89-1852 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 p� BLUER� - Mqyp'yTMENT GITY OF AINT PAITL File NO. �' a ���'� � ^, Council Resolution �. �� ,� � � ,�,�r� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date W'HEREAS, The City Council, when adopting the 1989 budget for Promote Saint Paul (Special Fund Activity 30108), ,added the fo lowing 1989 ro7ect objective: "Conduct a study of tourism and convention market co ditions in S�. Paul in cooperation with the Port Authority, Downtown Council, Civic Cen er, City of St. Paul and Convention Bureau", and W�REAS, The Department of Planning & Econ ic Development in consultation with all of the above mentioned groups has con�racted w th a consultant to complete the study, and WHEREAS, The City, Port Authority St. Paul Foundation, Civic Center Authority, Convention Bureau, various hotels, Chamber o� Conxnerc and the Downtown Council have all agreed to pay part of the cost of the study, and WHERF�AS, The Department of Planning & Econ ic Development in consultation with all of the above mentioned groups will manage the ontract and pay the consultant, and WHEREAS� The May or, pursuant to Section 10 07.1 of the City Charter, does certif that there are available for appropriation revenues i excess of those estimated in the 198� budget, and WHEREA.S, The Mayor reconunends the followi changes to the 1989 budget: Current Amended FINANCING PLAN ___Budget____ __ Changes___ __ Budget____ 126 PED OPERATIONS FUND 7299 �ransfer Fram General Fund 1,506,420 15,000 1,521,420 �0010$Mayor's,Office) 905 Contributions, Donations 14,000 37,150 51,150 All Other Fund Financing 6,539,247 0 6,539,247 ------------ ------------- ------------- 8,059,667 52,150 8,111,817 SPENDING PLAN 126 PED OPERATIONS FUND 36050 Downtown Development Divisio 36050-0219 Fees-Professional Servi s 56,700 52,150 108,850 36050 All Other Spending 1,223,552 0 1,223,552 Al1 Other Fund Spending 6,779,415 0 6,779,415 ------------- ------------ ------------ 8,059,667 52,150 8,111,817 NET CHANGE + 52,150 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the ity Council approves these changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recommended: ---- � / ------------ COUNCIL MEMBERS ud�'� �1"epartment of: Yeas Nays Dimond i.ong In Fav r Goswitz p P SF B WKl) Rettman s�he;n�� _ Agains y Sonnen -i��i{sew� �CT ' L 1(�8 Form Appr ed by C' y A rne Adopted by Council: Date `� -"! ^ -zj`l Certified Yas ouncil cret By ' B� � � �l Appro e by Ulavor: D _ �� 1 � �88 Appro ed y Mayor for S i ion ta Council By — P�i,� o c T 2 �sa9 _ T r � � • ' ��j ��� (%�. DEPARTMENT/OFFIf�JCOUNqI DATE t ITIA PED 9-�3 9 GREEN SHEET Na 2 6 8 OONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INRIALI DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR . Q CITY COUNqL William Belden Ext 3213 �M pTy�no�r�, �(�TY CLERK MUBT BE ON OOUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE7 ROUTI �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 M(iT.�RVICES DIFi. �MAYOR(OR ABSISTANTI � TOTAL#►OF 81GNATURE PACAES 1 (CLIP L OCATIONS FOR SIGNATUREj ACTION REQUESTED: j Establish spending authority to pay fo� urism study. Study to be paid for by contributions from: City of St. Paul, Port Authorit�, owntown Council, Civic Center Authority, Convention Bureau, and Chamber of Comm�r RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(W a�(R1 COUN IL MMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALY ��;^ �'`�it �� _qB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMM -������ - S E P N ° 1989 SUPPORTS WHld�l COUNdI 08JECTIVE? "� ^� �� �e#�� �..���i°'�� INtTIATINQ PROBLEM.188UE.�PORTUNITY(Who.Whet,When,Whsre.WhY): I Council added objective to 1989 budget; t conduct study of tourism and convention market conditions in St. Paul. PED/Mayor's a;ff e wrote RFP with representives from above mentioned groups. Davidson-Peterson A;ss , Inc has been selected as the consultant to perform the study. Their work will co�mm ce in September 1989 and continue for about 18 weeks culimnating in a final plan and I,re mmendations. RECEIV�� SEP291� nov�r�r�oes�F nrrROVeo: ' CITY CLEItFC The city can accept contributions fro� a ove mentioned groups to pay for tourism study. A 1989 budget performance objective c�n e accomplished. The city will learn valuable informa.tion about its niche in the to�r m/visitor industry. � � DISADYANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. ! - - . `� ..;;3° \ , /) '" ^� J L s (,, U i;,Li i DI8ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVEO: The tourism study will not be done. , TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDOETEO(qRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE - ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Contributi;on