89-1927 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council '//'J��/'/� ^ BLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO. (J ` ,S ��I ' � Counci Resolution � - Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That the On Sale Liquor-B License currently held by University Club of St. Paul, Inc. DBA Univer ity Club of St. Paul, Inc. at 26 E. Exchange Street, be and the same i hereby renewed. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.ong In Fav r Goswitz Rettman � B Sche�be� _ Agains Y Sonnen d4�5l�eR. �l�T' 2�{ 1 Form Approved by City At rney Adopted by Council: Date � /0 /0 � Certified P•:•e by Counci Sec ar By sy A►pprove Mavo • _ �i� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By - r BY PtlBI.I�D r'C!:� 41989 . . �9 - / 9a � DEPARTMENTIOFFlCE/COUNGL . � ., DATE INITIA D Finance/License & Pe��t D���S�on GREEN SHEET NO. 5 4�� CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITUIU DATE IN T DATE OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298-5056 ��� cirv arroRNev �f�TY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNCIL ACiENDA BY(DAT� ROUTNiO ' BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. wnvoA(oA�ssisr�r�r1 � Council R TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP All�LO ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REQUES'TED: ' Renewal of an On Sale Liquor License-B Li�ce se REOOMMENDATIONB:Approve(ly a ReJect(f� COUNCI ITTEE/IiESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION A�Y� PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ COMM . _STIIFF _ —D18TRICT COURT _ SUPPORT8 WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO Pi�BLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wh�t,Whsn.Where,Wh»: University Club of St. Paul, Inc. DBA Univ rsity Club of St. Paul, Inc. requests Council approval of the renewal of an On Sale Liqu r-B License at 26 E. Exchange Street. The Police Department, Phil Byrne and Joseph C rchedi have reviewed the above applicatian and have agreed that the License Division m�.y ow forward them to the St. Paul City Council. The License Division's recommendation i5 f r approval. EC�IVEn ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: �131� CITY CLERK DISADVANTACiEB IF APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: If Council approval is not received, $pp icant will be scheduled for a review before a hearing officer. 4►ouncil Research Center OCT 131989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE oUDOETED(GRCIE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI�