89-1909 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA iT L Council /1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT �J BLUE - MAVOR File NO. _'/`D� . �-C nc� Resolution � � � � 33�; _; � Presented By � R erred� `�----' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 88643) for a Gambling Manager's License by Marlin Possehl DBA Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota at the Clover Club, 501 . University Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved/ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � In Favor Goswitz Rettman v sc6e;n�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �CT i 91989 Form Appr ved by City Att ey Adopted by Council: Date • Certified Pass ,b Council S tary BY "'-- �r,� gy, 6lpproved b vor: te Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _��-x.�� � �- `��' By �UBt1S� 0 C T 2 � 198 � - '� ���-��09 , DEPARTM[NTlOFFICEICOUNCIL DATE I ITt D F�nance/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 5048 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE ���TE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT.OIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 CIIY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MUST 8E ON OOUNqL AQENDA BV(DAT� ROU �BUDOET pIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVN�S DIR. 10-19-89 ❑�nvoAcoRnesisT�wn �, Council TOTAL N OF SIQNATURE PAGES (CLIP L OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACT10N REOUE8TED: � Approval of an application foth Gamb1ing Manager's License. Notification Date: 09-13-89 � Hearin Date: 10-19-89 RE NDAT1oN8:Mw�VU a Rel�fR) L MMITT�I�PORT OP _PLANNIW(i OOMMAI3810N _CIViI SERVIC�COMMI8�ON """"' RE�IVED _q8 COMMITTEE _ _$T� _ � 2�19� _D�TRICT O�1RT _ ; � �,P��W���,�«,��o�E��� i CITY C1.EttK INIIIATINQ PI�9LEM.18BIlE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.N�hst.Whe�,Where,Wh�: Marlin Possehl DBA Epileps�r F �un tion of Minnesota, 501 W. .University Avenue requests Council approval of I�is pplication for a Gambling Manager's License. All fees and applications hav� b n submitted. , ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: If Council approval is given, �9a in Possehl will manage the pulltab/ tipboard sales for Eip1epsy Fo�un tion at Clover Club, 501 W. University Avenue. , ; � ; i as�owwrROES��rPROVeo: �' _. " ' .'� '�r;:���C I' i•�: �� n r `�'" � .:�� u 1 i.;v;� I , i D18ADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: i � I � � ii TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAllBACTION COST/REYENUE SUDOETED(GRq.B ON� YES NO � FUNDIN3 SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) I ♦ . � � ° z: �� �1� . . � . . . NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLU�ED IN THE OR EN 8HEET INSTRUCtIONAL MANUAL AVAIIABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE( HONE NO. 298�4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Bslow aro prefsrred routings for the five most frequent typss of inerns: OONTRACTS (aswrtbs authoNzed OOUNqL ESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budg��xhts) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. msM Oirector 2. Initiating Depeutment 2. Director 3. City Attomey 3. qty 4. Mayor 4. /AsastaM 5. Finance 6 Mgmt 3vcs. DUsctor b. qry I 8. Finance AccouMing 8. Ch AccouMant, Fln&Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (R�, OOUNpI E �� ���NANCE 1. Activiy MenaOer 1. � ng DepaRrt�ent arecta 2. DepertmeM ACCOUntaM 2• �Y 3. DvpsRmeM Director 3. //1Nlaauit 4. Budget DireCtor 4. City I 5. Gty Cbrk 6. Chief AocouMaM, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (all othere) 1. Initiiating DepaRment 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssiatant 4. Clty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31(�NATURE PAQE8 Indicate the#t of pa�es on whkh sipnaturss ars nquired and each of theae�a ep,�s. . ACTION RE�UESTED oescribe wnat tnm proJectlroqu.se seeka to aocomplbh�n skN.r nrorw�op�- cel ordsr or ordsr of importu�ce.whichsvsr Is mat appropriato ths iasue. Do not write complets ssMsnces. Bepin eech item fn�rou ilst with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete H the iseus in question has bean preseMed b�ors body� public or private. � SUPPORTS WHICH COUPId�08JECTiVE4 �nd�cate which cound�obl«�lv.(s)r�w'�1•��'�9� br�itarp ths key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIQH80RHOOD3,E�ONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER SEPAR/►TION).($EE COAAPLETE U8T IN 1 UCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEE/RESEARCH flEPORT-OPTIONAL A3 EQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situtNbn or condidons that croeted a need for your or requeat. ADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr this Is simpy an annual bud�st procedure req red by law/ charter or whether there are specific in which ths City of 'nt Paul and its ckizsns will bsnNft hom this pro�t/actbn. DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED What nsgathre etfecis or major changea to sxistiny or past mlght this projecUroquest producs if it fa paseed(s.p.,traffic deleys, 'se, taz incnases or asees�ments)?To Whom?When?For honr bn ? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be tha negetive consequences If the promised action not epproved?Inabflity to deliver aervice?Continued high traff'ic, ae, accident rateT Loaa of revsnus? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Althouph you must taflor the informatbn you provide here to th issue you are add�ng, in gensral you must answsr Mro questfona: H much is it going to coat7 Who is goin�to payt . ��_��op UiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIS RATION DATE 1 � 1 / � 7 0 � INTERDF.PARThiFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn P oc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut ,M C��r � �n �QSSU"I� Home Address �01 0�_�Y�nS ��' �� � s Lo �� � �� 75: Rusiness Name � � �n ton Home Phone p. i n n Pso�' Business Address � C��1��,.- C�U Type of License(s) ��m �j�ir�u_ �� �•-- Business Phone ��� ldJ. l�!'1 I v� �`�"'� �I �m5� Public Hearing Date �� / �1 a / License I.D. �l R R lfJ 7 3 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� � S o� o�.� �0� llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� � �A^ to Applicant �—�g rederal Firearms �� �J �� Public He,.iring DATE IrSPE TION REVIEW VEKFIED (CQ UTER} CUMMENTS A proved No A roved � Bldg I & D � �f� Health Divn. � ' � ; A � Fire Dept. � � � j N �' I � S� �� �5 Police Dept. I � �� ��� License Divn. � � i3 S�' °�- City Attorney � �I 13 �, n /L I Date Received: Site Plan !4' � �� � ��j To Council Research � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord N � , � _ ���� � ' ity of Saint Paul ' Department of Fin nce and IVlanagement Services /� G/�`/Q�� Licens and Permit Division �: Q � 2a3 City Halt St. Paul, innesota 55102•29&5056 APPLICA ION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. New Renew a o a _, , . oa�e � Code No. , Title of License ��� �0 � �� From � 1�To �- 19� / � , �'!��C7 �-�+a ��1� � � ^� • : ,' ,o0 7'I'J� ;� �.�'�z-,L� . Appl�canUCompany Name 100 . - ��`-��`��'��.-'�;J�� . ,00 , a�s��es�NBTy ' . L�--� /�6 - ,00 � %� • � ,cD.24t�.,i��� �'67' Business Address Pho�e No. 100 � e �/ �O�� '�/�;_,f_`2�J ��CJ. �% 100 Mail to Add�ess l/ Phone No. /'� / /� i 100 �/��/L-�-Cii[i `=' d-6tc�i J!.-C'J f�Zf�-� ManaflerlOwner•Name ,00 �3 � �� %Gu'� • 100 AlanageN wner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 � ReCeived,the Sum of � �� 100 ���. �j�j�S �j .G¢p � � �� �oc • � anagerlOwner•City,State 3 Lip Code i ` 100 Tot 100 . '^' �� LiCense inspector � By: ✓ Signature of Appiieant v • Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expiration�ate Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiratioe Date Minnesota State Identification No. ES ���D�S Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plats Number Other: THIS IS A REC IPT FOR APPIICATION THIS IS NOT A IICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for lice se will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning o�dinance and completfon of the inspections by the Heaith, Fir Zonin9 andlorLicensa Inspectora. $I5.00 CHARGE FOR LL RETURNED CHECKS � 9-�-�� �� �