89-1901 WHITE - C'ITV CIERK t .
PINK - FINANCE COl111C11 ��^
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0 Zn nce �'�j ��i Ordinance N 0. ,��(��,�
Presented By
�ferred To � , � Committee: Date —_l�/G/g� 1�����
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending chap er 161 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code pertaining to sno emergency routes; establishing
a pilot snow emergency plowing pro ram.
The Council of the City of Saint aul Does Ordain:
Secti n 1
That section 161 .03 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is
hereby amended to read as follows.
161 .03. Streets affected.
� Pilot snow emer enc lowin ro r m. The followin
rovision shall a 1 onl to that ortion of the cit of
Saint Paul identified as Gitizen Partici ation Plannin
District 3 West Side lo ted on the west si of the
Mississiqqi River. All " now emer en r u s" 11 e
desi nated b the direct r of the de r m n f li w rk
and si ns shall be os e on all such rou es or io s
th reof. Vehicles shall n be sto ed arked ndon r
left unattended on an desi nated snow emer enc r te f r
duration of a declared em r enc • rovided tha ar in m
be resumed on indivi ual s ow emer enc ut str t as soon
as snow has been low d from that street. On all o h
streets which have not b n desi na s " now mer
route" no vehicle shall b sto e rked a an ned ie
unattended on the da ollowin th anno n r n
between the hours of 8• a.m an 12 • midn ' ht or �n
su h hours as other is ei nat in th ti n
rovide that arkin be res me n indivi u 1 str s
soon as snow h s been 1 o d f rom th t r i o o th n -s
emerqencv route.
Yeas Na s Requested by Department of:
Dimond y �C����'L(�G .��E����d^�
��g In Favor
�be1�� Against
Form Approve y City Attorn
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
By 1,,
Approved by PAayor: Date Approve y ayor for Submis io C
8�:E -M�oR E GITY OF SA NT PAUL F lecilNO. ``
Or Z� IZCP. OrdinanceNO. !�/�cl�f
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date ���� /�9
Out of Committee By Date
Secti n 2
This ordinance shall take ef ect and be in force thirty days
from and after its passage, a proval and publication. This
ordinance shall remain in effect or a period of one year from the
date of adoption by the council d shall automatically terminate
thereafter unless extended or am nded by the council .
Yeas Nays Requested by Depa�tment o�
��u�' i!'(�
�ng � In Favor
Rettman � Against B
NOV 2 1 1989 Form Appr by City A rney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified a ed by Counci Secret ry BY
Approv d b Mayor: Date V L � �v� Appro by Mayor for Submi io t C
l�UgltSlfD ��v 2 1 89
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The Saint Paul Public Works Department pl s on initiating a new plowing system
for Saint Paul. The present system normally begins at night with the plowing of all
snow emergency routes, then on the follo ' g two consecutive days (depending on
calendar date) the north-south and the east- est residential streets are plowed. This
procedure, covering three days takes appro ' ately 45 hours from start to
completion. The new plan calls for shorte ng this to a two-phase system of
plowing or approximately 20 hours from s art to completion.
Under the new system all snow emergenc routes would be plowed at night as they
currently are but,in addition,one-half(ei er the east half or the west halfl of all
north-south residential streets will also plowed. This will generally be true
throughout the city although exceptions ay be necessary to accommodate heavy
parking demand areas and other factors. Then,beginning immediately on the
following day all the east-west residenti streets and the other side of the
north-south residential streets would be lowed.
This proposal will enable the Public W ks Department to plow the city faster and
the quality will improve because the sn w will not be compacted by vehicle traffic as
much before plows get there. Additio y it will enable the depariment to react to
more frequent and lesser amounts of s owfalls.
In order to inform residents which str ts will be plowed, the existing snow
emergency destination signs will rem 'n plus signs will be placed on the residential �
streets designating them snow emerg ncy routes if they are to be plowed under the
snow emergency route phase. For ex ple, the sign on a residential street would
read "Snow Emergency Route—No arking This Side of Street." This should also
have the effect of simplifying the ne s media announcements. The
announcements would basically call for no parking on marked or designated snow
emergency routes at night and then o parking on all the non-designated or
unmarked routes the next day until ey are plowed.
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This new plan will require more equipment, ersonnel, a total redesign of the
plowing system and the placement of some ur to five thousand snow emergency
route signs throughout the city, all major ta s. In the past the biggest restraint had
been unavailable personnel. The Public Wo ks Depazhnent obtained approvals for
the creation of a new tifle which involves merger of several other existing titles
and will provide for more people being abl to operate truck plows. Because of the
scope of this operation the Public Works D partment has proposed the West Side as
a test area this winter, 1989-1990. They fee it is a good area because it is separated
from other neighborhoods of the city by v' tue of the Mississippi River. The test
area will provide important information a to just what the parking problems
might be and what additional considerati ns must be taken into account to have
, this plan function with the least amount o inconvenience to residences before it is
initiated throughout the city the followin winter.
. _
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5. 11/9/89 Final Order: Constru ting the Approved 3-0
(Bounded by Interstat 35-E on the west
and north, Shepard Ro d on the south and
on the east by Osceol Avenue and Sumac
Also, constructing st rm, sanitary and
water service connec ions if requested by
the property owners, for the SEVENTH/OTTO
6. Resolution 89-1715: Removing residential Approved 3-0
permit parking rest iction on both sides
of WILDER between D ton and Selby, and
both sides of MOORE between Laurel and
Selby. (Referred t Committee 9/26/89) .
(Laid over in Commi tee 10/18/89) .
7. Resolution 89-1469: Authorizing District Approved
Councils to use fun s allocated for substitute
neighborhood clean p projects in addition resolution
to Neighborhood C1 an-up Day and that 4-0
District 15 Commun ty Council is
authorized to util ze its Neighborhood
Clean-up allocatio for printing and
distribution of so id waste reduction and
recycling brochure. (Referred to Committee
9/21/89) . (Laid er in Committee
10/18/89) .
8. Letter of DISTRIC ENERGY submitting rates Approved 3-0
to be charged to ot water customers
effective October 1, 1989. (Laid over in
Committee 8/16, 9 20, 10/4 and 10/18/89) .
9. Ordinance 89-1901: An ordinance amending Approved 3-0
Chapter 161 of t e Legislative Code
pertaining to SN W EMERGENCY ROUTES and
establishing a p lot snow emergency
plowing program. (Referred to Committee
10/19/89) .
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3rd ,� �y �% Adopted
Yeas Nays
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