89-1865 NiHITE - CITV CLERK F�NK e FINANCE GITY Q .5'AINT PAUL Council BLUERr - MAVORTMENT File NO• � ` � •' ' � 0 din /LC rdinance rl�. �7 c • � �I ' Presented By ' �� e To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 229 regarding cu w restrictions on minors, the duties of arents, and requirements for businesses THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' AINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Chapter 229.01 of the Saint Pau Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: Sec. 229.01 Restrictions on 'nors. It shall be unlawful for any mi or of the a es rovi ed herein at th times s ecifi d her in to loiter, idle, wander, stroll or play in or up the public streets, highways, roads, alleys, parks, playgrounds or other pu lic grounds, public places or public buildings, places of entertaimm �t or amusement, vacant lots and other unsupervised places o en to h ublic in the City of Saint Paul, �erivicen . . . . . , a for a minor under f' een 15 ears the hours of restriction are betwe n 0:00 .m. and 4:00 a.m. dail commencin at 10:00 . . Sunda evenin and terminatin COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Drew Nicosia ln Favor Rettman s�ne�bai Against BY Sonnen Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr d by City Attor Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ' , , � (,/" �%—l�O�,� � 7��� he f llowin Frida t 4:0 a.m. The hours of restriction rin h remainin or i of the we k are b en 11:00 m. n 4•0 .m. il o en in Frida v nin at 11:00 m nd termina in n th followin Sunda at 4:00 a.m. f r n min r wh has ained fifteen 1 e rs of a e n i n r i hte n 1 ars of a e the hours f r s ri ti n r e en 12:0 a.m nd 4•00 .m. of the same � > > � � � � � > > • Se ion 2. That Chapter 229.02 is amended to read a follows: Sec. 229.02 Duties of Parents It shall be unlawful for the parent, ardian or other adult person having charge of a minor to permit or by lack of su ervision and ntr 1 llow h minor to violate section 229.01 of the �aint Paul Le,gislative Code. , ' , , � , , , , , , , � , , , , � , ., , , , , , �� Sect' n 3. That Chapter 229 is amended by adding a n w section 229.03, to read as follows: Page Two w�nTE - Cirr CLERK .PINK � — FINANCE CITY O• ' SAINT PAUL Council /w/ ` CAfN�RV — DEPARTMENT File NO. � �Y �• � BLIJF� — MAVOR � 0 indnce Ordinance N 0. ,/ ��� 3° Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Se . 22 . 3 B siness lace n t to llow viol ions. I hall nl 1 for n ` ss ro ri tor o rmit minor to r m in he r ri tor's estab 'shment rin h hours rohibited b his ha r. When ver min r on inu s to remain at su h an sta lishmen ft r h ro ri r of the st blishm nt ord rs the minor t 1 av h r ri r sh 1 imm ia 1 noti h oli d artment of he violation. Section 4. That Chapter 229 is amended by addin a new section 229.04, to read as follows: Sec. 229.04. Exce�tion. Th r vi i ns of hi cha te not 1 t a min r a com anied b his r h r ar nt ar ian or ot er adul r n havin he are and custod f h minor to a minor who is on an emer en err n or le itimate usiness directe b his or her rent ardian or o her adult erson havin the care and custod f e minor or where th resence of said — minor in s id lace or laces is onnected with _Qr� re uired b some 1 itimate busin ss rad or ro ession or occu ation in which said minor i rmit ed b law t be en a d. ection 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be 'n force thirty (30) days after its adoption, approval and publication. Page Three COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � DirionCt •� �e Goswitz � [n Favor — R manLOric,� Sc oenl��CC�e � Against BY T sco R2tt►Tk3ri il n ThUtl� Adopted by Cour�i':��n Date �AN �. 5 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pass b Council etar BY By Approved by IWlayoc ' Date JAN i 7 i�E1 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY ����` -/ BY p�,�p J AN 2 7 1990 � . ' _ d` , � M � , .. / �N' �j _ / �w ! /ria�'�'�" �J{{�V ' * � VI DEPARTMENTbFFICE/COUNdL ' ' � �+��N 5 2 6 9 c�t co���i lo-' - GREEN SHEET No. ��� CONTACT PERSON 6 PNONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY OOUNCIL Wi 11 iam Wi 1 son N� �CITY ATTORNEY �arv c��uc MUBT BE ON COUNpL AQENDA BY(DATE� ROUTI �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MQT.SERVICES DIR. 10-10-8 9 ❑"""ro�c°A"sa�s�ru'm ❑ TOTAL#�OF 81ONATURE PAQE8 2 (CLIP�ALL OCATION8 FOR SIONATUR� ACT10N RE�UESTED: Approval of an amendment to Chapter; 2 of the Legislative Code regarding curfew restrictions. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approvs(/q a R�Jsct(F� COUN L MITTEE/I�SEARCH I�PORT OPTIONAL ANALY PHONE NO. _PUWNINfi OOMMISSION _CIVII SERVICE COMMI8SION _p8 COMMITTEE _ � COMM _STAFF _ _DI8THICT OOURT — SUPPORTB WIi1CFl OOUNqL OBJECTIVE7 , INITIATIN(�PROBLEM�18SUE�OPPORTUNITV(Who.N�hst.Mllfen��Nhere�Why). ; The current ordinance regarding c�rf s for minor does not affect youth between the ages of 16 and 18 and does not pl;�ac responsibility on parents for violations. The proposed ordinance establishes p�ov'sions for barious aged minors and places parents or guardians in violation if they� a low a violation of the ordinance throuuh a lack of supervision. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Police Department will be better,'a e to enforce_the ordinance, deal with various age groups and inform parents and gu�.r ans of their responsibilities. � RECEIV�� DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: O�T O/i � z None. ' CISY C�-ERK � � DISADVANTA(iE8 IF NOT APPROVED: ! I The city will continue to have l�im ed authoxa.ty �;n dealing with teenagers out on the street late at night or very earlly i,n the morning. I I ' � . -0- ' TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION C08T/REVENUE BUD�TED(pRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOUACE ACTIVITY NUM9ER FlNANqAI INFORMATION:(EXPWN) �;n. e rder c��� �h;s gs i i I • . � � , i _ ` � R . . � ` . � � .•. y . . . .. j NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INC�UDED IN THE GF�EEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAI AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE�HONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of d�pcumeMS: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL ESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grents) 1. Outside Agency 1. Dep ment Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Bud�t Director 3. Gry Attomey 3. Gry Attorne�r 4. Mayor 4. Mayo�Assistant 5. Finance 8�Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. Ciry ncil 6. Fnance Accounting 6. Chief ccountaM, Fin&Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATiVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL ESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. Initlat' g Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City A�tomey 3. DepertmeM Director 3. Mayo�YAasfstaM 4. Budget Director 4. City aDUncil 5. Ciry Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) � 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney , 3. Mayor/Assistant , � 4. City Clerk , e TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#�of pages on which slgnatures are required and li each of these pages. ACTION REDUESTED , Deacribe what the proJect/request aeeks to eccomplish in either ch�onologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most approp�iate for�the iasue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your li�t with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS ; Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any b¢dy, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council obJective(s)your projecUrequest supports by{listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, E�NOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD(iET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INST UCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH.REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(1 PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY F�cplain the situation or conditions that created a need for your proj�ct or request. ADVANTA�ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required(by Iaw/ chaRer or whethe�there are specific wa in which the Ciry of Sainti Paul and its citizens will beneflt from this pro�icUaction. , DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processe�might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise,% tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how bng? ! DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ; What will be the negative consequences if the promiaed action is no1 approved?Inability to deliver service?Continued high traffic, noise; accidern rate? Loss of revenue? , FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you must tailor the informaUon you provide here to the issu you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How m�is it going to cost?Who is going to pa�It i � ' • � :: , �..: WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 (��yy_,• CANARV -OEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA U L X�J BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �J ,�� � • � Znd � O inance N 0. � Presented By 6 . .M ,a Y` � � " �ferred To Committee: Date �d ��-"� t�`� Out of Committee By Date An Ordin nce amend ' ng Chapter 229 regarding curfew re triction on minors and the duties of parents THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY SAI T PAUL DOES ORDAIN: ec ion 1 . That Chapter 229.01 is nded to read as follows: Sec. 229.01 Restrictions on m ors. It shall be unlawful �'or any x� � -tr�e�ep-�l�e-a�e-e€-����eea-F�6} �ea�s of the ages provided her in t the times specified herein to loiter, idle, wander, strol or lay in or upon the public streets, highways , roads, alle s, p ks , playgrounds or other public grounds , public places nd pu lic buildings, places of entertainment and amusement, v cant 1 st and other unsupervised places in the City of Saint Pa l , He�� e�r-�l�e-l�e�t�s�-e€-�A:-99-p.-�.- a��-��A9-ar�r-�t�e-€e��e�}�rg-da r (a) for a minor under fif een (15) ears the hours of restriction are betwee 10:00 p. and 4:00 a.m. daily, commencing at 10:0 p.m. Sund evening and terminating the following' Friday at 4. 0 a.m. The hours of restriction duri g the remain ng portion of the week are between 11 :0 p.m. and 4:0 a.m. daily commencing Friday evening' at 11:00 p.m. nd terminating on the following Sunday a 4:00 a.m. b or any minor who has attained fiftee (15) years o age and is under 18 ears of age, the hours of restriction are between 1 :O1 a.m. and 4:00 a.m. of the same day. provi e , owever, that the pr visions of this se tion do not apply to a minor accompanied by his r her parent, guar ' an or other adult person having the care and cus ody of the minor, t a minor who is COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department Dimond �� In F'avor Goswitz Rettman Scheibei A gai ns t By Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approv by City Attorney'i Certified Passed by Counci! Secretary B / By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By 1�VHITE � - GITY CLERK . . � - �' � . � � CA ARV.-DEAARTM�ENT�� �I�T�Y O� AINT PAZTL � Council r.l`�. ,/ ��"'�� " � BIUE �MAYOR F1I@ NO. �r � �� � O/I 'na�ce . �inance N 0. � , , Presented By f'�, ,.� . � f-;, , , cG �,, ��tF i� ` ,''�' - ' �, ,_ � I ..�� �Referred To ��� •��� �f� 'f�Committee:� Date '�� �' Out of Committee By Date ss 4cQiw�ae� Cbapt�t 229 !'lqas'diag - aaslNe r�st.riet aa aiaors aad t� dsti�s �*�,. o3E �c��a. , �di C�CZL i�' !'SS Ct'i'� O� 3�Z �ii'iL � t�t��i � $ a�C O�t Z. r� r: i , ' !�t C�wtptfs �39.A1 3�s to t�d aa loll�s : j �c. Z?ai«Ol �s�.sieat.toas sai s. . I It a4a11 bo t�iarl�l f.�►r �j _ �► ot t� �s ps�a►�i�d c ia �t tir� �ia�a► titd h�s�iw t . , • t�r � opv�t �t a�ir�ta, higbnpe�s. s�s, al s, paelw s pla�ta+�s +�c ot�M�t �blio ys'oYnds r p�blic �la p�obli� lMitf 1�1�a s �1�1aii �� �at�ctai�t � �at.; C ioat ud otb�� �s�c�riNd � pla�sa ia ti� Citr t iai�t : � � �a3 Lor s aii�oc oads�c i � �l�i� t� 1�aics j` , : . . : a.s. _ r �, . a : .a. ' � a.�. - , sw �o e� p.�. �c as�. a i .s. a a�t � as w +t �tMO �ls� a . , a �.a. � � s.s. • ps�Y = C'� tbat t�! p isioas ot tt�is sact�e� do �e! �y t,0 a`��i�or acco�pa�i.�d � ,�s r h�c p�asv�wt� +�tdiaa or ot�r aa�alt �ac�a barriaq tbs �a�� � of tl� si�►r, ta a aiaa�c �rha ia COUNCIL MEMBERS I Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays i Dimond �� In F�vo cosw;tz _ � Agaittst BY sonneu ; �V'�Ison � i Focm Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Coiincil: Date ; Certified Passed �+ Council Secretary � B � � � {' J By Approved by Mayor. Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By gY. � i � WMITE - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV -OEPARTMENT File NO. ���`r� BLUE -MAVOR Or indnce Ordinance N 0. Presente By Refe�ed To Committee: Date � Out of C mittee By Date upon an e ergency errand or le itimate business directed by his or her parent, guardian or other dult person having the care and custody of the minor or where the pre ence of said minor in said place or places is con ected with and r' quired by some legitimate business, trade, professi n or occupatio in which said minor is permitted, by law, to be engag d. Section 2. That Chapter 22 .02 is am nded to read as follows: Sec. 229.02 , Duties o parents. It shall be unlawful for he pa ent, guardian or other adult person having charge of a minor u c��r- he-age-of-arxteen-f�6}-peara to permit or b lack of su ervision a c ntrol allow that minor to violate Sec. 229.01 of the Le islati ode. 9acn-mrnor-to-�otter=-rd�eT wander,--stro��-or-p�ap-in-or- n-the-pab�re-atreeta,--hrgheaaya� roads;-a��eps,--par3cs,--p�apgronn a-or-otker-pt�b�ic-gronnaa,--p�accaT and-pab�rc-bni�c�sngs,--p�aees-of ntertasnment-ane�-amt�aemcnt,--vaeQnt �vts-snc�-other-an�apervs�ec�-p�a e -rn-the-ertp-of-Barnt-Paa�-betoveen tne-hotzrs-of-�6:66-p.-m.--and-5:@ -a m.--tne-fo��oarrng-dap:-Provrded,- hvwever-that-the-provraiona-of- hra aeetsen-c�o-not-app�p-when-the msnvr-rs-aecompa�}cd-bp-hra-or- er-p rentT-gaardre�n-or-otker-ae�t��t person-hanrng-the-care-anel-cnat dp-of tne-mrnor,--where-tke-mrnor-ia upon-an-emergencp-errand-or-�eg' t'rmate aarneaa-c�rreetee�-bp-hsa-or her-parent,--gnarc�san-or-other-a u�t-per on-havrng-the-eare-ane�-enatoe�p of-the-mznor,--or-arhere-the-prea nce-of-a i�-mtnor-rr�-aarc�-p�aee-or p�acea-ra-connected-wrth-and-rC nrrec�-bp- ome-�egitrma�e-bnaineaaT trade;-profeaaron-or-ocenpatron in-whteh-a re�-mtnor-sa-permrttedT-bp �aw,--to-be-engaged.- Sect on 3. � This Ordinance shall take ffect and be i�r force thirty (30) da s after its assage, approva and publicatioh. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Depart�nt of: Dimond \ �ng [n Favor �; coswitz ', Rettman ' Scheibel Against BY . >> Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attotney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , . < _ _ _ , ,_ �.._ � P N'KE � FIM�ANC£K ,�`.i�. .� . . . �OUIICLI .��:�.. /� .J r � .. CANARV-DEPARTMENT CITY F SAI�NT PA�TL { � ��� - e�uE -MAVOR File NO. �:f ��� ' O� indnce Ordinance N0. Preseated By ' Referred To � Committee: Date �; Out of Gommittee By Date t� an sac��a� �r�craad ot ti�at� b�siars dir�t�d b� 1�ta or lar p�s�slt. qoasdtiaa or oth� ult prtaos ha�rieg t4i �� and s�ost.odY . st t4r �i�o�r. or rlar� t� o� a�aid �.ia�c ix �aid �la� �r ���acs� is �ct�d �ritb s�d nf.rad !� saa l�itialst� �sfa�ua. t�a�• pt�fitaio� or ooe�pat ia vlti� said ni�t= ia psrsitt�d. b� ].itv e to b� awgagsel. � . i�t 2. i�st C11apt+�t 2Z9.fl2 is to s�a�d � tollo�� �c. 239.02: Dati:s ot pat+u� Zt sh�►11 b� �a�lartul �os tb�I' t. grar+�ia� mr otltir adnit pfc�os �� l�rria� c�s� e� s sis�t fvo �rsi� or sol al L t�► rriolatf� 3�e. . l�b� t . : �. � as 3. daya_a��sr ita�y��� ������o�tor� tl�irty ��� ; r; COUNCIL MEMBERS ' � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ' � �ns In Favo� {• Gosw;tz , � Against� BY sonnen ' Wilson Adopted by Council• Date ' Form Approt�ed by City Attorney � • � Certified Passed by Council Secretary i BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ' ; . . _ . . � . .• : �����5" �. . -.: : o CTTY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTM AL MEMORANDUM ;-"""' � "�� OFFICE OF TTY ATTORNEY •� 638 HALL ' -4271 � :� ,��.� MEMORANDUM � �.�- - .,.'� TO: COUNCILMEMBER WIL IAM L. WILSON FROM: GERALD T. HENDRICK N, CHIEF PROSECUTO RE: ORDINANCE AMENDM NT: CURFEW FOR MINORS DAT'E: OCTOBER 2, 1989 Attached is a draft of an amendment to apter 229 of the Legislative Code in accordance to your September 5, 1989, request. I re ewed the Minneapolis ordinance you mentioned. I have incorporated language similar to t at used in Minneapolis with regard to the curfew times for various aged minors. I have so expanded the parents responsibility for their children's curfew violations. The curr nt language places the parent or guardian in violation only if they permit the curfew olation while the proposed language places them in violation if they allow the violation t rough lack of supervision or control. If for some reason this language does n meet your needs, please contact me and I would be happy to work on revisions. Attachment cc: Edward Starr Joanne Rettner . � . . � . , ' C��r-/ ��� Community and Human Services Committee COMMITTEE REPORT December 21, 1989 Page Two 3. Cit Council A enda 10/3/89, Item N . 14: First Readin - 89-1762 - An ordinance amendin Sections 409.06( ) and 410.03(d) b deletin the re uirement for suret bonds as a c ndition of intoxicating liquor licenses. (For referral to the Communit and uman Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vot . 4. Cit Council A enda 10/3/89, Item N . 16: First Readin - 89-1764 - An ordinance amendin Section 409.08 o the Le islative Code and rohibitin discrimination in establishments is ued on-sale intoxicatin and non-intoxicatin li uor licenses as clubs. (For ref rral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vot . 5. Cit Council A enda 10/12/89, Item o. 20: First Readin - 89-1865 - An ordinance amendin Cha ter 229 er inin to curfew restrictions on minors and the duties of arents. (For r ferral to the Communiti and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vo e, with the following amendment: Page th e, Section 229.04. Exception. , line - replace "and" with "or". 6. Cit Council A enda 10/19/89, Item No. 17: First Readin - 89-1902 - An ordinance re ealin in its entiret Section 402.05 of the Le islative Code pertaining to amblin investi ati e fees and enactin a new Section 402.05 with a 37 tax on net roceeds from Charitable Gamblin . (For Action. Referred to Communit and Human Services Co ittee.) � Laid over; to be addressed by Mayo -Elect Jim Scheibel and his administration. 7. Handicapped accessibility stud , a conducted b the De artment of Community Services. Resolutions to be prese ted. (Laid over to November 15, 1989. (Laid over to December 20, 1989.) Resolution recommended for approva on 3-0 vote. 8. Cit Council A enda 10/31/89, Ite No. 21: First Readin - 89-1960 - An ordinance amendin Cha ter 324 of he Le islative Code ertainin to the sale of ci arettes rohibitin ci rette vendin machines in ublic accommodations. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.) To be continued. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr A � . T l � V-�'h/ � � Members: f `� Janice Rettman, chair ' I���x'ii,'» CITY OF SAINT PAUL Bill Wilson �� o OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Bob Long Date: December 21, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN Counc�7person Co m m itte e R e p o rt To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, December 20, 1989. � 1. Approval of rtinutes of October 18, 1989 and November 22, 1989. Minutes approved oit 3-0 vote. 2. Signing .of new resolutions. Recommended for approval on 3-0 vote: Resolution that the City Council adopt the suggestions, recommendations and goals set forth in the December 11, 1989 letter of Judith Kinkead, Chair of the Community Facilities Task Force, to David G. McDonell, Chair of the CIB Committee, regarding priorities, processes and financing for handicapped accessibility of City buildings, and that said letter be incorporated by reference. An ordinance amending Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to nuisances and abatement thereof. Resolution accepting the 1989 Saint Paul Overnight Shelter Board Report to the Mayor and City Council, and recommending that the recommendations of the report be acted upon by the City Council Committees as they are listed on the resolution. Resolution requesting that the Planning Commission consider the proposed amendment to the City's Zoning Code, Section 60.412(7) to prohibit recycling of scrap metal as a "home occupation", and reports its recommendations back to the Mayor and City Council in a timely manner. Resolution accepting a report of the Attorney General's working group on the regulation of sexually oriented businesses, requesting that certain recommendations contained therein be implemented as soon as possible, and requesting that copies of this report be sent to the Minnesota Association of Municipalities. Resolution accepting a report of the Attorney General's working group on the regulation of sexually oriented businesses, dated June 6, 1989, and requesting that legislation concerning the regulation of sexually oriented businesses be established as a part of the City's legislative package for the year of 1990. CIT'Y HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL.,MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 a.�4e