89-1821 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - F�NANCE G I TY OF A I NT PAU L Council n BLU�RV =��AOR�TMENT File NO• ��'/�'^ I � Co ncil Resolution j� Presented By ✓ Referred � I� ���� Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Regional R� 1 Authority has prepared a Draft Canprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan or Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, the Draft Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County was released for public review and commen in July of 1989; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Conanission has reviewed the draft plan and submitted comments to the Mayor and C'ty Council of the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Council , thr ugh its Housing and Economic Development Committee, has reviewed the plan and he comments of the Saint Paul Planning Cor�nission as well as discussed the p an with representatives of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that � e Saint Paul City Council finds that the draft Light Rail Transit Plan for Ram ey County is consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan insofar as ba� h support the concept of light rail transit as important elements of the ransit system but lacks the necessary specificity to adequately determine ' plete consistency with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the draft Comp ehensive Light Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County specifies potential co ridors, route alignments, downtown alignments, systems costs and fundin methods which require further study before consistency with the Saint Pa 1 Comprehensive Plan can be determined; and be i t COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favo Goswitz Rettman � s�ne;ne� _ A gai n s t By Sonnen YVilson Form Appr d by City t orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY g�, A►pproved by INavor: Date _ Appro ed y Mayor f r Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CLERK COl1flC11 ��'/�� / I� PIN�( - :�INANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL CANARV - O`EPARTMENT yy �/�J/ . BLUE,- -'MAMOR File NO. 0 � 0O1 � � Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Sain� Paul adopts the following carn�ents: 1 . That the Ramsey County Regional IR il Authority develop guidelines and methodology for the continued inv lvement of the City of Saint Paul and other affected bodies in future �ight rail planning activities and decisions and that these guideli s and methods be incorporated in the LRT Comprehensive Plan; 2. That future studies for the irppl mentation of light rail transit include the investigation of the feasibi ity of alternative transit and transportation or modes for each corridor; 3. That the capital costs presented in the Comprehensive Plan represent the total anticipated system costs, ot just corridor construction costs, also that the funding scenarias e related to the projected costs of the proposed system and that all pot ntial funding sources be included. 4. That the City of Saint Paul sup rts the immediate acquisition of the northeast Burlington Northern r'i ht of way from the easterly edge of downtown Saint Paul to the nort rn Ramsey County line by the Raa�sey County Regional Rail Authority o be jointly developed as soon as development funds are available as a trail corridor by the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County to the f llest extent possible with appropriate access and amenities, with the ' nderstanding that such development as a trail does not preclude in any ay possible future joint use of the trail with light rail transit. 5. That the City of Saint Paul ur� s the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to jnitiate necessary studies as soon as possible ta determine which alignment will be used f light rail transit in the northeast corridor so that the master pl ning for the trail corridor can accommodate light rail transit if necessary; and be it FURTHER -f�i�Mtti�-RESOLVED that these comments be forwarded to the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority for its con� deration. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.ong [n Favor Goswicz Rettroan B Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approve City Atto y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� � A►pproved INavo D�af����� Z � 1989 Appr y Mayor for Subm' i � to 0 �� �By � WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF � AINT PAUL � Council C�APL,4RV � pEPARTMENT � � BLUE -MAVOR . Flle NO• - � = � r Council esolution _ Presented By Referred To. Committee: Date -0ut of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council irects the administration ta enter into a joint power agreement within 30 d ys between the City and R�nsey County and/or the Ramsey County Regional Rail Fl thority to manage the Phalen Creek 3'rail from Kellogg Boulevard on the sou� to �,arpenteur on the north; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City of Sain Pau1 continue to plan for the trail, and if there is due delay in acquisitio by the County, the Joint Power Agreement will permit the City to proceed with th acquisition. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DiIrlOnd Nays Goswitz Long In Favo Rettman b Against BY Scheibel Sonnen WilsOn ��',T i g 1989 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa, ouncil Se ary BY gy. Approved by Navor: Date �CT � �g Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY p�g� 0 C T 2 8 989 nrMITE - C�T• CIERK /�,� - o,HK � FIN�INCE G I TY O F SA I YT I�A U L Counci! �((/�//� C�N�N• — OEP�RTMEN� C U / I/ �/ •lUE — M�rOR `I�C N0• Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Regional R il Authority has prepared a Draft Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, the Draft Comprehensive ligh Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County was released for public review and commen in July of 1989; and MIHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Camn'ssion has reviewed the draft plan and submitted comments to the Mayor and C'ty Council of the City of Saint Paul; and MIHEREAS, Saint Paul City Council , th ugh its Housing and Economic Deveiopment Committee, has reviewed the plan and the comments of the Saint Paul Planning Commission as weli as discussed the lan with representatives of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority; NOW, 7HEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that ' he Saint Paul City Council finds that the draft Light Rail Transit Plan for R sey County is consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan insofar as b th support the concept of light rail transit as important elements of the transit system but lacks the necessary specificity to adequately determine omplete consistency r+ith the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the draft Com ehensive Light Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County specifies potential c �ridors, route aligrnnents, downtown alignments, systems costs and fundi g methoris which require further study before consistency with the Saint P ul Comprehensive Pian can be determined; and be i t COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: yeas Nays Dimond [,o� In Fav r c�� x�� �� Agains By soecen VV�on � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secsetary BY Bp Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ n.. +rr�ITE - C�tv �LEpK .. OiNN � FIN�N�E (� I TY O �' A I NT I�A U L F°�"nci1N0 r�� f ��a ! C�N�R• - OEC�RTMENT ewE - rw�voQ d Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Sei t Paul adopts the following cortunents: 1, That the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority develop guidelines and methodology for the continued i volvement of the City of Saint Paul and other affected bodies in futur light rail planning activitles and decisions and that these guidelines and methods be incorporated in the LRT Comprehensive Plan; 2. That future studies for the im lementatio� of light rail transit include the investigation of the feasi' ility of alternative transit and transportation or modes for ea h corridor; 3. That the capital costs present d in the Comprehensive Plan represent the . totai anticipated system costs not just corrido� construction costs, also that the funding scenario be related to the projected costs of the praposed system and that all p tential funding sources be included. 4. That the City of Saint Paui su ports the irtxnediate acquisition of the northeast 8urlington Northern ight of way f rom the easterly edge of downtown Saint Paul to the no hern Ramsey County line by the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authorit to be jointly developed as soon as _ development funds are availab e as a trail corridor by the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County to the fullest extent possible with appropriate , access and amenities, with th understanding that such development as a . trail daes not preciude in an xay possible future joint use of the trail With light rail transit : 5. That the City of Saint Paul u ges the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to initiate necessa y studies as soon as possible to determine �which alig�ment will be used or light rail transit in the northeast corridor so that the master p anning for the trail corridor can accortmodate light rail t�ansi if necessary; and be it Fu r-f,�,�.�-. Fi-�MktY RESOLVED that these commen s be forwarded to the Ramsey County Regional ftail Authority for its co sideration. ; COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ; �-ong In Fav r Goswitz � Retttnan � ��;be� A gai ns BY Sonnen � Wilson , Form Approved by City Attorney ' Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ; B, Approved by Navor: Date _ �►pp by Mayor for Subm' i to 0 _ ����� A"��/ n S�. � AMENDMENTS TO COUNC L FILE NO. 89-1557 w����` 3� `�°'� ����It� � N�1.W, T.�i��A�t�-��.-�S. RESOL ED That the City Council directs the administration to enter into a joint powers agreement between the City and Ramse_y �ourit � nd/o the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to � ' d m nage the Phalen Creek Trail from Kellogg Boulevard on th t Larpenteur on the north; ar.d be it FURTHER OLVED, at e ity unc' hereby ite es its � ier p sit' n of suppor ' g 1 ' ht rai trans ' use on Phalen Cr rail rr'dor; �� � �_ C'1 N�'�"�1 ` �� ,J /� -� �,-�. � —/�" ��� � ,�, �'�^.-��� (� : ��� �� -�G�'� v��l� ��'.,C �.G�i�,r.�' �� ---;�-���� � � I . ; � , ' �` �� ' ��i����/�; � i� �� �i�� �w�-�� � �r �� ����' 1� �zc �� ���� � � � s - � R �:� � ��,�����, � _ �L� � ,�� �-��- a� l . ; - �� -�- . ;��C��� ��,v� ��Z ,�� l�' ;r������� �_ � � , � � ��'�� � ���� ,� � � _. �,�' ��� ,� �� J . � WMI,TE - CITV CLERK COUIICI� PINK - FIN4NCE GITY OF AINT PAUL CANARV - OEPARTMENT File NO. ��I/��, " BLUE - MAVOi7 - � � Co ncil Resolution 1; Presented By �� �eferred �i�� �• � � - � 1< Committee: Date I� ������ J Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Regional Ra 1 Authority has prepared a Draft Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan or Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, the Draft Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County was released for public review and comment in July of 1989; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commi sion has reviewed the draft plan and submitted comments to the Mayor and Ci y Council of the City of Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS, Saint Paul City Council , thr ugh its Housing and Economic Development Committee, has reviewed the plan and he comments of the Saint Paul Planning Commission as well as discussed the p an with representatives of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that t e Saint Paul City Council finds that the draft Light Rail Transit Plan for Ram ey County is consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan insofar as bo h support the concept of light rail transit as important elements of the ransit system but lacks the necessary specificity to adequately determine c mplete consistency with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED that the draft Compr hensive light Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County specifies potential co idors, route alignments, downtown alignments, systems costs and fundin methods which require further study before consistency with the Saint Pa l Comprehensive Plan can be determined; and be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimor,d Lo�g In Favor Gosw;tz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t y Sonnen YVilson - Form Appr d by City t orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By gy, /lpproved by Ylavor: Date Appro ed y Mayor f�r Submission to Council By BY WHITE - GTY CIERK PINK - FINANCE TF+ COl1I1C1I �/�/�+ CANARV - DEPAR7MEN7 G I TY OF S I NT 1 �U L File NO• � • _/��/ � BLUE - MAVOR _ � Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul adopts the following comments: ' 1. That the Ramsey County Regional R il Authority develop guidelines and methodology for the continued inv lvement of the City of Saint Paul and other affected bodies in future 1 ght rail planning activities and decisions and that these guidelin s and methods be incorporated in the LRT Canprehensive Plan; 2. That future studies for the impl entation of light rail transit include the investigation of the feasibility of alternative transit and transportation or modes for each orridor; 3. That the capital costs presented in the Comprehensive Plan represent the . total anticipated system costs, : ot just corridor construction costs, also that the funding scenarios ' e related to the projected costs of the proposed system and that all pot ntial funding sources be included. 4. That the City of Saint Paul supp rts the immediate acquisition of the northeast Burlington Northern ri ht of way from the easterly edge of downtown Saint Paul to the north rn Ramsey County line by the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority t be jointly developed as soon as development funds are available' s a trail corridor by the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County to the fu lest extent possible with appropriate access and amenities, with the derstanding that such development as a trail does not preclude in any y possible future joint use of the trail with light rail transit. ' 5. That the City of Saint Paul urg s the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to initiate necessary studies as soon as possible to determine which alignment will be used fo light rail transit in the northeast corridor so that the master pla ning for the trail corridor can accommodate light rail transit f necessary; and be it �J���h�Y'RESOLVED that these comments s forwarded to the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority for its consi eration. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date - Form Approve City Atto y Certified Passed by Council Secretary gY B; -� Approved by 14avor: Date Appr y Mayor for Subm's i to o �_. By � � � • AMENDMENTS TO COU CIL FILE NO. 89 ►!^`r ���'��'� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES LVED That the City Council directs the administration to enter in o a joint powers agreement between the City and Ramsey County and or the Ramsey County Regi al Rail Authority to manage the Phalen Creek Trail from Kellogg Boulevard on the south to Larpenteur on the north; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That th City Council hereby reiterates its earlier position of suppor ing�light rail transit use on the Phalen Creek Trail Corridor; � ��� • -� 4�� �.,, -� . �I .� . r� • � - � � � � - � - ' (��`'r� lPa� �PARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIA ED Ma or�S offi�e GREEN SHEET No. 7N3 4 ATE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE AR7#AENT DIRECTO �pTY COUNGL Pe Re i C hel^t 228-3380 � c�Tr�rroRNer �GTY CIERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINfi BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.3ERVICEB DIR. 0 c to be r 10 �u►�o�+coi+�ssisrnwn ��uvl TOTAL N OF 81ONATURE PAGES (CLIP AL L TION�,FOFI SK#NATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: I City Council adoption of resoluti n xpres�simg comments on Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority's Compreh�n ve L`RT Plan. REOOMMENa►TIONS:MP►�W o►�1�(R) COUNqL IT7'EE/I�EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE O�AMI8810N ��Y8T PHOPIE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ � _�� _ COMMEN : i _DISTAIC'T COURT _ � 3UPPORTB WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE7 ; INITIATIN(i PR�LEM�ISSUE�OPPOR7UNITY(Who�What,When,Whe►e,Why): I I Ramsey County Regional Rail Autholri ,has prepared a 20-year comprehensive plan for light rail transit. Public comm�nt period is open until October 12, 1989. City Planning Commission has reviewed �pl n for consistency with City' s Comprehensive Plan and other planning issues. !Co ission's recommended comments , as revised by Mayor, are submitted to Council �or consideration as City'' s official comment. One immediate issue involved is �rh her the City should acquire the abandoned ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: City Council will have adopted f' r 1 comments on Ramsey County LRT Plan and resolved one way or another who �h ld acquire NE corridor. I DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: � None ' i � � DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: City Council will have no posit'o and Ramsey County will proceed on LRT in general a d Burlington Northern aorridor sp c ically as it sees fit. , � I TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING 80URCE ACTMTY NUTABER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) � i I ' , , NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE 'I REEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASIN(3 OFFl (PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five moat frequent types documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUN L RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. ment Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Director 3. Gry Attomey 3. Attomey 4. Mayor 4. M dAesistant 5. Finance 8�Mgmt Svcs.Director 5. Council 6. Finance Accounting 8. AocouMant, Fn&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUN RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. In ting Depsrtment Director 2. Department Accountant 2. Attomey 3. Department Director 3. Ma /Assi�aM 4. Budget Director 4. �Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (ail others) �'� 1. Initiating Department 2. . Gty Attomey I! ' 3. Mayor/Assistant . �i 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAOES � Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and reli each of these pages. , ACTION RECIUESTED I, Describe what the projecUrequest aeeks to accomplish in either ronolog(- cal order or order of importance,whichever is rtwst appropriatm r the fssue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in your ist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS I� Complete if the issue in question hes been preaented before any ,public or private. �� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? I Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports listing the key word(s)(HOUSIN(3, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE C:OMPLETE UST IN IN RUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS R QUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY ��� Explain the situation or conditions that created a nsed for your pr�ect or request. i'I ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �� Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure requi by law/ charter or whether there are speciflc wa in which the City of 3ai t Paul and Its cRizens will benefit from this pro�ecUaction. ;, � DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past pr might this projeCUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noi ', tax inereases or assessments)?To Whom?When? For how long? ' DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is approved? Inabiliry to deliver service7 Continued high traffic, noise,, accident rate4 Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT �II� Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the i e you are addressing,in general you must answer two questions: How m h is it going to cost?Who is going to pay? . �� AMENDMENTS TO COU IL FILE NO. 89-1557 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES VED That the City Council directs the administration to enter in a joint powers agreement between the City and Ramse_y nd or the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to , d manage the Phalen Creek Trail from Kellogg Boulevard on th to Larpenteur on the north; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That th City Council hereby reiterates its earlier position of suppor ing light rail transit use on the Phalen Creek Trail Corridor; � ��� �aJ �" (/, r , � �� r � 'u ��1�' � CJ?'��%�ltiC' � �r " � ��G� LG'� f�G�%�' � � ' t,L1l,� ���'°��`�'� J �'� - , . �� � � � �� � ����� � �� ��'�-� �"N�� , -� ����� 1�1'l �-�' �� .�� i � , � � � �� �� �?� ��� I �� �- � . � � ��� �� � � ������� �- �� ' .������ ���� � � WH17E"' - GI'TV CI.ERK C�UI1C11 /� ❑INK - FIN4NCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Y BLUERy - MAPORTMENT File NO. ���/" �/ - � � Co ncil esolution "��� Presented By " �' � . ^ . �eferred �%i!=���• � r� - ��'f�- Committee: Date I� l�*��� c � � ,� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Ramsey Caunty Regional Rail uthority has prepared a Draft Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan fo Ramsey County; and WHEREAS, the Draft Comprehensive Light R il Transit Plan for Ramsey County was released for public review and comment i July of 1989; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commiss on has reviewed the draft plan and submitted comments to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul ; and WNEREAS, Saint Paul City Council , throug its Housing and Economic Development Committee, has reviewed the plan and the comments of the Saint Paul Planning Commission as well as discussed the plan with representatives of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the aint Paul City Council finds that the draft Light Rail Transit Plan for Ramse County is consistent with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan insofar as both' support the concept of light rail transit as important elements of the tr nsit system but lacks the necessary specifi it to adequately determine com lete'consistency with the Saint Paul C prehensive Plan; a FURTHER RESOLVED that the draft Compreh nsive Light Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County specifies potential corri ors, route alignments, downtown alignments, systems costs and funding m thods which require further study before consistency with the Saint Paul ' omprehensive Plan can be determined; and be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimor,d Long In Favor Goswitz Rettman �ne1be� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appr d by City t orne Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By� Approved by 1Aavor: Date Appro ed y Mayor f r Submission to Council By By WMITE - CiTV CLERK � '� � PINK - FINANCE T COl1�1C1I (f_/� w/ CANARV - OEPARTMENT � G 1 TY OF SA I NT PALT L File NO. a`i oi � BLUE - MAYOR - Council Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of Saint Paul adopts the following comments: 1. That the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority dev_�1Qp._9ua-de�i-nes and methodology for the continued involvement of the City of Saint Paul and _. _ other affected bodies in future light rail planning activities and decisions and that these guidelines and methods be incorporated in the LRT Comprehensive Plan; ' 2. That future studies for the implementation of light rail transit include the investigation of the feasibility of alternative transit and transportation or mades for each corridor; 3. That the capital costs presented in the Comprehensive Plan represent the . total anticipated system costs, not just corridor construction costs, also that the funding scenarios be related to the projected costs of the proposed system and that all potential funding sources be included. 4. That the City of Saint Paul supports the immediate acquisition of the northeast Burlington Northern right of way from the easterly edge of downtown Saint Paul to the northern Ramsey County line by the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to be jointiv d__�vpioped as soo�as development funds are available as a trail corridor b the City of Saint Paul an Ramse�v Co_un�.ic- to e ullest extent possible wit opriate an amenities, with the understanding that such development as a trail does not preclude in any way possible future joint use of the trail with light rail transit. 5. That the City of Saint Paul urges the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to 9nitiate necessary s u es as soon as possib_ le t etermine which alignment will be used for light rail transit in the northeast � corri or so at the master planning for the trail corridor can accorrnnodate light rail transit if necessary; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED that these comments be forwarded to the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority for its consideration. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approve City Atto y Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Mavor: Date Appr �y Mayor for Subm's i to ou By � � �—��.�'.�=.�'� IV6ENDA OF THE SAINT P1WL CITY COUNCIL Thursday, Oc ber 19, 1989 9:00 A.M. COU CIL CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR CITY L AND COURT HOUSE ALBERT B. OLS , CITY CLERK ADDITIONAL ITEJYIS 1. Resolution - 89-1557 - directing admi istration to begin immediate proceedings to acquire by power of eminent do in or other appropriate means the Phalen Creek Trail from Kellogg Blvd. the south to Larpenteur on the north. (Housing & Economic Development & blic Works Committees recommend approval - laid over from October 17, 1989. 2. Resolution - 89-1821 - approving co ents of the Planning Commission on the Ramsey County Regional Rail Autho ity's Comprehensive LRT Plan. (Laid over from October 17, 1989.) . � ���� �'� //�-`------` , i -�i� -- ' ��� . ��-� .__-- . wHiT� - urv CLERK COl1I1C1I ` PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT •1 BIUE - MAYOR File NO. ' �� - / � Council esolution � ������ , _ � � �' Presented B � -• �- � ,� : , ���..�.,.� l�..���+ �e �- �- : � Referred��To�"r� � '' '�--•`'-�� '� Commi ttee: Date / '-' Out of Committee By ����� �� ��'�J� Date ' 6a:�irREAS, the Phalen Creek Trail (the old Burlington Northern railroad Line) has been identi ied by the City of St. Paul, and District Council Districts 3, 4, and 5, and by the "Eastside Neighborhood Improvement Stra egy" as a desirable link in the City ' s trail system; and WHEREAS, this link would connect Phalen Lake, the new T�Jells Park, Swede Hollow Park, Moun s Parka�d the Mississippi River; and WHEREAS, the Metropolita Council has officially designated the abandoned Burlington .Nort ern rail line from Kellogg Boulevard to Beam Avenue as a "regional trail corridor" ; and �, WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul is eligible for reimbursement at a future date for this acq isition from the Metropolitan Council; and WHEREAS, the City has al eady committed $541, 000 to begin implementing this trail; and , . WHEREAS, this is a vita link to integral parks planning for the Eastside and for the cit and Region as a whole; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RE OLVED THAT the City Council direct the administration to begin 'mmediate proceedings to acquire by power of eminent domain or o' her appropriate means, the Phalen Creek Trail from Kellogg Bou evard on the South to Larpenteur on the North; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED THAT t e Administration report to the Council on its actions within 30 day after publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng [n Fava Goswitz Rettman s�ne;be� Agai ns t BY -- -- Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - • . Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ��/-` B� Approved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY By w ! `e /�./ � / � � ' � • • #PARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED � TOM DIMOND ' g/28 89 GREEN SHEET No. � � 5 3 INITIAL/DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL ASSIGN �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK THUNE 4357 NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON COUNCIL A6ENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO �BUDC3ET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �R� �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Begin proceedings to assure open space along Phalen Creek Trail from Larpenteur to Kellogg Boulevard. � RECOMMENOATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. Thune 4357 _CIB COMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: —sT^FF — Directs administration to implement prior Council _�is-�icrcouRT — actions. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE9 INITIATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): Railroad property is abandoned. This will create a continuous parcel of open space and trails. ' ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: City will own all property for trail and control future uses. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Ownership of property will be by others, loss of important park link, acquisition may be more expensive or impossible in the future. DISADVANTA4ES IF NOT APPROVED: Cour�c�l Re�e�rch Center, �.[�G 2� �i�'�� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTiVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) AMENDMENTS TO COUNC L FILE NO. 89-1557 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL ED That the City Council directs the administration to enter into a joint powers agreement between the City and Ramse_y County and/o the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to acquire, own, and m nage the Phalen Creek Trail from Kellogg Boulevard on the south t Larpenteur on the north; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the ity Council hereby reiterates its earlier position of support' g light rail transit use on the Phalen Creek Trail Corridor; -� 'ti�_ � ,, � � � , . �t**�. CITY OF S INT PAUL o�`� °: OFFICE OF HE MAYOR '' iiii i i� a" e v+ �o .... 347 CIT HALL SAINT PAUL, M NNESOTA 55102 GEORGELATIMER (612) 8-4323 MAYOR September 26, 1989 Council PresidF Members of the /j,,�� �U�� City of Saint W �j/f.� �O � Poat-It°Routin City Hall please ( Ur�N(a �"�� 9Requestpatl7�q Saint Paul, M.' � REQ�EST 9`Zq�� READ / � � HANDLE T� �s'o / RE: Draft Cc ❑ qpPRO�F ���� � unty a� �o�� �� � '' Dear Preside� � AR�LD_I�/ � I am pleasec � RET�RN 7�"�`"� Z Saint Paul Planning Cor ❑ KEEP pR '��f ' `ty Draf t Comprehensi� �S�AR� �.!�DE � REVIEW WITH ME �a � The Ramsey �a�e �� / Q� �d developmeni - or,is g 9fter adoption by Ramsey ���.._ /Z �r�2� 'ransit Board which, in turn, will merge tn 3" r counties in the metropolitan area i t� ` plan for the seven-county metropoli' Saint Paul be well served in sucb initial plan completed by the R very significant first step. I concur with the findin� one further recommenda� the northeast Burlin� Council position b� acquisition of r' Authority to l� as a trail � extent pos that such dc. of the trail . the Ramsey Coun. possible to detez. �n the northeast corri � can accommodate LRT if nE t Finley, as the chair oi ceive such recommendation in a very rmore, that the Rail Authority is prepG _mportant linear land resource. . . � . . � .� . � . �,��_��a` Council President Scheibel Members of City Council September 26, 1989 Page 2 I would urge the City Council to re iew the Ramsey County Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan very carefully an to consider the attached resolution that I am forwarding to you for your rev ew and adoption. Yours truly, � eor Lati er Mayo GL:da Attachment l , . , ,�tT,•. . ' . .` . CIT�' OF S INT PAUL C�0 �" ��a�� � �e�� �: OFFICE OF HE MAYOR : nt{i i ; +� �o +... 347 CIT HALL SAINT PAUL, M NNESOTA 55102 GEORGEL4TIMER (612) 2 8-4323 MAYOR September 26, 1989 Council President Scheibel and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Draft Comprehensive Light Rail T ansit Plan for Ramsey County Dear President Scheibel and Members the City Council: I am pleased to transmit to you the eview and comment of the Saint Paul Planning Commission on the Ramsey Co nty Regional Rail Authority Draft Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Pla . The Ramsey County Plan is an importa t first step in the analysis and development of Light Rail Transit fo Saint Paul and Ramsey County. After adoption by Ramsey County this plan ill be forwarded to the Regional Transit � Board which, in turn, will merge thi plan with the plans of the other counties in the metropolitan area in o one comprehensive light rail transit plan for the seven-county metropolit n area. I believe it is important that Saint Paul be well served in such a egional transit plan and, therefore, this initial plan completed by the Ramse County Regional Railroad Authority is a very significant first step. I concur with the findings and reco endations of the Planning Commission with one further recommendation. With r spect to the acquisition and future use of the northeast Burlington Northern r ght of way, I recommend that the City Council position be detailed furthe and that the City support immediate acquisition of this linear right of way by the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to be jointly developed a soon as development funds are available as a trail corridor by the City of aint Paul and Ramsey County to the fullest extent possible with appropriate ac ess and amenities with the understanding that such development as a trail do s not preclude possible future joint use of the trail with light rail transf . In addition, I recommend that we urge the Ramsey County Rail Authority t initiate necessary studies as soon as possible to determine which alignm t will be used for light rail transit in the northeast corridor so that the aster planning for the trail corridor can accommodate LRT if necessary. It 's my understanding that Commissioner Finley, as the chair of the County Regional Rail Authority, would receive such recommendation in a very positive nd accepting manner and, furthermore, that the Rail Authority is prepared to ove forward to acquire this important linear land resource. ma�y 4e -- . - , . . C�0 ��/��c Council President Scheibel Members of City Council September 26, 1989 Page 2 I would urge the City Council to r view the Ramsey County Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan very carefully a d to consider the attached resolution that I am forwarding to you for your re iew and adoption. Yours truly, . eor Lati er May GL:da Attachment �; ������ ;: UEPARTMEN OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ?` �� ���c o' ^ ' : . � � ' DIVISION OF PLANNI:'VG :+.: � � �� �wcs�f«��h se.Ke,sai��ra�,1.�inoew�a ss�a ,... 612•22&3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR /�j�I �� Q '�t EMORANDL'!�i D:�TE: September 13, 1989 T0: Saint Paul Planning Commissi n FROM: Economic Development Committ e RE: Draft Comprehensive Light Ra 1 Transit Plan for Ramsey County Introduction The Ramsey County Regional Railroad uthority (RCRRA) released the Draft Com reherisive Li ht Rail Transit P1 for Ramse Count for public review in late July, 1989. The comment perio is scheduled to end on October 12, 1989 with completion of the Final LRT P1 on November 28, 1989. On August 11, 1989 the Saint Paul Planning Commission ferred the document to the Economic Development Committee for review. Authority for Review The Draft Com rehensive Li ht Rail ransit Plan for Ramse Count was brought to the Saint Paul Planning Commissi n so as to keep them informed of the planning activities of adjacent uni s of government as per Section 107.02 of the Administrative Code of the City of Saint Paul. Background Planning for light rail transit ( ) and other rail transit systems for the Twin Cities started in the late 19 Os when new technology such as Personal Rapid Transit was being studied fo application in urban areas. The pace has accelerated since 1987 when the Mi nesota Legislature lifted its prohibition on rail transit planning. Also in 19 7, Ramsey County formed the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority. This body is responsible for the preparation of the draft plan. The draft plan proposes six corrid rs as being appropriate for LRT between now and 2010. They are: Midway, :�orth est, Northeast, East, South, and South-Southwest. Each of these c ridors contain more than one potential LRT alignment for further study. Thr additional corridors were identified for potential LRT development beyond e twenty-year time frame. These are the Southeast, Southwest, and East-We t Crosstown Corridor. The draft plan also proposes pote tial downtown alignments as follows: North-South Streets East-West Streets St. Peter Street Fourth Street Cedar Street Fifth Street � Minnesota Street Sixth Street , � , .: � ;� ..t, ..�. . .. . ..! I � . ., .. ..1..._.:.,..JII "..` ... . ......� v _ " Septe.mbez 1,3, 1989 /,J,^ G��l (�a � ' F�age Twa ' �if�" Q o ' The plan estimates capital costs at $ 56 - 896 million, excluding right-of-way, �•ehicles, and maintenance facilities. Funding scenarios are presented for $S00 million utilizing regional or statew'de based funding methods. Issues il) Future City Involvement The draft plan provides little direc ion for the involvement of the City of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods in he future light rail transit planning activities identified in the plan (i.e. corridor Environmental Impact S;.atements [EIS] and preliminary en ineering) . The draft plan should be more specific in setting guidelines for e involvement of the City and the affected neighborhoods in these future actio s, so as to provide consistency. It is likely that each corridor will unde go the preparation of its EIS and preliminary engineering individuall . The plan must provide a method whereby each corridor will be reviewed in t e same manner as the others. The recent RTB legislation provides that both the preliminary and final design plans must be submitted to the City for review. However, if formal contact is limited to this review late in the ngineering process, conflicts between City policy, the neighborhoods and the p oposed LRT plans will most assuredly occur. Despite the statutory limitations the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority to light rail transit pl ning activities, future studies (i.e. preliminary engineering and Enviro ental Impact Statements) for LRT in Saint Paul should investigate all forms f transit, paratransit, and transportation improvements. Each of the identif ed corridors exhibit unique characteristics which may provide opportunities fo transit modes other than LRT, or the cost/benefit of an alternative to T may be better than that of LRT. If future studies focus solely on li� t rail transit, feasible alternatives may be overlooked to the detriment of th� City of Saint Paul. (2) Costs and Funding The estimated capital costs exclu e significant items. Specifically, these items are right-of-way and mainte ance facility costs. Given these exclusions, the capital costs estimate of $75 to $896 million is not representative of the probable actual cost of the propo ed system. Given the detail of the alignments identified in each cor idor and the maintenance facilities identified in the plan, some esti ate of these costs ought to be included in the draft plan. Also excluded from the plan is a estimate of the cost (or savings) affiliated with the restructuring of bus ro es to serve as feeder lines. Although the operation of these lines is outs" e the jurisdiction of the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority, the costs (or savings) are an integral part of the provision of light rail transit. �� ..� �'::.. . .aiining Gomu,�.,.:�u:: • September• 13•, 1989• � G Page Three �'�J-�Q a � � The plan provides three scenarios or financing a $S00 million LRT system. It does not indicate how this amount elates to the proposed system. It also indicates that federal and state a d should be considered in order to reduce county or regional funding requir� ents. However, no information is provided as to the amount of that support o the likelihood of obtaining such funding. �3) Northeast Corridor The abandonment of the Burlington orthern Railroad right-of-way from east of downtown Saint Paul north to Beam venue has provided an opportunity for both the provision light rail transit a d a recreational trail. The plan recommends that the RCRRA take immediate step to acquire the Burlington Northern right-of-way in the Northeast Corr dor and that the preliminary engineering should include the issue of potent al joint use. The City Council adopted a policy tha[ the right-of-way shoul be acquired with metropolitan parks and open space funds for recreational ses and to maintain the option of joint use for recreation and transportation n the future. The question of the most appropria e use of the right-of-way breaks down to two basic questions: (1) is joint use f the right-of-way by both light rail transit and a trail feasible, and 2) if only one use is feasible, which use is more appropriate? 1'he first quest"on is a basically an engineering question. The second question requires the e aluation of the costs and benefits of two extremely dissimilar uses. There may be limitations to the jo nt use of the right-of-way. From East 7th Street through Minnehaha Avenue� t e right-of-way is 70 feet wide. The two blocks through Strohs Brewery ran from 60 feet wide at Minnehaha Avenue to 100 feet at Bush Avenue. The firs 800 feet west of Forest Street is approximately 60 feet in width an is ad�acent to an active rail line. One half mile of the right-of-way, be een Arcade Street and Earl Street parallels the Chicago & Northwest Railroad. ' This analysis has not investigated the possibility of acquiring addition right-of-way. If such is possible, the width constraints may be relieved. The draft plan does indicate that here are alternative alignments for LRT within the Northeast Corridor (it ay also be 'possible that their are alternative trail alignments) . Gi en the width constraints in the southern portion of the right-of-way, it m be possible to separate the two uses in the southern portion and join them as joint use of the right-of-way in the northern portion. At this point in time, the prese tion of the right-of-way as an integral whole is paramount. A joint powe agreement between the City of Saint Paul and Ramsey County may be appropri' e to jointly obtain control of the parcel until a final decision on use can' e reached. Approximately 60$ of the right-of-way is within the corpor e limits of the City of Saint Paul, with the remainder lying outside the City mits, but still within Ramsey County. A body to decide the final outcom of the use question would have to be identified and agreed to by both rties. The feasibility of joint use would ' first have to be investigated. I only single use of the right-of-way was .ra,._�.... '.�t .1ri:1.��... 'i :......... . . -. �w... . . . ��,.►� r�:�•� - -.�, _��,,:i. • Septenbe� 1•3, �989 � Page Four � found to be possible, the benefits and osts of the oppesing uses would have to be determined. The role each use would serve in its respective system would have to be assessed, as would possibili y of alternati•:e alignments. 4 Conformance with Saint Paul Com re ensive Plan The Saint Paul plan supports improved ransit for the purposes of providing general mobility for people, providing transport to major activity centers, reducing congestion, reducing the need for street improrements, and reducing environmental impacts related to trave . The primary transit objective of the C mprehensive Plan is: To ensure provision of high q ality transit service in Saint Pau]: that is tailored to the character and needs of the city. The transit chapter of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan strongly supports consideration of light rail transit: ' The city considers light rai transit a significant potential transi alternative . . . The provision of light rail transit s proposed by the LRT plan would improve the level of transit service in and o Saint Paul. Essentially all of the rail corridors identified in the Saint Pa 1 Comprehensive Plan are included in Phase I or Phase II of the LRT plan. Figu e la presents those corridors that were identified in the Saint Paul Compreh nsive Plan. Figure lb shows those corridors that were originally revi� ed at the beginning of the Ramsey County planning process. The more detaile review of the count� plan has eliminated the Southeast and North Corridors t t were listed by the City in 1981. However, even at that time the need f a Northeast Corridor was recognized, and continues to be justified. As such, the draft LRT plan conforms to the objectives and policies of the Tra it Element of the Saint Paul Comprehensive , Plan. However, many details of the draft lan need to be refined before much of the ' plan can be reviewed for consisten� with other elements of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. Particularly, onsistency with the Land Use Element, the Streets and Highways Element, and t e Economic Development Strategy cannot be reviewed until further study by th� Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority provides more detailed information n route alignment. Conclusions (1) Future Citv Involvement 4 : A formalized methodology, consiste t in use for each corridor, for involving the City of Saint Paul and affecte neighborhoods in future light rail planning activities is critical to ensure e uitable review of each corridor. The corridors in Phase I of the propos d system may be implemented anytime within ., , ., it. . � ;f ...- .t .. ` -a._ . +._ . ..o�..,. .o... �LO.�r.�..� „V�4LJ:i�V�\ � , September 1�3,,_ 19$9 /�� Page Five C� ���� �/ the twenty-year time frame of the plan. The LRT Comprehensive Plan should provide guidance at the outset of the lanning time frame, rather than allowing a new methodology to be developed for ach corridor. Also, these future studies should prov de for the evaluation of the potential of all possible transit and transporta ion modes. Allowing them to �ocus solely upon light rail transit could � iminate feasible solutions prematurely. (2) Costs and Funding The capital costs presented by the dra t plan omit potentially signiticant elements from the totals (i.e. right-o -way and maintenance facilities) . It is understood that until the preliminary ngineering and Environmental Impact Statements are conducted, exact alig nts and right-of-way needs will not be identified. However, the draft plan 's relatively specific concerning potential alignments within each corr dor. An estimated range of costs for the acquisition of right-of-way could be enerated. These costs should be included in some manner to present a more accu ate estimate of actual system cost. � The funding scenarios presented in th plan do not appear to relate accurately to the estimated capital costs of the system. Also, no projections for additional potential funding from sta e or federal sources are included. If these sources are to be used to fund he system, the degree of anticipated involvement should be factored into e funding scenarios. ; (3) Northeast Corridor The question of the use of the aband ned Burlington Northern right-of-way in the proposed Northeast Corridor as a �oint use by both light rail transit and a recreational trail needs to be resol ed. If the right-of-way cannot be used for joint use, then a process for re iewing the two alternative uses needs to be developed and implemented. Until these items have been resolved, the right-of-way needs to be preserved. A joint powers agreement between the City and the Ramsey County Regional Railr ad Authority may be appropriate to secure the right-of-way. . 4 Conformance with the Saint Pau1 Com rehensive Plan � The Draft Com rehensive Li ht Ra'1 ransit Plan for Ramsev Count supports and is consistent with the Transit Elem nt of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan. However, further information needs o be generated and refined in fu�ure LRT studies before the determination of consistency with other elements of the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan can b made. Recommendations ; The Economic Development Committee ecommends the following actions: (1) That the Draft Com rehens e Li ht Rail Transit Plan for Ramse Count is consistent with the gen ral concepts of the Transit Element of the Saint Paul Comprehensive P an and that more detailed information is • required before further re iew for consistency with other elements of ' the Saint Paul Comprehensi e Plan can take place. � "� ...�::... :'�,......._ :�� .:a�.:� l�uuu.,a.JStull .. � Septeaber 13, , �989 �� (',� _���1 Page Six �`� (2) That the Ramsey County Regi nal Railroad Authority develop guidelines and a methodology for the c ntinued involvement of the City of Saint Paul and other affected bod es in future light rail planning activities and decisions, a d that these guidelines and methods be incorporated in the LRT Com rehensive Plan. Also, that future studies include alternative transit and transportation modes rather than limiting their investigatio s solely to light rail transit. (3) That the capital costs pres nted in the Comprehensive Plan represent the total anticipated syst cost, not just corridor construction costs. Also, that the fun ing scenarios be related to the projected costs of the proposed syst and that all potential funding sources be included. (4) That the City support imme iate acquisition of the Northeast Burlington Northern right- f-way from the easterly edge of Downtown Saint Paul to the Ramsey C unty Line for use as a trail corridor with possible joint use as a tr il and rail corridor. �/bP i _ � � ' . �� . - '• � . . . a��'�, ������: � .-�.��� ,�� ��.: ,, � � '� 3 � °� .sw�i �� ��� � �` �� � ��► � � � .� . � � �� � ���� ����t � � � � �'�,� �.. � ,� �_ �- '�YT� �: � -���� - '-r, td^.._. �N� \ ��� � ���� Y�':4�G711���'� .0 �.`�.. . ���j� � ,,- ��'^ � s � e � �� � � :�. _ s:��:� � -�� � �� �r � � � ;. . � � �1�: � ��.�<� ; �� /� ��: � :� � - . � . �� . - . : �� . ' • . . . � � � � � � � , . i I � � p ! _ --!"� � � � `. , � , � 'y ; � � , . . , � � � r � �, � , � � _ d�� . � � �� t � � � . , � ��:� � � — ��i� ,, . � ,.,,, �` ���� o �. , . . . . ,- . o o _ . � . ��'� � ' � � � �� �� � . , �:: � ' " i �= `1,.'�� - �r�% _ � ' �%.!,��� �' ' � � , ,� � � � � � ,,' ` �� ` � . , � , , � � _._., , m '` ....�.._ � �- . - . • � �'-/�a / city of saint paul P� • . nr�ing commission r f�e rwrr�er 89-82 �te Sevtember 22. 1989 ADOPTION OF CO S REGARDING THE DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE LIGHT RAIL SIT PLAN FOR RAMSEY COUNTY WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Regional Rai road Authority has prepared the Araft Com r hensive i ht Rail Transit lan r se Coun ; and WHEREAS, the raf Com rehensive i t ail Tra s"t lan o a se u was released to the public and various age ies for review and comment in July, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Economic Development Co ttee of the Saint Paul Planning Commission did review the document and receive testimonq at their meetings on August 16 and 30, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commi; sion desires to comment on the ra t Com rehensive Li ht Rail Transit Pl n or Ramse Coun ; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that th Saint Paul Planning Commission finds � that the raft om rehen 've Li ht a T a t P an for Ramse Count lacks specificity to adequately review for c nsistency with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Draf Com rehensive Li t Rail Transit Plan for Ramsey County specifies potential orridors, route alignments, downtown alignments, system costs, and funding ethods which require further study , before consistency with the Saint Pau Comprehensive Plan can be determined; and mO� �/ MC DONELL ...� ��«'�d � TREICHEL in fav�or t�n��s . . against_____ --mx .,-,." ,-�,;�._ ���=i�a� F BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the o v for Ramsey Countv is consistent wit the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan insofar as both support the concept of ligh rail transit as important elements of the transit system; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Sa nt Paul Planning Conmission adopt the following comments: - That the Ramsey County Region 1 Railroad Authority develop guidelines and a methodology for the con inued involvement of the City of Saint Paul and other affected bodie in future light rail planning activities and decisions, and that these guidelines and methods be incorporated in the LRT Comprehensive Plan; - That future studies for the i plementation of light rail transit include the investigation of the feas bility of alternative transit and transportation modes; - That the capital costs prese ed in the Comprehensive Plan represent the total anticipated system cos , not j ust corridor construction costs. Also, that the funding scena ios be related to the projected costs of the proposed system and that 11 potential funding sources be included; - - That the City support immedi te acquisition of the Northeast Burlington Northern right-of-way from t e easterly edge of Dovntown Saint Paul to the Ramsey County Line for u e as a trail corridor with possible joint use as a trail and rail corr dor; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the aft Com e s ve t Rail r sit P an for Ramsev Countv_ and these commen s be forwarded to the Saint Paul City Council. 1 �S I � . �t*��. CIT�' OF S INT PAUL �+ ; o ; OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ` iiil i I�n s' v. �a �,.. 347 Ci Y HALL SAINT PAUL, INNESOTA 55102 GEORGELATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR September 26, 1989 Council President Scheibel and Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Draft Comprehensive Light Rail ransit Plan for Ramsey County Dear President Scheibel and Members f the City Council: I am pleased to transmit to you the eview and comment of �he Saint Paul Planning Commission on the Ramsey Co nty Regional Rail Authority Draft Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Pla . The Ramsey County Plan is an importa t first step in the analysis and development of Light Rail Transit fa Saint Paul and Ramsey County. After adoption by Ramsey County this plan ill be forwarded to the Regional Transit Board which, in turn, will merge thi plan with the plans of the other counties in the metropolitan area in o one comprehensive light rail transit plan for the seven-county metropolit n area. I believe it is important that Saint Paul be well served in such a egional transit plan and, therefore, this initial plan completed by the Ramsey County Regional Railroad Authority is a very significant first step. I concur with the findings and reco endations of the Planning Commission with one further recommendation. With re pect to the acquisition and future use of the northeast Burlington Northern ri ht of way, I recommend that the City Council position be detailed further and that the City support immediate acquisition of this linear right of ay by the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority to be jointly developed as soon as development funds are available as a trail corridor by the City of S int Paul and Ramsey County to the fullest extent possible with appropriate acc ss and amenities with the understanding that such development as a trail doe not preclude possible future joint use of the trail with light rail transi . In addition, I recommend that we urge the Ramsey County Rail Authority to initiate necessary studies as soon as possible to determine which alignme t will be used for light rail transit in the northeast corridor so that the aster planning for the trail corridor can accommodate LRT if necessary. It i my understanding that Commissioner Finley, as the chair of the County egional Rail Authority, would receive such recommendation in a very positive a d accepting manner and, furthermore, that the Rail Authority is prepared to m ve forward to acquire this important linear land resource. q�i .46 _ - _ . .��-��a� Council President Scheibel Members of City Council September 26, 1989 Page 2 I would urge the City Council to review the Ramsey County Comprehensive Light Rail Transit Plan very carefully and to consider the attached resolution that I am forwarding to you for your review and adoption. Yours truly, ' . eor Lati er � Mayo GL:da Attachment