89-1825 WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 PINK - FINANCE CITY OF' SAI T PAUL / CiNARY -DEPARTMENT BI.VE - MAVOR File N0. '+ �� • �� � / Zn n`,P, Ordinance N0. � ' r I i Presented By _ ►/Eteferred � �' �� Committee: Date % �� �� Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending C pter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code perta' ing to nuisance abatement TE]E COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ES �AIN: ion 1. That Section 45.11 subdivision (4) of e Saint Paul Legislative Code be amer�led to read as fol lows: � (4) Notice. Written notice of time, date, place and subject of the hearing shall be given as forth in this subdivision: a. The city clerk shall ' iately notify tl� enforcement officer. b. At least thirty (30f ys prior to the hearing, the enforcement officer shall mail a tice to a citizen garticipation d�strict council for the distr t where the nuisance is located � reguesting that it r� 'fy the surrounding property owners and occt�aants. c. If the rt n ich the nuisance is located is desi ted as a herita reserv tion site or as of a l�rita reservation district the enforcement officer shall at least thirt (30) da s ri to the hear' , not' the herita reservation coirmiss� n in writi of the date for the abatement heari.nq. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: vimond Community Services - Public Health �� In Favor coswitz � Rettman Sc6eibel Against BY =,—� Somm� , Wilson Form Approve b City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY c � � By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve M or bmission to �ouncil By v c v���: . . , . � . : ������� DEPARTLAENT/OFFICE/COUNpL + DATE INITIATED � � ealth 9- 5-s9 EEN SHEET No. 4,N�� CONTACT PERSON 8 PH�tE � Ep ENT dRECTOR �CITY WUNqL Steven R. Ro '�� 292-7711 �� Di mr oANev �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON OOUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE� ROUTINO �BU DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. Ae Soon As Possible MA R�oanss�srMm � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAQES ((�IP ALL LOCA 10 FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: I Approve the attached Ordinance amer�d nts. ,i IVED F�OOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a ReJet:t(R) COUNqL COM H IONAL _PIANNII�OOMMIBSION _CIVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION ��Y8T PHON U _GB COpAMITTEE — I �J COMMENT8: � � —ST� — i ��►Y C —°�'��,� — �a�o�s oFFacE BUPPORT8 WFIICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUN(TY(Who,What,When,Where,Wh�: I Chapter 45.11 of the Saint Paul L g slative Code does not currently require City Departments to notify the He�r' age Preservation Commission when the demolition of a building has bee dered in accordance with Chapter 45.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Co�e Nuigance Ordinance) or Chapter 463 (Hazardous Buildings) , Minnesota � S tutes. ADVANTAf�E8 IF APPROVED: If approved, City Departments wi�l be required to notify the Heritage Preservation Commi�sion wheneve demolition order has been issued for any building designated as a herita e reservation site or as part of a heritage preservation district. T Commis�ion, based upon review, may deny demolition permits unless the b�i ding is deemed to be an immediate danger or hazard or it has been approvjed for demolition by the City Council in accordance with the provisions ,of Chapter 45.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code or Chapter 46 , innesota Statutes. Buildings worthy of rehabilitation ma be saved ra h than razed. OISADVANTA(�tEB IF APPROVED: � The owner would be prohibited ,�r m demolishing a building if the order is issued by a City Department, i1n ccordance with Chapter 45.11 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code or Chaptle 463, Minnesota Statutea. The owner will only be permitted to raze a b�ii ing if the Heritage Preservation Commission or the City Counci�. ve authorized the demolition. This change may extend the amount of time '' w hin which an owner can tear down their DI8ADVANTACiES IF NOT ��o: ounc� esearc SEP 2 71989 A nuisance building may cont�in to exist until the City Council has approved the demolition. ; TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO I FUNDINO SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) No additional costs will b� ' curred � . � . .� . : �� � ��'� /��'-� ����. �d. At least ten (10) days prio to the hearing, the enforcement officer shall riotify the r and all interested garties by personal service of the not ce upon the owner or his duly authorized representative upon each interested garty or his duly authorized representa ive. If1, after reasonable effort, personal service cannot be de, either of the following mett�ds of notice shall be conside ed adequate: 1. Confircned mail servic which is either certified mail with signed receipt re or first class mail confirn�d by written response. 2. Mailing the notice the last )maHm address ar�l publishing the notice once a w for two (2) weeks in a newspaper of general circulation n the City of Saint Paul and posting the notice in a co icuous place on the building or property. .�e. At least ten (10) days p 'or to the hearing, the enforcement officer shall mail a not'ce to any responsible party known to the enforcement officer. Sec ion 2. That Section 45.11 subdivision t5) be ed as follows: (5) Hearing. At the t�me of the public hearing, the city cowlcil shall hear from the enforcement of icer, the heritage preservation comnission, if appropriate, any other parties who wish to be heard. After the hearing, t city council shall adopt a resolution, describing what abatement a ion, if any, it deems appropriate. If the resolution calls for t�nent action it may either order the city to take the abatement ction or fix a time within which the nuisance rcust be abated anl provide that, if corrective action is not taken within the specified ime, the city shall abate the nuisance. The city clerk shall give copy of this resolution to the department who shall mail copies to of the parties required to be notified in subsection (4) for whom the department has a current mailing address. ion 3. That new Section 45.12 subdivision 6) be added as follows: (6) Herita e reservation si s and districts. If the ro rt n which the nuisance was ted has been desi ted as a herita e reservation site or as rt of a herita e reservation district, and �ner e abatement incl ed the deinolition of all or a rtion of a structure, the herita e reservation comnission shall receive written notification the enfa cement officer of the action and the reasons for such action. `,���C - 2 - ��26 � 1 WHITE - CITV CLERK COLLI1C11 PINK -„FINANCE GITY OF SAI �� T PALTL CRNARV -DEAARTMENT � a'� BI.UE -MAYOR � File N 0. 0 rdin� {�G Ordinance N 0. � /�O� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Sect' n 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be 'n force thirty clays frc4n its pa�sage and publication. 3 - COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � � In Favor C mmunit Services — Public Health Long Goswitz Rettman � Against BY ' .s..s.�- wa�o N�V � �J j9 Form Appro e City Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date C Q � Certified P s d by Council Secretar BY 1 2'�' By ��� Approved Mayor• ��V � J Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By J - � BY P�LtS� ��'y ? � 19 - - � . . -�� � ��y-���� �,,��T�o.� CITY OF SAI Z` PAUL �7�y'�I : � '; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR o a + �uu��un • nu 11t u ; ♦� ^o 347 CITY H LL +ss• SAINT PAUL, MINN SOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 2 9 8- 3 2 3 MAYOR September 28, 1989 Council President James scheibel an Members of the City Council City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear President Scheibel and Member of the City Council : In June of last year, Council Pres dent Scheibel sent me a letter that raised questions about administrat ve procedures and enforcement of code requirements of historic stru tures, questions which were prompted by the demolition of a po ch as 270 West Seventh Street in the Irvine Park Heritage Preserva ion District. I indicated that I would ask the Planning Division o the Department of Planning and Economic Development to review th various building code and historic preservation regulations that wer applicable to situations like this and advise me whether clarificati n of policies, procedures or ordinances was needed. The Department of Planning and E nomic Development has responded with a recommendation for an ordinanc amendment, which is described in the attached memo from Peggy Reicher , Deputy Director for Planning. I am transmitting the proposed ordina ce amendment to the City Council for its consideration and action. If the City Council adopts the o dinance amendment, I will direct the Department of Community Service to develop appropriate administrative procedures, including necessary staff training, to insure that these policies are implemented. . It is my hope that this ordinan e amendment will prevent a repeat of the 270 West Seventh Street sit ation at other locations in the City' s heritage preservation districts and sites . Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention. Yours truly, George Latimer Mayor GL/kjl C: Kathy Stack Peggy eichert Judy Barr Allan orstenson Jan Gasterland Donna rummond Steve Zaccard Rober Frame III (HPC Chair) Steve Roy Bob K ssler Ken Johnson Jerry Segal S6 a�46 - . . . .: . ��- ��a� CITY OF SAINT PAUL /'16�.. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMM SSION RESOLUTION FILE NUMBER s9-6 DATE February 9, 1989 WHEREAS, Chapter 73. Heritage Preservation mmission of the City Code gives the Hcritage Preservation Commission the authorit to review and approve or disapprove the issuance of city permits for exterior work with' designated Heritage Preservation Sites and Districts; and WHEREAS, there has been some confusion reg rding administration of the City's Nuisance Abatement Ordinance (Chapter 45 of the City ode) for property within designated Heritage Preservation Sites and Districts; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Heritage Preservat' n Commission has considered proposed amendments to Chapters 45 and 73 of the Leg slative Code pertaining Administrative Procedures relating to Nuisance Abatement f r historic structures; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha the Heritage Preservation Commission recommends adoption of proposed changes to Chapters 45 and 73 of the City Code to do the following: 1. Clarify that the Heritage Preservation mmission has the authority to review . applications by individual property ow ers for demolition permits, even if the owntr has been ordered by the City under Ch ter 45 to abate the nuisance through demolition or other means; and 2. Require that the Heritage Preservation Commission be notified and given time to review and comment in advance on no -emergency demolitions where the City is considering abating the nuisance itself because the owner refuses to; and 3. Require that the Heritage Preservatio Commission be formally notified and informed of the reasons for any emergency dem litions performed under Section 45.12. MOVED BY Brooks SECONDED BY Hinding IN FAVOR 9 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 0 i � � lst � D ��d.� : � nd � /��� �� 3rd /�'" 7 '�d 9 Adopted // /�`�7 Yeas Nays DI OND G Cl" —1�0�3 �a � - _ GOS ITZ /��5 " � ONG R TTMAN ONNEN � - i. ' _ ILSON :. MR. PRE IDENT� SCHEIBEL �F,.,,�, _ _ - ti. _ - - - . �, ;: - �Y: - _ _ .,, , � - . � _ _ ; C ` _ - - - . . Members: � . > �y�`--._ Bill Wiison, chair - GITY OF SAI T PAUL �� Tom Dimond� G � a;;3H5�=`� . Kiki Sonnen �'�o� OFFICE OF THE C COIINCIL � - r7� �'b Date: October 25, 1989 RECEIVED WILLIAM L. WILSON Commi�tee Report MARK VOERDING Councilman ��n�� Legislac;ve Aide . 0 To: Saint Paul City Council �i��r c����-� From : Housing and Economic evelopment Committee Bill Wilson, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes COMMITTEE RECONINIENDED APPROVAL o September 13, 1989; September 27, 1989; and October 11, 1989, comm'ttee meeting minutes. 2. Appeal of David and Josephine Be g to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission which de ied the issuance of a permit to demolish the structure located 8 270 West 7th Street COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A TWO WEE LAYOVER. 3. Ordinance amending Chapter 45 o the Legislative Code pertaining to nuisance abatements involving h ritage preservation sites . (C.F. 89-1825) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 73 f the Legislative Code pertaining to the - HPC and demolition of building (C.F. 89-1826) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVA , WITH AMENDMENT. 5. Resolution initiating officia , special hearings on the St. Paul Port Authority to gather informati n and solicit public opinions regarding items as listed, requesting t stimony of persons listed to review their comments on said information, and that the City Council utilize its own � staff and resources (C.F. 8 -1740) CO1�II°fITTEE RECOMMENDED A SIX EEK LAYOVER (or until the recommendations from the Port Authority Boar are available) . 6. Resolution initiating a Sma Area Plan and 40-Acre Study for the Concord-Wabasha-Robert Stre area (C.F. 89-1819) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPRO AL. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 a�as , . � ✓ �✓�� � ���:,�y. �nd - lst � �Yl-/�-0 � G Adopr� 3rd �/ �`O - - Nays _ Yeas ��a(� DIMOND (���` GOSWITZ � ��P"l 1�' � :LONG.::_ RETTMA�`� - SONNEN , .... WILS�N Mg; PRESIDENT� SCHEIBEL - ;. =