89-1930 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /%� 9 BLUE - MAVOR File NO• { _/•�� - C'ounc esolution � , < �� Presented By T � y �eferred To � � Committee: Date l�� ���/ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Council of the Cit of Saint Paul has been requested by the City's Planning and Economic Develop ent Department to approve documents entitled Citywide Commercial Area Rehabilitat on Program Guidelines; and WHEREAS, the HRA Board has appr ved the guidelines on September 27, 1989, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of Saint Paul approves the documents entitled Citywide Comm rcial Area Rehabilitation Program Guidelines. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond r-�. In Favor �g.. 7 xemnan �, _ Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonuen ---�'r5lsea> nCC 2 ` '�8� Form Approved b City A�rney Adopted by Council: Date Ul � / Certi f�e d P s•e Counci cr ry B Y By, � -- - ---- �` � 19 g App by Mayor for Sub i i to Council Approve by iVlav r. �Date -"--�'=•4` , ( _ � �� J- BSr ��' g � �� DtC � G� 1 89 . . ��;-���a DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATE Planning & Economic Development GREEN SHE��'� No. �. �.'�^ � r CONTACT PERSON S PHONE �N INIfiIAUDATE O�'i CRAIf� O��Y�tY� �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR , �CITY COUNCIL Marshall Turner (228-3302) �'3�3 ���F �CITY ATTORNEY / �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCII AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINQ �BUDGET DIRECTOR y t �FIN.6 MGT.SERVICES DIR. �� �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn �,� 0 De P•��tZ TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES _ (CLIP ALL OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION RE�UESTED: Amend the guidelines of the a) existing N ighborhood Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program and b) approve the ordinance establishing the program and authorizing the HRA to act as agent and administer the program, and c) a prove the guidelines for the Citywide Commercial Area Rehabilitation Pro ram. HECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL C MMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALY3T PHONE NO. _PLANNIN�CAMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE A HRA A STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Nei hborhood & Economic Develo men INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): It is becoming increasingly, difficult to finance projects on many of the older commercial strips because of the existing $30,000 ma imum in City funds. The guidelines change increases the maximum in City Funds to $1 0,000. The ordinance is required by the State Legislation for 1) establishing the progr m and 2) authorizing HRA to act as agent. The Citywide Rehabilitation Program (now CDBG is being established because CDBG-HUD requirements are getting much more restrictive. The N n-CDBG program will allow the City to do Rehab Loans on a Citywide basis. AOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: 1) 27 CDBG Neighborhood Commercial Reh ilitation Loan Progra�will be able to provide more complete financing for the more ostly Rehab projects. 2) 4' Non-CDBG Citywide Commercial Are Rehabilitation Program will be establishing and implemented. The City will be able o do more Rehab Loans, including those that have been determined to be ineligible und r CDBG requirements. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� NONE �18'��Q w✓ CtTY CLERK DI3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to provide Reh b Assistance to many potential projects. As the HUD-CDBG eligibility requirements became more restrictive and as the actual method of determining eligibility becomes increasi gly burdensome, fewer and fewer projects are eligible for rehabilitation. Council Research Center, Qcr Z s �9s9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGAL INFOFlMATION:(EXPWN) �� � ' � Members: ����� � Bili Wilson, chair ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL - Tom Dimond ' �;;,;;;'in ` � Kiki Sonnen . OFFICE OF FIE CITY COIINCIL ' D e: November 22, 1 9 WILLIAM L. WILSON Comm ttee Report MARK VOERDING COUnCilman Legislative Aide To: Saint Paul City Council From : Housing and Econo ic Development Committee . Bill Wiison, Chair l. Approval of Minutes COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV L of the OCTOBER 25, 1989, minutes. 2. Appeal of David and Josephi Berg to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission whic denied the issuance of a permit to demolish the structure locat d at 270 West 7th Street COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A LAY ER TO DECEMBER 27. 3. Resolution authorizing PED finalize terms of Skyway Agreement with the U.S. Postal Service to nstruction and operation of skyway bridge connecting the Block L/Minn sota Telecenter complex and downtown Post Office (C.F. 89-1914) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO L, WITH AMENDMENT. 4. Resolution approving Citiwi e Commercial Area Rehabilitation Program Guidelines (C.F. 89-1930) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL, WITH AMENDMENT. S. Resolution approving Neighb rhood Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program Guidelines for the HRA (C. . 89-1931) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED AYPRO AL, WITH AMENDMENT. 6. Ordinance establishing the eighborhood Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program and authorizing the HRA to act as agent and administer the Program (C.F. 89-1940) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL, WITH AMENDMENT. 7. Resolution establishing the Downtown Development Study Commission (C.F. 89-1997) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A LAY VER TO DECEMBER 13. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 s�,as , . . , _ . - � � � �� /9�v ' � y� �Ot CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPAR MENTAL MEMORANDUM T0: Councilmember William ilson FROM: Warren Hanson�!1��` DATE: December 4, 1989 RE: 4$ Citywide Commercial Area Rehabilitation Program The following addresses the status timing and issues raised at the November 22, 1989 Housing and Economic Deve opment Committee meeting. I. Status and Timing Craig 0'Brien, of my s aff, spoke with Karen Swenson Tuesday, November 29, 1989 rega ding the availability of the above-referenced progr . A. The first eading of the ordinance was October 26, 1989. B. It was ref rred to the Housing and Economic Developmen Committee meeting on November 22, 1989. It was ori inally scheduled for the Committee on November 8, 1989, the day after the election. It was cancelled cause it was unlikely that a quorum would be present. At the Nove ber 22, 1989 meeting a number of issues arose (see I below) and those issues must be incorporate into the Ordinance and program documents for your re iew before they can be sent to the City Clerk for s heduling for three more readings (actually the second, third and fourth (adoption) readings) . C. Karen indic ted to Craig that the second, third and fourth read ngs would take approximately one and a half weeks. Karen suggested that the third reading be the public earing so that any additional changes or amendments an be incorporated into the Ordinance and/or prog am documents for the fourth and final reading at hich time the ordinance is adopted. This should occu no later than December 31, 1989. • D. After adopt'on, the Ordinance is sent to the Mayor for his signatu e and publication. . . o��-��� Councilmember William Wilson December 4, 1989 Page Two E. The Ordinan e goes into effect 30 days after publication F. Karen estim ted the program should be available February 1, 1989. II. Housing and Econo ic Development Committee Issues Craig 0'Brien and Jim rt spoke on November 29, 1989 and it was agreed that Jim would ' corporate the following into the Ordinance: A. Change "me ian" to "medium" . B. Specify in the Ordinance that "Guidelines" are the "program r gulations" . C. Specify in the Ordinance that the "definition of small or medium ized buildings shall be 200,000 square feet or less or in the case of leased space the space must be 50,000 quare feet or less with a minimum lease of one year." D. Craig will incorporate the word "Guidelines" into the document c rrently entitled "Citywide Commercial Area Rehabilita ion Program." III. UDAG Funding Marshall Turner of my taff, spoke with Tom Meyer, from Accounting Division re arding the UDAG spending split. Tom indicated that accordi g to the 1986 - 1987 Capital Allocation Policy: " B7: UDAG REINVESTMEN As indicated by ity Council Resolution No. 279820 (dated February 8, 1983 all Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) program income, hall be distributed as follows: Fifty percent of the p ogram income from an individual UDAG shall be set aside for eligible projects within the district(s) in which the UDAG i located. The remaining fifty percent of the program inco e shall be deposited in the citywide UDAG Revolving Loan F nd to be used for economic development purposes. UDAG rogram income is that percentage of any . ,. � . � ��_ �9� � � r Councilmember William Wilson December 4, 1989 Page Three income earned by the city from the disposition of property acquired with UD G money, the repayment of any loans made with UDAG money, or any other revenues defined by the grant agreement as pro ram income. All UDAG program income is administered according to HUD guidelines (Unif rm Administrative Requirements for Grants and Aids to Stat and Local Governments) . In accordance with these guide ines, proposals for re-use of program income are revi wed by the HRA Board and administered by HRA staff." It is the Neighborhood Development Division's understanding that the UDAG funds currently budgeted into the itywide Commercial Area Rehabilitation Program have already been separate out by the Accounting Division and therefore can be used Citywide. WH:rb Attachment cc: Ken Johnson Bill Belden Karen Swenson Jim Hart Tom Meyer Marshall Turner Craig 0'Brien Teresa Sterns a:cowilson.rb � ' �= � �c�-i�i� ���- �� - �' 9 CITY WIDE COMMERCIAL AREA EHABILITATION PROGRAM "GUIDELINES" Sep ember, 1989 I. PURPOSE The purpose of this program i to provide low interest, long-term loans as an incentive to owners to pgrade the appearance, energy efficiency and condition of individual c mmercial properties and the commercial area as a whole. The program supports the broad goal of neighborhood revitalization consistent wit relevant development plan objectives and design guidelines resulting i the stabilization and expansion of the City's tax base, retention an creation of jobs and leverage of private sector investment whenever pos ible. The program will address code deficencies, health and safety items and prevention and elimination of slums and blight. Rationale: Since 1978 the Cit 's existing Neighborhood Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program ha served only areas eligible under Community Development Block Gr t eligibility criteria. The Citv Wide Commercial Area Rehabilitation ro ram will not be funded with CDBG dollars and therefore will be a le to serve areas previously deemed ineligible under the Neighborho d Commercial Rehabilitation Program such as Downtown, portions of White ear Avenue, South Snelling and Highland Park. � ,. . . , ��%�'�`/y�a Findin� (1) commercial buildings in t e City are physically deteriorating, underused, economically inefficient, or functionally obsolete, and in need of rehabilitation to meet applicable b 'lding codes; (2) there is a need for a co rehensive program for the rehabilitation of the buildings to prevent economic and physical blight and deterioration, to increase the municipal tax base, an , if the City has adopted a comprehensive plan, to assist in the implementatio of the comprehensive plan of the municipality; (3) some oomers of srnall and edium sized commercial buildings in the City are unable to afford rehabilita ion loans on terms available in the private mortgage market or to obtain rehabilitation loans on any terms because the private mortgage market is sever y restricted; and (4) the health, safety, and g neral welfare and the preservation of the quality of life of the residents of he City are dependent upon the preservation and rehabilitation of t e small and medium sized commercial buildings. II .� LOAN TERMS AND CONDITIONS . � , A. Loan Amount - Maximum av ilable from the Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) is $50,0 0 per business up to three (3) businesses per building. The maxim amount of HRA funds therefore is $150,000 per building. - 2 - �'� r,'-�v B. HR.A/Bank Participation - The HRA and the Bank will participate in a loan on a matching ba is up to $300,000 ($150,000 - HRA; $150,000 - bank) . Anyt ing in' excess of $300,000 must be financed privately, either by th bank or the applicant. Example: l. If a buildi g has one (1) business or tenant in it, it - [is eligib e for $100,000 in matching funds . ($SO,OQO HRA; $50,00 bank) . 2. If a buildi has three (3) businesses or tenants, it would be eli ible for $300,000 in matching funds (150,000 HR.A $150,000 bank) . • 3. If a buildin requires general improvements as determined b the building owner covering� all tenants such as roof ng, that amount would be subtracted and remaining fu ds divided equally per tenant space. C. Interest Rate 1. The HR.A shall charge 4� on its funds. 2 . Banks - Inter st rate charged by banks shall be no . . � ' ' ' . ' more than 3$ oints over banks prime rate. � � D. Term - The maximum term al owed sha11 be up to 20 years . The bank shall make the initiai det rmination with HR.A approval for an�' ' � appropriate term relating o the applicant' s ability to pay and - 3 � .. , , ��c�-�9�3� the collateral securin the loan. Balloons shall be allowed. The term of the HRA portio of the loan and the term of the Bank portion of the loan sha 1 be equal. Neither the applicant nor the Bank shall prepay only he Bank portion of the loan or only the HR.A portion of the loan Loan payments will be applied equally to the HRA and Bank portio s of the loan. E. Collateral Required 1. The bank sha 1 have the initial responsibility of determir.ing he applicant's credit risk, subject to HRA approval . 2. The bank sha 1 have the initial responsibility of determining c llateral, subject to HR.A approval. 3. The HRA has t e right, at its option, to require additional co lateral. 4. Collateral is required either in the form of a chattel or real estat mortgage or personal guaranty to be determined by he Bank subject to HRA approvai. 5 . In the event a loan is secured by a real estate . � � ' ' mortgage on th property to be rehabilitated, no loan � shall exceed 8 � of the estimated market value of the property to be ehabilitated upon completion of the - 4 - � � . ���_�y3 ° rehabilitat'on, less the principal balance of any prior mortg ge existing on the property at the time the loan is made. 6 . The bank sh 11 file for the HRA any liens required on collateral. III. Analysis/Process - A committee comprised of H staff will pre-screen applicants to determine if their request eets the program eligibility standards and planning consideration tablished by HRA/District Plans. - The Bank shall process the r quest in the same manner as any other commercial improvement loan equest. - The Bank shall then approve r reject the loan based on the credit and collateral of applicant, provided that no application can be rejected for any unlawful re son; subject to HRA approval. - The bank shall then submit i s loan committee report to HR.A staff for HRA review and approval. � • '. . - If the bank and the HRA, appr ve the loan, the HRA sha11 tender its check for the HRA's portion o the loan at the time of the ' loan closing. • . . � . � ���-�q�° - The loan, note, and mortgag of the HRA may not be assigned, by the bank or assumed by another ebtor without prior written consent of HRA staff. - If HR.A staff approves the ssignment, a 1 1/2� assumption fee on the outstanding principal bala ce of the HRA portion will be charged. - HR.A staff may modify the p cess, eligibility criteria, and program requirements necessary to c mply witr various government agency requirements and to effecti ely implement this and other programs . - For each loan the Bank shal have the loan recipient execute two promissory notes; one for t e bank and one for the HRA in an amount equal to the respective loa amounts. The promissory notes shall, along with other documents , state the interest rate and schedule for payment. �e Neighborhood Commercial Re abilitation Loan Program (CDBG funded) must be used first if he loan is made in a CDBG eligible area. ' The City Wide Commercial Area ehabilitation Program funds may be used in the event the Neighborhood mmercial Rehabilitation Loan Prograrn . .� loan limitation is exceeded or 'f the applicant is ineligibie under the . Neighborhood Commercial Rehab L an program. Fees 1. Banks - can charge the r normal fees . - 6 - .. . �'� �9� v 2. The HRA will charge 1-1/2� loan origination fee on its portion of the loan efore any disbursements . 3. The HRA will charge 1$ late fee per month on payments over 30 days delinqu nt to be collected by the bank and remitted to the HRA. IV. ELIGIBILITY A. The property must be loc ed in St. Paul. 1. The property must e commercially zoned, meaning the property must have a business or industrial zoning. Properties with re idential zoning are ineligible. 2. The building must e 200,000 square feet or less; or, in the case of tenants or lessees the leased space must be 50,000 square feet or les with a minimwm lease of one year. B. Applicants � 1. The applicant may b individual property or business owners, partnerships, corpo ations , tenant operators or contract for deed purchasers. . . � ' ' ' . ' � 2. An applicant must h e the ability to repay the loan and be an acceptable credi risk as determined by a bank and the HRA. _ � . � . - � ����1 -/��3 d 3. An applicant's pr perty must conform to use under the City Zoning Ordinance nd use must be permitted under an approved District Plan if pplicable. 4. Upon completion o improvements, the applicant's property must meet all app icable code, permit and license requirements and ust have a current Certificate of Occupancy upon co pletion. 5. Applicant must ma e adequate progress toward closing of loan (as determined by taff) . Failure to do so can mean eliminating this p oject as an eligible loan. 6. Tenants must obtai written permission from the building owner for leasehol improvements. C. The program is available on a per building basis with a maximum of $150,000 of HRA funds pe building. D. Eligible Improvements - Almost all fixed improve ents including the repair and/or decoration of wa11s, cei ings, floors , lighting, windows, doors, � entrances, electrical, pl bing, mechanical, air-conditioning, architectural change, ene gy improvements, handicapped � . � • • accessibility, code requi ements., etc. For example, eligible • . improvements shall includ , but not be limited to the following: 1. Cleaning, painting an staining of exterior surfaces . 2 . Masonry repairs . � � ' �- � ���i�� 3. Repairing or repla ing or cornices, entrances, doors, windows, decorative details and awnings. 4. Sign removal, repa ring or replacement. S . Architectural desi n services for plans and specifications. 6. Parking lots, incl ding lighting, surfacing and landscaping. 7. Building identific ion. 8. Other items that ar viewed necessary to compliment exterior. 9. Building permits. 10. Energy audits. - 11. Demolition. � 12. Expansion of a comm rcial structure will be allowed if it meets all City requ rements such as zoning, parking, permit and license require ents , etc. 13. Health and safety i ems as required by the City of St. Paul building codes, E. Ineligible Costs " l. Refinancing existing debts 2. Non-fixed improvemen s 3. Working capital 4. Inventory . � ' � . � 5. Sweat Equity - payme t for the applicant's own labor and performance for cons uction or improvements. 6. Residential uses .. ,- . - G,��.�.��� IV. CONTRACTING AND CONSTRUCTION A. Al1 applicants shall p ovide HR.A staff with information on the "Loan Application Form' detailing applicant' s interest regarding rehabilitation of buil ing, giving permission for code inspection and any other requeste supplements necessary to achieve the City approval for this proj ct. B. Sworn Construction Sta ement with supporting bids from subcontractors is to be submitted to the applicant, bank and the HRA detailing the work o be performed, estimated cost, and any other documentation nec ssary to achieve the HRA's approval for this project. C. It shall be the loan re ipients responsibility to comply with all � City procedures and req 'rements such as securing per�►its, providing acceptable sit plans, etc. � B. Contractors and all Sub- ontractors providing work under this program are to meet the icensing, insurance and bonding requirements of the City. The contractor and/or sub-contractor is to be knowledgeable o and/or responsible for quality and workmanship, conducting p oper business practice, be financially � capable and be an Equal 0 portunity Employer. � E. The quality and progress f the work is to be monitored throughout � � � the term of the contract the loan recipient and general . contractor. F. Payment requests (either p rtiai or final) cannot be made to the contractor until a written request for payment is made and the loan recipient and the HRA have accepted the eligible improvements - 10 - " • �� �,��--�y� in writing. If the co tractor requests periodic draws on completed work the dra shall be limited in amounts equal to the value of materials furn'shed and/or services performed at the time of request. Number of ayments are to be subject to a final 10� holdback. The holdback may be used to correct unsatisfactory work, or defray costs t obtain a replacement contractor and/or to complete the project, e contractor is to furnish the necessary � - lien waiver for all pa} ents. G. Loan Disbursements - Pa ents to consultants and/or contractors shall be made by the ba k but not before written a�proval from the HRA is vrovided Loan isbursements will be limited to three (3) in total; two (2) parti 1 payments, plus one (1) final payment � � (minimum of 10� of tota loan) when all work is completed and inspected. H. Lien Waivers - The bank ill collect lien waivers and/or other documentation as deemed ecessary by the bank. I . All work must be inspect d by the City Building Department to insure con£ormance with ode and must be verified for proper completion by HR.A staff o insure compliance with specifications prior to final payment. The final draw will not be released until all permi�s taken out ha e been signed off by field inspectors . �� � ' J. All eligible improvement work performed pursuant to a commercial � rehabilitation loan must provide a 12 month warranty from the date of accepted completion b the loan recipient and the HRA. This warranty must cover the q ality of materials used and workmans�ip , _ 1 _ � � � ' ���-/9d� in performing the work T'his warranty is the responsibility of the loan recipient. K. All work must be perfo med under provisions of the City of Saint Paul' s "Little Davis B con Act" and comply with Affirmative Action and Human Rights requi ements, if applicable. � A:COBCARP , � � . • - 2 - -- �r—._-------,— --- ------- I \�J i \ -___-__ _ ____.._.___-'___....i N i N / � O � � I N � � ,---��� O � i ('� -_. . � ��f _� � •::•:::�>:•: ' �� = � •::1 :::•:::: i �✓ �::'f�•��::�'�� � N � ..�. ;;,v,o►:•::.;� :::�Y�:<�:•'' � � p � � ...��:�i:dEE�:�Si�>� c� v c� � �'��� '�k::' :r:�;:��• � , f� :;�:� ':C��:::•`� .,...�. . M � :';..�,.;i;2;i;: . 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