99-1178� �o,���� File # 9q —��Rg' Resolution # Green Sheet # � 0� �o O 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,,MINNESOTA � Preseated By ��� �� � � � _ _ Referred To Committee:Date RESOLUTION RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR FINANCING A MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE THE POWERS GRANTED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 462C.01 TO 462C.08 ./[� :I�1:i�/:G�l 3 Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act"), confers upon cities, or housing and redevelopment 4 authorities authorized by ordinance to exercise on behalf of a city, the powers confened by the Act, 5 the power to issue revenue bonds to finance a program far the purposes of planning, administering, 6 making or purchasing loans with respect to one or more multifamily housing developments within 7 the boundaries of the city; and 8 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA") has 9 received from Avex Lowiy Limited Partnership, (the "Developer"), a proposal that the HRA 10 undertake to finance the rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing development as hereinafter 11 described, through the issuance of revenue bonds or obligations in one or more series (collectively, 12 the "Bonds") pursuant to the Act for the purpose of loaning the proceeds thereof to the Developer 13 to finance the rehabilitation by the Developer of the Lowry Professional Building to include 112 14 apartments (the "Project") pursuant to the "housing program" described below; and 15 Prior to publication of a notice of public heazing for the public hearing described in (F) below, the 16 City prepazed a"housing program" (the "Program") under the Act and submitted the Program for 17 review to the Metropolitan Council; and 18 The Developer's proposal calls for the HRA to loan the proceeds realized upon the sale ofthe Bonds 19 to the Developer pursuant to a revenue agreement or agreements wherein the Developer will be 20 obligated to make payments at the times and in the amounts sufficient to provide for the prompt 21 payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and all costs and expenses of 22 the HRA and the City incident to the issuance and sale of the Bonds; and 1878340v1 (149C4011DOC) �l`i -1�'1?' 23 T'he City desires to encourage the development and continued operation of housing facilities 24 designed for occupancy by persons of low and moderate income and assist the City in achieving 25 these objectives; and 26 A public hearing on the Program and the proposed fmancing of the Project was held on December 27 8,1999 following duly published notice, at which tune all persons that desired to speak were heard. 28 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Saint Paul, as follows: 29 The City hereby approves the Program and gives preliminary approval to the issuance of the Bonds 30 for the financing of the Project and, pursuant to Section 72 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code, 31 hereby authorizes and directs the HRA to exercise the powers granted in Minnesota Statutes 462C.01 32 to 462C.08. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 On the basis of information available to the City Council, it appeazs, and the City Council hereby finds, thatthe proj ect constitutes amultifamily rental housing development and fixrthers the purposes of the Act; that the Proj ect is reserved for rental in part by persons of low and moderate income; that the availability of financing under the Act and the willingness of the HRA to fiunish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the Developer to operate the Project, and that the effect of the financing of the Project, if undertaken, will be to assure that adequate housing will continue to be auailable to residents of the City at a reasonable cost. The Executive Director of the HRA, is hereby authorized to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with respect to the financing ofthe Project in substantially the form on file with the HRA. 43 Leonard, Street and Deinard Professional Association, is hereby retained as Bond Counsel for the 44 issuance of the Bonds. Dougheriy Summit Securities LLC is hereby retained as the investment 45 banker for this transaction. Leonard, Street and Deinard and Dougherty Suinmit Securities LLC are 46 hereby authorized to assist in the preparation and review of necessary docuxnents relating to the 47 issuance of the Bonds, to consult with the City Attorney, Developer and purchasers of the Bonds as 48 to the maturities, interest rates and other terms and provisions of the Bonds and as to the covenants 49 and other provisions of the necessary documents and submit such documents to the IIRA for final 50 approval. 51 The Developer has agreed and it is hereby determined that any and a11 costs incurred by the City or 52 the HRA in connection with the financing of the Project, whether or not the proposed financing of 53 the Project is carried to completion and whether or not the issuance of Bonds is approved by the 54 HRA, will be paid by the Developer. 55 Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Ch. 474A, the City allocates an amount of tas exempt bonding authority, 56 from the City's entitlement allocation far calendar year 2000, the amount of $10,175,000 for the 57 purposes of financing the Project. There is hereby reserved from the 2000 entitlement the amount 58 of $10,175,000 for the Bonds. The foregoing allocation of bonding authority assumes that t� 59 exempt t� increment bonds to be issued to finance a portion of the costs of the project will be 60 "private activity bonds" which require an allocation of bonding authority. In the event the tax 61 increment bonds do not require bond authority allocation, the amount allocated for the Project shall 62 be reduced accordingly. `lR -1 t'1�' 63 Nothing in this resolution shall be construed to require the City or the I-IRA to approve any element 64 of the Project ar the issuance of the Bonds, nor shall this resolution be construed as vesting in the 65 Developer any cause of action against the City or the HRA arising from any failure or refusal by the 66 City or the HR A to approve the issuance of the Bonds. 67 Nothing in this resolution or the documents prepared pursuant hereto shall authorize the expenditure 68 of any municipal funds on the financing of the Project or the payment of the Bonds other than the 69 revenues derived from the Proj ect or otherwise granted to the City or the HRA for this purpose. The 70 Bonds shall not constitute a change, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property ar 71 funds of the City or the HRA except the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof, nor 72 sha11 the City or the HRA be subject to any direct liability thereon. The holder of the Bonds hall 73 never have the right to compel any exercise of the taacing power of the City or the IIIZA to pay the 74 outstanding principal on the Bonds or the interest thereon, or to enforce payment thereon against any 75 property of the City or the HRA. The Bonds sha11 recite in substance that the Bonds, including the 76 interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof. 77 The Bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City or the HRA within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision. 1878340v1 (149C40]!.DOC) �aas�n � qq-11't �' � �U & � f � � �,� � -��i ������a��� �eG < �/ ,�Po �Ui?�iG l7 n� � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES __ � 7� �sJc, y ��Z r/!�t %�s �� �d� ���� GREEN SHEET No 101683 02 oe.R,�.aw�rae tl��� �m.�wo. 0 '`��°�� ❑ m„�„� �„� ❑���a� % ❑,.�.�.�.�,�a � M,��,,.a..,�iLY� � SL/t T C I'C•js i i /�� (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � �a�-ed /'�So (v f �� �C�sd� � �. l�a�us � �� �� � e''�+� f �arv�i ,`! ���"� � ��ea.� � �'�� `1PGD'� �^ f h �� 6c�r� ���es'S e'o-� !e �esa��f�°� a � �/i��A � i � <�so ��s�� �Q��- e��`� w�`�� �7� XOY2 (A) Of R012Cf IRl PENSONAL SERVIGE CONTRAC75 MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUE PLANNING COMMISSION Ci8 CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� �� F1astNS P�um everwoiked under a coMrec[TOrMiedepa'Ime�d'7 YES NO HastlHaPe+saJfvmexrheanaalYempbyce4 , YES NO Does ttiis G�sorufirm po�esc a sldl nat � tY anY cmrent dry empbyee? YES NO IB Mis peBaYfum a tarpMed ve'MW7 VES MO dain all ves e�mv/eis an seoaiate Sl�eet and etlach to aRe�t sheet NITIATING PR08LEM I OPMR NITV (Who, W When, Wheie. Why) � .� � �� ��/Q'f/�s-� /'t'�SDlU�i �tw (yk2.f /? O--J CS���f G"C C ,��d ;� ��� ��.���� `�,�������� ����f s� � � �-� � ,,� � � �-� � ��� r��� -� � ��� � � ` COSTrttEVENUE BUDGEIED (dRCLE ONq �o i�so -�- �� � 6 YE3 NO SOURCE � ACTNT'NUMBER °lq -11'l Y EXHIBIT A [Map of District and Project Area] NOV 23 1999 14�34 FR L.S.B D 651Geerb44 w S�eeRaoo�ea47u5i r.GO�no aq -���� ...1l: • �, y �� .� . �, ., - � ,, � _�^; ' � +- `-_ s _�_ ��' : I � V' I� i � C ��� �pl I � I � _ > = - - /' / // � � 1 �� ��,.� �� x :0 � J C` 'J � 4 J r n � _ .' .� 4 - � J } :J � � �/i \��;. , � - =;:.- r � / \� , r : �, � j" � /.; . � i:- • �.; ,�. . • _,� �• / i�i � ., � / / = '_:'_ � � / ---- � � �=--�- % � � �_ _ �� �`�� = J "; _� ;�I . i 1 = __ 18t9290�1 (12ZRY.01'.DOC) A-1 xo�� r�� �._ , �i : � , � ��: � � -- _ --; ;� : 1 . i - 1 i �� t • � ' i � � ** TOTAL PRGE.06 ** °lq -���d' CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, NIINNESOTA PROGRAM FOR A IvIf.7LTIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT (LOWRY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING) Introduction. This housing finance program (the "Program") under Mimiesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "AcP') describes the proposed issuance by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mimiesota (the "HRA") of up to $10,175,000 of revenue bonds (the "Bonds") to finance, in part, the acquisition and construction of a rental housing development (the "Project") by Avex Lowry Limited Partnership (the "Bonower"). The Bonds wi11 be revenue obligations, secured by the repayment obligation of the Borrower, mortgages and other security interests in property owned by the Borrower, and a first lien on tax increments (the "Tax Increments") to be derived fromthe Lowry Professional Building Housing Tas Increment Financing District (the "Aistrict"), as described below; provided that the bonds payable from tas increments may be issued separately or a separate series. The Bonds wili not be a general obligation of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") or the HRA, nor will any assets or revenues ofthe City or HRA be pledged to the payment of the Bonds other than as described above. Issuer. The issuer of the Bonds will be the HRA. Under Chapter 72 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the HRA is authorized to exercise the powers of the Clty under the Act upon approval by the City of the Program and delegation by the City to the HRA of those powers far the purposes of the Program. Tax Increment District and Housing Development Project. In connection with the Project, the HRA will establish the District. The I3RA has prepared a taac increment financing plan for the District, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179, as amended (the "TIF Act"). The TIF Act requires that a tax increment district be established within a"proj ect area". Therefore, the IIRA will also expand the boundaries of the Downtown and Seventh Place Redevelopment Project to include the geographic area comprising the District as shown on E�ibit A attached hereto. The boundaries of the District aze set forth on the map attached hereto as E�ibit A. Housing Plan and Program. This Program will be undertaken pursuant to the Act and the Housing Pian of the City required by the Act. The Housing Plan, as amended, was adopted by the CiTy in March of 1990. This Program will be adopted after review by the Metropolitan Council, and a public hearing on the Program, held after notice is given, all as required by Section 462C.04 of the Act. The Program is consistent with both the Housing Plan (and other housing plans of the Ciry developed under other laws), and is consistent with development guides applicable within the City and developed by the Metropolitan Council. Borrower. The Borrower is Avex Lowry Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited 1819290v1 (12ZR%O1!.DOC) aq-�»Y parinerslup company, whose members are initially Avex Realty Services, Inc., the general partner, and 3ohn Knapp. Project. Lowry Professional Building Development Project will be a 112-unit rental housing project. The Project will be newly constructed, with construction to begin shortly after the Bonds are issued. The Project is a multifamily housing development witlun the meaning of Secrion 462C.05 of the Act. The Project will be located at 350 St. Peter Street. The amount of Bonds attributable to the Project is expected to be approximately $10,175,000. The Project complies or will comply with all applicable building code, zoning and land use planning requirements. Need for the Project; Income and Rent Limitations. The development of the Project will provide needed additional rental housing opportunities within the City. Under the Act, and under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which will govern the Bonds, no income limits apply to residents of the Project. However, the TIF Act imposes certain requirements in connection with the creation ofahousing tax increment district, and in order to comply with such requirements, at least 20% of the units in the Project will be occupied by individuals whose income is 50% or less of the azea median gross income, adjusted for family size. The statutory authority for various sources of subordinated financing also impose income or rent limits, or both, which may be more restrictive than the TIF Act. The Project will comply with the most restrictive limitations. The Borrower, and any subsequent owner of the Project, will not arbitrarily reject an application from a proposed resident because of race, color, creed, religion or national arigin, sex, affectional preference, marital status, or status with regazd to public assistance ar disability. Bonds. The HRA will issue the Bonds, in one or more series, in an aggregate original principal aniount of up to $10,175,000. Substantially all of the proceeds of the Bonds attributable to the Project will be applied to pay or reimburse for the costs ofpurchasing consUucting, installing and equipping the Project. "Substantially a11" means a11 ofthe proceeds of such Bonds, less amounts deposited in a debt service reserve fund or used to pay the costs of issuance of the Bonds. It is expected that the Bonds will have a term of uot more than 40 years, and will mature serially ar be subject to sinking fixnd payxnents. The Bonds will bear interest excludable from gross income for federal income taa purposes, and, to the same extent, excludable from the gross and taxable net income of individuals, estates and trusts for Minnesota tax purposes. The Bonds will be special, limited obligations of the HRA, payable solely from (a) tax increment aud (b) revenues provided by the Borrower under one or more revenue agreements with the HRA. The Bonds will be further secured by mortgages and other security interests in the properry owned by the Borrower. The Bonds will not be a general obligation, moral obligation or annual appropriation obligation of the City or the HRA, nor will any revenues or assets of the City 181929�V1 (12ZR%41!.DOC) °1g -\�n�' or HRA (other revenues paid by the Borrower, Taac Increments and other revenues pledged under ttae Indenture) be pledged to the payment of the Bonds. The City or HRA may require the Borrower to provide evidence satisfactory to the City or HRA of the ability and intention of the Borrower to complete the construction of the Project, and evidence satisfactory to the City or HRA of compliance with the standazds and requirements for the makiug of the financing established by the HRA, as set forth herein and in connection therewith, the City, the HRA or its representatives may inspect the relevant books and record of the Borrower in order to co�rm such ability, intention and compliance. In addition, the City or HRA may periodically require certification from the Borrower or such other person deemed necessary concerning compliance with various aspects of this Program. The provisions of tlus Program are severable and if any of its provisions, sentences, clauses or paragraphs shall be held unconstitutional, contrary to statute, exceeding the authority of the City or the HRA or otherwise illegal or inoperative by an court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions. The City sha11 not amend this Program, while the Bonds authorized hereby are outstanding, to the detriment of the holders of such Bonds. Adopted: 1819290v1 (12ZRo01!.DOC) qq-ll�t�' � Y � y- � � 0 J y c 0 w U �L N N � d � O U C N � O �L � � c O a � a m N N m N C O N '� � Q � 0 U C � � .N � � U � a> U w m E 0 v c c �CO�a�CDN V VNO� o mu` o � co co N � � a1 d V N W yCD�R�tDR'N�NOM i c- � p� I`� C") 'd' (D c- (D O '��'d' M1`�(+> V'd'CDNe 11, y '7 '�' N � s � � S � d � O U C C �MCOtn O tfl Gfi V'� OtD � d C�'J { M� N�.f) 'V CO N c- o � M M N � O � a M , � V N ro �� c � \° (n � C o a� `o � � N N V � � G X N N � y O Q({S � E .� (4 = CJ X F- C O +-� � Q ` N LLI � N C N 1_ � a � � C � (a u1 v � �� a� a� m a> `—° m �= K fY �� N N Q � Q. a� m a� �� u m7 m0�� °- �3 � O p Q �p C N C N N� i. � C�= d N N v C7=a`¢�Q �.��z .N C � O 0 � a� m � F- d � 0 U c .� �tt)c7N'ct V OfO00N w- 'v <- �r r. co co o co o co r. o dr� coo�nu�T-<-cvrn o � � r� ri � ri Esa � d � 14 Y d V m T N CO V OJ � � t D � CO�i' V W thu)(DOCON 'R� ID COCD� r c--�N lD LL d h- f`� (7 � � O � 2 � � � 0 f.1 C G �? � M( O N V W N O O O 0��� 7' N�� O C O O N N o � �' V c+ ') s- � O � M� � V R `m m� �a \ � � C � a� o � � N N U N � � X � � � L � Q � � � CJ X V O � W � U O � � � (6 � � � Q .-. .,-. U � N � +�- C c C C(a LL1 �� m � a�i���� c a� m n.� �:.�_ m na� a� a� N � c� ca> RsOd'� °� v� p.� � m� m�n �n � O p� tA � tn f/� N+� C�za a_ ° �'z C t6 s � � � a ,� o o � �o � � a� m � � Q . � � � N 0 R � m C N � A p Q O N d' `S.fH V � = O N� m � Q � U � � N � � � � �s c � '� � � O � +-+ = N N � O C N � C X C N � � C � � O L yL.- Q � Q � � 3 � a m � ro N 3 � V C N � 'o O L � Q . � � � � N >+ � O C Q L (6 W � � w � �- c �� 3 � Q N �-- rn rn m O r �q - 1�`18' USES OF FUNDS Acquisifion Development Costs Total Costs Lotivey PrafessionaI Bnilding Funding Proposal Commercial 1,�00,000 4.SOOA00 �6,000,000 SOURCE5 OF FUNDS Private Equity 3,000,000 Private Financing 3.00�,OOQ Revenue Bonds Tax Increment Consrtuction Earnings Interest Low Income Housing Tax Credits Staz Loan HRA Grant MHFA/FHF Residential 1,500,000 10166,QQ0 $11,666,000 7,340,000 2,435,000 710,000 31,000 500,000 250,000 480 000 Total Sources $6,000,000 $11,666,000 Total 3,000,000 14.666.000 $17,666,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 7,340,000 2,43 5,000 710,000 31,000 500,000 250,600 480,OQ0 $17,666,000 .. � �� - l ��� Lowry Professional Building Redevelopment Project Support Documentation December 8, 1999 Lowry Professional Building �yoe��es9 �/ Relocation Summary � Q � i I�/� � y t v Suite Tenant Footage Eupiration Tenants on Month-to-Month and Short Exoiratians Floors 6-12� 613 John W. Bumham, DDS 600 04/30/99 m-t-m 6'15 David w. Tudc, ODS 493 OS/31(96 m-t-m 646 Lee Dental Studio 960 08/31/98 m-t-m 715 Valiey Creek Enterprises 207 02/01l99 - 0�/3�/Z000 729 Chades W. Salmen, DDS 198 04i30/95 m-t-m 732 Foot Clinics, LTD 546 06lO7/94 m-t-m 733 Dr. Olin 240 17/10/96 m-t-m 746 Wiiliam Gavin, DDS 924 0�/Ot/98 m-t-m 809 John A. Stemper DDS 716 OSl3�l97 m-t-m 814 Gerald McEllistrem, MD 826 t�f31l94 m-t-m 830 SCORE 874 02/01/9S-O7/31/2000 9�4RobertJones,DDS 968 07l31/98m-t-m 925 Broude & BaRhel, DDS 1,372 02/27/98 m-t-m 1002 Wiliem Dieperink, MD 276 1�/30/93 m-t-m 1025 St. Paui Public Schools 1,228 06/30/98 m-t-m 1033 Jerry Jo Brandt 427 05f31/96 m-t-m 1034 Gary Livermore, PHD 300 10/01/95 m-t-m 1040 Pearl Bamer, PHD 354 02/28/99 m-t-m 1042 Dr. William Spring 420 O6/30/98 m-t-m 1048 Michael Printon, ODS 478 09/30/93 m-t-m t l24 Peter Cannon, DDS 976 07l31/98 m-t-m 1206 Peter Nord, DDS 1,939 5/31/1999 m-t-m 1220 Michael Graff 655 6/30/1999 m-t-m 15,977 Tenants with Landlard Relocation Riaht 6-12 623APCOAlSta�dardParking 362 O6lOtf99-OS/31l2000 632FamilyDentalAssociates 2,268 01/01/93-12/31/2003 825MichaelFreischel,DDS �,125 OSi01i95-04/302000 '1015 MorrisseyHospitality 1,288 02l0'I/99-Ot/31/2004 1126GordonDOering,DDS 515 09/O7/97-08/3�/2002 5,558 Status Lease in Proceu Lease in Process Lease in Process vaqting vacating vapting vaqting Lease in Process vacating vacating vacating Lease in Process Propasai being disassed vacating Proposal being discussed vacating varating vacating vacating Lease in Process Lease in Process Lease in Process vacatin rera In process 9,938 vacating 6,039 Dis ute Total 75,977 Discussions undenvay with Tenant Tenant currently operetes ramp Vacating Proposal in process Lease in process Discussions w/ at for tenant to relocate in bid 12/7/99 reca In process 2,775 Vacating 2,268 Dis ute 515 Total 5,556 Tenants with No Landlortl Relocation Riaht 6- 72 719AmericanBankrupicyService 1,495 09/01/96-OS/31/99 Vacatin9 1027Ton1Magnuso0 345 09/O7/97-08/31/2002 Agreementunderreviewforterminanon 1031 Nancy Dessert, MD 472 06/01/98 - 05/2�2003 vacanng 1118 Roger 6. Ettel, DDS 1,500 Ol/O7/96 - 72/31/2000 Leasein process 1�20MartinBrown,DDS 673 1�/01/97-10/3�/2002 Leasein rocess reca 4,485 In process 2,�73 14,886 Vacating 2,312 10,6�9 ToWI Tenants above Floor 5 26,020 Dis ute 515 Total 4,485 26,�20 Tenants: Floors 2- 5(included far info - not involved in MF project) 220 Travel Associates 674 04/01/98 - 03/3�/2001 Renewal, extension, expansion pending 224 City & Cty Employees Credit Ur 1,699 03/31/99 m-t-m Lease in process 240 St. Paul Eye Cllinc 8,856 05/07/97 - 04/302002 Remodel, minor relo pending 280 Star T�bune 2,'IS? 02101f99 - 01f31l2004 Minor modification to skyway discussed. Pending 295 Ben's Custom Design 679 03/09/98 - 02l28/200� Renewal, relo pending 300CityofSt.Paul-LIEP 21,�00 08l01/98-07/31/2003 480 QAI�Ever lncreasing Enterprise� 7,�45 09/30797 m-t-m Vacated 400 Zelle & Larson 20.060 12/01/98 - 11/30/2000 Vacated ToW I Tenants 2- 5 62,400 Total 2- � 2 88,420 qq -���b' December 7, 1999 Mr. Keith Karnes Avex Lowry Limited Partnership 350 St. Peter St. Suite 215 Saint Paul, MN 55118 Re: Lowry Professional Building Dear Keith, 350 SL Pe�' � 68E St PaW, MY STi10Y-7507 Phale: 651227.8646 Fe�C 651.YY7.6523 This letter is for the purpose of showing support for the project that Avex is undertaking in the renovarion of the Lowry Professional Building. As you lmow, I am currently a tenant in the building, with an existing lease that runs for three more yeazs. Several months ago, Avex, through your representatives at CB Richazd Ellis, approached me with Avez' desire to relocate my practice to a lower floor within the Lowry project. My cutrent lease in the building provides the landlord an opportunity to relocate me within the building, providing certain conditions aze fulfilled. We have discussed my relocation several times over the last several months, with several options considered. During the negotiations, one of the oprions considered was reloca6on to another building that I would have an ownership interest in. I have determined that based upon my long term occupancy interest, that direction is better for my practice at this rime. Although Avex has the right under the lease to relocate me within the building, I appreciate your willingness to discuss alternatives, to work with me, allowing me to terminate my lease to pursue the ownership opportunity. I believe that the combined residentiall commercial nature of the building planned will be good for St. Paul and in particulaz, 6eneficial to my practice next door. The type of renovation to the building that you have described to me is what I believe we need. Change is always difficult, and these last months have shown that, with various parties having differing desires and directions. I look fonvard, though, to a continued good relationship as neighbors in dovmtown Saint Paul and hope that the approva] for and conshuction of the Lowry Project is accomp]ished quickly and smoothly. i.et me know if I may be of assistznce. Please sF.ue r.iy commenu with other parties, or the Ciry Council, if it would be beneficial to your project. Sinc rely, �� - Dr. Scott Lingle St�tt D. t� D.D.S., P,A. d rne xeart m st raa� r � ' 4,,.� 4 . �., �,. �' � '�3L - _ � � '�� r{�'., ���� ,� y t_ �- � - ` > „ � _ � � s. 5-''- r .�-�`� - � _;°1 }- x� g - - " _ . - _ -_ ' a�.- s.E _� _ . __ . . . _ . _� _ . - . . _ _ _ ' � �.s .` - ' . . :a : December 8, 1999 - � Mr. Keith Karnes via Fa.z 651-222-2466 Avex Lowry L'united Partnerslup 350 St. Peter Street � 5uite 215 5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102 - - Re: Lowry Professional Building . Dear Keith, . . Please accept this letter as evidence of our support for the renovation plans�for the Lowry Professional Building. My practice is currently located on the eleventh floor of the Lowry building. We have been discussing a move and plan to move'to' renovated space on the Skyway level of the building. W e believe that the renovafed commercial space in the bwilding is a weicome change. � Please use this letter to indicate our public support of the project. We are ready for the project to be approved so that construction can begin and disruption of oixr practice from unlaiown circumstances can be ended. We aze looking forwazd to being on the Skyway level and growing our practice in that location. Please let me know if I may be of assistance, and keep me informed of the project status. Sincerely, J Dr. Peter Cannon 1124 LOWRY MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. • ST, PAUL, MN 55102 •(612) 224-2787 12l08J1999 11:33 5514269591 GECK AND ASSaCIATES Tir.ao�rxY R. G�czc 8c A,ssocx.�r�s ATTOFNEYS AT LM1W �IqGH V1K� PROFESS�ON�L 8V1lDiNG TIMCTHYR.6-C� i310 STHIaH��'�.Y96 MARK c OLcA WNIT� BCAR LAKE, MIAWESOTA SS��C December 8, 1999 Mr. Michael R. Mazinovich CB Richard Ellis, Inc. 444 Cedar Street Suite 800 St. Paul MN 55101 Re: Dr. Roger Ette! 350 St Peter Street Leasehold Relocation Aear Ivlr. ivZazinovich: . PAGE 02 �� - l l ' l � ' TEI.EPNONE (65+) <2dJ2n? FTCS�Mi6E (ES�: -2d-9$01 I have conveyed your recent proposal to Ar. Ettel for his examination and consideration. With regard to youz request for charactezization of our negotiacions, it is our opinion that, although we do not have a final agreement regarding Dr. �ttel's relocation, the negotiations between us have been amicabie and have been conducted in good faith. This wili aiso confirm that you have never represented or snggested to us that you would enlist any authority for the pwposes of taking the pzenaises by eminent domain. Very t y 'urs, "�i p'thy R. Geck T�G/hg 3 �_ ��-.�;�� r::� -aa �OFZRISSEY HOSPITALITY COMPANIES INC. �� � December 8, 1999 Saint Paul City Councii RE: Redevelopment of the lowry Professionai Building I have had the privilege of working and being associated with the Saint Paul Hotel and this end of downtown since 1983. During this entire time the Lowry Professional Building has been in need of renovation and redevelopment as a historic building with historic tenants. I know in talking to a host of potential investors who looked at the building that the costs of the renovation coupled with the sensitivity of dealing with a lot of long term tenants is what pushed most investors away from seriously considering the deai. I think we can all assume the Lowry Professional Building as a historic building should stay in Saint Paul. Because of its nature, size and configuration it only has a very finite number of potential reuses, of which I believe the AVEX solution for middle income and up housing in downtown Saint Paul is an outstanding proposal. Being deeply involved in the renaissance of Saint Paul and I have listened to the experts and the consultants over the years talking about how we needed to inject housing back into the downtown. To make a viable living and thriving downtown this project meets ali of the criteria in every form and facet. 1 will not argue the merits of the transaction, that is for you to decide. 1 will telf you that as the developer of Pazzaluna and as Management Company of the Saint Paui Hotel, that this type of use of the building in this location by a credible developer and landlord will be an asset to the neighborhood and to the community. Those sma{{ businesses currently {ocated in the Lowry are important as well. However, as the city determined when developing the Lawson block, development will never be totally accepted by all parties. One must make a priority to a longer-term goal and vision to ai! the surrounding property owners, the vision of the city and the needs of the general population. Development of all or part of the Lowry Professional block needs to occur as soon as possible as it has continued to deteriorate and is becoming blighted in a very special and unique side of downtown Saint Paul. 350 ST. PErER STReEr, SuiTe 1 O1 5. ST. PaU�. MN 55 1 02-1 5 1 4 651-227-0815:FAX651-221-0771 oR651-292-1966 E-Mni�AOORESS� mhcnet@worldnet.att.net _ � t���' � �. St. Peter Street is developing nicely as a restaurant district, where housing will support additional restaurant development. It wiil put peop(e on the street and it will give a sense of neighborhood and urban life to this area which is much needed. My deafings with AVEX as a tenant, in Pazzaluna and my personal corporate office, have given me the opportunity to witness their business practice and the way in which they deal with their tenants. f am nothing but pleased with my dealings with them to date, they are fair, they are firm and they are honest. I think they understand that Saint Paul is too close knit a community to do anything other than that and it seems to me that they are totally committed to the development of a quality project in a historic buiiding which has very limited new deve(opment uses. I urge you to give their proposal strong consideration, to listen to any of the tenants who may be displaced, but to look at the greater good that could occur in a revitalization of downtown Saint Paul. I am sorry that f am not able to be with you at this hearing as I am out of town our new Lodge at Giants Ridge. I would be happy to talk with any of you individually or on the telephone as your feisure. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, \./�.X� ` William Morris President � 350 ST. Pt7ER STREET. SUITE 1015, ST. PAU�. MN 551 02-1 5 1 4 651-221-0815; FAX 651-221-0771 oR 651-292-1966 E-Mni�A�oRESS: mhcnet@worldnet.att.net DEC 08 1?' 'r.r� crr� & co� CREDIT Wi ION DECembe: 8,1999 Keith Kasncs Aver Lowry Limi�cd P�narshiP Svite 2i5 350 3[, Peter S[reet S� Paul, MN 55102 Re: Lawry P:ofe�sional Building Dcss Mr. Karnes: Wc have recendy complcted negotiatiocu of a leasa extension and zemodci of our brdnc� locaced on ihe Skyway ievai ofthe Lowcy Yrofessional Huild�ng. We toox forward to tht zrno�atior. of our space and to thc up�*adzs Planned fot the balance of the building. we wish to tharsi: Mr. Michael Maziaovieh for his tboushtful considesation of ouc- coneems and demands. As a long-tetm tet�nt of'ft:e Lowry we are pleased to ramai� there, and wish yo� great success with your plans faz the huiiding. Sincerety, � t.�'l��'�,��� S �Shetdon San6om President �,���Y � Gu:/'L25$10U •'Sta1n0lTic¢ ♦ bSaplevtoodOlr+�e ♦ Loe'cYOTicc ToTi l�rec 1-860-2Ed�2liI11 141 _Ith Stmct l:sst lu6i Lnpc Avenue East 350 5!. Yeux Stmct, 5ui'�e 2'd4 Tl)II G51lZ25$4G1 St Pa�i, b2l�' o51Q1-2480 :lfaplewpoti, M.ti G61f14�8514 9c Pcud, M!i 55102•I311 ** TGTRL PF1Gc.02 �»� •� �� Standard Parking0 M PPCONSrariOaN Parlting Canpany Lowry Professional Bwlding 350 Si. Peter Street • Suite 623 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (657) 316-7926 • Fax (651) 310-1905 December 8, 1999 Mr. Keith Karnes Avex Lowry Limited Parinership 350 St. Peter Street Suite 215 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 via Fax 651-222-2466 Re: Lowry Professional Building Dear Keith, �a-����' This letter is to express our support for the upgrading of the Lowry Professional Building. We believe that the new residential units on the upper floors and the renovated commercial space in the building are welcome changes. Standard Parking is a tenant on the sixth floor of the building. Our lease expires in May of this upcoming year. We look forward both to working out a lease extension/relocation with you on space in the Lowry Building and to the opportunity to continue to service the parking needs of the Lowry Ramp. Please use this letter to indicate our public support of the project. We hope the project plans and financing will be approved quickly so that wark can begin. Sincerely, Darwin Melin Standard Parking Ambrence in Parking.o � �o,���� File # 9q —��Rg' Resolution # Green Sheet # � 0� �o O 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,,MINNESOTA � Preseated By ��� �� � � � _ _ Referred To Committee:Date RESOLUTION RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR FINANCING A MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE THE POWERS GRANTED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 462C.01 TO 462C.08 ./[� :I�1:i�/:G�l 3 Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act"), confers upon cities, or housing and redevelopment 4 authorities authorized by ordinance to exercise on behalf of a city, the powers confened by the Act, 5 the power to issue revenue bonds to finance a program far the purposes of planning, administering, 6 making or purchasing loans with respect to one or more multifamily housing developments within 7 the boundaries of the city; and 8 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA") has 9 received from Avex Lowiy Limited Partnership, (the "Developer"), a proposal that the HRA 10 undertake to finance the rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing development as hereinafter 11 described, through the issuance of revenue bonds or obligations in one or more series (collectively, 12 the "Bonds") pursuant to the Act for the purpose of loaning the proceeds thereof to the Developer 13 to finance the rehabilitation by the Developer of the Lowry Professional Building to include 112 14 apartments (the "Project") pursuant to the "housing program" described below; and 15 Prior to publication of a notice of public heazing for the public hearing described in (F) below, the 16 City prepazed a"housing program" (the "Program") under the Act and submitted the Program for 17 review to the Metropolitan Council; and 18 The Developer's proposal calls for the HRA to loan the proceeds realized upon the sale ofthe Bonds 19 to the Developer pursuant to a revenue agreement or agreements wherein the Developer will be 20 obligated to make payments at the times and in the amounts sufficient to provide for the prompt 21 payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and all costs and expenses of 22 the HRA and the City incident to the issuance and sale of the Bonds; and 1878340v1 (149C4011DOC) �l`i -1�'1?' 23 T'he City desires to encourage the development and continued operation of housing facilities 24 designed for occupancy by persons of low and moderate income and assist the City in achieving 25 these objectives; and 26 A public hearing on the Program and the proposed fmancing of the Project was held on December 27 8,1999 following duly published notice, at which tune all persons that desired to speak were heard. 28 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Saint Paul, as follows: 29 The City hereby approves the Program and gives preliminary approval to the issuance of the Bonds 30 for the financing of the Project and, pursuant to Section 72 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code, 31 hereby authorizes and directs the HRA to exercise the powers granted in Minnesota Statutes 462C.01 32 to 462C.08. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 On the basis of information available to the City Council, it appeazs, and the City Council hereby finds, thatthe proj ect constitutes amultifamily rental housing development and fixrthers the purposes of the Act; that the Proj ect is reserved for rental in part by persons of low and moderate income; that the availability of financing under the Act and the willingness of the HRA to fiunish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the Developer to operate the Project, and that the effect of the financing of the Project, if undertaken, will be to assure that adequate housing will continue to be auailable to residents of the City at a reasonable cost. The Executive Director of the HRA, is hereby authorized to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with respect to the financing ofthe Project in substantially the form on file with the HRA. 43 Leonard, Street and Deinard Professional Association, is hereby retained as Bond Counsel for the 44 issuance of the Bonds. Dougheriy Summit Securities LLC is hereby retained as the investment 45 banker for this transaction. Leonard, Street and Deinard and Dougherty Suinmit Securities LLC are 46 hereby authorized to assist in the preparation and review of necessary docuxnents relating to the 47 issuance of the Bonds, to consult with the City Attorney, Developer and purchasers of the Bonds as 48 to the maturities, interest rates and other terms and provisions of the Bonds and as to the covenants 49 and other provisions of the necessary documents and submit such documents to the IIRA for final 50 approval. 51 The Developer has agreed and it is hereby determined that any and a11 costs incurred by the City or 52 the HRA in connection with the financing of the Project, whether or not the proposed financing of 53 the Project is carried to completion and whether or not the issuance of Bonds is approved by the 54 HRA, will be paid by the Developer. 55 Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Ch. 474A, the City allocates an amount of tas exempt bonding authority, 56 from the City's entitlement allocation far calendar year 2000, the amount of $10,175,000 for the 57 purposes of financing the Project. There is hereby reserved from the 2000 entitlement the amount 58 of $10,175,000 for the Bonds. The foregoing allocation of bonding authority assumes that t� 59 exempt t� increment bonds to be issued to finance a portion of the costs of the project will be 60 "private activity bonds" which require an allocation of bonding authority. In the event the tax 61 increment bonds do not require bond authority allocation, the amount allocated for the Project shall 62 be reduced accordingly. `lR -1 t'1�' 63 Nothing in this resolution shall be construed to require the City or the I-IRA to approve any element 64 of the Project ar the issuance of the Bonds, nor shall this resolution be construed as vesting in the 65 Developer any cause of action against the City or the HRA arising from any failure or refusal by the 66 City or the HR A to approve the issuance of the Bonds. 67 Nothing in this resolution or the documents prepared pursuant hereto shall authorize the expenditure 68 of any municipal funds on the financing of the Project or the payment of the Bonds other than the 69 revenues derived from the Proj ect or otherwise granted to the City or the HRA for this purpose. The 70 Bonds shall not constitute a change, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property ar 71 funds of the City or the HRA except the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof, nor 72 sha11 the City or the HRA be subject to any direct liability thereon. The holder of the Bonds hall 73 never have the right to compel any exercise of the taacing power of the City or the IIIZA to pay the 74 outstanding principal on the Bonds or the interest thereon, or to enforce payment thereon against any 75 property of the City or the HRA. The Bonds sha11 recite in substance that the Bonds, including the 76 interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof. 77 The Bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City or the HRA within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision. 1878340v1 (149C40]!.DOC) �aas�n � qq-11't �' � �U & � f � � �,� � -��i ������a��� �eG < �/ ,�Po �Ui?�iG l7 n� � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES __ � 7� �sJc, y ��Z r/!�t %�s �� �d� ���� GREEN SHEET No 101683 02 oe.R,�.aw�rae tl��� �m.�wo. 0 '`��°�� ❑ m„�„� �„� ❑���a� % ❑,.�.�.�.�,�a � M,��,,.a..,�iLY� � SL/t T C I'C•js i i /�� (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � �a�-ed /'�So (v f �� �C�sd� � �. l�a�us � �� �� � e''�+� f �arv�i ,`! ���"� � ��ea.� � �'�� `1PGD'� �^ f h �� 6c�r� ���es'S e'o-� !e �esa��f�°� a � �/i��A � i � <�so ��s�� �Q��- e��`� w�`�� �7� XOY2 (A) Of R012Cf IRl PENSONAL SERVIGE CONTRAC75 MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUE PLANNING COMMISSION Ci8 CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� �� F1astNS P�um everwoiked under a coMrec[TOrMiedepa'Ime�d'7 YES NO HastlHaPe+saJfvmexrheanaalYempbyce4 , YES NO Does ttiis G�sorufirm po�esc a sldl nat � tY anY cmrent dry empbyee? YES NO IB Mis peBaYfum a tarpMed ve'MW7 VES MO dain all ves e�mv/eis an seoaiate Sl�eet and etlach to aRe�t sheet NITIATING PR08LEM I OPMR NITV (Who, W When, Wheie. Why) � .� � �� ��/Q'f/�s-� /'t'�SDlU�i �tw (yk2.f /? O--J CS���f G"C C ,��d ;� ��� ��.���� `�,�������� ����f s� � � �-� � ,,� � � �-� � ��� r��� -� � ��� � � ` COSTrttEVENUE BUDGEIED (dRCLE ONq �o i�so -�- �� � 6 YE3 NO SOURCE � ACTNT'NUMBER °lq -11'l Y EXHIBIT A [Map of District and Project Area] NOV 23 1999 14�34 FR L.S.B D 651Geerb44 w S�eeRaoo�ea47u5i r.GO�no aq -���� ...1l: • �, y �� .� . �, ., - � ,, � _�^; ' � +- `-_ s _�_ ��' : I � V' I� i � C ��� �pl I � I � _ > = - - /' / // � � 1 �� ��,.� �� x :0 � J C` 'J � 4 J r n � _ .' .� 4 - � J } :J � � �/i \��;. , � - =;:.- r � / \� , r : �, � j" � /.; . � i:- • �.; ,�. . • _,� �• / i�i � ., � / / = '_:'_ � � / ---- � � �=--�- % � � �_ _ �� �`�� = J "; _� ;�I . i 1 = __ 18t9290�1 (12ZRY.01'.DOC) A-1 xo�� r�� �._ , �i : � , � ��: � � -- _ --; ;� : 1 . i - 1 i �� t • � ' i � � ** TOTAL PRGE.06 ** °lq -���d' CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, NIINNESOTA PROGRAM FOR A IvIf.7LTIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT (LOWRY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING) Introduction. This housing finance program (the "Program") under Mimiesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "AcP') describes the proposed issuance by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mimiesota (the "HRA") of up to $10,175,000 of revenue bonds (the "Bonds") to finance, in part, the acquisition and construction of a rental housing development (the "Project") by Avex Lowry Limited Partnership (the "Bonower"). The Bonds wi11 be revenue obligations, secured by the repayment obligation of the Borrower, mortgages and other security interests in property owned by the Borrower, and a first lien on tax increments (the "Tax Increments") to be derived fromthe Lowry Professional Building Housing Tas Increment Financing District (the "Aistrict"), as described below; provided that the bonds payable from tas increments may be issued separately or a separate series. The Bonds wili not be a general obligation of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") or the HRA, nor will any assets or revenues ofthe City or HRA be pledged to the payment of the Bonds other than as described above. Issuer. The issuer of the Bonds will be the HRA. Under Chapter 72 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the HRA is authorized to exercise the powers of the Clty under the Act upon approval by the City of the Program and delegation by the City to the HRA of those powers far the purposes of the Program. Tax Increment District and Housing Development Project. In connection with the Project, the HRA will establish the District. The I3RA has prepared a taac increment financing plan for the District, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179, as amended (the "TIF Act"). The TIF Act requires that a tax increment district be established within a"proj ect area". Therefore, the IIRA will also expand the boundaries of the Downtown and Seventh Place Redevelopment Project to include the geographic area comprising the District as shown on E�ibit A attached hereto. The boundaries of the District aze set forth on the map attached hereto as E�ibit A. Housing Plan and Program. This Program will be undertaken pursuant to the Act and the Housing Pian of the City required by the Act. The Housing Plan, as amended, was adopted by the CiTy in March of 1990. This Program will be adopted after review by the Metropolitan Council, and a public hearing on the Program, held after notice is given, all as required by Section 462C.04 of the Act. The Program is consistent with both the Housing Plan (and other housing plans of the Ciry developed under other laws), and is consistent with development guides applicable within the City and developed by the Metropolitan Council. Borrower. The Borrower is Avex Lowry Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited 1819290v1 (12ZR%O1!.DOC) aq-�»Y parinerslup company, whose members are initially Avex Realty Services, Inc., the general partner, and 3ohn Knapp. Project. Lowry Professional Building Development Project will be a 112-unit rental housing project. The Project will be newly constructed, with construction to begin shortly after the Bonds are issued. The Project is a multifamily housing development witlun the meaning of Secrion 462C.05 of the Act. The Project will be located at 350 St. Peter Street. The amount of Bonds attributable to the Project is expected to be approximately $10,175,000. The Project complies or will comply with all applicable building code, zoning and land use planning requirements. Need for the Project; Income and Rent Limitations. The development of the Project will provide needed additional rental housing opportunities within the City. Under the Act, and under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which will govern the Bonds, no income limits apply to residents of the Project. However, the TIF Act imposes certain requirements in connection with the creation ofahousing tax increment district, and in order to comply with such requirements, at least 20% of the units in the Project will be occupied by individuals whose income is 50% or less of the azea median gross income, adjusted for family size. The statutory authority for various sources of subordinated financing also impose income or rent limits, or both, which may be more restrictive than the TIF Act. The Project will comply with the most restrictive limitations. The Borrower, and any subsequent owner of the Project, will not arbitrarily reject an application from a proposed resident because of race, color, creed, religion or national arigin, sex, affectional preference, marital status, or status with regazd to public assistance ar disability. Bonds. The HRA will issue the Bonds, in one or more series, in an aggregate original principal aniount of up to $10,175,000. Substantially all of the proceeds of the Bonds attributable to the Project will be applied to pay or reimburse for the costs ofpurchasing consUucting, installing and equipping the Project. "Substantially a11" means a11 ofthe proceeds of such Bonds, less amounts deposited in a debt service reserve fund or used to pay the costs of issuance of the Bonds. It is expected that the Bonds will have a term of uot more than 40 years, and will mature serially ar be subject to sinking fixnd payxnents. The Bonds will bear interest excludable from gross income for federal income taa purposes, and, to the same extent, excludable from the gross and taxable net income of individuals, estates and trusts for Minnesota tax purposes. The Bonds will be special, limited obligations of the HRA, payable solely from (a) tax increment aud (b) revenues provided by the Borrower under one or more revenue agreements with the HRA. The Bonds will be further secured by mortgages and other security interests in the properry owned by the Borrower. The Bonds will not be a general obligation, moral obligation or annual appropriation obligation of the City or the HRA, nor will any revenues or assets of the City 181929�V1 (12ZR%41!.DOC) °1g -\�n�' or HRA (other revenues paid by the Borrower, Taac Increments and other revenues pledged under ttae Indenture) be pledged to the payment of the Bonds. The City or HRA may require the Borrower to provide evidence satisfactory to the City or HRA of the ability and intention of the Borrower to complete the construction of the Project, and evidence satisfactory to the City or HRA of compliance with the standazds and requirements for the makiug of the financing established by the HRA, as set forth herein and in connection therewith, the City, the HRA or its representatives may inspect the relevant books and record of the Borrower in order to co�rm such ability, intention and compliance. In addition, the City or HRA may periodically require certification from the Borrower or such other person deemed necessary concerning compliance with various aspects of this Program. The provisions of tlus Program are severable and if any of its provisions, sentences, clauses or paragraphs shall be held unconstitutional, contrary to statute, exceeding the authority of the City or the HRA or otherwise illegal or inoperative by an court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions. The City sha11 not amend this Program, while the Bonds authorized hereby are outstanding, to the detriment of the holders of such Bonds. Adopted: 1819290v1 (12ZRo01!.DOC) qq-ll�t�' � Y � y- � � 0 J y c 0 w U �L N N � d � O U C N � O �L � � c O a � a m N N m N C O N '� � Q � 0 U C � � .N � � U � a> U w m E 0 v c c �CO�a�CDN V VNO� o mu` o � co co N � � a1 d V N W yCD�R�tDR'N�NOM i c- � p� I`� C") 'd' (D c- (D O '��'d' M1`�(+> V'd'CDNe 11, y '7 '�' N � s � � S � d � O U C C �MCOtn O tfl Gfi V'� OtD � d C�'J { M� N�.f) 'V CO N c- o � M M N � O � a M , � V N ro �� c � \° (n � C o a� `o � � N N V � � G X N N � y O Q({S � E .� (4 = CJ X F- C O +-� � Q ` N LLI � N C N 1_ � a � � C � (a u1 v � �� a� a� m a> `—° m �= K fY �� N N Q � Q. a� m a� �� u m7 m0�� °- �3 � O p Q �p C N C N N� i. � C�= d N N v C7=a`¢�Q �.��z .N C � O 0 � a� m � F- d � 0 U c .� �tt)c7N'ct V OfO00N w- 'v <- �r r. co co o co o co r. o dr� coo�nu�T-<-cvrn o � � r� ri � ri Esa � d � 14 Y d V m T N CO V OJ � � t D � CO�i' V W thu)(DOCON 'R� ID COCD� r c--�N lD LL d h- f`� (7 � � O � 2 � � � 0 f.1 C G �? � M( O N V W N O O O 0��� 7' N�� O C O O N N o � �' V c+ ') s- � O � M� � V R `m m� �a \ � � C � a� o � � N N U N � � X � � � L � Q � � � CJ X V O � W � U O � � � (6 � � � Q .-. .,-. U � N � +�- C c C C(a LL1 �� m � a�i���� c a� m n.� �:.�_ m na� a� a� N � c� ca> RsOd'� °� v� p.� � m� m�n �n � O p� tA � tn f/� N+� C�za a_ ° �'z C t6 s � � � a ,� o o � �o � � a� m � � Q . � � � N 0 R � m C N � A p Q O N d' `S.fH V � = O N� m � Q � U � � N � � � � �s c � '� � � O � +-+ = N N � O C N � C X C N � � C � � O L yL.- Q � Q � � 3 � a m � ro N 3 � V C N � 'o O L � Q . � � � � N >+ � O C Q L (6 W � � w � �- c �� 3 � Q N �-- rn rn m O r �q - 1�`18' USES OF FUNDS Acquisifion Development Costs Total Costs Lotivey PrafessionaI Bnilding Funding Proposal Commercial 1,�00,000 4.SOOA00 �6,000,000 SOURCE5 OF FUNDS Private Equity 3,000,000 Private Financing 3.00�,OOQ Revenue Bonds Tax Increment Consrtuction Earnings Interest Low Income Housing Tax Credits Staz Loan HRA Grant MHFA/FHF Residential 1,500,000 10166,QQ0 $11,666,000 7,340,000 2,435,000 710,000 31,000 500,000 250,000 480 000 Total Sources $6,000,000 $11,666,000 Total 3,000,000 14.666.000 $17,666,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 7,340,000 2,43 5,000 710,000 31,000 500,000 250,600 480,OQ0 $17,666,000 .. � �� - l ��� Lowry Professional Building Redevelopment Project Support Documentation December 8, 1999 Lowry Professional Building �yoe��es9 �/ Relocation Summary � Q � i I�/� � y t v Suite Tenant Footage Eupiration Tenants on Month-to-Month and Short Exoiratians Floors 6-12� 613 John W. Bumham, DDS 600 04/30/99 m-t-m 6'15 David w. Tudc, ODS 493 OS/31(96 m-t-m 646 Lee Dental Studio 960 08/31/98 m-t-m 715 Valiey Creek Enterprises 207 02/01l99 - 0�/3�/Z000 729 Chades W. Salmen, DDS 198 04i30/95 m-t-m 732 Foot Clinics, LTD 546 06lO7/94 m-t-m 733 Dr. Olin 240 17/10/96 m-t-m 746 Wiiliam Gavin, DDS 924 0�/Ot/98 m-t-m 809 John A. Stemper DDS 716 OSl3�l97 m-t-m 814 Gerald McEllistrem, MD 826 t�f31l94 m-t-m 830 SCORE 874 02/01/9S-O7/31/2000 9�4RobertJones,DDS 968 07l31/98m-t-m 925 Broude & BaRhel, DDS 1,372 02/27/98 m-t-m 1002 Wiliem Dieperink, MD 276 1�/30/93 m-t-m 1025 St. Paui Public Schools 1,228 06/30/98 m-t-m 1033 Jerry Jo Brandt 427 05f31/96 m-t-m 1034 Gary Livermore, PHD 300 10/01/95 m-t-m 1040 Pearl Bamer, PHD 354 02/28/99 m-t-m 1042 Dr. William Spring 420 O6/30/98 m-t-m 1048 Michael Printon, ODS 478 09/30/93 m-t-m t l24 Peter Cannon, DDS 976 07l31/98 m-t-m 1206 Peter Nord, DDS 1,939 5/31/1999 m-t-m 1220 Michael Graff 655 6/30/1999 m-t-m 15,977 Tenants with Landlard Relocation Riaht 6-12 623APCOAlSta�dardParking 362 O6lOtf99-OS/31l2000 632FamilyDentalAssociates 2,268 01/01/93-12/31/2003 825MichaelFreischel,DDS �,125 OSi01i95-04/302000 '1015 MorrisseyHospitality 1,288 02l0'I/99-Ot/31/2004 1126GordonDOering,DDS 515 09/O7/97-08/3�/2002 5,558 Status Lease in Proceu Lease in Process Lease in Process vaqting vacating vapting vaqting Lease in Process vacating vacating vacating Lease in Process Propasai being disassed vacating Proposal being discussed vacating varating vacating vacating Lease in Process Lease in Process Lease in Process vacatin rera In process 9,938 vacating 6,039 Dis ute Total 75,977 Discussions undenvay with Tenant Tenant currently operetes ramp Vacating Proposal in process Lease in process Discussions w/ at for tenant to relocate in bid 12/7/99 reca In process 2,775 Vacating 2,268 Dis ute 515 Total 5,556 Tenants with No Landlortl Relocation Riaht 6- 72 719AmericanBankrupicyService 1,495 09/01/96-OS/31/99 Vacatin9 1027Ton1Magnuso0 345 09/O7/97-08/31/2002 Agreementunderreviewforterminanon 1031 Nancy Dessert, MD 472 06/01/98 - 05/2�2003 vacanng 1118 Roger 6. Ettel, DDS 1,500 Ol/O7/96 - 72/31/2000 Leasein process 1�20MartinBrown,DDS 673 1�/01/97-10/3�/2002 Leasein rocess reca 4,485 In process 2,�73 14,886 Vacating 2,312 10,6�9 ToWI Tenants above Floor 5 26,020 Dis ute 515 Total 4,485 26,�20 Tenants: Floors 2- 5(included far info - not involved in MF project) 220 Travel Associates 674 04/01/98 - 03/3�/2001 Renewal, extension, expansion pending 224 City & Cty Employees Credit Ur 1,699 03/31/99 m-t-m Lease in process 240 St. Paul Eye Cllinc 8,856 05/07/97 - 04/302002 Remodel, minor relo pending 280 Star T�bune 2,'IS? 02101f99 - 01f31l2004 Minor modification to skyway discussed. Pending 295 Ben's Custom Design 679 03/09/98 - 02l28/200� Renewal, relo pending 300CityofSt.Paul-LIEP 21,�00 08l01/98-07/31/2003 480 QAI�Ever lncreasing Enterprise� 7,�45 09/30797 m-t-m Vacated 400 Zelle & Larson 20.060 12/01/98 - 11/30/2000 Vacated ToW I Tenants 2- 5 62,400 Total 2- � 2 88,420 qq -���b' December 7, 1999 Mr. Keith Karnes Avex Lowry Limited Partnership 350 St. Peter St. Suite 215 Saint Paul, MN 55118 Re: Lowry Professional Building Dear Keith, 350 SL Pe�' � 68E St PaW, MY STi10Y-7507 Phale: 651227.8646 Fe�C 651.YY7.6523 This letter is for the purpose of showing support for the project that Avex is undertaking in the renovarion of the Lowry Professional Building. As you lmow, I am currently a tenant in the building, with an existing lease that runs for three more yeazs. Several months ago, Avex, through your representatives at CB Richazd Ellis, approached me with Avez' desire to relocate my practice to a lower floor within the Lowry project. My cutrent lease in the building provides the landlord an opportunity to relocate me within the building, providing certain conditions aze fulfilled. We have discussed my relocation several times over the last several months, with several options considered. During the negotiations, one of the oprions considered was reloca6on to another building that I would have an ownership interest in. I have determined that based upon my long term occupancy interest, that direction is better for my practice at this rime. Although Avex has the right under the lease to relocate me within the building, I appreciate your willingness to discuss alternatives, to work with me, allowing me to terminate my lease to pursue the ownership opportunity. I believe that the combined residentiall commercial nature of the building planned will be good for St. Paul and in particulaz, 6eneficial to my practice next door. The type of renovation to the building that you have described to me is what I believe we need. Change is always difficult, and these last months have shown that, with various parties having differing desires and directions. I look fonvard, though, to a continued good relationship as neighbors in dovmtown Saint Paul and hope that the approva] for and conshuction of the Lowry Project is accomp]ished quickly and smoothly. i.et me know if I may be of assistznce. Please sF.ue r.iy commenu with other parties, or the Ciry Council, if it would be beneficial to your project. Sinc rely, �� - Dr. Scott Lingle St�tt D. t� D.D.S., P,A. d rne xeart m st raa� r � ' 4,,.� 4 . �., �,. �' � '�3L - _ � � '�� r{�'., ���� ,� y t_ �- � - ` > „ � _ � � s. 5-''- r .�-�`� - � _;°1 }- x� g - - " _ . - _ -_ ' a�.- s.E _� _ . __ . . . _ . _� _ . - . . _ _ _ ' � �.s .` - ' . . :a : December 8, 1999 - � Mr. Keith Karnes via Fa.z 651-222-2466 Avex Lowry L'united Partnerslup 350 St. Peter Street � 5uite 215 5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102 - - Re: Lowry Professional Building . Dear Keith, . . Please accept this letter as evidence of our support for the renovation plans�for the Lowry Professional Building. My practice is currently located on the eleventh floor of the Lowry building. We have been discussing a move and plan to move'to' renovated space on the Skyway level of the building. W e believe that the renovafed commercial space in the bwilding is a weicome change. � Please use this letter to indicate our public support of the project. We are ready for the project to be approved so that construction can begin and disruption of oixr practice from unlaiown circumstances can be ended. We aze looking forwazd to being on the Skyway level and growing our practice in that location. Please let me know if I may be of assistance, and keep me informed of the project status. Sincerely, J Dr. Peter Cannon 1124 LOWRY MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. • ST, PAUL, MN 55102 •(612) 224-2787 12l08J1999 11:33 5514269591 GECK AND ASSaCIATES Tir.ao�rxY R. G�czc 8c A,ssocx.�r�s ATTOFNEYS AT LM1W �IqGH V1K� PROFESS�ON�L 8V1lDiNG TIMCTHYR.6-C� i310 STHIaH��'�.Y96 MARK c OLcA WNIT� BCAR LAKE, MIAWESOTA SS��C December 8, 1999 Mr. Michael R. Mazinovich CB Richard Ellis, Inc. 444 Cedar Street Suite 800 St. Paul MN 55101 Re: Dr. Roger Ette! 350 St Peter Street Leasehold Relocation Aear Ivlr. ivZazinovich: . PAGE 02 �� - l l ' l � ' TEI.EPNONE (65+) <2dJ2n? FTCS�Mi6E (ES�: -2d-9$01 I have conveyed your recent proposal to Ar. Ettel for his examination and consideration. With regard to youz request for charactezization of our negotiacions, it is our opinion that, although we do not have a final agreement regarding Dr. �ttel's relocation, the negotiations between us have been amicabie and have been conducted in good faith. This wili aiso confirm that you have never represented or snggested to us that you would enlist any authority for the pwposes of taking the pzenaises by eminent domain. Very t y 'urs, "�i p'thy R. Geck T�G/hg 3 �_ ��-.�;�� r::� -aa �OFZRISSEY HOSPITALITY COMPANIES INC. �� � December 8, 1999 Saint Paul City Councii RE: Redevelopment of the lowry Professionai Building I have had the privilege of working and being associated with the Saint Paul Hotel and this end of downtown since 1983. During this entire time the Lowry Professional Building has been in need of renovation and redevelopment as a historic building with historic tenants. I know in talking to a host of potential investors who looked at the building that the costs of the renovation coupled with the sensitivity of dealing with a lot of long term tenants is what pushed most investors away from seriously considering the deai. I think we can all assume the Lowry Professional Building as a historic building should stay in Saint Paul. Because of its nature, size and configuration it only has a very finite number of potential reuses, of which I believe the AVEX solution for middle income and up housing in downtown Saint Paul is an outstanding proposal. Being deeply involved in the renaissance of Saint Paul and I have listened to the experts and the consultants over the years talking about how we needed to inject housing back into the downtown. To make a viable living and thriving downtown this project meets ali of the criteria in every form and facet. 1 will not argue the merits of the transaction, that is for you to decide. 1 will telf you that as the developer of Pazzaluna and as Management Company of the Saint Paui Hotel, that this type of use of the building in this location by a credible developer and landlord will be an asset to the neighborhood and to the community. Those sma{{ businesses currently {ocated in the Lowry are important as well. However, as the city determined when developing the Lawson block, development will never be totally accepted by all parties. One must make a priority to a longer-term goal and vision to ai! the surrounding property owners, the vision of the city and the needs of the general population. Development of all or part of the Lowry Professional block needs to occur as soon as possible as it has continued to deteriorate and is becoming blighted in a very special and unique side of downtown Saint Paul. 350 ST. PErER STReEr, SuiTe 1 O1 5. ST. PaU�. MN 55 1 02-1 5 1 4 651-227-0815:FAX651-221-0771 oR651-292-1966 E-Mni�AOORESS� mhcnet@worldnet.att.net _ � t���' � �. St. Peter Street is developing nicely as a restaurant district, where housing will support additional restaurant development. It wiil put peop(e on the street and it will give a sense of neighborhood and urban life to this area which is much needed. My deafings with AVEX as a tenant, in Pazzaluna and my personal corporate office, have given me the opportunity to witness their business practice and the way in which they deal with their tenants. f am nothing but pleased with my dealings with them to date, they are fair, they are firm and they are honest. I think they understand that Saint Paul is too close knit a community to do anything other than that and it seems to me that they are totally committed to the development of a quality project in a historic buiiding which has very limited new deve(opment uses. I urge you to give their proposal strong consideration, to listen to any of the tenants who may be displaced, but to look at the greater good that could occur in a revitalization of downtown Saint Paul. I am sorry that f am not able to be with you at this hearing as I am out of town our new Lodge at Giants Ridge. I would be happy to talk with any of you individually or on the telephone as your feisure. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, \./�.X� ` William Morris President � 350 ST. Pt7ER STREET. SUITE 1015, ST. PAU�. MN 551 02-1 5 1 4 651-221-0815; FAX 651-221-0771 oR 651-292-1966 E-Mni�A�oRESS: mhcnet@worldnet.att.net DEC 08 1?' 'r.r� crr� & co� CREDIT Wi ION DECembe: 8,1999 Keith Kasncs Aver Lowry Limi�cd P�narshiP Svite 2i5 350 3[, Peter S[reet S� Paul, MN 55102 Re: Lawry P:ofe�sional Building Dcss Mr. Karnes: Wc have recendy complcted negotiatiocu of a leasa extension and zemodci of our brdnc� locaced on ihe Skyway ievai ofthe Lowcy Yrofessional Huild�ng. We toox forward to tht zrno�atior. of our space and to thc up�*adzs Planned fot the balance of the building. we wish to tharsi: Mr. Michael Maziaovieh for his tboushtful considesation of ouc- coneems and demands. As a long-tetm tet�nt of'ft:e Lowry we are pleased to ramai� there, and wish yo� great success with your plans faz the huiiding. Sincerety, � t.�'l��'�,��� S �Shetdon San6om President �,���Y � Gu:/'L25$10U •'Sta1n0lTic¢ ♦ bSaplevtoodOlr+�e ♦ Loe'cYOTicc ToTi l�rec 1-860-2Ed�2liI11 141 _Ith Stmct l:sst lu6i Lnpc Avenue East 350 5!. Yeux Stmct, 5ui'�e 2'd4 Tl)II G51lZ25$4G1 St Pa�i, b2l�' o51Q1-2480 :lfaplewpoti, M.ti G61f14�8514 9c Pcud, M!i 55102•I311 ** TGTRL PF1Gc.02 �»� •� �� Standard Parking0 M PPCONSrariOaN Parlting Canpany Lowry Professional Bwlding 350 Si. Peter Street • Suite 623 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (657) 316-7926 • Fax (651) 310-1905 December 8, 1999 Mr. Keith Karnes Avex Lowry Limited Parinership 350 St. Peter Street Suite 215 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 via Fax 651-222-2466 Re: Lowry Professional Building Dear Keith, �a-����' This letter is to express our support for the upgrading of the Lowry Professional Building. We believe that the new residential units on the upper floors and the renovated commercial space in the building are welcome changes. Standard Parking is a tenant on the sixth floor of the building. Our lease expires in May of this upcoming year. We look forward both to working out a lease extension/relocation with you on space in the Lowry Building and to the opportunity to continue to service the parking needs of the Lowry Ramp. Please use this letter to indicate our public support of the project. We hope the project plans and financing will be approved quickly so that wark can begin. Sincerely, Darwin Melin Standard Parking Ambrence in Parking.o � �o,���� File # 9q —��Rg' Resolution # Green Sheet # � 0� �o O 3 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL,,MINNESOTA � Preseated By ��� �� � � � _ _ Referred To Committee:Date RESOLUTION RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR FINANCING A MULTIFAMILY RENTAL HOUSING DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO EXERCISE THE POWERS GRANTED IN MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 462C.01 TO 462C.08 ./[� :I�1:i�/:G�l 3 Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "Act"), confers upon cities, or housing and redevelopment 4 authorities authorized by ordinance to exercise on behalf of a city, the powers confened by the Act, 5 the power to issue revenue bonds to finance a program far the purposes of planning, administering, 6 making or purchasing loans with respect to one or more multifamily housing developments within 7 the boundaries of the city; and 8 The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "HRA") has 9 received from Avex Lowiy Limited Partnership, (the "Developer"), a proposal that the HRA 10 undertake to finance the rehabilitation of a multifamily rental housing development as hereinafter 11 described, through the issuance of revenue bonds or obligations in one or more series (collectively, 12 the "Bonds") pursuant to the Act for the purpose of loaning the proceeds thereof to the Developer 13 to finance the rehabilitation by the Developer of the Lowry Professional Building to include 112 14 apartments (the "Project") pursuant to the "housing program" described below; and 15 Prior to publication of a notice of public heazing for the public hearing described in (F) below, the 16 City prepazed a"housing program" (the "Program") under the Act and submitted the Program for 17 review to the Metropolitan Council; and 18 The Developer's proposal calls for the HRA to loan the proceeds realized upon the sale ofthe Bonds 19 to the Developer pursuant to a revenue agreement or agreements wherein the Developer will be 20 obligated to make payments at the times and in the amounts sufficient to provide for the prompt 21 payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and all costs and expenses of 22 the HRA and the City incident to the issuance and sale of the Bonds; and 1878340v1 (149C4011DOC) �l`i -1�'1?' 23 T'he City desires to encourage the development and continued operation of housing facilities 24 designed for occupancy by persons of low and moderate income and assist the City in achieving 25 these objectives; and 26 A public hearing on the Program and the proposed fmancing of the Project was held on December 27 8,1999 following duly published notice, at which tune all persons that desired to speak were heard. 28 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council ofthe City of Saint Paul, as follows: 29 The City hereby approves the Program and gives preliminary approval to the issuance of the Bonds 30 for the financing of the Project and, pursuant to Section 72 of the Saint Pau1 Administrative Code, 31 hereby authorizes and directs the HRA to exercise the powers granted in Minnesota Statutes 462C.01 32 to 462C.08. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 On the basis of information available to the City Council, it appeazs, and the City Council hereby finds, thatthe proj ect constitutes amultifamily rental housing development and fixrthers the purposes of the Act; that the Proj ect is reserved for rental in part by persons of low and moderate income; that the availability of financing under the Act and the willingness of the HRA to fiunish such financing will be a substantial inducement to the Developer to operate the Project, and that the effect of the financing of the Project, if undertaken, will be to assure that adequate housing will continue to be auailable to residents of the City at a reasonable cost. The Executive Director of the HRA, is hereby authorized to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with respect to the financing ofthe Project in substantially the form on file with the HRA. 43 Leonard, Street and Deinard Professional Association, is hereby retained as Bond Counsel for the 44 issuance of the Bonds. Dougheriy Summit Securities LLC is hereby retained as the investment 45 banker for this transaction. Leonard, Street and Deinard and Dougherty Suinmit Securities LLC are 46 hereby authorized to assist in the preparation and review of necessary docuxnents relating to the 47 issuance of the Bonds, to consult with the City Attorney, Developer and purchasers of the Bonds as 48 to the maturities, interest rates and other terms and provisions of the Bonds and as to the covenants 49 and other provisions of the necessary documents and submit such documents to the IIRA for final 50 approval. 51 The Developer has agreed and it is hereby determined that any and a11 costs incurred by the City or 52 the HRA in connection with the financing of the Project, whether or not the proposed financing of 53 the Project is carried to completion and whether or not the issuance of Bonds is approved by the 54 HRA, will be paid by the Developer. 55 Pursuant to Minn. Stat. Ch. 474A, the City allocates an amount of tas exempt bonding authority, 56 from the City's entitlement allocation far calendar year 2000, the amount of $10,175,000 for the 57 purposes of financing the Project. There is hereby reserved from the 2000 entitlement the amount 58 of $10,175,000 for the Bonds. The foregoing allocation of bonding authority assumes that t� 59 exempt t� increment bonds to be issued to finance a portion of the costs of the project will be 60 "private activity bonds" which require an allocation of bonding authority. In the event the tax 61 increment bonds do not require bond authority allocation, the amount allocated for the Project shall 62 be reduced accordingly. `lR -1 t'1�' 63 Nothing in this resolution shall be construed to require the City or the I-IRA to approve any element 64 of the Project ar the issuance of the Bonds, nor shall this resolution be construed as vesting in the 65 Developer any cause of action against the City or the HRA arising from any failure or refusal by the 66 City or the HR A to approve the issuance of the Bonds. 67 Nothing in this resolution or the documents prepared pursuant hereto shall authorize the expenditure 68 of any municipal funds on the financing of the Project or the payment of the Bonds other than the 69 revenues derived from the Proj ect or otherwise granted to the City or the HRA for this purpose. The 70 Bonds shall not constitute a change, lien or encumbrance, legal or equitable, upon any property ar 71 funds of the City or the HRA except the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof, nor 72 sha11 the City or the HRA be subject to any direct liability thereon. The holder of the Bonds hall 73 never have the right to compel any exercise of the taacing power of the City or the IIIZA to pay the 74 outstanding principal on the Bonds or the interest thereon, or to enforce payment thereon against any 75 property of the City or the HRA. The Bonds sha11 recite in substance that the Bonds, including the 76 interest thereon, are payable solely from the revenue and proceeds pledged to the payment thereof. 77 The Bonds shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City or the HRA within the meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision. 1878340v1 (149C40]!.DOC) �aas�n � qq-11't �' � �U & � f � � �,� � -��i ������a��� �eG < �/ ,�Po �Ui?�iG l7 n� � � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES __ � 7� �sJc, y ��Z r/!�t %�s �� �d� ���� GREEN SHEET No 101683 02 oe.R,�.aw�rae tl��� �m.�wo. 0 '`��°�� ❑ m„�„� �„� ❑���a� % ❑,.�.�.�.�,�a � M,��,,.a..,�iLY� � SL/t T C I'C•js i i /�� (CL1P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � �a�-ed /'�So (v f �� �C�sd� � �. l�a�us � �� �� � e''�+� f �arv�i ,`! ���"� � ��ea.� � �'�� `1PGD'� �^ f h �� 6c�r� ���es'S e'o-� !e �esa��f�°� a � �/i��A � i � <�so ��s�� �Q��- e��`� w�`�� �7� XOY2 (A) Of R012Cf IRl PENSONAL SERVIGE CONTRAC75 MUSTANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUE PLANNING COMMISSION Ci8 CAMMITTEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� �� F1astNS P�um everwoiked under a coMrec[TOrMiedepa'Ime�d'7 YES NO HastlHaPe+saJfvmexrheanaalYempbyce4 , YES NO Does ttiis G�sorufirm po�esc a sldl nat � tY anY cmrent dry empbyee? YES NO IB Mis peBaYfum a tarpMed ve'MW7 VES MO dain all ves e�mv/eis an seoaiate Sl�eet and etlach to aRe�t sheet NITIATING PR08LEM I OPMR NITV (Who, W When, Wheie. Why) � .� � �� ��/Q'f/�s-� /'t'�SDlU�i �tw (yk2.f /? O--J CS���f G"C C ,��d ;� ��� ��.���� `�,�������� ����f s� � � �-� � ,,� � � �-� � ��� r��� -� � ��� � � ` COSTrttEVENUE BUDGEIED (dRCLE ONq �o i�so -�- �� � 6 YE3 NO SOURCE � ACTNT'NUMBER °lq -11'l Y EXHIBIT A [Map of District and Project Area] NOV 23 1999 14�34 FR L.S.B D 651Geerb44 w S�eeRaoo�ea47u5i r.GO�no aq -���� ...1l: • �, y �� .� . �, ., - � ,, � _�^; ' � +- `-_ s _�_ ��' : I � V' I� i � C ��� �pl I � I � _ > = - - /' / // � � 1 �� ��,.� �� x :0 � J C` 'J � 4 J r n � _ .' .� 4 - � J } :J � � �/i \��;. , � - =;:.- r � / \� , r : �, � j" � /.; . � i:- • �.; ,�. . • _,� �• / i�i � ., � / / = '_:'_ � � / ---- � � �=--�- % � � �_ _ �� �`�� = J "; _� ;�I . i 1 = __ 18t9290�1 (12ZRY.01'.DOC) A-1 xo�� r�� �._ , �i : � , � ��: � � -- _ --; ;� : 1 . i - 1 i �� t • � ' i � � ** TOTAL PRGE.06 ** °lq -���d' CITY OF SA1NT PAUL, NIINNESOTA PROGRAM FOR A IvIf.7LTIFAMILY HOUSING DEVELOPMENT (LOWRY PROFESSIONAL BUILDING) Introduction. This housing finance program (the "Program") under Mimiesota Statutes, Chapter 462C (the "AcP') describes the proposed issuance by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Mimiesota (the "HRA") of up to $10,175,000 of revenue bonds (the "Bonds") to finance, in part, the acquisition and construction of a rental housing development (the "Project") by Avex Lowry Limited Partnership (the "Bonower"). The Bonds wi11 be revenue obligations, secured by the repayment obligation of the Borrower, mortgages and other security interests in property owned by the Borrower, and a first lien on tax increments (the "Tax Increments") to be derived fromthe Lowry Professional Building Housing Tas Increment Financing District (the "Aistrict"), as described below; provided that the bonds payable from tas increments may be issued separately or a separate series. The Bonds wili not be a general obligation of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "City") or the HRA, nor will any assets or revenues ofthe City or HRA be pledged to the payment of the Bonds other than as described above. Issuer. The issuer of the Bonds will be the HRA. Under Chapter 72 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, the HRA is authorized to exercise the powers of the Clty under the Act upon approval by the City of the Program and delegation by the City to the HRA of those powers far the purposes of the Program. Tax Increment District and Housing Development Project. In connection with the Project, the HRA will establish the District. The I3RA has prepared a taac increment financing plan for the District, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.179, as amended (the "TIF Act"). The TIF Act requires that a tax increment district be established within a"proj ect area". Therefore, the IIRA will also expand the boundaries of the Downtown and Seventh Place Redevelopment Project to include the geographic area comprising the District as shown on E�ibit A attached hereto. The boundaries of the District aze set forth on the map attached hereto as E�ibit A. Housing Plan and Program. This Program will be undertaken pursuant to the Act and the Housing Pian of the City required by the Act. The Housing Plan, as amended, was adopted by the CiTy in March of 1990. This Program will be adopted after review by the Metropolitan Council, and a public hearing on the Program, held after notice is given, all as required by Section 462C.04 of the Act. The Program is consistent with both the Housing Plan (and other housing plans of the Ciry developed under other laws), and is consistent with development guides applicable within the City and developed by the Metropolitan Council. Borrower. The Borrower is Avex Lowry Limited Partnership, a Minnesota limited 1819290v1 (12ZR%O1!.DOC) aq-�»Y parinerslup company, whose members are initially Avex Realty Services, Inc., the general partner, and 3ohn Knapp. Project. Lowry Professional Building Development Project will be a 112-unit rental housing project. The Project will be newly constructed, with construction to begin shortly after the Bonds are issued. The Project is a multifamily housing development witlun the meaning of Secrion 462C.05 of the Act. The Project will be located at 350 St. Peter Street. The amount of Bonds attributable to the Project is expected to be approximately $10,175,000. The Project complies or will comply with all applicable building code, zoning and land use planning requirements. Need for the Project; Income and Rent Limitations. The development of the Project will provide needed additional rental housing opportunities within the City. Under the Act, and under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, which will govern the Bonds, no income limits apply to residents of the Project. However, the TIF Act imposes certain requirements in connection with the creation ofahousing tax increment district, and in order to comply with such requirements, at least 20% of the units in the Project will be occupied by individuals whose income is 50% or less of the azea median gross income, adjusted for family size. The statutory authority for various sources of subordinated financing also impose income or rent limits, or both, which may be more restrictive than the TIF Act. The Project will comply with the most restrictive limitations. The Borrower, and any subsequent owner of the Project, will not arbitrarily reject an application from a proposed resident because of race, color, creed, religion or national arigin, sex, affectional preference, marital status, or status with regazd to public assistance ar disability. Bonds. The HRA will issue the Bonds, in one or more series, in an aggregate original principal aniount of up to $10,175,000. Substantially all of the proceeds of the Bonds attributable to the Project will be applied to pay or reimburse for the costs ofpurchasing consUucting, installing and equipping the Project. "Substantially a11" means a11 ofthe proceeds of such Bonds, less amounts deposited in a debt service reserve fund or used to pay the costs of issuance of the Bonds. It is expected that the Bonds will have a term of uot more than 40 years, and will mature serially ar be subject to sinking fixnd payxnents. The Bonds will bear interest excludable from gross income for federal income taa purposes, and, to the same extent, excludable from the gross and taxable net income of individuals, estates and trusts for Minnesota tax purposes. The Bonds will be special, limited obligations of the HRA, payable solely from (a) tax increment aud (b) revenues provided by the Borrower under one or more revenue agreements with the HRA. The Bonds will be further secured by mortgages and other security interests in the properry owned by the Borrower. The Bonds will not be a general obligation, moral obligation or annual appropriation obligation of the City or the HRA, nor will any revenues or assets of the City 181929�V1 (12ZR%41!.DOC) °1g -\�n�' or HRA (other revenues paid by the Borrower, Taac Increments and other revenues pledged under ttae Indenture) be pledged to the payment of the Bonds. The City or HRA may require the Borrower to provide evidence satisfactory to the City or HRA of the ability and intention of the Borrower to complete the construction of the Project, and evidence satisfactory to the City or HRA of compliance with the standazds and requirements for the makiug of the financing established by the HRA, as set forth herein and in connection therewith, the City, the HRA or its representatives may inspect the relevant books and record of the Borrower in order to co�rm such ability, intention and compliance. In addition, the City or HRA may periodically require certification from the Borrower or such other person deemed necessary concerning compliance with various aspects of this Program. The provisions of tlus Program are severable and if any of its provisions, sentences, clauses or paragraphs shall be held unconstitutional, contrary to statute, exceeding the authority of the City or the HRA or otherwise illegal or inoperative by an court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the remaining provisions. The City sha11 not amend this Program, while the Bonds authorized hereby are outstanding, to the detriment of the holders of such Bonds. Adopted: 1819290v1 (12ZRo01!.DOC) qq-ll�t�' � Y � y- � � 0 J y c 0 w U �L N N � d � O U C N � O �L � � c O a � a m N N m N C O N '� � Q � 0 U C � � .N � � U � a> U w m E 0 v c c �CO�a�CDN V VNO� o mu` o � co co N � � a1 d V N W yCD�R�tDR'N�NOM i c- � p� I`� C") 'd' (D c- (D O '��'d' M1`�(+> V'd'CDNe 11, y '7 '�' N � s � � S � d � O U C C �MCOtn O tfl Gfi V'� OtD � d C�'J { M� N�.f) 'V CO N c- o � M M N � O � a M , � V N ro �� c � \° (n � C o a� `o � � N N V � � G X N N � y O Q({S � E .� (4 = CJ X F- C O +-� � Q ` N LLI � N C N 1_ � a � � C � (a u1 v � �� a� a� m a> `—° m �= K fY �� N N Q � Q. a� m a� �� u m7 m0�� °- �3 � O p Q �p C N C N N� i. � C�= d N N v C7=a`¢�Q �.��z .N C � O 0 � a� m � F- d � 0 U c .� �tt)c7N'ct V OfO00N w- 'v <- �r r. co co o co o co r. o dr� coo�nu�T-<-cvrn o � � r� ri � ri Esa � d � 14 Y d V m T N CO V OJ � � t D � CO�i' V W thu)(DOCON 'R� ID COCD� r c--�N lD LL d h- f`� (7 � � O � 2 � � � 0 f.1 C G �? � M( O N V W N O O O 0��� 7' N�� O C O O N N o � �' V c+ ') s- � O � M� � V R `m m� �a \ � � C � a� o � � N N U N � � X � � � L � Q � � � CJ X V O � W � U O � � � (6 � � � Q .-. .,-. U � N � +�- C c C C(a LL1 �� m � a�i���� c a� m n.� �:.�_ m na� a� a� N � c� ca> RsOd'� °� v� p.� � m� m�n �n � O p� tA � tn f/� N+� C�za a_ ° �'z C t6 s � � � a ,� o o � �o � � a� m � � Q . � � � N 0 R � m C N � A p Q O N d' `S.fH V � = O N� m � Q � U � � N � � � � �s c � '� � � O � +-+ = N N � O C N � C X C N � � C � � O L yL.- Q � Q � � 3 � a m � ro N 3 � V C N � 'o O L � Q . � � � � N >+ � O C Q L (6 W � � w � �- c �� 3 � Q N �-- rn rn m O r �q - 1�`18' USES OF FUNDS Acquisifion Development Costs Total Costs Lotivey PrafessionaI Bnilding Funding Proposal Commercial 1,�00,000 4.SOOA00 �6,000,000 SOURCE5 OF FUNDS Private Equity 3,000,000 Private Financing 3.00�,OOQ Revenue Bonds Tax Increment Consrtuction Earnings Interest Low Income Housing Tax Credits Staz Loan HRA Grant MHFA/FHF Residential 1,500,000 10166,QQ0 $11,666,000 7,340,000 2,435,000 710,000 31,000 500,000 250,000 480 000 Total Sources $6,000,000 $11,666,000 Total 3,000,000 14.666.000 $17,666,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 7,340,000 2,43 5,000 710,000 31,000 500,000 250,600 480,OQ0 $17,666,000 .. � �� - l ��� Lowry Professional Building Redevelopment Project Support Documentation December 8, 1999 Lowry Professional Building �yoe��es9 �/ Relocation Summary � Q � i I�/� � y t v Suite Tenant Footage Eupiration Tenants on Month-to-Month and Short Exoiratians Floors 6-12� 613 John W. Bumham, DDS 600 04/30/99 m-t-m 6'15 David w. Tudc, ODS 493 OS/31(96 m-t-m 646 Lee Dental Studio 960 08/31/98 m-t-m 715 Valiey Creek Enterprises 207 02/01l99 - 0�/3�/Z000 729 Chades W. Salmen, DDS 198 04i30/95 m-t-m 732 Foot Clinics, LTD 546 06lO7/94 m-t-m 733 Dr. Olin 240 17/10/96 m-t-m 746 Wiiliam Gavin, DDS 924 0�/Ot/98 m-t-m 809 John A. Stemper DDS 716 OSl3�l97 m-t-m 814 Gerald McEllistrem, MD 826 t�f31l94 m-t-m 830 SCORE 874 02/01/9S-O7/31/2000 9�4RobertJones,DDS 968 07l31/98m-t-m 925 Broude & BaRhel, DDS 1,372 02/27/98 m-t-m 1002 Wiliem Dieperink, MD 276 1�/30/93 m-t-m 1025 St. Paui Public Schools 1,228 06/30/98 m-t-m 1033 Jerry Jo Brandt 427 05f31/96 m-t-m 1034 Gary Livermore, PHD 300 10/01/95 m-t-m 1040 Pearl Bamer, PHD 354 02/28/99 m-t-m 1042 Dr. William Spring 420 O6/30/98 m-t-m 1048 Michael Printon, ODS 478 09/30/93 m-t-m t l24 Peter Cannon, DDS 976 07l31/98 m-t-m 1206 Peter Nord, DDS 1,939 5/31/1999 m-t-m 1220 Michael Graff 655 6/30/1999 m-t-m 15,977 Tenants with Landlard Relocation Riaht 6-12 623APCOAlSta�dardParking 362 O6lOtf99-OS/31l2000 632FamilyDentalAssociates 2,268 01/01/93-12/31/2003 825MichaelFreischel,DDS �,125 OSi01i95-04/302000 '1015 MorrisseyHospitality 1,288 02l0'I/99-Ot/31/2004 1126GordonDOering,DDS 515 09/O7/97-08/3�/2002 5,558 Status Lease in Proceu Lease in Process Lease in Process vaqting vacating vapting vaqting Lease in Process vacating vacating vacating Lease in Process Propasai being disassed vacating Proposal being discussed vacating varating vacating vacating Lease in Process Lease in Process Lease in Process vacatin rera In process 9,938 vacating 6,039 Dis ute Total 75,977 Discussions undenvay with Tenant Tenant currently operetes ramp Vacating Proposal in process Lease in process Discussions w/ at for tenant to relocate in bid 12/7/99 reca In process 2,775 Vacating 2,268 Dis ute 515 Total 5,556 Tenants with No Landlortl Relocation Riaht 6- 72 719AmericanBankrupicyService 1,495 09/01/96-OS/31/99 Vacatin9 1027Ton1Magnuso0 345 09/O7/97-08/31/2002 Agreementunderreviewforterminanon 1031 Nancy Dessert, MD 472 06/01/98 - 05/2�2003 vacanng 1118 Roger 6. Ettel, DDS 1,500 Ol/O7/96 - 72/31/2000 Leasein process 1�20MartinBrown,DDS 673 1�/01/97-10/3�/2002 Leasein rocess reca 4,485 In process 2,�73 14,886 Vacating 2,312 10,6�9 ToWI Tenants above Floor 5 26,020 Dis ute 515 Total 4,485 26,�20 Tenants: Floors 2- 5(included far info - not involved in MF project) 220 Travel Associates 674 04/01/98 - 03/3�/2001 Renewal, extension, expansion pending 224 City & Cty Employees Credit Ur 1,699 03/31/99 m-t-m Lease in process 240 St. Paul Eye Cllinc 8,856 05/07/97 - 04/302002 Remodel, minor relo pending 280 Star T�bune 2,'IS? 02101f99 - 01f31l2004 Minor modification to skyway discussed. Pending 295 Ben's Custom Design 679 03/09/98 - 02l28/200� Renewal, relo pending 300CityofSt.Paul-LIEP 21,�00 08l01/98-07/31/2003 480 QAI�Ever lncreasing Enterprise� 7,�45 09/30797 m-t-m Vacated 400 Zelle & Larson 20.060 12/01/98 - 11/30/2000 Vacated ToW I Tenants 2- 5 62,400 Total 2- � 2 88,420 qq -���b' December 7, 1999 Mr. Keith Karnes Avex Lowry Limited Partnership 350 St. Peter St. Suite 215 Saint Paul, MN 55118 Re: Lowry Professional Building Dear Keith, 350 SL Pe�' � 68E St PaW, MY STi10Y-7507 Phale: 651227.8646 Fe�C 651.YY7.6523 This letter is for the purpose of showing support for the project that Avex is undertaking in the renovarion of the Lowry Professional Building. As you lmow, I am currently a tenant in the building, with an existing lease that runs for three more yeazs. Several months ago, Avex, through your representatives at CB Richazd Ellis, approached me with Avez' desire to relocate my practice to a lower floor within the Lowry project. My cutrent lease in the building provides the landlord an opportunity to relocate me within the building, providing certain conditions aze fulfilled. We have discussed my relocation several times over the last several months, with several options considered. During the negotiations, one of the oprions considered was reloca6on to another building that I would have an ownership interest in. I have determined that based upon my long term occupancy interest, that direction is better for my practice at this rime. Although Avex has the right under the lease to relocate me within the building, I appreciate your willingness to discuss alternatives, to work with me, allowing me to terminate my lease to pursue the ownership opportunity. I believe that the combined residentiall commercial nature of the building planned will be good for St. Paul and in particulaz, 6eneficial to my practice next door. The type of renovation to the building that you have described to me is what I believe we need. Change is always difficult, and these last months have shown that, with various parties having differing desires and directions. I look fonvard, though, to a continued good relationship as neighbors in dovmtown Saint Paul and hope that the approva] for and conshuction of the Lowry Project is accomp]ished quickly and smoothly. i.et me know if I may be of assistznce. Please sF.ue r.iy commenu with other parties, or the Ciry Council, if it would be beneficial to your project. Sinc rely, �� - Dr. Scott Lingle St�tt D. t� D.D.S., P,A. d rne xeart m st raa� r � ' 4,,.� 4 . �., �,. �' � '�3L - _ � � '�� r{�'., ���� ,� y t_ �- � - ` > „ � _ � � s. 5-''- r .�-�`� - � _;°1 }- x� g - - " _ . - _ -_ ' a�.- s.E _� _ . __ . . . _ . _� _ . - . . _ _ _ ' � �.s .` - ' . . :a : December 8, 1999 - � Mr. Keith Karnes via Fa.z 651-222-2466 Avex Lowry L'united Partnerslup 350 St. Peter Street � 5uite 215 5aint Paul, Minnesota 55102 - - Re: Lowry Professional Building . Dear Keith, . . Please accept this letter as evidence of our support for the renovation plans�for the Lowry Professional Building. My practice is currently located on the eleventh floor of the Lowry building. We have been discussing a move and plan to move'to' renovated space on the Skyway level of the building. W e believe that the renovafed commercial space in the bwilding is a weicome change. � Please use this letter to indicate our public support of the project. We are ready for the project to be approved so that construction can begin and disruption of oixr practice from unlaiown circumstances can be ended. We aze looking forwazd to being on the Skyway level and growing our practice in that location. Please let me know if I may be of assistance, and keep me informed of the project status. Sincerely, J Dr. Peter Cannon 1124 LOWRY MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. • ST, PAUL, MN 55102 •(612) 224-2787 12l08J1999 11:33 5514269591 GECK AND ASSaCIATES Tir.ao�rxY R. G�czc 8c A,ssocx.�r�s ATTOFNEYS AT LM1W �IqGH V1K� PROFESS�ON�L 8V1lDiNG TIMCTHYR.6-C� i310 STHIaH��'�.Y96 MARK c OLcA WNIT� BCAR LAKE, MIAWESOTA SS��C December 8, 1999 Mr. Michael R. Mazinovich CB Richard Ellis, Inc. 444 Cedar Street Suite 800 St. Paul MN 55101 Re: Dr. Roger Ette! 350 St Peter Street Leasehold Relocation Aear Ivlr. ivZazinovich: . PAGE 02 �� - l l ' l � ' TEI.EPNONE (65+) <2dJ2n? FTCS�Mi6E (ES�: -2d-9$01 I have conveyed your recent proposal to Ar. Ettel for his examination and consideration. With regard to youz request for charactezization of our negotiacions, it is our opinion that, although we do not have a final agreement regarding Dr. �ttel's relocation, the negotiations between us have been amicabie and have been conducted in good faith. This wili aiso confirm that you have never represented or snggested to us that you would enlist any authority for the pwposes of taking the pzenaises by eminent domain. Very t y 'urs, "�i p'thy R. Geck T�G/hg 3 �_ ��-.�;�� r::� -aa �OFZRISSEY HOSPITALITY COMPANIES INC. �� � December 8, 1999 Saint Paul City Councii RE: Redevelopment of the lowry Professionai Building I have had the privilege of working and being associated with the Saint Paul Hotel and this end of downtown since 1983. During this entire time the Lowry Professional Building has been in need of renovation and redevelopment as a historic building with historic tenants. I know in talking to a host of potential investors who looked at the building that the costs of the renovation coupled with the sensitivity of dealing with a lot of long term tenants is what pushed most investors away from seriously considering the deai. I think we can all assume the Lowry Professional Building as a historic building should stay in Saint Paul. Because of its nature, size and configuration it only has a very finite number of potential reuses, of which I believe the AVEX solution for middle income and up housing in downtown Saint Paul is an outstanding proposal. Being deeply involved in the renaissance of Saint Paul and I have listened to the experts and the consultants over the years talking about how we needed to inject housing back into the downtown. To make a viable living and thriving downtown this project meets ali of the criteria in every form and facet. 1 will not argue the merits of the transaction, that is for you to decide. 1 will telf you that as the developer of Pazzaluna and as Management Company of the Saint Paui Hotel, that this type of use of the building in this location by a credible developer and landlord will be an asset to the neighborhood and to the community. Those sma{{ businesses currently {ocated in the Lowry are important as well. However, as the city determined when developing the Lawson block, development will never be totally accepted by all parties. One must make a priority to a longer-term goal and vision to ai! the surrounding property owners, the vision of the city and the needs of the general population. Development of all or part of the Lowry Professional block needs to occur as soon as possible as it has continued to deteriorate and is becoming blighted in a very special and unique side of downtown Saint Paul. 350 ST. PErER STReEr, SuiTe 1 O1 5. ST. PaU�. MN 55 1 02-1 5 1 4 651-227-0815:FAX651-221-0771 oR651-292-1966 E-Mni�AOORESS� mhcnet@worldnet.att.net _ � t���' � �. St. Peter Street is developing nicely as a restaurant district, where housing will support additional restaurant development. It wiil put peop(e on the street and it will give a sense of neighborhood and urban life to this area which is much needed. My deafings with AVEX as a tenant, in Pazzaluna and my personal corporate office, have given me the opportunity to witness their business practice and the way in which they deal with their tenants. f am nothing but pleased with my dealings with them to date, they are fair, they are firm and they are honest. I think they understand that Saint Paul is too close knit a community to do anything other than that and it seems to me that they are totally committed to the development of a quality project in a historic buiiding which has very limited new deve(opment uses. I urge you to give their proposal strong consideration, to listen to any of the tenants who may be displaced, but to look at the greater good that could occur in a revitalization of downtown Saint Paul. I am sorry that f am not able to be with you at this hearing as I am out of town our new Lodge at Giants Ridge. I would be happy to talk with any of you individually or on the telephone as your feisure. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, \./�.X� ` William Morris President � 350 ST. Pt7ER STREET. SUITE 1015, ST. PAU�. MN 551 02-1 5 1 4 651-221-0815; FAX 651-221-0771 oR 651-292-1966 E-Mni�A�oRESS: mhcnet@worldnet.att.net DEC 08 1?' 'r.r� crr� & co� CREDIT Wi ION DECembe: 8,1999 Keith Kasncs Aver Lowry Limi�cd P�narshiP Svite 2i5 350 3[, Peter S[reet S� Paul, MN 55102 Re: Lawry P:ofe�sional Building Dcss Mr. Karnes: Wc have recendy complcted negotiatiocu of a leasa extension and zemodci of our brdnc� locaced on ihe Skyway ievai ofthe Lowcy Yrofessional Huild�ng. We toox forward to tht zrno�atior. of our space and to thc up�*adzs Planned fot the balance of the building. we wish to tharsi: Mr. Michael Maziaovieh for his tboushtful considesation of ouc- coneems and demands. As a long-tetm tet�nt of'ft:e Lowry we are pleased to ramai� there, and wish yo� great success with your plans faz the huiiding. Sincerety, � t.�'l��'�,��� S �Shetdon San6om President �,���Y � Gu:/'L25$10U •'Sta1n0lTic¢ ♦ bSaplevtoodOlr+�e ♦ Loe'cYOTicc ToTi l�rec 1-860-2Ed�2liI11 141 _Ith Stmct l:sst lu6i Lnpc Avenue East 350 5!. Yeux Stmct, 5ui'�e 2'd4 Tl)II G51lZ25$4G1 St Pa�i, b2l�' o51Q1-2480 :lfaplewpoti, M.ti G61f14�8514 9c Pcud, M!i 55102•I311 ** TGTRL PF1Gc.02 �»� •� �� Standard Parking0 M PPCONSrariOaN Parlting Canpany Lowry Professional Bwlding 350 Si. Peter Street • Suite 623 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (657) 316-7926 • Fax (651) 310-1905 December 8, 1999 Mr. Keith Karnes Avex Lowry Limited Parinership 350 St. Peter Street Suite 215 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 via Fax 651-222-2466 Re: Lowry Professional Building Dear Keith, �a-����' This letter is to express our support for the upgrading of the Lowry Professional Building. We believe that the new residential units on the upper floors and the renovated commercial space in the building are welcome changes. Standard Parking is a tenant on the sixth floor of the building. Our lease expires in May of this upcoming year. We look forward both to working out a lease extension/relocation with you on space in the Lowry Building and to the opportunity to continue to service the parking needs of the Lowry Ramp. Please use this letter to indicate our public support of the project. We hope the project plans and financing will be approved quickly so that wark can begin. Sincerely, Darwin Melin Standard Parking Ambrence in Parking.o