89-1940 WMITE - CITV CLERK COUf1C1I �_ �9�� PINK � F�NANCE GITY OF' SAINT PAUL � CANARV -GEPARTMENT BLUE -MAYOR File NO. / • � � �ndnce Ordinance N�. � �� r � � Presented By Referre Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An rdinance Creat ' ng a rehabilitation loan progr m for small and medium sized comme cial buildings BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Se tion l . Sec. 75.01. Purpose. he Council finds that within the City of Saint Paul there i a need for a city program for rehabilitation of small and edium sized commercial buildings which are physically deterio ating and in need of rehabilitation particularly those located n areas which are not eligible for Federally funded communi y block grant (CDBG) commPrcial rehabilitation loans; that t e provision of affordable loans to effect the rehabilitation o small and median sized commercial buildings will preserve and nhance the City's tax base and will assist in the implementation of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan thereby protecting the he lth and safety and promoting the general welfare of the commu ity and its residents. S ction 2. Sec. 75.�l2. Findin�s. The Council further finds and determines: COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approve City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY G ' By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ; , . � � ���', /�'�D � � /`y7o:� (a) That the City f Saint Paul has carried out a com mercial reha ilitation loan program within CDBG eligible commer ial areas since initiation of the Federally funde Program in 1975 ; (b) That many neigh orhood com mercial areas as well as the downtown co mercial district, are not eligible for CDBG assis ance and that within these areas there are sma 1 and medium sized com mercial buildings whi h are physically deteriorating, underused, econ mically inefficient and in need of rehabilitation in order to meet applicable building codes ; (c) That some ow ers of small and medium sized com mercial b ildings are unable to obtain " rehabilitatio loans because such loans are not available on t rms which such owners can afford , or , are not a ailable to them on any terms from time to time because of restrictions in the private lendin market ; (d ) That in car ying out the CDBG com mercial rehabilitatio loan program , the City of Saint Paul has lear ed that public participation with private lender in com mereial rehabilitation loans enhances such enders willingness to make loans to owners of or enants in small and medium sized com mereial b ildings and by reducing interest charged on th public share of such loans makes the combined oan affordable to such owners. (e) That the pr vision of publically assisted commercial r habilitation loans throughout the entire City u der authority of Minnesota Statutes Section 469. $4 as well as the CDBG program is essential to he physical rehabilitation of small and medium sized buildings within , and the 2 .- .: . � � � � �y�- /�'1�� /77�� economic revit lization of the City's neighborhood and downtown c mmercial areas on a comprehensive basis , in acc rdance with the objectives and policies of th Economic Development Strategy of the Saint Pa 1 Comprehensive Plan thereby stabilizing an increasing the municipal tax base and contributi g to the health, safety and general welfare as wel as the preservation of the quality of life of th residents of the City of Saint Paul . Section 3 . Sec. 75.03. Definitions The following words and phrases when used in this c�iap�er s 1 have the meanings respectfully ascribed to them in this sect on : (1 ) Aeceptable se urity shall mean a chattel or real property mor�gage n� t"Fie property being rehabilitated and/or other area or personal property , personal guarantee or ot er security acceptable to the participating lende and the program administrator . (2) Participating ender shall mean a bank or other lending i stitution authorized to make commercial loans under applicable federal or state law which is participating in pr gram loans on a one to one matching basis . (3) Program re ul tions shall be those regulations as are se��ort in the document entitled "City Wide Commercial Area R habilitation Program Guidelines", dated September 19 9 adopted by resolution of the City Council of even da e with the date of final adoption of this ordinance, an any amendments or revisions thereto as may from time t time be adopted by the City Council by resolution. (4) Small and med um sized commercial buildin s. A comm'er�a1Tui i g loca�'ed��n'�TZe�ty o ain Paul in a business di trict , industrial district , river 3 .� . : . � � � � ��� � ���� � /7�aa corridor commercial district or river corridor industrial district under Chapter 60, which in the case of a small sized b ilding shall be 60,000 square feet or less , in the ca e of a medium sized building shall be 200 ,000 square feet or less and in the case of leased space shall e 50,000 square feet or less with a minimum lease term f one year . Se tion 4 . Sec. 75.04. (a) Loan P o ram. Pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Statutes , c ion 469 .184 , there is hereby established a comprehensive commercial rehabilitation loan program having city wide app ication to provide secured loans to owners of small and medium ized commercial buildings located within the City of Saint Pau for the purpose of rehabilitation of such buildings. In makin program loans the following factors are to be considered : (1 ) The availabi ity and affordability of private mortgage credit ; (2) The availability and affordability of other governmental rograms ; ( 3) Whether the b ilding is required, pursuant to any court order, tatute or ordinance, to be repaired, improved or r habilitated ; and ( 4) Whether the p oposed improvements will result in conformance ith building and zoning codes and improvement of the aesthetic quality , and economie vi bility and funetion of existing commercial ar as. (b) Pro�ram Limitat ' ons . The loan program shall be opera�e� wi�Fiin`th ��o�'�'J.owing statutory limitations : 4 .: , . . - - �-,��� . �.r�o,� (1 ) the terms and onditions of all loans made under the program sh 11 be fixed so that the sum of all repayments of rincipal and interest on them, not then delinqu nt , and all fees and charges collected , t gether with other sums to be contributed by the city, shall, over the duration of the progra , be estimated to be equal to or greater than t e sum of all estimated costs of the program , as determined by the program administrator nd approved by the governing body of the city , including administrative costs , mortgage fore losure costs , and principal and interest paym nts on bonds issued to finanee the program to the extent not paid from bond proceeds ; (2) no loan shall be made for a period exeeeding 20 years; ( 3) no loan shall exceed 80 percent of the estimated market value f the property to be rehabilitated upon completi n of the rehabilitation , less the principal bala ce of any prior mortgage existing on the propert at the time the loan is made ; and ( 4) no loan shall be made in excess of $200 ,000 for the rehabili ation of any particular small or medium sized c mmercial building. The program regula ions provided for in subsection (c) hereof may apply stricter or additional program limitations to ope ation and administration of the loan program. (c ) Pro�ram Re�ulatio s. The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the ity of Saint Paul , Minnesota (HRA) has prepared , a proved and submitted for Council consideration and adoption by resolution, program regulations as d fined in Section 75.03( 3) hereof, contemporaneously ith the adoption of this ordinance. 5 . .� , �� . . • � � k��-- ���� /7�c�� (d ) Grant �rohibition. he loan program authorized by this eT�ap�er s a no b deemed to include the making of grants . Sec ion 5 . Sec . 75 .05. (a) HRA as A�ent Admini tration. The HRA is authorized to exercise all of t e powers conferred by Minnesota Statutes, Section 4 9.184 upon the City. The HRA shall administer the loan program established by this chapter in aceordance with said section 469.184 , this chapter and the program reg lations as the same are adopted or amended from time t time by the Council. (b) Coordination with ther PrTo�rams. HRA shall to the 'ex e�n 'p'erm tte�by imi�a'tions of such programs and to the extent feasib e, coordinate the loan program created by this cha ter with other city, state, federal and other rehabili ation programs to the end that all such programs sh 11 constitute a comprehensive com mercial rehabil ' tation loan program in the City of Saint Paul . Se tion 6 . Sec . 75 .05 . (a ) Loan Pro ram fin n�c�i�n��� The loan program may be �'inance�r`om t e rban I5-evelopment Action Grant (UDAG) Revolving loan fu ds , the HRA development fund , City revenue bonds ,or s ch other funds as may from time to time be appropriat d for such purpose. (b) Revenue bond fi ancin� In order to assist in �`inancing `�Fie`loan pr`og`ram created by this chapterr, the City or HRA may i sue revenue bonds in aecordance with 6 WHITE - CItV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAUL Council �� �•�,�,�� CAHARV �RD'�PARTMENT BIUE -MAVOR File NO. • Or inccnce Ordinance N 0. /�t��'o� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date the provisions of innesota Statutes Section 469.184 Subdivision 8 and ecured in the manner provided in Submissions 10 a d 11 of said Section 469.184 . Proceeds of any s ch bond issue may be applied in accordance with the provision of Subdivision 9 of said Section 469.184. S ction 7 . The ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days following its enactment, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond -�, In Favo �-6eswiE� Rettman s�be�bei � Against BY Sonnen �'t7lzew �E� � � �9�9 Form Appr y City A tor Adopted by Council: Date '] Certified Pa s ouncil re ry BY � By Approved by ayor. a e`� 2 2 1 Appro by Mayor for Submission to Council BY __ �' ___ By p�� D E C � C� 198�. _ ^ - ��'J-/cl�o : DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNpL � DATE INITIATE �, �� Planning & Economic Development GREEN SH �� No. ��. � ,' CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �N � E INiT1AUD7CTE p(.� (Cr.y�� (��Qr�gy� �DEPAflTMENT DIRECTOR , �CITY COUNCIL Ma.rshall Turner (228-3302) 2��3�� ��� CITY ATfORNEY / �CITY CLERK NUMBER FO � MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR y r �FIN.8 M(iT.SERVICES DIR. ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� {�.� , �-- 0 DeP.��fZ TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL CATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION HEQUESTED: Amend the guidelines of the a) existing Ne ghborhood Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program and b) approve the ordinance establishing he program and authorizing the HRA to act as agent and administer the program, and c) a prove the guidelines for the Citywide Commercial Area Rehabilitation Pro ram. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Reject(R) COUNCIL C MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION —CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _c�B coti+Mm�E A HRA �sT� - COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Nei hborhood & Economic Develo men INITIATINO PROBLEM,13SUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.What,When,Where,Why): It is becoming increasingly, difficult to finance projects on many of the older commercial strips because of the existing $30,000 ma imum in City funds. The guidelines change increases the maximum in City Funds to $1 0,000. The ordinance is required by the State Legislation for 1) establishing the progr m and 2) authorizing HRA to act as agent. The Citywide Rehabilitation Program (now CDBG is being established because CDBG-HUD requirements are getting much more restrictive. The N n-CDBG program will allow the City to do Rehab Loans on a Citywide basis. ADVANTACaES IF APPROVED: l 1) 27 CDBG Neighborhood Commercial Reha ilitation Loan Program�will b�e able to provide more complete financing for the more ostly Rehab projects. 2) 4� Non-CDBG Citywide Commercial Are Rehabilitation Program will be establishing and implemented. The City will be able t do more Rehab Loans, including those that have been determined to be ineligible und CDBG requirements. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: NONE RECEn►F� �181989 LERK DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to provide Reh b Assistance to many potential projects. As the HUD-CDBG eligibility requirements become more restrictive and as the actual method of determining eligibility becomes increasi gly burdensome, fewer and fewer projects are eligible for rehabilitation. COtJ11Ct� ReS23CCI1 C@tlt@C. 0 CT 16 i989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S COST/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFOHMATION:(EXPLAIN) � - - Members: � �`� ��� -"'����� � Bili Wilson, chair ���C�� ," �-- �' ' ` ' GITY O SAINT PAUL � Tom Dimond � "� ,,s,���9�n Kiki Sonnen .�•ul 13 11 ' : . . OFFICE O TFIE CITY COIINCIL � D e: November 22, 989 WILLIAM L. WILSON � COCn ittee Report MARK VOERDING Councilman Legislacive Aide To: Saint Paul City Counci From : Housing and Econ mic Development Committee . Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL of the OCTOBER 25, 1989, minutes. 2. Appeal of David and Josephi e Berg to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission whi h denied the issuance of a permit to demolish the structure loca ed at 270 West 7th Street COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A LA VER TO DECEMBER 27. 3. Resolution authorizing PED o finalize terms of Skyway Agreement with the U,S. Postal Service to onstruction and operation of skyway bridge connecting the Block L/Min sota Telecenter complex and downtown � Post Office (C.F. 89-1914) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL, WITH AMENDMENT. 4. Resolution approving Citiwi e Commercial Area Rehabilitation Program Guidelines (C.F. 89-1930) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL, WITH AMENDMENT. 5. Resolution approving Neighb rhood Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program Guidelines for the HRA (C. . 89-1931) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AYPR �A , WITH AMENDMENT. � 6. Ordinance establishing the od 6e�e�s-ia1 Rehabilitation Loan , Program and authorizing the HRA to act as agent and administer the Program (C.F. 89-1940) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR AL, WITH AMENDMENT. 7. Resolution establishing the Downtown Development Study Commission (C.F. 89-1997) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A LA VER TO DECEMBER 13. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 5�46 . � . ,� f� ��� �r- �.:- -- s�� �,� . � _ `. � WHITE - CITV LERK COU11C11 ` /�� PINK - FINAN�E � BIUERr- MAVORt.MENT GITY O�' SAINT •PAUL � File N 0. � . in�nce (l �� rdinance N 0. Presented By �� �erre ^ � Committee: Date P °2� � Out of Committee By Date An 0 dinance Creati g a rehabilitation loan progra for small and medium sized commer ial buildings BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL F THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: ` Sec ion 1 . Sec. 75.01. Purpose. T e Council finds that within the City of Saint Paul there is a need for a city program for rehabilitation of small and edian sized commercial buildings which are physically deterior ting and in need of rehabilitation particularly those located i areas which are not eligible for Federally funded communit block grant (CDBG) commercial rehabilitation loans; that th provision of affordable loans to effect the rehabilitation of small ahd median sized comm ercial buildings will preserve and e hance the City's tax base and will assist in the implementation o the Sairit Paul Comprehensive Plan thereby protecting the heal h and satety and promoting the general welfare of the communi y and its residents. Sec ion 2. Sec . 75 . �l2. Findin�s. The Council 'further finds and determines: � COUNCIL MEMBERS ` Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: vimone PLANNING AND EC ,AIOMIC DEVELO MENT �� In Favor co�� �tt� s�be;nei Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date 1 Ceatified Passed by Council Secretary . BY � By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for Subm' ion o Cou By _.;� �,.. � : s i WHITE � FMANCE K . .. ::� ♦.+ � . � ���`- �� .',. PINK • �y ' COqllCll �j�'r� /�� /+ CANARV-DEPARTMENT � GITY aF'� S;AINT ���►iTL • ft j /�����C� � ewe- -Mwroa Flle N�. � , ll Zndn�e ;y inance N O. ,�� � �,. '` � ra �f� . � �• ` r q Presented By ;.��-�01 ,<r,; -;.f.c-' �'�-�-: ' 'ti . �ferred 'Td:r �l ^��� �`/ Committee: Date � �-�' � '' ; Out of Committee By Date l�n O d i aa n�+� Crerslti g � rehabfiitatfo� ioee ptog� for ssall and �edi� sised c��er i�� bnildiaqs � 88 IT ORD7IIM=O B? TNS CQt�CT� !H� CIST � 311IlIT Fl1OL� Sa►e iQ� 1. Sec. TS.�`l. _i�_n_rp�os_�, T e Caa�teaf 2 f iAds that wi�h i�a tbe City ef Saint pan��e is a oead f�r s �fty. ptogram tos re�sDiiitalion of s�a�Il an� fae sise4 ecea��r�isl boildleg� ' MAf�tt' a��te �h�si�aily tletesiq=a 1s�q ae8 !n �e�t ot rehsbilitatia� :� � � p�rtic�ia�i� tbose 3ocat�d !a ar�as v�i+�� are �ot f�iqib2e for Faderalig tnaded comwnQi!EY block gra�t �CnH�� com��scial . r�babilita��on 2oansf tbat t pto�isiot� of atfo=dsDl� Ioaas to . ettect th� rehabiiitmtic+n o� o�all s�a�# e�e�!#a� si�d caae��ercial boildi�s �rill pz�ser�e and ,�s ��ca tMe Ci�y'e t�x ba�se •od Mii3 ` �ssist ia �A� fmpia�aotatio�l o ttse 8a�nt. Pan3 Cc�p�et�eesf�►e �ia�� tQ�rwbp protecting tb� he*l h a� �atetp a�d pra�oti�g ths qenesal �relfa�e of tDe cs�nb! y and iEs rdsidents. �i� it�n Z. S�c. 75.82. Finc�ing�i« The Conncil fart�es ffA��s �a�d _�...,.a. _ da�c�s�ain�s: '` �'' ; �y � -, CDUNCIL. MEMBE�S ° Yeas `Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��� �_ In Favor p��1�.... � ACLWWI � 3 . �:,. _�• ,�.,,,��r . ��;�� Against BY sonnen Wilson . . Adopted by Council: Date � Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary By . By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Conncil � _ _,,...._.. . . By -- ' ' �►- - - ,.�_ � . � . ��_���d (a) That the City of Saint Paul has carried out a commercial reh bilitation loan program within CDBG eligible comm rcial areas since initiation of the Federally fund d Program in 1975; (b) That many neig borhood commercial areas as well as the downtown c mmercial district, are not eligible for CDBG assi tance and that within these areas there are sm 11 and m edium sized commercial buildings which are physically deteriorating , underused, eco omically inefficient and in need of rehabilitati n in order to meet applicable building codes (c) That some ow ers of small and medium sized com mercial uildings are unable to obtain rehabilitatio loans because such loans are not available on terms which such owners can afford, or , are not a ailable to them on any terms from time to time because of restrictions in the private lendin market; (d) That the pr vision of publically assisted com mercial re abilitation loans throughout the entire City un er authority of Minnesota Statutes Section 469.1 4 as well as the CDBG program is essential to t e physical rehabilitation of small and medium sized buildings within, and the economic revit lization of the City's neighborhood and downtown ommercial areas on a comprehensive basis , in ac ordance with the objectives and policies of th Economic Development Strategy of the Saint P ul Comprehensive Plan thereby stabilizing an increasing the municipal tax base and contributi g to the health, safety and general welfare as wel as the preservation of the quality of life of th residents of the City of Saint Paul . 2 . . ������ Sec ion 3. Sec. 75.03. (a) Loan Pr gram. Pursuant to the authority of Minnesota Statutes , Se tion 469 . 184 , there is hereby established a comprehensive commercial rehabilitation loan program having city wide appl 'cation to provide secured loans to owners of small and medium s zed commercial buildings located within the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of rehabilitation of such buildings. In making rogram loans the following factors are to be considered : (1) The availabil ' ty and affordability of private mortgage credit; (2) The availability and affordability of other governmental pr grams; (3) Whether the bu lding is required, pursuant to any court order, s atute or ordinance, to be repaired, improved or re abilitated; and (4) Whether the pr posed improvements will result in conformance w th building and zoning codes and im provements of the aesthetic quality, and economic via ility and function of existing commercial are s. (b) Program Limitati ns. The loan program shall be operated within the following statutory limitations: (1) the terms and conditions of all loans made under the program sh 11 be fixed so that the sum of all repayments of rincipal and interest on them, not then delinquent , and all fees and charges collected , ogether with other sums to be contributed by the city, shall, over the duration 3 _ ,�. . ��� �19�� of the progra , be estimated to be equal to or greater than t e sum of all estimated costs of the program , as determined by the program administrator nd approved by the governing body of the city, including administrative costs , mortgage fore losure costs, and principal and interest payme ts on bonds issued to finance the program to the xtent not paid from bond proceeds; (2) no loan shall e made for a period exceeding 2�! years; (3) no loan shall xceed 80 percent of the estimated market value o the property to be rehabilitated upon com pleti n of the rehabilitation, less the principal bala ce of any prior mortgage existing on the propert at the time the loan is made; and (4) no loan shall e made in excess of $200, �10� for the rehabilit tion of any particular small or medium sized c mercial building. The program regulat ons provided for in subsection (c) hereof may apply stricter or additional program limitations to oper tion and administration of the loan program. (c) Program Regulation . The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the Ci y of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) is authorized and di ected to prepare and submit for Council considera ion and adoption by resolution, program regulati ns which shall contain ( i) a definition of "sm 11 and median sized commercial buildings", ( ii) 1 an eligibility and loan priority criteria , ( iii) oan amount limitations , ( iv) acceptable loan ecurity criteria , and (v) such additional provisio s as may be necessary or desireable to the operation of the loan program authorized by this chapter. The progr m regulations shall be considered by the Council af er public hearing and shall be 4 � -�� � � �����y� adopted by resoluti n; provided that, in the event the City or HRA issues revenue bonds to finance the loan program , then th program regulations shall be incorporated into o dinance form as security for bond holders. (d) Grant prohibition. The loan program authorized by this chapter shall not e deemed to include the making of grants. Se tion 4. Sec. 75. P14. (a) HRA as Agent Admin� stration. The HRA is authorized to exercise on behal of the City all of the powers conferred by Minne ota Statutes, Section 469.184 upon the City. The HRA shall administer the loan program established by thi chapter in accordance with said section 469. 184 , this chapter and the program regulations as the sam e are adopted or amended from time to time by the Council. (b) Coordination with other Pro rams. HRA shall to the extent permitted by limitatio s of such programs and to the extent feasib e, coordinate the loan program created by this cha ter with other city, state, federal and other rehabil i ation programs to the end that all such programs sh 11 constitute a com prehensive commercial rehabil ' tation loan program in the City of Saint Paul . 5 WHITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE CITY OF .�SA NT PAUL Council / CANARV -DEPARTMENT �j File NO. �� ` • � BLUE -MAVOR Or indnce Ordinance N0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Sec ion 5. Sec. 75. 05. (a) Loan Program fina cin . The loan program may be financed from the U ban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Revolving loan fun s, the HRA development fund, City revenue bonds ,or su h other funds as may from time to time be appropriate for such purpose. (b) Revenue bond fin ncin� In order to assist in f ni ancing the�loan� ogram created by this chapter, the City may issue rev nue bonds in accordance with the provisions of Mi nesota Statutes Section 469.184 Subdivision 8 and ecured in the manner provided in Submissions 1P1 a d 11 of said Section 469. 184 . Proceeds of any s ch bond issue may be applied in accordance with the provision of Subdivision 9 of said Section 469.184. S ction 6 The ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (3�J) days following its enactment, approval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: vimona PLANNING AND EC NOMIC DEVELOPMENT ��g [n Favo co�►t� Rettman Scheibel A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City At orne Adopted by Council: Date g Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �`5 � By Approved by Mayor: Date Appro d y Mayor for Subm' n Coun ' gy B � C��t1d�RY=-DEPARTA�`ENT � � L ,�. '�� �' ��T�.��� j' ��.{ ���T PAUL. OUi1C1I ��. � �f � ��.��a `._!}: . WHITE — GTV �LERK C . -''PI K - — F1N.�NCE _ . � �� � � 9LUE . MAVCR . �� � + I � - Fll@ NO. ,. . .. � � � � � � � ,�- � � - . � � � . . � Z/`f�l�I`CG Ordinance"�IO. Presented By ' ; \ Referred To Committee: Date ' Out of Committee By Date � , • , �� c#ar� s. j � � ��."• Ig���w f. � {a) Loe�a �ra ra� ff��� cis� . Tse ia�s� pt4�ss� sa� _ De ��� - �� �nc� t e� Q aa i�s�eiogsent !letioe� Giaat f��? ' � � . � • �' Revolvipg loaa �pn a�, E�� RR� deaelo�ment ���a, eic� ; � reve�ae Donas,or '�sn ri otbfr fanzls sa aay f�ros �#sa t;b ; t�wa �e aFproprfait� fo� snch pnrpose. ` ''� f � �D) �R��.sne bood f ' A €�eia . In order to a�s� iA _ ���ir�+g �2oa ogra� create�I by tbis chap� , tt�s - _ �it�- wa'y issue r�v n��r boods in accardance M# tA� :: j� pso�rfs#a�as of s��i,� e�sota Stat��t�s Se�t�oA # 9.1�# ; � � ��lf�fsian � a�d curea iQ th• �eso��r p�ov +� t� ��eb#issioaa 1B a d 12 ot sai� S�r�tion �9:1@�. � �� : ltoceeds of a�ny �n h boac� iisae say be pl i�d �n ., ° ac�zda�ce vitl� t1�e zorision of Subd#�ri.si� '3 af �aid , ; �e�i� 469.18#. _ � - . _ : ,� . . ._ ,�, � - . � F .. . . ,. _ . . ��`�=, i 6• t�Ot'1 5 _ � _: . - F, , . '' �'i� ��d����� sAall �akje �fa�ct �� b� f� fazce thi�ty (3Q} ,� _:: dl��a► #s3��fa� #�s ���cte�ent� provai aod pnbiicatf�n. {t `' _'' ;�. . � - ... �� � �� .- ` � _ - .. .. . � „,�-.r " . . � _ . . . . . �: � : � � � �'.�.�s..��a�+i�y��� :� ;s� . '. - : . . -I �. . .. .�. -. ---.�.�F . �.' � . � � � �� �'�� - . . . . ' j � ,�i . . . . � � - 't .. 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