89-1837 i �O CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ILE NO. �/ ' FINAL ORDER " gy ��/,��� File No. ., 18336 Voting In the Matter of Ward 1 For the aperatioa af Lh� abo�e � andard �treet lightisg s�ste■ for the SELBY—iiES?BR1Q ABEA, the follctwia� atreets: Both sides Selb� Avesue fro� ♦�n el Street to Q3rginia Street; ' Baat side Arnndel Stre�t fro• Se y Aveaae ta 172.5 feet aoutb aad Both sides We�tera A�►enne fro 120 feet south of Selby Avena� to Daytoa A�enue for th� •onths of .� a�arr thrn Dece�ber 1990. I i 9_ under Preliminary Order �—��// ' approved �OZ ��� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has c nducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the Cityl harter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons,I bjections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, ther� ore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of�, aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dir¢ ted and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the com etion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. �� �CT � Q �� : COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Diapnd Nays � �p�ts Certified P ed by Council Se etary 3+onj � I .� In Favq By gp�s � Againsti v ` iilltoR Q�•iT 1 � �989 Mayor y�� ocT 2119ag u � ���-�f/��`I " `- - RE 8/30/89 (;%i' DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL DATE INITIA EO -7 Finance Department/Real Estate 8/30/ 9 GREEN S�HEET N0. 5�Nii�iA� ! OATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PNOy� �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOFi �CITY COUNqI Kathy Ries �f_l 298-5125 �M� �cm ArroRN�r C2]cm aeaK MUST BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DATE) 9� /g9 ROUTINti �BUDOET OIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES OIR. Must be in City Clerk's �f f ice no �MAYOR(OR ASSISTMIT) Q Council R � TOTAL#�OF 31(iNATURE PAOES (CLIP AL LOCATIONS FOR SIaNATURE) ACTION REOUE3TED: 1. Setting date of hearing for Above Sta dard Street Lighting in various areas. 2. Approve the estimated assessment cost for the 1990 operation of eleven (11) above- standard lighting systems. Council r solutions for the 11 areas are attached. File N ' 18321 18336 18390 18392 1 425 18430 18434 18510, 18525, & 18550 & 18423 RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(A)a Reject(fi) COUNCI MMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST I PHONE NO. _PUNNINO COMMISSION -CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION -CIB COMMITTEE _ �_STAFF _ CbAAME _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? Wards 1, 2, 3 4 Safer and better nei hborhoods INITIATINO PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Wh»: A public hearing was held for each of th above-standard lighting systems. In each case, after hearing from the various neighborh d district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council a roved both the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assess ent basis. It is required that a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated op rating costs and then the actual operating costs. The first above-standard lighting system began with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems have increased at a rate of abou 2 systems per year since then. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: This has become an annual budget procedu e. The assessment policy originated to allow the direct benefitting parties to pay for th additional operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the system. DtSADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The City, as a whole, would bear the add d expense to operate these systems instead of the direct benefitting parties that r quested them. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 84+3 2�.�1 C08T/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE Assessments Oril ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPIAIN) . Y . . ��,��, P$E AIiY ORLER Council File No.89-1611—By J Sche�bel— In the Matter of the operation the above standard street lighting system for the Selby-Wes�ra Area,the follo ' ,g streets in Voting Ward 1: _ Both sides Selby A�e.from St.to Virginia St.; , : . " East side.a9�vndel St.from by ve.to 172.5 feet south and . Both sides Westerti Ave.from 20 t south of Selby Ave:to D�yton Ave.for the months of January thru Decen�be 1980. , - The Council of the City of�a' Paul having r�eived the report oi the Mayor upon the above improvement, d having considered said report, hereby resoives: . 1. That the said report the same is hereby appmved ,with no alteraatives,and that�he timated cast thereof is$4,329.15 tinanced by assessments. 2. That a public hearing be d on said improvement on the lOth da i of �tnl�ar_ 1989_ a A;pp Q'cl k a.m..ia the Conncil Chambers �e i'�y� Hall and Court House$ui ing in the City of Saint Pi�ul. 3. That notice of said p�tbli hearing be given to tlae persons and in the manner pmvided by tMe rter, stating the tinne;and place of hearing, the nature of the impr-ov t and the total cost�her�eof as estimated. File No. 18336 Adopted by the Council Sept ber 12, 1989. Approved,�ptember 13, 1989. . (Se ber 23, 1989)