89-1877 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF . AINT PAiTL Council ��y`�/� CANARY - DEPARTMENT - �'/"/ BLUE -MAVOR . FIIe NO. �✓ ' • � Council Resolution �q1 �,.� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date �d ��—�/ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, In adopting the 1989 budget for Cf ic Organization Contributions (09100), the City Council identified CDBG dollars as in ended/partial financing for new and CDBG eligible projects, and WHEREAS Final payments are due to Face to Face Health Center, Helping Hand Health Center, Model C�ties Health Center North End Hea1 h Center, St. Paul Intervention Project, The Family Tree, Urban Indian �iealth Board and West Side Health Center for services performed under contracts which were partially fund� by CDBG dollars, and WHEREAS, Spending and financing authority ere never budgeted for the CDBG portion of contracts with these organizations for 19� , and WHEREAS the Mayor, pursuant to Section 14.07.1 of the City Charter, does certifp that there are ava�lable for appropriation revenues i excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the followi changes to the 1989 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN ___Budget Changes ___Budget____ 001 GENERAL FUND ---- ------------- 7399 Transfer From Special Fund 3,252,931 59,075 3,312,006 (P6-100-39505-61312) �511 Other Financing 121,565,904 0 121,565,904 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Financing Plan 124,818,835 59,075 124,877,910 SPENDING PLAN 001 GENERAL FUND Executive Administration General G vernment Accounts 09100 Civic Organization Contribut on 09100-0545 City Contribution To Ou side 735,250 59,075 794,325 Ag ency 09100 All Other Spending 2,000 0 2,000 All Other General Fund Spending 124,081,585 0 124,081,585 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Spending Plan 124,818,835 59,075 124,877,910 NET CHANGE 59,075 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City , ouncil approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: -- -- _`�_�.����",�!_---- Budget D r tor COUNCILMEN R ueste by Depa ent of: Yeas b1mOr1C1 NaYs �y Gosw�tz 5C� In Favor Lang � 'J xecutive Ad�i stration R�ttn�an Against ND12.WK1) ' Scheibel Sonn�n �►Z �l�1 2 � I�9 Form Appr d by City m Adopted by Council: Date Certified Y s b uncil etary- BY By A►pproved avor• Dat Appro by Mayor for Submis ' By �� ��OV - 419 9 ' ` l� � /��� DE$ARTME CE/C011NqL DATE INI A Exec Admin-General Government 10/2/8 GREEN SHEET No. 2 7� CONTACT PER30N 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE Barbara Jeanetta Z9H—�F1�iO �P�TMEPITDIRECTOR CITYOOUNqL N�MB� dTY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT 8E ON COUNGL ACiENDA BY(DAT� pOUTIN�i BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. October 20, 1989 MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CUP ALL CATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� �mp�lRement��Council's 1989 budget intent by ransfer'ring CDBG dollars to the General Fund to pay for part of contract obligations with Face to Face Health Center, Helping Hand Health Center, Model Cities Health Center, North nd Health Center, St. Paul Intervention Project, e Family Tree, Urban Indian Health Board an West Side Health Center. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(ly or Re�ect(R) COUNpL ITTFE/RESEARCFt REPORT OPTIONAL _PI.ANNIN(i COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N ��Y� PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ f�MMENT3: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INITIATIN(i PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.When.Where,Why): Q,I I Council identified CDBG dollars as inten d/partial financing for new and CDBG pro�ec s in the Civic Organization Contribution l 9 budget. Spending and financing authority were never budgeted for the CDBG portion of c tracts with organization. Final payments are due for services performed to organization� sted above. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Spending and financing authority can be tablished so that the City can meet its payment obligations for contracts for service wi nonprofit organizations. 1989 budgetary intent can be implemented. RECF►v�R ��cE�vE� j�'l0� DISADVANTAGES IF APPf�VED: ��j'v t �GR� NONE Gouncil Resea h Cent�r �'�� �'�`� ��'�A�fi� OCT 04 9 DI3ADVANTAOE3IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to meet its p ent obligations for contracts for service to the above mentioned organizations. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 59,O�S CpgT/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON YES NO FUNDINQ SOUi�E CDBG (P6-100-39505-61312) Acrivr�y au�s�R 09100 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) . .. � � ..., ��9 _���/ ,�`: ��� CITY SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTM NTAL MEMORANDUM I i October 2 , 1989 TO: Bob Hammer, Jeanett Anderson FROM: Barbara Jeanetta RE: Reimbursement For P yment To CDBG Funded Projects When Council approved the 1 89 budget for Civic Organization Contributions (001-09100) they identified CDBG dollars as a partial financing source for contra ts with some organizations. You identified those projects in your 1989 CDBG budget P6-100-39505- 61312 . I will be making fourth qua ter payments to the organizations listed below on or after Oc ober 20, 1989. The dollar amount , listed to the right of the b ganization's name is the amount of � their contract that was suppo ed to be financed with CDBG dollars. Face To Face Health Cen er 3 , 200 Helping Hand Health Cen er 16, 000 Model Cities Health Cen er 4 , 125 North End Health Center' 3 , 200 St. Paul Intervention P oject 12 , 000 The Family Tree 3 , 200 Urban Indian Health Boa d 14 , 150 West Side Health Center 3 , 200 $59, 075 In order to have adequate s ending authority in the General Fund to make fourth quarter payme s, I need to prepare and have Council adopt a 1989 budget amendmen . A copy of the proposed resolution is attached. It should appe r on the Council ' s meeting agenda in 2 weeks. Will you please prepare the ID to move the dollars? Please send me a copy of the ID so that I know it has been completed. Kathy Mohrland is collectiri information from each of the health clinics to satisfy CDBG repo ting requirements. I am working with St. Paul Intervention Proje' t to do the same. We will forward it to you before the end of th month. Thanks for your help. cc: G. Blees, K. Mohrland, D. Neisius i - - - - _ _ __ - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- -- -- -- -- ---- - - - -- --- -- - -- -- - - - i - - - I WHITE - UTY CI.ERK ( PINK - FINANCE COUfIClI {//jY-J CANARV - OEPAitTMENT G I TY OF . A I NT PAU L �n / t BIUE -MAVOfi _ F1Ie �O. v ' � � � Council esolution ���` � G ; A\, J :\V/; Presented By � % �!� � Referred To��-'�"��-' Committee: Date ��� � ��`�� Out of Committee By �� Date WEiEREAS, In adopting the 1989 budget for Civ c Organization Contributions (09100), the City Council identified CDBG dollars as int nded/partial financing for new and CDBG eligible projects, and WHEREASr Final payments are due to Face to ace Health Center, Helping Hand Health Center, Model Cities Health Center, North End Heal� Center, St. Paul Intervention Project, The Family Tree, Urban Indian Health Board and ' est Side Health Center for services performed under contracts which were partially funded by CDBG dollars, and WHEREAS, Spending and financing authority re never budgeted for the CDBG portion of contracts with these organizations for 1989, and WHEREASt the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10. 7.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues i excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the followin' changes to the 1989 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budget Changes _ Budget 001 GENERAL FUND ------------- ------------- ------------- 7399 Transfer From Special Fund 3,252,931 59,075 3,312,006 (P6-100-39505-61312) �11 Other Financing 121,565,904 0 121,565,904 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Financing Plan 124,818,835 59,075 124,877,910 SPENDING PLAN 001 GENERAL FUND Executive Administration General Go ernment Accounts 09100 Civic Organization Contributi n 09100-0545 City Contribution To Out ide 735,250 59,075 794,325 Agency 09100 All Other Spending 2,000 0 2,000 All Other General Fund Spending 124,081,585 0 124,081,585 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Spending Plan 124,818,835 59,075 124,877,910 NET CHANGE 59,075 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City ouncil approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: -- - -�2_1����_�_-_�_-�_---- Budget D4r tor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays R ueste by Depa ent of: [n Favor � / 1 Executive Ad�i stration Against ��12.WKi) ' - Form Appr d by City rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified }'assed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Appro by Mayor for Submis i rei�- By . �����; pEPARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNGL DATE INITb1TED Exec Admin-General Government 10/2/89 GREEN �HEET NO. �� � INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE DEPAFiTMENT DIRECTOR �j CITY COUNGL Barbara Jeanetta 298-4140 nss�oN �pn,Anoa�Er UC�Typ.EpK NUMBEA FOR MUST 8E ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY(DAT� ROUTIN(i BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MQT.SERVICES DIR. October 20, 1989 �R�ER MAYOR(OR ASSISTA � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AlL LOCATIOMS FOR SIGNATURE) A ON REQUESTEO: �mplement Council's 1989 budget intent by transferring CDBG dollars to the General Fund to pay for part of contract obligations with: Face to Face Health Center, Helping Hand Health Center, Model Cities Health Center, North End Health Center, St. Paul Intervention Project, e Family Tree, Urban Indian Health Board and West Side Health Center. RECOUAMENDA71oNS:Approve(A)w Re�ect(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING�MMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _pB COAAMITfEE - COMMENTS: _STAFF - _OiSTRICT COURT - SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE? , INITUTIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,N/hen,Where,Why): e1 j Council identified CDBG dollars as intended/partial financing for new and CDBG projec s in the Civic Organization Contribution 1989 budget. Spending and financing authority were never budgeted for the CDBG portion of contracts with organization. Final payments are due for services performed to organizations listed above. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Spending and financing authority can be established so that the City can meet its payment obligations for contracts for service with nonprofit organizations. 1989 budgetary intent can be implemented. �ECFiVFn ��r�F���� ��� O•VW OISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: �J" � `� ' � Y �LERK NONE ��i:S i��.::.� -..r! '�±r,i Gounci! Research Center OCT 041989 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to meet its payment obligations for contracts for service to the above mentioned organizations. TOTAL AMWNT OF TRANSACTION i S9,O�S C08T/REYENUE BUDdETED(CIHCLE ON YES NO ��8�� CDBG (P6-100-39505-61312) ACTIVITY NUMBER 09100 �u���noH:�ocPwr� WHITE - G17V CLERK _'- -"� __�- � -'� � -'� -��- _� -�� _� .. PtNK - FINANCE COUSICII /� CANARV - OEPI.RTMEN7 GITY OF . AINT PAUL �/ BI,UE - MAVOR File NO. � ���I � � Council Resolution ;f�q',, J \v , Presented By . � � ,'f1Y' Referred To��''t-'�-'�� ' Committee: Date ��� ������ Out of Committee By �� Date WHEREAS, In adopting the 1989 budget for Ci, ic Or anization Contributions (09100), the City Council identified CDBG dollars as in ended�partial financing for new and CDBG eligible projects, and WHEREAS: Final payments are due to Face ta Face Health Center, Helping Hand Health Center, Model Cities Health Center, North End Heal h Center, St. Paul Intervention Project, The Family Tree, Urban Indian Health Board and West Side Health Center for services performed under contracts which were partially funde by CDBG dollars, and WHEREAS, Spending and financin� authority ere never budgeted for the CDBG portion of contracts with tt�ese organizations for 198 , and WHEREAS: the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10 07. 1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues i excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends the followin changes to the 1989 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Amended 001 GENERAL FUND ___Budget____ ___Changes___ ___Budget____ 7399 Transfer From Special Fund 3,252,931 59,075 3,312,006 (P6-100-39505-61312) �Y11 Other Financing 121,565,904 0 121,565,904 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Financing Plan 124,818,835 59,075 124,877,910 SPENDING PLAN 001 GENERAL FUND Executive Administration General G vernment Accounts 09100 Civic Organization Contribut'on 09100-0545 City Contribution To Ou side 735,250 59,075 794,325 Agency 09100 All Other Spending 2 000 0 2 000 All Other General Fund Spending 124,081;585 0 124,081;585 ------------- ------------- ------------- Total Fund Spending Plan 124,818,835 59,075 124,877,910 NET CHANGE 59,075 Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City ouncil approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: -- -- � - _`�_�����---- Budget Dir tor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays R ueste by Depa nt of• In Favor � / 1 Executive Adt�i stration Against �'�NNDI2.WK1) ' Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr d by City rn Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By l Approved by Mavor: Oate - Appro by Mayor for Submis i ' ' . By _ ����� ; �EPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCII DATE INITIATED Exec Admin-General Government 10/2/89 GREEN �HEET NO. �? � INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 5 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Barbara Jeanetta 298-4140 nssu� (�CITY ATTORNEY qTY CLEHK NUAABER FOR MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES OIR. October 2�, 1989 OROER MAYOR(ORASSISTA � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� A ION RE�UESTEO: �mplement Council's 1989 budget intent by transferring CDBG dollars to the General Fund to pay for part of contract obligations with: Face to Face Health Center, Helping Hand Health Center, Model Cities Health Center, North End Health Center, St. Paul Intervention Project, e Family Tree, Urban Indian Health Board and West Side Health Center. RECOMMENDA71oNS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTE RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PU►NNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _G8 COMMITTEE - COMMENTS: _STAFF - _OISTRICT COURT - SUPPOHTS WHICH COUNCIL 08.IECTIVE9 , INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When.Where,Why): e1j Council identified CDBG dollars as intended/partial financing for new and CDBG e� projec s in the Civic Organization Contribution 1989 budget. Spending and financing authority were never budgeted for the CDBG portion of contracts with organization. Final payments are due for services performed to organizations listed above. ADVANTAGESIF APPROVED: Spending and financing authority can be established so that the City can meet its payment obligations for contracts for service with nonprofit organizations. 1989 budgetary intent can be implemented. RECF1VFn ��'""���� ��� 0�� DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: �J`� � `� • � �Y ��ERK NONE Gouncil Research Center ��"'�' .��'` ''t''"�` OCT 0 41989 DISADVANTAf3ES IF NOT APPROVED: The City will not be able to meet its payment obligations for contracts for service to the above mentioned organizations. TOTAL AINOUNT OF TRANSACTION = S9,O�S COBT/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCLE ON YES NO ��i��� CDBG (P6-100-39505-61312) ���,NuMe�R 09100 FlNANqAL INFOfiMAT10N:(EXPWN)