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE � � OFF SALE INTO ICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE LT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON S E WINE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out ith typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by ea h person who has interest in excess of 57 in the corporation and/or associatio in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS UBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1) Application for (type of license) ��a� �� �(� 2) Located at (address) �..(��Z� �3f �✓I� 3) Name under which business will be oper ted G,�A���,�y, �/1�(�i /��T.f�G�� ���/�� corp./sole prop./partnership DBA 4) True Name -�i��� ���.�1//� � Phone ��U � �'J��z (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) �f ��.,.., ���/ Anyone having a 57 interest or more mu t fill out a separate application. 5) Date of Birth �� �� !�� Place of Birth � ��` ,/'///�/V• (Month, Day, Year) 6) Are you a citizen of the United States /�/� Native �-� Naturalized 7) Home Address���X / �i�1.(/ �1�f1�� Home Telephone (O��'�T��� 8) Including your present business/emplo ent, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address �ll�,�j%1 �� - /c���C�r�//�,�/�"//p ����Jl'� ���o� O � �/�/ ������;��,��1� .���rL �//� 9) Married? ��_ If answer is " es", list name and address of spouse. . . . � � ��=�9�� 10) Have you ever been convicted of any f lony, crime, or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? Yes No �_ Date of arrest /�'� , 9 Where �Y �j - Charge /�'/ Conviction �r� Sentence N� Date of arrest �� , 9 Where �� Charge ry� Conviction N j�- Sentence ��7 11) Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Federal Tax Stamp will be used. 12) Closest 3.2 Place ��R���/f�P Church .� � School .JT>��f 13) Closest intoxicating liquor place. 0 Sale ���� ui� Off Salec�J/�Qrs/17,�'��/�� S7a�-` 14) List the names and residences of thre persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or finan ially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applican 's character. � Name Address l� � �' /908 G�--���� �, ��� �s � �E��1f'�'fP,����>'�o ��/E�a�.� ���� �'A.'��a /� �c�'i��ri�"�Y��' ����L. 15) Address of premises for which applica ion is made ��� �� �Sy�E�% Zone Classification ����r���� Phone 'j�(J/'��0� 16) Between what cross streets? �/Q�� �d /il�i�� Which side of street?�/� � 17) Are premises now occupied? What Business? ��J �U � ��L`� How Iong? � 1�.f 18) List licenses which you currently hol , or formerly held, or may have an interest in. �/��3�� � �����' o ���,D�� �"�'/ ��o ,� ad� � � ��/,�- �' ��i�� 19) Have any of the licenses listed by yo in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes No � If answer is "yes", list the dates an reasons � - . . ' � ��`"/�`-f�. _ . �r 20) If business is incorporated, give dat of incorporation '°'��„ � , 19 � and attach copy of Articles of Incorp ration and minutes of first meeting. 21) List all officers of the corporation, giving their names, office held, home address, and home and business telephone numbers. ,�bqs �s�.y� �M -� , �'�S / 8� �c��vn � $T L.�3Si16 B-�8`7-e�fJo� t�l,V IQ. �f�R �S 23� Z�S�A�� So So 5�� ��- � �.ss�T� 22) If business is partnership, list part er(s) , address, telephone number, and date of birth. Name ��_ Address Phone DOB Name /'��� Address Phone DOB 23) Are you going to operate this busines personally? __7"`_ If not, who will operate it? Name /� � Hom Address �/j Phone 24) Are you going to have a manager or as istant in this business? _� If answer is "yes", give name, home address, home hone and date of birth. Name N�_ Address Phone /1' DOB ANY FALSIFICATION 0 ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESULT N DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions� and that the information contained therein is rue and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, ontribution, or otherwise, other than already disclosed in the application which I ave herewith submitted. State of Minnesota ) ) County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn to before me thi �— �i ignature of Applicant / Date ay G( N � , 19 � , Notary blic, County, \ S�N���OtP My commission expires 60��� pN��2�`�' � : ; WPS E��' �?��;: �y Rev. 2/88 . . . � � . � ��9���� _.��"o;�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � "�• '�' DEPA TMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �e y� �; �s����° e� ,, , � DIVISION Of UCENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION to Room 20l C�t� Hal� �`�Ap°`O'�c Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 George L�timer Mayor 1) Have you pledged, put up as collateral or given any person, firm, or corporation a security interest in a� of the trade, fixtures furniture, equipment, machinery, or other personal property used in the licensed business or located on the business premises? Yes No !/ �/r�t/ '��� �j�'/CY/Cil��O O/� � B1',E iS�„�sy�'ry�� — — If yes, list the dollar amount involve , the name(s) and address(es) of the other party, and enclose a cop of all such documen s evidencing the transaction. � Z) Aave you given a promissory note to an one to repay funds loaned to you for paying for land, buildings, trade fixtures, equipment, ac inery, or operating expenses of the licensed premises or business? Yes No If yes, list the dollar amount, the na e(s) and address(es) of the other party, and enclose a copy of all such documents evidencin the transaction. 3) Aave you mortgag any part of the pro erty used for, or as part of, the licensed business? Yes No If yes, list the dollar amount, the na e(s) and address(es) of the other party, and enclose a copy of all such documents evidencin the transaction. �/� 4) Please list the amount and source of a 1 funds received or to be received by you, or for which you have applied, for use in pur hasing or operating any part of the licensed business or premises. �,��.�� ,c� � T 5) Please list and give full names and ad resses of all persons, firms, corporations, or other groups, which have any interest and no already listed above (financial, managerial, owner- ship, or otherwise) in the licensed bu iness or any of the income or profits of the licensed business, or in the licensed remises. �/y� � � ` � .�.� - OVER - . , . . � � - (��-- ��--� �� State of Minnesota ) � � y ) S S ..._-- � County of Ramsey ) Signature Date l r- �l � bei g first duly sworn, deposes and says under oath t at he has read t e foregoing statem nt bearing his signature and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge except as to those matters � therein stated upon information and b lief and as to those matters he believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn before me this y of G �/' 19 � Notary P�t�lic, Count , Minn e�t�"'"�� . oON� S\�N��pSP My Commission expires pR ��� �N�� g�1N u� 2, o '•• No C, pd. �k„ MY��Ex0 �`�°. , Rev. 2/88 � - � ����i9��/ 5�i�v i �,�U i �i i`Y C 0 U�I-�►T �tTB L 1.� � � R��TC= IV 0�►G� . L���E�V�S'� �pP LT�A'�Z01�t RfCE(VED . � � SEP 111989 C17Y CL.Ek�'a � � , ' �i0. =r. Dear Property Owners: L CONROY � Applicatio to transfer an On Sale Liquor, On Sale Sunday Liq or, Entertainment II & Restaurant license. PU �'= OSr. �,��jr j G'�V'� Leap Frog nc & Pat-Con Inc dba Pat's Pub & Grill (James L Viner, President) r d�c���G L� 719 North aYe Street � _.---, —� tob�,gr 26, 19�9 9��0 a.:. � L � �� �w`�C Ci? C�ua �?. �oers, r� �?ocr Ci? ca?= - C.:c,c.-. ?ausa l 3y L�c�s aad '�-�c �;T'_S�OII. �7e�ar'-�e=c oc =`-,�cs `� � �O,T,--�-- w.:�ag�ea Sarrces, 3ca� ?03 Ci�� ?at= - C�ur: ausa, —=- =- S�T saic �� , w{--.�p�aca. �a8—��Sb � � : T aaca �g be c�aa;e� cr� �oac t�e consauc �a/er ti:.e�:Lac;e o= c�e L:.c_�sa �� ?:�� � �i-r�:oz. :_ �s ss�a=s��a ��a_ ;�ou c�? c�e C:=:% C�°�:L� � 0---== ZC =��—:�i? 1 = �TOLL •r�S�Z C^.Bi��r-.^,.L' . _ . wHITE - CiTr CLENK COUf1C11 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L { CANARV - DEPAR7MENT G BLU� - MAVOR File NO. _ �I � � Counc l Resolution ����� � , � 5 �� Presented By �� �, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a contribution of Eight Hu dred Dollars ($800.00) has been made to the City of Saint Paul by the City and ounty Employees Credit Union in return for space for two columns of Credit Uni n news in the City's employee newsletter, "Let's Talk"; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Sec ion 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for approp iation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the f llowing changes to the 1989 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes Budget 001 General Fund 00000-6905 - Contributions and onations - �! 800 800 Outside All Other Financing 12,818,835 � 12,818,835 Total Fund Financing Plan 12,818,835 800 12,819,635 SPENDING PLAN 001 General Fund Office of Personnel and Labor elations 00157 - Employee Training and evelopment 00157-0241 - Printing Outside 10,442 800 11,242 00157 - All Other Spending 415,258 �! 415,258 All Other Spending 12,393,135 �J 12,393,135 Total Fund Financing Plan 12,818,835 800 12,819,635 NET CHANGE +800 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Fa r Goswitz Rettman O B s�he;ne� _ A ga i n Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ve ity ttor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Va_ Council Se etary i� BY sy r t�pproved by lVlavor: Date _ Approv Mayor for Sub ' ion o By