89-1924 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council /�.� � � CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 �i BLUE - MAYOR �Flle NO. il Resolution ����' � :;�5 Presented By Ref re To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID # 3033) for the transfer of a General Repair Garage License urrently held by Clarence L. Law DBA Law's Garage at 1176 N . Dale Street, be and the same is hereby approved for tr nsfer to Le T. Phan DBA Le's Auto Service at the same ad ress. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettroan `� Scheibel Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date OCT 3 ► 1989 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Certified Pass d y c.il S ta By �� gy, � , Approve Mavor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �t1Bt� N�`� 10 1989 . , . . ��- �9�� DEPARTMENT/OFFlBE!(�UNdL , DATE IMITIA D Fi nance/�i cense GREEN SHEET No. 5�4 4 8� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqL Chri sti ne Rozek 298-5056 � ��TM An�N� �'�� MUST BE ON COUNGL AQENDA BY(DATE) FOUTI �BUDOET DIRECTOR g FlN.�MOT.SERVICES DIR. 10-24-89 ❑�Y�coA�sT�u+T► TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP I�LL OCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REQUEBTEQ Approva1 of an app1ication td t nsfer a General Repair Garage License. Notification Date: 10-3-89 Heari D r�ooMMeNamori8:Nw►we W a asfea(�► COUN L i�PORT OPTIONAL _PUWNINf3 OOMMIBSION _GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANA�YST PHONE NO. _p8 OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: �„''+iC' —���,� — ���i�'�D SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVEI O�`�y ► 13 INITIATINO PROBLEM�188UE�OPPORTUNfTY(1Nho�Whet,WMn�Whsro.Wh�: �j g•���,�� - • ! i,. Le T. Phan DBA Le's Auto Service at 1176 No. Qale requests Council approval of the transfer of a Genera1 Rep ir Garage License currently held by Clarence L. Law DBA Law's Gard,ge at the same address. A11 fees and applications have been submitted A11 required divisiqns - Zoning, Fire, Police and License have given th ir approval . ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTAQEB IF APPROVED: Councii Research Center OCT 041989 DI8ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: � � // ��- Qv� �'�.�Xl''���:t�.��'�� �fP - ��`� ��S � ���r v `r�.rz,�__J � � `f2� ��--- �S<<�'�-- r\�v�..SL, `�z� � � �� M�N r M �t � l� �c =�j �� `�-�`��`�° . ,, � /o r,� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOI�1 = COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CI�E ONE� YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER Flwwa�u�aFOaM�noro:�exw►iN� � �. . � �'�r 9a � DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIS RATION DATE ��� /��_ INT�,RDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �.Q., � �h� Home Address 11 � �Q�� J� S.� (�. ,J Rusiness Name � �� �p � ar��Q, Home Phone �S S - ��i,� (� Business Address �� �� �,�,p . ��, Type of License(s) �,Q,��Q �[�� Business Phone ��-1 ' 3,�j�j� _�j�,Cyp, Public Hearing Date �0 0� � License I.D. �F l03 ��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Cham ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t ��j� � p��� llate Notice Sent; Dealer �l �f f}- to Applicant � —�j -- G] n I I'ederal Pirearms 4� � � �4- Public He�iring DATE INSPEC IUN REVtEW VERFIED (CO UTER) CUMMENTS Ap roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D �, �� �! � l� Health Divn. ' ; N I/-� � � , Fire Dept. � C� � � ` �-1 ��� � �L' i � � Police Dept. �) I� � o� v�,� (�cOC� � License Divn. lO, I� r� i � �j � 0/� City Attorney � �b� �� � , a��. Date Received: Site Plan gl� l �� Q' To Council P.esearch ���(D o � Lease or Letter �f g ��G --TDate from Landlord � � .. ' . , . � . . ��--l�aY" � �-4 s` , CITY F SAINT PAUL �` DEPARTMENT OF FIN CE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ` �,x s� LICENSE PERMIT DIVISION ; These statement forms are issued in duplica e. Please answer alI questions fully and completely. This application is thoroughly checked. An falsification will be cause for denial. 1) Ap�lication for (type of Iicense) #�U�C..� � �-V��Q1� �:r�� �qv jz 2) Name of applicant L-L % `��`�`– 3) Applicant's title (corporate officer, Ie owner, partner, other) � Y,PDIr�.t e 4) Name under which this business will be onducted: � 5 �� S�n,u;�� // .Itiv�-� .�A- � s r Applicant / Company Name Doing Business As 5) Business telephone number> nI0 � �$Q/"��(, 6) If applicant is/has been a married fema e, list maiden name •� 7) Date of birth � �J� Age .3 � Place of birth v!f � �jG��. 8) Are you a citizen of the United States? V•e� Native Naturalized /oy1� —t-- 9) Are you a registered voter? � ere? �h �', .��x,,,�' 10) Home address t. �i t, Home Phone �S'�=�4�� 11) Present business address Business Phone '��o� . 33-3 '7 12) Including your present business/employme t, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years. Business/Employment Address (' cl'►t� ,r�,�t� �,,e►�c� �..� �,►,�.�_ �f� 7 ���1.�.� ��2- s`Q-/�Gt�..�Q 13) Married? \��S_ If answer is "yes", li t name and address of spouse. � U,1�� �ha;-� J 7 ya L. �-r � o � 14) Have you ever been arrested for an offen that has resulted in a conviction? If answer is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, charges, confictions, and sentences. Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge � Conviction Sentence �� � . , � � ,� � . � �� � ; - Date of arrest t , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence � 15) Attach a copq hereto of a lease agreeme t or proof of owaership for the premises at which a license will be held. 16) Attach to this application a detailed d scription of the design, location, and square footage of the premises to be licensed site plan) . 17) Give names and addresses of two persons who are local residents who can give information concerning you. Name Address � � � .� /�-�� �� D � � � ��. �� 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made. Address � � ^(' � � fi -,Sf. Zone Classification - J 19) Between what cross streets? l : Which side of street? �� 20) Are premises now occupied? � What business? A —� t� i How long? ,�V�Y G�v y�� 21) List Iicense(s) , business name(s) , and 1 ation(s) which you currently hold, formerly held, or may have an interest in, and location of said license(s). . � � h -z'_� f 22) Have any of the Iicenses listed bq you in No. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No � If answer is "yes", Iist dates and reason . 23) Do you have an interest f any type in an other business or business premises not listed in �21? Yes No � If answer is ' es", list business, business address, and tele- phone number. 24) Zf business is incorporated, give date of ncorporation , 19 and attach. co of Articles of Incor orati n and minutes of first meetin . \ � A 25) List all officers of the corporation g ving their names, office held, home address, date ` of birth, and home and business teleph ne numbers. r1f � 26) If the business is a partnership, list artner(s) address, phone number, and date of birth. U � ( 27) Are you going to operate this business ersonally? � If not, who will operate it? Give their name, home address, date of irth, and t lephone number. 28) Are you going to have a manager or assi tant in this business? _� If answer is "yes", give name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. �r� !^- - .`C',�� T �:,� : �r�n i i��� � �5 0 `� � � `7� �c""� ,M�_����� 29) Has anyone you have named in questions 23 through �26 ever been arrested? �J� If answer is "yes", list name of person, dates of rrest, where, charges, convictions, and sentence. �-.:3 30) I E4 • �P �Gw� �1C.�i'� u derstand this premises may be inspected by the Police, Fire, Health, and other city off cials at any and all and all times when the business is in operation. State of Minnesota ) �/�/�� ) County of Ramsey ) Si nature of Applicant / Date , !� _ ��Z�V �`-�n'J bein duly sworn, deposes and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bear ng his signature and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own kno ledge except as to those matters therein stated - upon information and belief and as to th se matters he believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me this � day of ��"����/1'C_, , 19 a W�M+VVNWW�MA• ::��:., Kr,a�R; �^ �:E��ov ;�!M.1� ,��;�,5,,•r .. ,:,,V ;�i1�r;_^,r 31t� .Y, �u:A Notary Public County MN $ �r ,����'�`�1'�JU'��� � � �ly Ccmm:ssia�Ex��ras�c�y i�,1y94 My commission expires � �/�� � � Rev. 2/88 .. � . `,�' r� /�� � ', � ' City of Saint Paul ' Department of Fi ance and Management Services � 3 6 3 3 Licens and Permit Division 203 City Halt St. Paul, fnnesota 55102•298-5056 APPLIC TtON' FOR UCENSE . ' ' CASH CHECK CLASS NO. i New Renew - :.�] 0 � �'r`�'r X [� � . _ oace cC-:�� �s� Code No. •, Title of Licertse � From G �� t�To , ���` 19 r�. ••. ;r , ..� j75� ���1�� �: -1�'"� '��' K�� C►ar^��' � �� ApplieanU mpany Name . . �oo , �� 5 ��� sf7:rro c) �oo sus��essNamo- ,oa , t��a n� ��-��e 5i- ���3�3� Business Addcess �� / � Phone No. 100 , �;%__ �—...l., r ('7���- �:�.�.►,;�:= _ � � ��.:;.; I�IzC 100 Mail to Address � Phone No. �'� `jl f;.�r._� 100 ��l�' � ManapedOwner•Name 100 100 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address Pho�e No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 Recefved the.Sum of � ��, J�_ � 100 --,f ;��1� �C' r+ ��— �� ManayertOwner-City,State 3 Zip Code r "d, C� 100 Total 100 I � , t .����--- , LiCense inspector By: S gnature ot Applicant Bond: Company Name Poticy Na Expiration Date Insurance: , Company Name Policy No. ExpiraUon Date M(nnesota State Identificatfon No. L� Social Security No Vehicle information: Ssrial Number Plate Number �tf1@f: THIS IS A RECEI T FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for licens will either be granted or reiected subject to the provisions of the zaning ordinance and completfon o(the inspectiona by the Health, Fire, oninq and/or ticense Inspactora. $15.00 CHARGE FOR A L RETURNED CHECKS -��� 01���.Y�� • �G� � "`- 15''7 y Z. .�fcrc� $-�-�i � C�.a-� ��p�z.�or'�. � � i ne,