89-1898 WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANGE COU/1C1I CANAR��' -v'�EPARiMENT GITY OF S INT PAITL ����g BLUE +MAYOR File NO. � Council esolution � � ` Presented By ' �" � � ��`' �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Ronald Gnetz , 212 dith, West St. Paul , Minnesota, 55118, applied for a nonconformi g use permit under the provisions of Section 62. 102(11 ) of the aint Paul Legislative Code for the purpose of allowing rental occupancy of six dwelling units in an existing structure on p operty located at 2048 Bohland Avenue , legal.ly described as ot 9, Block 3 , Midway Highland Park Addition; and WHEREA5 , following a publi hearing with notice to affected property owners, the Plannin Commission by its Resolution No. 89-54 adopted June 23 , 19 9, denied the application based upon their findings that the density of the proposed use was not in keeping with the surrou ding area and that the petitioner had failed to adequately dem nstrate hardship if the use is returned to its legal nonco forming status as a four-plex; and WHEREAS , pursuant to th provisions of Section 64. 205 Ronald Gnetz duly filed with the City Clerk his appeal from the decision made by the Pl nning Commission requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of considering the actions taken b the said Commission; and WHEREAS , acting pursuant to Sections 64.205 through 64.208 and upon notice to appellant nd other affected property owners , a public hearing was duly onducted by the City Council on September 21 , 1989 where al interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; an WHEREAS , the Council h ving heard the statements made and having considered the pplication for nonconforming use permit, the report of staff, the minutes and findings of the Zoning Committee and the Plann ng Commission, does hereby COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel _ A g8i n S t BY Sonnen Wilson Form pp ved by C' At;,b ne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By ! gy, - Approved by lNavor: Date _ Ap rov d by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WMITE - CI7V GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PA LT L Council CANARY.-.�EPAi�TMEN 7 BLUE g MAVOR File NO. ,� Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE , that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby reverse the decision of the Planning Commission in this matter and does hereby approve t e application for a nonconforming use permit to allow six uni s in the existing structure at 2048 Bohland Avenue , Saint Pa 1 , Minnesota, legally described as Lot 9, Block 3, Midway Hi hland Park Addition, based upon the findings by the City Council that the Commission had committed an error in determining that he petitioner had failed to ade- quately demonstrate hardship ' f the use was required to be returned to a four-plex unit; an , be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that th City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Ronald Gnetz, the Zoning Administrator, and the Planning Commission. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman �-' s�ne;ne� __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson �''� � � 19g� Form Ap r ved by i orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e �y Counc.il et ;� B3' ��By 7 ^ Approved IVlavo • Ctate� ��� �` APPr v d by Mayor for Submission to Council C�,._�,� BY ; -�--�I�p 0 C T 2 81989 By DEPARTI�AENTlOFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIATED � ��-��� i lerk�S p���.�e REEN SHEET No. i 89 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INRIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DE ENT DIRECTOR �CRY COUNCIL 4231 N�M�� C ATTOFiNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNp�AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING BW ET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MQT.SERVICES DIR. �R � MA OR(OR ASSISTANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCIITIO S FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Resolution granting the appeal of Rona�d Gne�jz ' rom the decision of the Planning Commission. This resolution reverses the Planning Gommis�io 's de�ision RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(/q or Reject(Fq CWlNCIL OOMY RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVIL SERVICE COMMI3810N ��YST PFIONE NO. _GB COMMITI'EE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: ' _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WFllpi COUNdL OBJECTIVE? INtTIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOFl7UNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Whero,Why): Resolut�ion requested by Council confirming �ct on taken at Public Hearing held September 21, 1989. ' ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: DiSADVANTAQE3 IF APPROVED: R'ECE1VEp ��.11� � �tK c►� � D18ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPF�VED: Council Research Center � OCT 101989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = ' COST/REVENUE BUDCiETED(qRCI.E ON� YES NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE � ACTIVITY NUMBER FIWWGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � ���`���� CitY �p ` � R�$ �. �� __', CITY OF SAINT PAUL a . ��������„ ; DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT rm °11 �� � �a' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 �66'� 612-22&3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVED August l, 1989 Albert Olson, City Clerk AUG 0 3 i989 xoom 3s6, �ity xail ClTY CLERK Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #10520 - Ronald Gnetz ( riginal Case File #10482) City Council Hearing: August �0' 1 89 -T-,�- �r- 4:� � PURPOSE: To appeal the decision to deny the applicant's request for a Nonconforming Use Permit to allow the co tinued occupancy of the structure as a six unit apartment. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: Deny ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Deny STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve SUPPORT: One letter received. OPPOSITION: None. Dear Sir: On June 15, 1989, the Zoning Committee f the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this nonconforming use. The petitioner testified. At the close of the public hearing, the Committee voted 6 to 0 to deny the nonconforming use based on the density of the use not bei g in keeping with that of the surrounding area and the petitioner not adequately demonstrating hardship if the use is returned to its legal noncon orming status of "four-plex. " On June 23, 1989, the Planning Commissi n upheld the Zoning Committee's recommendation on a vote of 10 to 0 wit one abstention. This appeal is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on August 10, 1989. Please notify me by August 8 if any mem er of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the pub ic hearing. Sincerely, �' ; '"--_.— ..C�� / Peggy A. Reichert Deputy Director for Planning PAR:rm Attachments n���;� � 't �„F�`y w'.• 'y �',y, ,}71Y++ ; 1 �"�"t.s€�.�a� . t 1i�:fi ;$+Yr°" � }.;, _^ # i �4 4 F � , �.A r f � 3 t 9 4 n^� ��7 t�° t �� � '��z���� s �. t�t A �F,'"P . ' ,r 1 4 .�'� S �, 1 ` "Y.7 � �v"�'°i .� a.�t�� � ', i t� ti�l � � � � ,A � �:.{ � 1 �� t t li' . ..f L F .}. i �1 4 } t �.�_'� '�pX{ �, '� r f ' �:-� i y �� • ` :i ,�� f v� 3��., i �;- +� a r. 77 r y' ' �.� - k ;y. � � r�j �.. 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'�:�"�.'a.��`, ta,���'yy� `� <.ff ' fr.'� '� �., s��'u` CITY OF SAINT PAUL _�:��,t, o;`� � ~0 '�� OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY �o � _� -�: ',':,� iii�iLii iil c_� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY '�"'�m,���6^'�s''`` 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Min�esota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR RECEIVED S�p281989 MEMORANDUM CIZYCLERK DATE: September 28 , 1989 TO: Albert B. Olson City Clerk FROM : Edward P . Starr City Attorney I have received your letter dated eptember 21 , 1989 requesting a resolution implementing action of he City Council concerning the appeal to a decision of the Planni g Commission concerning property at 2048 Bohland. Jerome J. Segal of our office has been assigned to prepare this matter by October 12 , 1989 . W rkload , vacation schedules or other problems may result in this deadline not being met , but if not , I have asked the assigned a torney to communicate with you in writing as to his or her progre s with your request . If our proposed deadline does not meet your needs , please advise me or Jane McPeak and we will t y to accommodate circumstances which require special consideratio . EPS/mkc � ����� . ,,u£� � l ��'� � �- � . , a� � ��- , ��� � � , � � � . . � , ,, f �j � �' r �� !✓ � v'LivlJ' � "%�Z�� � C'� �/, ,y�_ }- /'� ��� �� � �� � ' �� i L 6� j�'� �' �:.-✓ � � � i�''✓ � � � � / �, / �� � � � � �� l .� T �� �� � . 1 . � 3 �- �' � � � _ . , ��- ��°� ✓' . � ,�� �. - . , . u �,,,�`.�(�,,, � , C� �� � , � . �, , ` •�' ,�'� .,, ( ��' �� -°1�.,r�;�' � �- � � w � �� t � � � � /� � f � � " _ �1 n i L � ..�� ���`-�';..�, _������ ���� /� . - - i � �' � � i G� , MM.MMMV i—^ � � JEAN M.GROSHENS � � MOTAPY PUBLIC-MlNNESOTA % ��I^V �/�N�` � RAkSEY COUN7Y � My Comm.fxWres Jun•27•1991 ' m�,�o��,,� � � � �� � C� _g � D � , �s 9 - %����"� , , � - 3 �� �' Z �, S, f 98� � ` ��'�'�t-��'�� , � � ��� �a � �� � � � �, , � , � � _- , �,� / � �y���'7/�'!'`.- � ��,� � �,... 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(11) of he Saint Paul Legislative Code, for the purpose of allowing rental occupancy of s x units in an existing structure on property located at 2048 Bohland Avenue, egally described as Lot 9, Block 3, Midwa} Highland Park Addition; and WHEREAS, the Zoning Committee of the Plan ing Commission on June 15, 1989, held a public hearing at which all persons prese t were given an opportunity to be heard pursuant to said application in accordanc with Lhe requirements of Section 64.300 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul Planning Commission, ased on the evidence presented to its Zoning Committee at the public hearing as substantially reflected in the minutes, made the following findings of fact: 1. The density of the use is not in keep g with that of the surrounding area. 2. The petitioner has failed to adequate demonstrate hardship, if the use is returned to its legal nonconforming s tus of "four-plex." NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Sa nt Paul Planning Commission, that under � the suthority of the City's Legislative C de, the application for a Nonconforming Use Permit to allow rental occupancy of s x units in an existing structure at 2048 , Bohland Avenue is hereby denied. moved by MORTON seconded by NEID in favor- against � Abstained 1 . � � �'9-l�� ` MINUTES OF THE Z ING COl4iITTEE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, SAINT PA , MINNESOTA ON JUNE 15, 1989 PRESENT: Mmes. Hirte, Morton, Tracy, W ncl and Zieman; Mr. Neid of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Segal, ssistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Building Inspection and D sign Division; Mr. McGuire and Ms. Murray of the Planning Divisi n staff. ABSENT: *Mr. Christenson and Mr. Repk . *Excused. The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton Chairman. Ronald Gnetz (#10482) : A Nonconforming se Permit for property located at 2048 Bohland Avenue to permit the contin ed occupancy of the structure as a six-unit apartment. The applicant was present; there was no pposition present. Mr. McGuire showed slides of the site an reviewed the staff report with a recommendation for approval. He stated hat the ad�oining alley carries a lot of vehicular traffic, some of which may e caused by a "no left turn permitted" sign on Saint Paul Avenue. M . McGuire added that the applicant has provided evidence of a ten-year peri d of existence which was not available in 1987 when a request for rez ning was denied. He said that District 15 voted to make no recommendat on. Committee discussion followed regarding income from the rental units a d whether the property was taxed as a four- or six-unit structure. Ronald Gnetz� 212 Edith Drive, West Sain Paul, summarized the history of the building, stated that it was built in 19 7-48 as a legal four-plex; purchased in 1959 by St. Leo's parish as a convent for their teaching sisters at which time the structure was remodeled into si apartments, three on the top floor, two on the main floor, and one in the ba ement; in 1971-1972 the building was sold and Lhe six apartments were rented. He referred to two notarized letters from occupants of the building during 19 3 and 1975 verifying the building's six-unit configuration at that time; als presented a letter from an occupant who resided in the building during May, 982 to June, 1983. He said that the building was sold in 1974 and was sold a ain in 1980. Mr. Neid asked if the applicant owns oth r investment property in the Twin Cities. Mr. Gnetz replied that he owns o duplexes in South St. Paul. Mr. Neid asked who owned 2048 Bohland in 197 -77. The applicant replied that it was a Mr. Van Sickle, now deceased. Mr. Neid asked if the internal layout of the six units is in compliance with the ode for ingress, egress, etc. Mr. Gnetz replied that those code requiremen s are met; there are two stairways leading to the second floor units; the b sement unit has one set of steps and a bedroom escape window. . ���� � F�ie �io482 ' Page 1�0 Mr. Neid questioned if the building as operated as a six-unit structure after the request for rezoning was denied late 1987. Mr. Gnetz replied yes. Mr. Neid asked when the Fire Department 'nspected the building. Mr. Gnetz responded that the inspectors visite the building this spring and indicated that unless a nonconforming use perm t was obtained, it would be necessary to vacate two of the units. Mr. Neid a ked why the applicant continued to operate the building as a six-plex a d why he did not request a nonconforming use permit sooner. Mr. Gnetz respon ed that he was waiting for a notice and did not want to ask his tenants to m ve any quicker than necessary because that action would result in a financ al loss of $500 a month. Mr. Neid asked about the applicant's profession. Mr. Gnetz replied that his work is building maintenance and lan scaping. Ms. Zieman asked when the property w s purchased and whether the real estate tax statements show the property to e taxed as a four- or as a six-plex. Mr. Gnetz answered that he purchased the property in 1985 and added that the tax statements do not show the number of units in the building. He shared a copy of the tax statement. Ms. Tracy asked if St. Leo's parish ad information that the six-unit remodeling was done at the time they owned the building. Mr. Gnetz stated that the parish secretary researche St. Leo's archives; he was informed that St. Leo's has no available written cumentation and that records are kept for a minimum number of years and then stroyed. Mr. Neid asked the applicant if he d ever lived in the building. Mr. Gnetz replied no. Mr. Neid asked how muc the applicant paid in real estate taxes on the building. Mr. Gnetz stated at he pays $548.89 per month. There being no further testimony, M . Morton closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. :is. Zieman asked if there was any i formation to show if the building was taxed as a four- or as a six-unit s ructure. Mr. McGuire replied that according to records from the 1987 earing, the building was taxed as a four-plex; however, he said, the t statement shows only the valuation taxed, not the number of units. Ms. Ziema asked if there was a method to determine how many units were in the building. Mr. McGuire responded that the property card would have to be examined in t e assessor's files and added that from prior experiences, the records are ot always accurate. Mr. Neid asked if there was a Distr ct 15 representative present at the hearing. Mr. McGuire said that the representative was no longer present. Mr. McGuire reviewed the District 15 me ting. He said that the motion was to deny; the motion failed; there was o subsequent motion; there was no recommendation; there were a number of people who addressed the issue pro and con; also present was a member of t e District Council who said he was confident that the building had bee converted to a six-plex by St. Leo's and has been operated as a six-unit bui ding since that time. . � -r��` � �d� File �10482 ' Page Three Ms. Zieman asked for a review of oper tional expenses. Hr. McGuire said that according to the information furnish� , there is a profit of $201 per month with six units; with four units, ther would be a loss of $548.80 per month. Ms. Hirte referred to staff report fi dings number three and six as they address "broader issues" in the commu ity. Ms. Zieman moved to recommend denial ased on the applicant's failure to adequately demonstrate hardship if th use is returned to its legal nonconforming status of "four-plex" a d also that permitting the nonconforming use of the six units would increase t e density of the area. Ms. Hirte seconded the motion which passed on a roll call vote of 6-0. Submitted by: Approved by: _ / /. I�• %%�v�t�� �t l�;//1 ��c''�-C'c'� `- . Charles L. McGuire / Gladys MoY on, Chairman ����� . ZONING COMMITT E STAFF REPORT FILE #10482 1. APPLICANT: Ronald Gnetz DATE OF HEARING: June 15, 198Q 2. CLASSIFICATION: Nonconforming Use Per it (NCUP) 3. LOCATION: 2048 Bohland Avenue (southw st corner Bohland and Wilder) 4. PLANNING DISTRICT: FIFTEEN 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot 9, Block 3; Mi way Highland Park Addition 6. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONI G CODE REFERENCE: Section 62.102. (11) 7. STAFF INVESTIGATION AND REPORT: DATE June 7, 1989 BY: Charles L. McGuire A. PURPOSE: To consider an application f r a Nonconforming Use Permit (NCUP) to allow rental occupancy of six units in an existing structure. The latest certificate of occupancy is for four u its. B. PARCEL SIZE: The parcel has 138.37 fe of frontage on Bohland Avenue and 38.87 feet of frontage on Wilder. The depth f the lot from Wilder to the alley is 125 feet. The lot depth along the alle is 98,22 feet. The area of the parcel is approximately 8,568 square feet. C. EXISTING LAND USE: The property is dev loped with a two story, wood frame, stucco exterior, residential structure hich contains five one-bedroom units and one two-bedroom unit. A detached two-c r garage is at the rear of the lot. D. SURROUNDING LAND USE: North: Highland Catholic elementary S ool & Saint Leo's Church East: Single family residential; R-4 South: Single family residential; R-4 West: Mixed density residential; RM-2 E. ZONING HISTORY: From 1925 to 1951, the site was zoned "C" Residence. The site was evidently downzoned in 1951 to "A" esidence. In 1969, a petition to rezone the site to "C" Residence was withdrawn when a determination was made that the property had legal nonconforming status as a four-plex. A request to rezone the property to RM-2 Multi-Family Residenti 1 was denied in the fall of 1987. F. ZONING CODE CITATION: Section 62.102. ( 1) states that "The Planning Commission may grant (emphasis added) legal noncon orming status to uses or structures which fail to meet the standards of thi section if, following a public hearing, . . ���� �� File #10482 Page Two the Planning Commission makes the ollowing findings: (1) the use occurs entirely within an existing struct re; (2) the use is similar to other uses permitted within the district; (3) the use is appropriate and is consistent with the general welfare of the communi and the enjoyment of adjacent property; (4) the use has been in existence for period of at least ten (10) years prior to the application to the planning co ission; (5) the off-street parking is adequate to serve the use; (6) the se is in substantial agreement with the comprehensive plan; (7) hardship wo ld result if the use were discontinued; (8) rezoning the property would result n "spot zoning" or a zoning inappropriate to surrounding land uses; and (9) that a notarized petition of two-thirds of the property owners within one hundred 100) feet of the property has been obtained stating support of the use. The P1 nning Commission may attach other conditions to ensure the public welfare. The applicant shall present the peti ion, evidence of a ten-year period of existence, and evidence that convers'on of the use and structure would result ir. hardship. The applicant shall provi e floor plans and other information as required to substantiate his case." F. FINDINGS: 1. The use proposed by the petitione occurs entirely within an existing structure. 2. The use, except for density, is s milar to other uses permitted within the district, in that it is a residen ial use of property in a residential zone. 3. Although staff does not view the se as a six unit apartment as particularly "appropriate" ; if adequate off-s reet parking is provided, and the building and grounds maintained in reasona le order, the use should not be a detriment to the general welfare the community or the enjoyment of adjacent property. 4. The property owner is presently tr ing to establish proof of the existence of the use for the 10 year period equired by the ordinance. 5. A six unit dwelling requires nine ff-street parking spaces. Our observation of the site indicates hat there is space for seven cars in a paved area along the alley, and a o car garage at the southwesterly corner of the site. The parking requirem t is met. 6. The Comprehensive Plan supports al ernatives to single-family housing and provision of different types of hou ing to meet different need. The proposed use could thus be consider d to be in substantial agreement with the Comprehensive Plan. 7. The petitioner has stated that oper tional expenses exceed revenue if the number of units is reduced to four nits. , ����� � � File #10482 Page Three 8. Rezoning the property would resul in "spot zoning." A petition to rezone the property to RM-2 was previous y denied using the spot zoning criteria as one of the findings for denial. 9. The petitioner has submitted a n tarized petition containing the signatures of seven of the nine eligible pr erty owners, meeting the requirements of this finding. G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Provided the etitioner furnishes proof of occupancy as a six unit apartment for the required 0 years, and evidence of hardship which the Commission finds to be satisfactory, the staff recommends approval. . . ��-���' � HIGHLAND AREA C MMUNITY COUNCIL 790 CLEVELAND AVE. S. SUITE 2088 ST. PAUL, MN 55116 (612) 690-0866 T0 : Zoning Committee FRO`I: Highland Area Communit_v ouncil DATE : June 12 , 1989 RE : 2048 Bohland On June 8 , 1989 , the Highland A ea Community Council met and reviewed the non-conforming use permit application submitted for 2048 Bohland . Th board voted on the following motion . .� . . . . . , " Re ommend against issuing the non-conforming use permit" . The motion failed . Z��itNG FILE . . . �' ,.�Ys�.w:.a. i:.r��-�t. ., . , r _ _ . i' ? , : . 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P N� : 2 �"`''�"�,,.,,.- . ,Saint Pcul, �fa(55116 �� `. :.�� 5 ���N � •.��+..�.s � + ' �989 r. � � �.. � � . .- i 1 . _ . , .-� ' G' � . �v`--j�lti�'L-" - G�'l�li � ; - / a��n�-��� ; /�-� � °� - . ��' �o � . . � . _. /�i� �� /�.���. ¢ � . � � i � �■■� , - �/ - � _ ' . . . ,�y . � • '�-���C/3R�L", a ., , r. •��.�,�.. •'i�►�'. � - •u� ��~ . . .. �. . . � . • . . ��r--���� . � AP�'LICATION fOR NON�I�ORMIN6 USE PERMIT CITY OF SAINT PAUL ZONING OFFICE USE ONLY Zoning File # �B`��.� RECEIVED Application Fee S / `10 � �'� Tentative Hearing Date e�G � MAY � 1989 Number of Lots or Size of Parcel: � ZONING sssaasassssaaasazanasasasassas=mssacs= A legal nonconforming use of structurelland is ne Nhich lawfuliy existed on October 25, 1975, the effective date of the adoption of the Saint Paul Zoning Code. Application is hereby made for a Nonconforming Use Permit unde provisions of Chapter 62, Section 102, Subdivision 5, Paragraph of the Zoning Co e. ______________________________________________ __________________________________________ A. APPLICANT Name Phone (Daytime) �S�-��5q Address Zip 5511R Property interest of Applicant (Owner, con ract purchaser, etc.) n�,T,P,. Name of owner (if different) =ma:a=assoa===aa=o=cc===coa=cx==a=c===c:a=ae== =nn=a=x====��sa======�=eas:a=�asa�a==acn=s B. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Address/Location 4 h ' , Legal Description: Lot 9 Block 3 Add. Midwav Hitthland Park Addition to the Cit of St. Paul Ramse Count Minnesota 55116 Present Zoning R-4 Lot Size 138.37 fc. x98.22 ft. x 38.87 ft. asssssxsseaaamas==�xma=cea=a==���aas=acaaa:eax sa=ssasssasxsaasxnssa�aas�ss=as=a�zeamam=a= C. USE INFORMATION Previous Use (Attach supporting documentat'on) �G �, �r� as a six (6) rental aper�t s has a certificate of for fo�s (4) rental tmits . Proposed Use or Change (Attach Site Plan) o �� �f�T�B � �r fo�' the six �6) 6 rental tmits hav�e beai t�d and meet a11 req�ar�ents and hav�e been lf you ha�e any questi�ns, please contact: Saint Paul Zoning Office, 1100 City Nall nnex 4102 25 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, Minnes ta 55102 (298-4154) _ 2/85 ._ __ � _ . __ _ _ _ _ _ _. _: . _ . _ _._, ,> - - - - - .. �:.. _ , . _ _ < W:_.. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ .- - - - - ���� � > , CONSENT OF ADJ INING PROPERTY OWNERS We, the undersigned, owners of property w thin 100 feet of 204g gohl nd � acknowledge that we have been furnished w th a copy of the application of � Ron 1 n z for a sp cia] condition use permit/nonconforming use permit circle one along with any releva t site plans, diagrams, or other documentation; and that we consent to the approval of th s application as it was explained to us by the applicant or his/her representative. � LOT BLOCK ADDITION RECORD 0 NER SIGNATURE OATE � 7 Ottos Church of St Leo � � � _.� Midway Church of St Leo '' � 8 3 Hi hland Pk. � "' -�--5' - y 5 9 M i dway Church o f St Leo �� - Hi hland Pk. � S � � .�-.�- �j 3 Midway � � O Hi hland Pk. " �� 3 Midway � �` _ _ Hi hland Pk. �` �� -S ' �.�,:t.tr3�" �^ :S' ! � � �' 3 Midway � � . � Hi hland Pk. Ll�(,(,w-_ ��.� S- �-� 3 Midway - Hi hland Pk. �- %- �' Midway Hi hland Pk. � � - � 3 2,85 � � . ���� � S?ATE Of MINNESOTA) � ' . SS ` COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) A , bein fi�st uly s�rorn, deposes and states that he �s ►_ne 9 person who circulated the within petition nd consent, consisting of � pages; :ha� aF�; ant is inf ormed and believes that the arties descriDed are the owners respect`vely of the lots placed immediately before each n�ae, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described ibove i the ormer of property which is within 100 feet from any p�operty ow�ed or purCAa ed by petitioner o� sold by �etitioner within one (1 ) year preceding the date of his petition r►hich is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that e tept fo� none of the parties described above has pu thased 'or s purcfiasing property rom petitioner contiguous to the above descrl property within o�e il) year of the date of the petition; that this consent �as si ed by each of said owne�s 1n the presence of this affiant, and that the sl9natures are he t�ue and correct- signatures of each and al� of the parties so descrlbed. - �l� ���, l�J�S� S�V�.�. ress �,� ���� � . �} � Z - 1 cQ.� e ephone Number Subscribed and sworn to before �e thi s � day of , 1989 yotary 'ubl i c . � ��r� Mr��woo Y Approved as ta form - FeD. 85 Page �` �lannfna Departeeni , _ � �� ���y� , . SUFFICIEN CHECK SHEET REZONINGS SCUP NCUP PET TIONS , DATE PETITION SUBI�ITTED: � � DATE OFFICIALLY RECEIVED: ��� y RESUBMITTED N PARCELS ELIGIBLE: � PARCEIS ELIGIBLE: PARCELS NEEDED: � PARCEIS NEEDED: PARCELS SIGNED: � PARCEIS SIGNED: CHECKED BY: � � -r/'� DATE: � — � ^ '(c� i °'' -^' � a � �. �.s�°� � : � � �-. ,c- :� : 3c �.S� � 3,.a�S /�—.���Z t : ����� �v��� . . r CITIZEN PARTICIPA IO DIS I TS a:ei .F ay R �.. � t : � � e .e+v.� L� 'I 9 � �O ' .. ... v... ..r� � S _ � E Nr IY[ 12�� �wrt.trO .YE ..� * �i� � � ' � - 1 � _ _ ; _ , - - _ .� : - ��r ' s ,� �� � - � � J E M 31 !0'�y b, � ■ � ; ' Sr i - � +� i�,Fa � � �ME..�M rt F 5 � �MEhMM $ �- / 5- } E ee� Sl `` Z = - = - � 4 E � � � ��.. _ _ : f - � � _ = 8 ��`� ' ; L�'g� 0/�6 ME =I �" P ' I i • I I �p 4� i V S. _ �.,....- e,` _ "� 4 _. .� 16' 1 y. � -� 3 � ' $ � �L-a � ,�� �.�F 14 t.�CuS:r �E �� ��. -�'�.� .�.� # � �EP L1��A� a 2 e��Odw� �t '_ � # 't S� �'���-� � � f Z � 3 2 � _ ; � '�` - { ' J� I � � _ _ � _ " w. t :r _ _ Y �E �NMN.x.0 � ��' / ; �`t Z / - - 15' _ �� _ � ,T , ,� �..�. .� -�"� : - �'J ?� Ewr,.e� x - . . N n_. S � r�' � ,� 1 _ ��� _ °� • � � i i E. `� - ,--- N� � ,+yr aOpG 4oJC EE� —�.^ wLE �I?IZE�� PARTI IPATIOP� PLA�d"dIrJG �ISTRICTS 1. SUNRAY—BA TLE CREEK—NIGHWOOD 2. HAZEL PAR HAYDEN—PROSPERITY HEIGHTS HILLCREST 3. :JEST SI DE 4. DAYTON'S LUFF 5. PAY�JE—PI�A EN 6. NORTH END 7. TH0�1AS—DA E 8. SUMMIT—U"J VERSITY 9. :JEST SEVE �TH 10. COMO 11. HAMLINE—M DUTAY 12. ST. ANTHO Y 13. MERRIAM P..—LEXINGTON HAMLINE—S'VELLING HAMLINE 4 RO ELAN MACALESTER 15. HI 16. SUMMIT HI L —"""�"'� 17. DOWNTOWN Z����� �'�L� I D`i�4' �.■.�� �J/��'..��� �id`, ' I � . i ...'. I i� jI '�J2�� �� ^�s'1_� . iC7C�'! �� .�c=T..� ,1I'^ C-{��r�.Ct� .t. �r�i�___^' - . � I� �� _ ., . ...... �. .. ... s'��.L�� �I � 5���� i �� '�`�� i � ( 1� - I . ........ ...... ��Tm�T� ,�.... ��="�'E� �_� '�"'►.—_�, � I �� � I k^, a..,,.K��WW�I.�, "��'��,�i"'� ���- • � :� � � ,�'�'�! _,��� � ji � _"' ���,'- �-� t� �' ��' '.a` �', �E-��t��.',,'. ;,1� � B �� P�� �� _ �`y _ � �� � �'�t �j � . � � �� � ��; f � ,� ^,�. :,, . � � ���, ;�, ��- � ��� � ,.,�,, `�, . - ,� 1' ... ..... � . �.,-� %{ • � ., �` � ��.. " ��: -- -� �� �F �' '' - ` N\ , ; � ��� :, v � , �.. ;' ;° � �I� '�� ',,i \ � �� � .I :J r�! .. . ; ,�� \•,, -:` �; � , � ° �. 1 ,\ /� ,. _. , _ , _ ._ _ ,: , •- t . `'� . _ j / i • / . _... ,,, , ..,,.� : ' ��. , .; �.. �r�� B ` ;�,.� ��B '; `�� ';,,,r� � � � HIGHLAND DISTRICT 15 N ZONI G FlLE a . �a —f— - . !a�� � ��t� � ��� ST. PAUL ITY COUNCIL PUBI. IC HE RING NOTICE Z N I N G R'ECEIVED JUL 2 61989 CITY CLERK T0: Property owners within 350' ; FIL E N 0. 10520 Representatives of P1 anni ng Di str ct 15 PAGE PURPOSE To appeal the dec sion to deny the appl icant' s request for a Nonconforming Use Permit to permit the continued occupancy of the structure s a six unit apartment. LOCATION 2048 Bohland Aven e (South west corner at Wilder) PETITIONER RONALD GNETZ HEARING Thursday, August o, 1989 9:00 A.�. Citv Council Chamb rs, 3rd Floor City Hall - Cour[ House Q U E S TIO N S Zoning 22g_3364 (Chuck McGuire) Contact the Zoning Sect.ion of the Planning and Economic Development Depart ent, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, t. Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal Description: On file Notice sen[ 7/25/89 ��-����' '��$C t�Y op �i 4 � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,°, ��������„� ro DEPARTMENT F PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT `vm ���� �� �� �o' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 186� 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR R�CEIVED Juiy ii, 1989 JUL 111989 CITY CLERK Mr. Albert B. Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Deaz Mr. Olson: This letter is written to confirm the hea ing date for: Applicant: Ronald Gnetz File Number: #10520 Purpose: Appeal the decision of t e Planning Commission Legal Description of Property: 2048 Bohland Avenue Lot ; Blk 3; Midway Highland Park Add. Previous Action: Planning Division Decision: Denied (vote 10-0-1) 6-23-89 Zoning Committee Recommenda ion: Denied (vote 6-0) 6-15-89 Board of Zoning Appeal: In order to allow time for the mailing of appropriate notices, please schedule the hearing date as soon as possible afte 8-3-89. Our preference would be 8-10-89. I will phone you within the next few days for schedule confirmation. Sincerely, ��,.�:�/�_ � �.y�,.-- Daniel K. Bayers Zoning Section r � \ cc: file # 10520 � �� L cc: Mary Jean I 9 ���G—��Q� ST. PAUL Y COUNCIL PU6LIC HE RING NOTICERECEIV ZO ING ED , Aus o s 1989 � � :1TY CLER�: � T0: Property owners within 350' ; FIL E N 0. 10520 Representatives of Planning Distri t 15 PAGE PURPOSE To appeal the deci ion to deny the appl icant's request for a Nonconforming Use ermit to permit the continued occupancy of the structure a a six unit apartment. LOCATION 2048 Bohland Avenu (South west corner at Wilder) PETITIONER RONALD GNETZ HEARING Thursday, August i , 1989 9:0o A.�. Citv Council Chambe s, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House QUESTIONS Zoning 2?g_3364 ( huck McGuire) Contact the Zoning ection of the Planning and Economic Development Departm nt, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, S . Paul, Minnesoia 55102 Legal Description: On file Notice sent 8-8-89 �O F� C�� s����'�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL -��' �y p; ��, OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY ';+ iiii�i ti i� �G' <;., EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY /�°'���Q°'�.��'°� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR October 4, 1989 �' �,_ ;:, t ��� � � ��'��: ,`•.,�_:.. . ,:- : .:... :.. Albert Olson u y City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Mr. Olson: Enclosed is the resolution whi h you had requested on behalf of the City Council granting t e appeal of Ronald Gnetz from the decision of the Planning Comm ssion. This resolution reverses the Planning Commission' s decis 'on and grants a nonconforming use permit for property locate at 2048 Bohland Avenue. I am also returning the City Counci file. Would you please prepare the r quired Green Sheet and process the resolution through the City C uncil . Yo very t uly, \ JE ME . GA� sista t ity Attorney JJS :cg Encl .