89-1835 � 3g ` '-` , � � �4 _ City ofSt.Paul :,, COUNCIL FILE NO. d.�'l�� -`' �., , RESOLIJTION RATIFYING ASSESSME T , By �. -�� �� R'�° � �' File�No. 183$0 Voting � Assessment No: ��2 Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost; nd expenses for �ile �o, 16336 Assessmeat # 4471 1,2,3,4 File No. 26321 Asa�$sarieat # 0�74 File l�a. 18392 Asaess�eat �A073 F'iia �io. 1�43tt M�e�sscAt �` A076 j �i2e Na. 284Z3 �ssas�eat i 007� Pil� �ar. I842S Asasse�rent # OU75 � i Ft1� �. 1843�i �satss�t # 4077 t� �. 18510 bseas+aent # 007$ liis �. liS2s �r��t � @�79 . • - , __. Ti2� 14. i�S3� 1w��t • �100 the ope�ating costs fo� th Above Standa�d Street Lighting System fo� the following : 3 18390 No�th side of Fo�d Parkwa� f�om Mississippi Rive� Blvd to 713. 02 feet (0072) east of Kenneth St�eet ; South side of Fo�d Pa�kwa f�om Mississippi Rive� Blvd to 587. 13 feet east of Kenneth St�eet ; West side of Cleveland venue f �om 95 . 65 feet no�th of Scheffe� Avenue to 265 feet south f Fo�d Pa�kway and East side of Cleveland A enue f�om 240 feet nottth of Eleano� Avenue to 222 feet south of Fo�' Pa�kway known as the Fo�d—Cleveland Above Standa�d Lighting A�ea fo the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� No. $8-1546 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1711 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 1 18336 Both sides Selby Avenue �om A�undel St�eet to Vi�ginia St�eet ; (0071) East side A�undel Street, f�om Selby Avenue to 172. 5 feet south and Both sides Weste�n Aven e f �om 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to Dayton Avenue known as t e Selby — Weste�n A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet Lighting fo� the months f Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� o. 88-1545 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�der No. 88-1710 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 2 18321 Both sides of East Fift St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ; (0070) Both sides of East SixC St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ; Both sides of Sibley St� et f�om Fou�Y_h St�eet to Seventh St�eet ; Both sides Wacouta St�ee f�om Fou�th St�eet to Seventh St�eet and East side of Jackson St� et f�om F.ifth St�eet to Sixth St�'eet known as the Lowe�town Above Sta da�d St�eet Light�ng A�ea fott the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� 19 9. P�elimina�y O�de� o. 88-1544 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1709 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1989 1 18392 Both sides of G�and Ave ue f�om 260 feet west of Victo�ia to 100 feet (0073) east of Dale St�eet ; - Both sides of Victo�ia' St�eet f�om 150 feet no�th of G�and to 150 feet south of G�and ; West side of St. Albans St�eet f�om G�and to 150 feet no�th of G�and and East side of Dale tt�eet f�om G�and to 150 feet north of Gt'and known as the G�and—Dale Victo�ia Above Standa�d St�eet Light�_ng A�ea fo� the months of Janua y th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� No. 88-1547 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1712 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 2 18430 No�th side Exchange St� et f�om St. Pete� St�eet to Ceda� St�eet ; (0076) South side Exchange St� et f�om Wabasha St�eet no�th to Ceda� St�eet ; South side Exchange Str et f�om St. Pete� St�eet to 150 feet east of St. Pete� St�eet fo� t e No�th Wabasha A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet Tighting A�ea fo� the onths of January th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y Oa-de No. 88-1550 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final Orde� No. 88-1715 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 3-4 18423 Both sides o£ G�and A enue f�om Snelli.ng Avenue to about 150 feet (0074) west of Fai.�view ( 167 eet no�th sj.de , 144 feet south side ) fo� the G�and Avenue West A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet T,ighting A�ea fo� the months of January th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de No. 88-1548 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 I Final O�de� No. 88-1713 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 - i i j � � � � � � _ � �'r �'`�` City of St.Paul j COUNCIL FILE NO. � f � '' Office of The Director of Finance By REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESS ENT -,� File No. i�� Voting Assessment No. ��� Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost anl ex enses for P �ilt 3�0. 1E336 �ss�es�re�t / Q071 1,Z,9,6 i Tile �to. I�32I �sss�t !i al}it? �'�l�c l�. 1839�Z As�tsa�rmt �73 � pile ]�. 1ffit� �s�� � i1�?i _ ; Bile �. I84�3 �aats��t � tt��,� ' 1►i� ii�o. 18i3S �rss�t�tt # #�73 . i File DEa. 1�i34 �t # tf�T7 i �32s 1�. l�S2t� i�t�t • ii�ii ' �il� �. l�fi.1 /r���lt � M!'! ni. �.. �tss� r.......r � ��N the ope�ating costs for the bove Standa�d Street Lighting System fo� the following : 3 18390 No�th side of Fo�d Parkway ' �om Mississippi Rive� Blvd to 713. 02 feet (0072) east of Kenneth St�eet ; South side of Ford Pa�kway �'om Mississippi Rive� Blvd to 587. 13 feet east of Kenneth St�eet ; West side of Cleveland A enue f �om 95 . 65 feet north of Scheffe� Avenue to 265 feet south o� Fo�d Pa�kway and East side of Cleveland Ave ue f�om 240 feet no�th of Eleano� Avenue to 222 feet south of Fo�d Pa�kway known as the Fo�d-Cleveland Above Standa�d Lighting A�ea fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� No 88-1546 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1711 App�'oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 1 18336 Both sides Selby Avenue f� m A�undel St�eet to Vi�ginia St�eet ; (0071) East side A�undel St�eet f om Selby Avenue to 172. 5 feet south and Both sides Western Avenu f �om 120 feet south of Selby Avenue to Dayton Avenue known as the Selby - Weste�n A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet Lighting fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� No. 88-1545 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�der No. 88-1710 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 2 18321 Both sides of East Fifth St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ; (0070) Both sides of East Sixth St�eet f�om Wall St�eet to Jackson St�eet ; Both sides of Si.bley St�e; t f�om Fou�th St�eet to Seventh St�eet ; Both sides Wacouta St�eet; f�om Fou�th St�eet to Seventh St�eet and East side of Jackson St�e t f�om Fifth Street to Sixth St�'eet known as the Lowe�town Above Stan a�d St�eet L�ghting A�ea fo� the months of Janua�y th�u Decembe� 198 . P�elimina�y O�de� I� . 88-1544 App�'oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�der No. 88-1709 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1989 1 18392 Both sides of G�and Avenue f�om 260 feet west of Victo�ia to 100 feet (0073) east of Dale St�eet ; - Both sides of Vic.to�ia t�'eet f�om 150 feet no�th of G�'and to 150 feet south of G�and ; West side of St. Albans t�eet f�om G�and to 150 feet no�th of G�and and East side of Dale S, �'eet f�om G�and to 150 feet no�th of G�'and known as the G�and-Dale- icto�ia Above Standa�d St�eet Lighti_ng A�ea fo� the months of Janua� th�u Decembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� o. 88-1547 App�'oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1712 App�oved Oc.tobe� 25 , 1988 2 18430 No�th side Exchange St�e t f�om St. Pete� St�eet to Ceda� St�eet ; (0076) South s�.de Exchange St�' et f�om Wabasha Street no�th to Ceda� St�'eet; South side Exchange St� et f�om St. Pete�' St�'eet to 150 feet east of St. Pete� St�eet fo� th No�th Wabasha A�ea Above Standa�d St�eet Light�ng A�ea fo� the m nths of Janua�y th�u Decembe�, 1989. P�elimina�y O�de� No. 88-1550 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final Orde�' No. 88-1715 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 3-4 18423 Both sides of G�and Av nue f�om Snelling Avenue to about 150 feet (0074) west of Fai�view ( 167 f et no�th side , 144 feet south side ) fo� the G�and Avenue West A�ea bove Standa�d St�eet Lighting A�ea fo� the months of January th�u ecembe� , 1989. P�elimina�y O�de ' No. 88-1548 App�oved Septembe� 22 , 1988 Final O�de� No. 88-1713 App�oved Octobe� 25 , 1988 ' ' '` • RE8308 0� ��a� � �PARTMENT/OFFlCEICOUNqL DATE IN TED Finance De artment Real Estate g p GREEN SHEET NO. SN��� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHQ� DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Kath Ries � 298-5125 Nu�� arr nrroRN�r �aTV c��ac MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� 9�]I H 9 ROUTIIKi', BUDOEf DIRECTOR �FlN.&i�iT.SERVICES DIR. Must be in City Clerk's Of f ice n o MAVOR(OR A8818TAN'T) Crnmci 1 R T � L�� ��I�I��J�E eI1 S ay' (CLIP ALl L ATIONS FOR SItiNATUR� ACT10N RE�UESTED: 1. Setting date of hearing to ratify abov standard street lighting in various areas. 2. Approve the actual assessment costs �o the 1989 operation of eleven(11) above standard ligh��3�lsy1�336� 18390Coi8cil resolut n for the 11 areas is attached. RE NDA :App►ove(A)a R�J�ct(R) COUNCIL' 1'1'TEE/RE8EARCFt REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYBT PMONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMI3610N _qVIL BERVICE COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE _ �STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ suPPORrs wE+u�+oouNa�oa�ecnve�Wards 1,2,3,4 Safer and better nei hborhoods INITIATINCi PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Whsro,Why): A public hearing was held for each of the ove-standard lighting systems. In each case, after hearing form the various neighborhbo district councils, business associations, property owners and staff, the Council app ved both the construction of these systems and their operation by the City on an assessme basis. It is required that a public hearing be held each year for both the estimated oper ing costs and then the actual operating costs. The first above standard lighting system b an with the Lowertown system in 1983. These systems have increased at a rate of about systems per year since then. ADVANTAQESIF APPROVED: This has become an annual budget proceduxe The assessment policy originated to allow the direct b enefitting parties to pay for the ditional operating costs and provide for uniform maintenance of the systems. DISADVANTAOES If APPROVED: None DI3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The City, as a whole, would bear the added xpense to operate these systems instead of the direct benefitting parties that requested em. Co�^c�i �tes�arch Center AUG 31�ogg TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 65 481.91 CO8T/REVENUE BUDGETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE Assessments onl ACTIVITY NUMSER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) d �. , , . � • • • , 7 ' , � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE�REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(i OFFlC�(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING DRDER: II i Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types o�documeMa: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUN IL RESOLUTION (Amend,BdgtsJ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside AgenCy 1. D artment DireCtor 2. Initiating DepaRment 2. B get Director 3. City Attorney 3. CI Attomey 4. Mayor 4. M�yodAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs: Director 5. CI Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. C f Accountant, Fn&Mgmt Svcs. ; . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUN L RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and'ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Menager 1. Ini ating Department Director 2. DepartmeM AccouMant 2. Ci Attorney 3. DepaRmeM Director 3. M oNAasistaM 4. Budget Director 4. ' Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Axountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssista�t 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES ' Indicate the�of pages on which signatures are required and reli each of these pages. ; ACTION REQUESTED D�cribe what the project/request seeks to axomplish in eithe chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in yo r list with a verb. � RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? I Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest support�by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS+ ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN II�STRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS�iEQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your �roject or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thia is simply an annual budget procedure req ired by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways In which the Ciry of�int Paul and its citizens will benefit from this project/action. � i DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past proc�sses m(ght this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,treffic delays, n�iae, tax increases or assessments)�Tb Whom?When? For how lon ? DISADVANTAGES iF NOT APPROVED � What will be the negative consequences if the promised action i�not approved?Inability to deliver service? Conti�ued high traffic, noi�e, accident rate? Loss of revenue? ? FINANCIAL IMPACT i Afthough you must taiMr the information you provide here to the'!issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How�much is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? 7 I RE80L 1WYIN�81.l,�$;S,�SbIENT AND �f; ,, � . • " FIZIATGi SEABIII�THEREON � . Councfl File No.89-1821—$q yk / , i J s Scheibel— "` ` . � �sr Ta��e:.�tttet^sf'the .o�'•b� ',cc►S �D!'.:-the . `� � operat�eb�ts'ior �+�Dti�gg: Voting '� ° � . . : wara 3 18390(0072) North side of�'or kwy.from Mi*,sissippi River Slvd.tv?13.02 /a � f�iet east of Kenneth St.; i Sout�►side of Ford Pkwy, frcpiri ississippi Af�►er Blvd. to 587.13 feet east of Kenneth St.; / West side of Cleveland Ave. ft'o 5.65 te�t north of Scheffer Ave._to 265 fegt s�th of Ford Pkwy.and , ' '�' /� �r-/�,3� East stde oi Clevela��ve: ie�et no'rli�i ufEFearittr Ave,to 222 fee!saiiE'� /�� 'oi 2�'ord Pkwy�.known as� leveland Above Stani3ard Lightin��i�ea"� �- . -aP.. s... -w ...r ..� i i-.-�� . . . � �w.......�........ . . .... ... . . . . . . . .. .. .-.. .. �.Yh . . ... � ♦.. . . . . . � . � .. . T . . . . . . . . , . . .. - . �.j`�Y•,�J�a�iF�.�M�+w�ww�f- a >- .: ! ��f-' F ?'�7�1 ��y � �` �. . Under Preliaiinary't`fi�dpr I�o.�0�1 I a _l ��em�T���`���lil��^J No. 88-17I1 approved October 25, 19 . 1 18336(0071) Both sides Selby Aive. m Arundel St. to Virginia St.; Esst side Araadel$t:�rom Selbyi�►v 178.3 feet'south and Both sides W�stern Ave. from 12� i � of Seli,�y Ave.�to•Da�=Ave. known as the Selby-Western Ai'�a ':it8ndard Stree't`iightin�:icfr the rnonth3 oi January fhru Decembel��� 9: � . -. Under Preliminary Order No.88-f5+�'S'ap ved$eptember 22,1988;Final�rder No.88-i910 approved OctQber 25,'198�. - 1 18321(0070) Both sides of E:Fift�S irom Wall St.to Jackson St.; ' Both si�es of E. Sixth St.from Wa1T St o Jackson St:; Both sides of Sibley St. irom FourtH"S o Sevehth St:; ' Both sides Wacouta�t. from FourthlSt. o Seventh St.and East side of Jackson St. from Fifth St. Si�Ch�S�t.known as the Lowertown Above Standard Street Lighting faT the manths`of January thru December, 1989. Under Preliminary Order No.8&1544 ag�p ed September 22, t988;Fina�Order No.88-1709`approved October 25, 1989. - 1 1�592(0093) Both sides of Grand�ve. mm 260.feet west of Victoria to 100 feex east of D�le St.; - Both sides of �ictoria 3t. from 150 feet orth of Grar�d to 150 feet sauth crf : . Grand; West side of St.Alba�ss�St.frur�Grand t 50 feet nprth of Grand aad East.side o�Da1e:8t,�rom Graad to 150�ee - �rth af G�nd known as the Gr�ad- Dale-Victoria Aboue Staadard Str�et. 'glttin� A�ea for the month�s of Sanuary thru December, 1988�; Under Prelizninary Order ATu:8s-�547 app, ,:�eAtea�ber 22,1988;F..}�l�Orde; No. 88-1712 approved October 25, 1988. ! 2 ;1843U.(0078) -North�ide Excb�uige St�i 3t. Peter St. bo Cedar St.; South side Exchange St. from Wabasha'St. orth to Cedar St.; South side:Exchange St.from�t.Peter�t,t 150 feet east of St.Peter SE.for the North Wabasha Area Above Standard''�St t Lightiag Area for the months of January thru December, 1989. Under P=elimiaary Order No.8�-1550 app;ov September 22,1988;Final Order No. 88-1715 approved October 25, 1988. 3-4 18423(0074) Both sides o�Grand Av�.€ Snelling Ave.to about 150 feet west of Fairview (16? feet north sidq,. l feet south side) for the Gra�ld Avenue Vltest Area A,bowe Standard I.ig�t Area for the months of January thru December� 1989. ' 1 � Under Pre�iu�inary Order No.88-1548 approv. eptember 22,�988;Fina1 Order No.8&17L3�$pproved October 25, 1988. 1 1842b(0075) Both sides of Grand Ave.�fro about 260 feet west oi Victoria. (180 i�t:sorth side,280 feet south side)to abput 0 feet west oi Lexington Pkwy. � (210 feet north�ide, 130 feet south side); { Both sides of Lexingto�n Pkwy.from the al'1ey orth of Grand.Ave.to the alley south of Grau�,l-:61Ye..: Bath side�s Ql�f�ord S�l.fa�olrr Grand Ave.�to alley north of Grand Ave.,_ W�t side Q#E�x.tcc►rd�St.'f�om G�d Ave.�tp t alley south of Grand Ave.; Bpth$ides of Chatsyvorth.St.from Grand A�v�. the alle,y nor�oi Gr�gd A,�g: ,_ anc�: ,� Both sides oi Mtlton St.from�Grand Aye.tp alley nor�of Grand Ave.fo�� the Grand Ayenue East Above Standaxd Street ghting System for th�months of J�auary thru Deeember, 1989. � ' Under Preliminary Order No._88-15�Q.approyq�d tember 72,1988;Final Order No.88-1714 approved October 25, 1988. I 2 18434(0077) West side Smith Ave.from St�v St.to 100 feet south_oi,Bpker ' �St.; � East side 3mith Ave.fmm Stpt►�ns St.to 75'�tee outh of Baker 5t. and` Boxh sides 3�ttt Ave.from Annapolis St.td,50 t north of Anuepblis$�.for t'�"3�ii�i'Avenu�!k'bove Standard St +�,ig ' Syst�em for the moi�t�of January thru D�cember, 1989 +�` '`. .. � ' � ���* d . : �,'f � ' f 1 i .,1� _/� J .. .. � ���'/��s Under Prelit�inary Order No.8 15 approved September 22, 1988;Finai Order No.88-1716 approved October 2�, 1 . 2 � 18510(0078) Both sides Waba St,from Kellogg Blvd.to llth St:; Both sides Fifth St.from St. Fete St.to Wabasha St.and Both sides Sixth St. from St. Fet St. to Wabasha St. for the Waba§ha=Fifth- Sixth Area Above Standartl et Lighting System for the months of November and December, 1989. � Under Preliminary Order No.88-154 approved September 2�,1988;FIaa1 Order No. 88-1708 approved October 25,,19 . � 1 18525(0079) Both sides Selby A .from 221 feet east of Da`1e St.to Grotto St. and Both sides Dale St.from 116.38�ee orth of Selby Ave.(east side)and 110 feet north of Selby�Ave.(west side)to 0 feet south of Selby Ave.(west sid�)and . 172.5 feet south of Selby Ave.�ea side)for the Selby Avenue Revitalization Project No.1 Area Above Standa Street Lighting Syste�:fpr the months of September to December, 1989. Under Preliminary Order No.88-1�18 proved September 20, 198$;Final Order No. 88-1705 approved October 25, 1,988 2 18550 (0100) North side Concord t. from 50 feet southeast of Ada St. to approximately 125.06 feet northw of State St. and ' South side Concord St. from app�ox ately 78.59 feet northwest of Geoir;ge St. to approximately 362.81 feet sout ast�of State St. for'�Ae"'�bncbf� Area Phase I Area Above Standard�St t Lighting System'for �heririonths of November and December, 1989., Under Preliminary Order No. 89-409 proved March 9, 1989; Final Order No. 89-675 approved April 18, 1989. The assessment of benefits,cost,an xpenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been siub 'tted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the s d assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the said ass�ss t be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER,That a pub ' hearing be had on said assessment on the lOth da of October 1989 at th r 'c k A.M., in the Council Cham er o e ou ouse an - y ui mg,m t e City of St.Paul;that the Di�ctor.af.Fi�a�e 8��re ri��'c� '�`����f��G�fye���`i�e`�ail�r, stating in 'said notice the time �nd lace of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount asses�s gainst the lot or lots ot the parkicular own�r to whom the notice is directed. File Nos: 18390 Assessment No.: p07 18338 Assessment No. 0071,, 1832I Assesament No. 0070, 18�92 Assess�en Na O()73, 1843U Assessment No. 0076, 18423 Assessment No. 00T4, 18425 Asse ent No. 0075, 18434 Assessmen� No. 0077, 18510 Assessment No. 0078, 185'25 sessment No. 0079, 18550 Assessment No.0100. - _ Adopted by the Council Septemb@r 1 1989. Approved September 13, 1989: • (Septe:nb , 1989)