89-1908 WHITE - CITV CLERK CO11flC11 PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File �O. ..0 nci Resolution (T�2 , �� J �...���. Presented By Referred tif Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 15914) for a Class A Gambling Location License by 0'Connell ' Clover Club, Inc. DBA 0'Connell 's Clover Club at 501 W. Unive ity Avenue, be and the same is hereby approved�e�ai-ed, COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �.ong In Fav r Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel � Agains Y Sonnen Wilson o�'� � 9 Form App oved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas e ,b�l C '1 , et By y.�3 � gy, �-_---- A►pprove iNavo : _ n J �0`7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By ����.�U�� ��- BY Ftl�US�FD u C 1 � �; 1 89 � • •` � � � l�o� �- �P,�TM�NT����,��N��� oa��N w GREEN SHEET No. 50,�,,.�,�A� Finance/License CONTACT PEHSON 6 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 0 cm Arro��' �GTM c�RK MUBT BE ON OOUN(:IL AQENDA BY(DATE) �BUOQET DIRECTOR �FIN.i MOT.SERVICEB DIR. 10-19-89 ❑wu►voi+coR�s�rM►n Q_C4unc.]1 TOTAL#OF SIGNATUi�PAAE8 (CLIP LL OCATIONS FOR 8KiNATUR� ACT10N REf�UEBTED: I Approval of an application for� a C1ass A G�mbling Location License. Notification Date: 9-13-89 Hearin DAte: 10-19-89 - REOOMMENDA7lON8:MP►�W a RN�(� 11nrEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNIN(i WMMISSION _CMl SERVI�l�OAAMI8810N ANALY PHONE N0. _dB COMMtTTEE _ -�"� - "0�" RECENED -���� - ��,�,����E�� � �p� 1� irannnwc PHOe�.issue,oPPO�ruNmr�wno.wna.wn.�.wn�..+nmy�: `;11� 4�'t 0'Connell 's Clover Club, Inc. D 0'Connel1 's Clover Club at 501 University Avenue request ty Counci1 approval of its application for a Class A Gambling Locati n icense. This license will allow the liquor establishment to lease space o charitable organization (Eiplepsy Foundation of Minnesota) for h sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. All fees and applications have be n ubmitted. A11 required divisions - Zoning, Fire, Police and License have en their a roval . ADVANTADE8 IF APPROVED: � � I If Council approval is given,Il 0' onne1l 's Clover Club at 50I W. University Avenue will be able to lease space tlo charitable organization for pulltab sales. i i as�wvnr��oes iF�P�ovEO: ; � � � ,.. T'o�,,,,._., t i �.•4_�!�l41. ' ivLle . � . . . I ' SL.N �, �( i�u� I as�ov�wr�oES iF Nor��v�: � ; i I � � ; i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COSTIREVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINC�80URCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) I I �. � NOTE: COAAPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDED IN THE 0 3HEET INSTRUCTIONAI MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA3IN(i OFFICE HONE NO.29&4225). ROUTINf3 ORDER: , . Bebw are preferred routinga for ths five most froqusnt types M ments: OONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNqL E30LUTION (Amend, BdgtsJ budget exfsts) Axept.Qrenta) 1. Outsids ApenCy L meM Director 3, I�nftryiaAn�Dpartment 3. � Director 4. Mayor 4. Assistant 5. Fnar�ca 8 Mgmt 3vcs. Director S. City ncil 8. Finarx;e 11c:couMing 6. Chief nhmt. Fln 8 Nl�mt Svcs. AOMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNqL ESOLUTION (eil others) Fievision) and ORDINANCE 1. AcWity Manepsr 1. Initi DspeRmsM Director 2. DepetRmsnE AocouMaM 3. M� AqittaM , 3. Depurtment fJlreCtor• 4. Budget DirbCtor , 4. Gty ndl 5. City Clerk : 6. Chief Axountsryt, Fin 8�Nl�mt Sw�. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER3 (sll oths►s) 1. Initiatlng Dsp�nmeM 2. City Attomsy 3. Mayor/Aesistant 4. Gty Gerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31ONATURE PAOHS Indicate the#�of pe�a on which signatures are required and i each of these� ACTION REOUESTED Describe what the project/nquest e�sks to ecxomplish in either ch cal�or ader of importancs.whtchsver ia most appropriate for the fesue. Do not write compleb ssMencee. Bspin each item in your with a verb. �� REOOMMENDATIONS Complete if the fesue in qusstion hes be�n pressnted bMors arry , publ� or privede. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council obJectMe(s)your projsct/roquest supports Iisting ths key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIOHBORHOODS, E NOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET,SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE CO�APLETE Ll3T IN IN UCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE UE3TED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explafn the situaHon or conditlons that crsated a need for your pro or request. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simpy an annual budpet procedure requi by iaw/ chaRer or whether thers ars t�sdflc in which ths City of Sain Paul and its citizens wfll bensNt irom this p�ro�t/ection. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major chan�to existing or past p might this pro)ect/request producs if it is pasesd(�.g.,trafNc delsys, noise tax increaees or as�essmsnts)?To Whom?Whsn?For how long? DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths negative consequenc�ff the promised action is approved7 InabilRy to delfver servics7 Continued high traffic,noise, �ideM rate4 Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the informatbn you provide here to the iss you are addreeaing, in gensral ytw must anawer two questfons: How m h is it going to cost?Who is poing to payt . . � . . . ��-1qe� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI RATION DATE I / 6 � l � 1 � I INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn P ocessed/Received by Lic Enf Aud � ( ` L q r2nc� Q'Cvn�.e �/ Applicant �) � COYI n�I� 5 CIc�UP/'C b��ome Address � �(p`7 �j� �� � S`E-t ���� Rusiness Iv'ame (� � h n �l 5 C e er � � Home Phone `1 3 ! 'S9� � Business Address D � Y� �U-Z1�5►-�' Type of License(s) C�GSS � " l.l�►� bl�� Business Phone v�a� — � l�O CG����/1 Public Hearing Date � License I.D. �{ �� �` �`'� at 9:00 a.m, in the Council ham ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t � y`�O �7 Z llate Autice Sent; Dealer �� N I�- to Applicant �' �� f „ rederal F3.rearms 4� �U Il�� 5-�G f` Public Heriring 9 ` �,�t � F 8 n a���� d� DATE I1�SP CTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (C MPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved N t A roved � " Bldg I & D � . I l� $`I ; � l� � Health Divn. ' � � I� � i Fire Dept. � � � � �� b�� �� � � Police Dept. /)I� ' �� n�, ('/� �,� R l3 License Divn. � � �� �,-� O l� " I City Attorney � �I �3 � Ql� Date Received: Site Plan '� I' (� I � To Council Research � Lease or Letter �— � , Q � Da e from Landlord V . � .� � , . �s�,� . ity of Saint Paui Department of Fin nce and Management Services Licens and Permit Division � y./��DD� 203 City Haf1 0 7 � St. Paul, innesota 55102-29&5056 APPLICA ION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. ew Renew ao a � Date —� 19� Code No. •, Title of License ���_ 1�� � From_�_�, 19�0 19 � � , °` �6ry9 � . -.�i °�-�a r� C�e-�x�� �.�-�1J " �, `�r. ����L�--���' � � ' /•� ApplieantlCompany Name i ,00 ,r ,� , i% �� % � :� , , ��- _�%��C,-�u---� ;; 100 Business Name ' �^��.. �79i'� -� /-� ,00 ,�Z%/ ��� in:���=e.°�.0 G'�P�O�3`1 Business Addrees Phone No. 100 .%�ti•rt,e...� 100 Mait to Address Phone No. � ,[//" i /} �( ��� (/ (�Q�(j(/-L Y/3"�(/ /l��fi" r ManaperlOwner-Name 100 100 AlanagedGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2. 50 Rec�eived the Sum� � 100 'y¢� -' �(�c.(.9/ �/L�„� p'�0 . ,� Q ManagerlOwner-Ctty,State 3 Zip Code 100 T tal 100 LiCense Inspector By: Signature of Applieant Bond� Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Name PoliCy No. Expiration Oete Minnesota State Identification No. ~ h����Z�/ Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial NumDer �afs Number Other: THIS IS A R CEIPT FOR APPIICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERIkTE.Your application for cense wiil either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinanCe and complation of the inspections by the Health, ire,Zoning and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE F R ALL RETURNED CHECKS G��� � /�/� ��:���J q- ��9 � � � �� ' � •' ' TO BE CO PLETED BY BAR OWNER � • v��'l�t� Application No. ' Dat Received Bq - CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARZTAB E GAMBLING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled o t with a typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partne , bq each person who has interest ia excess of , Sx in the corporation and/ r association in which the name of the Iicense , will be issued. . THIS APPLICATION I SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC �.. 1. Application for (name of license) �ri��'���: �.c`;��:�� 2. Located at (address) ��; � � •c -=. 1 � u � 3. Name under which business is opez ted ���;�;.cv �-�....� 4. True Name � r2� - � �� L �n.h z� � Phone �� I _�1�1 <<I (First) (Middl ) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth � /3 -a?_ Place of Birth •���:i;�n_ ���k ��,,,,., t.J,�,_,,,. (Month, Day, Ye r) 6. Home Address � � �„ . I l. l � t�,,� Home Phoae �39� �151 7. Have you ever been convicted of y gambling violations? 1�(.� 8. List licenses which qou currentlq hold at this location. (��? �'� �,..i.r . �',� (� ) () � �� vh �;c.�k... ��.ui .¢.,c.;� l�t� � � �9�..;"�� 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAMB ING BOOTH WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR TERIAL SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. Y hereby state under oath that I have nswezed all of the above questians, and that the information contained therein is true d correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby state further uader oath that I have received no moneq or other coa�iderations, directlq, or indirectly, in connection with this license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other thaa alreadq disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minnesota ) ) ss County of Ramsey ) � Subscribed and sworn to before me thi (Sigaature of Applicant) �S day of �� 19 , w,r,v�n�r,r.•.�� J ��;�� KRIStINA L VAN HORN ; • ���NOTARr QUBUC—M�rtNESOT� ; No arq Public, ��pey Countq, Minneso a �- DAKOTA COU,yTy `; y�,��{yr � My Commission Exp�res 1an �. ..;_ � Mq Commisaion expirea . a �'�. �"N�'w'^"^ ;,.�, ' `t ' � �U / . . . � -�q��' , TO BE CO PLETEO BY BAR OWNER i under�cancl ancl wi t 1 upho ld che o in�nce amending Chapcer �t��1 of che St. Paul Legislat.ive Cocie (Incoxic ing !iquor� . I furcher underscand chac fa'ilure c comoly may result in the st�spension or revoca�ion of . , Qn Sale Lic{uor nd corresoonding licenses . Signature , �;I v��l � i, � EsLSblishment `�� l S ��`l oace - Recurn co: _ Licen�e v Pernic Oivision Roam :03, Ci cy Ftal l St. Paul , MN 551U2 Please retain the attached ordinanc for your records. 3/36 � . ' @�d'�-�Ro� S�i�'� ��u► C!`i'Y C�U�'�►i �tTB L L� ,r. R►!�IC �0� ►_C� . ���L1`t��L'• p� Lrl�A1.Z�L� �C�IVED . � � SEP 0 51989 cirY c��R�; , � � � y�. :_:... Dear Property Owner: L 15914 . . Application for�a Class A Gambling Location license. This license would a low the liquor establishment to lease space P�-�O c� to a charitable organization (Epilepsy Foundation of J Minnesota) for he sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. ����=1��!�� 0'Connell's CLo er CLub Inc I��'����j�{ 0'Connell's CLo er CLub, 501 University _.. October 19, 1989 9�`�o a•�• �'�� �r�C C�c7 C�uac�? C�aacers, 3rd L ocr C::� r�al.'_ - C;.u-_ ausa 3y L�c�sa a ?�-�c 7ir_s�oa, �7e�ar�e�c oc = ,�^cs -�.: � — w.=s�ag�eac rr.ces. 3aa� 203 C_�, ?aL� - C�ur: �usa, �Q�--C�.. S��- Sas:c ?actL. { cca ?°8-��So • : � aacz a�y be c�aa;e:. c,�c� ut c�e c�nsz�� ��/or ti:.c�:lac,e oi c�° L�csns� �c '==T � �i�r-'�;oz. :_ is ss�g�stad ��a= ?ou ca?_ t�e C:=:% �'-==�� = o==-== ac 2°8-.�;? T ;_ ��ou �_sa c�n=���=��. .