89-1819 � � . � � WHITE - C�TV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE ° - GIT1 OF AINT PAITL Council C}9_ `p�`p BI.UERV - MAVPORTMENT , FI12 NO. d d < Council Resolution j7 ; �., Presented By -d�' �eferred To u� �� Committee: Date f��� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the commercial and � sidential areas surrounding the intersections of Concord Street, W� asha Avenue and Robert Street on Saint Paul's West Side have been the focu of considerable concern over the past several years; and WHEREAS, the West Side commu 'ty developed a strategic plan which included as one of its objectives e following: "Focus and concentrate commercial activity within identif' d boundaries of business districts and create visible entrances or gatewa areas; downzone to residential use those areas not designated as a commerci 1 uses" ; and WHEREAS, the City, through i s CIB, NPP and URAP processes, has been asked to invest in the area's rede elopment; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Coun il requests that the city Administration through the Planning and Economic evelopment Department (PED) develop a plan for the Concord-Wabasha-Robert Str et area for consideration by the Planning Commission as an amendment to the ' ity's Comprehensive Plan; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that PED b asked to involve representatives for the West Side residential and business communities in the planning process; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, :that the lan include recommendations as to mix of land uses and the nature of publi investments necessary to ensure the viability and vitality of the are ; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the ouncil hereby initiates a 40-acre zoning study for the area designated on he attached map. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimoad # �� [n Fa r � Goswitz � B � �� Rettman . �be1�� _ A gai n t Y Sonnen Wilson N�V — � � � Form Ap ro d by City tto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ouncil retar� , B3' � f . By �� tJ 1 89 Appro May for �ssion to Council t#pprov Mavor: Date — — � n B By � V V-t�" ��� N O V 1 � 1 9 � - " � �F�t-l�'G� DEPMT�AENT/OFFlCE/OOUNqL �� DATE INITIA PED - P1 ann i n 9/20/$9 GREEN S T NO. 3 4N�T4 6� COM'ACT PERSON d PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNGI Nanc Homans - x3372 N�� C11YA11'ORNEV �CITYCIERK MU8T BE ON COUNqL A(�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FI T.SERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR A881ST t TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SI�iNATUR� `"'� ACTION REfiUE8TED: ' Sign resolution initiating a Small Area �1 /40-Acre Study for the �BYIc��-If�sha-Robert Street area. ���v i � �` RECOMMENDATION3:MP►we(�)a R�t(R) COUNGL ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ OOMMI8810N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y8T ' PHOP�E NO. _GB COMMITTEE _ �.BTAFF _ OOMMENlf8: � ; R�����J�.�'. _DIBTRICT COURT _ ' SUPPORT3 WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? �r p� � I J�� Cf INITIATI PROBLEM�ISSU .OPPORTUNITY(Who.What. �Whsrs�WhY). �.ti.�i J i����±� For a number of years, the West Side co m ity has worked on revita�in ng t�ie Concord- '�Jabasha-P.obert Street area as a commerc�a strip. They face a number of issues related to existing land uses and zoning (e.g. a cbn derable amount of commercially zoned property which is spread thinly over a limited mar t). They need to build a consensus around an appropriate focus for the commercial ar!ea nd a strategy for investing both public and private resources for maximum advantage!. ADVANTAOES tF APPROVED: A PED team can begin working with a comm ity task force to propose appropriate land use rec�ulations and a public-private investm t strategy for the area. This effort is consistent with and can,' b worked into the Department' s work program for the fourth quarter. . RECEIVED �,,,�,���F,��: �2 91 No apparent di sadvantages. ; „ P,,. _ __ a„�- CITY CLtK� -, ' _ � ... .. �L.IJ ti �� ��uJ DISADVANTIU�E8 IF NOT APPROVED: We wi11 not be able to take full advant ge of the inv�stment already made in the area nor be assured that future investment wiVl ontribute to the area's revitalization. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a lbBT/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ��Np gpup(� ACTIVITY NUMSER flNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� / I � D� �e-�, ' • � � ��� . . �► !C! ° � � �� �i ��� • t� _-�;�v � • , i� . t-� �]i r� C .�'� ` - , ;,A�,� � �, �..� .�.�..�:; ,_ � .. --- � -� . � ,. �- � ..��;• � �•�� � � • ����� ���� � ���� `'� � � �� � • , � � - �� �� ��: �.►����� �c�: � ��.� ��e��� eeed� � s - — — ,�_._ .�� �� � � ` �� ��Q� o��oo � .r , . � as- ��° � � - ' �C��' . � . �� a �. ,Q_ �e . �' __1 -,. 1 _ I f � - -:�� �� • � � �r � ,`: �� . n � � i � t� � �� c�r. — � i � • • `' � •w� � !�!-� � ,, Q� . . , . � + , , . . .� , . � f . , � � �� - , :� , � < <� � �; -�� �`� - �;�� � • ��; � � �--'rr"��� - ��'c�'_ S` �s � . � � ,� � � �� � �� '''�• ,�� . �. • � � ., 1: �' � � 1 ' �n. � br �� �'�' . _ ,���_ - . n� . .� , �.I+ . , � . ��,��n, � �'`,� �a � � �`* . 7 .. t i � . �� � « � � � Ci � � ��� �"� � ' � �� � ` i� tri�a� e ��� � s.b�� -�- ` � , ,, � , : � � .. . , - , _ . . .. . . ., Members: ,: "�,�.-__�,;'�.,, Bill Wilson, chair _� - GITY OF ►� INT PAUL �. Tom Dimond � ,"i i0fla�n � ��/j/� � . �,�, a,,�:. Kiki Sonnen _ OFFICE OF TH CITY COIINCIL � d ` Date: October 25, 1989 RECEIVED WILLIAM L. WILSON MARK VOERDING COUriC11m3II C o m m i�t e e p o rt 2 s1� Legislative Aide . � To: Saint Paul City Council cii�� c?���� From : Housing and Econom c Development Committee Bill Wiison, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes - COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL f September 13, 1989; September 27, 1989; and October 11, 1989, co ittee meeting minutes. 2. Appeal of David and Josephine erg to a decision of the Heritage Preservation Commission which enied the issuance of a permit to demolish the structure located at 270 West 7th Street COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A TiN'0 WE K LAYOVER. 3. Ordinance amending Chapter 45 f the Legislative Code pertaining to nuisance abatements involving eritage preservation sites . (C.F. 89-1825) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVA . 4. Ordinance amending Chapter 73 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the - HPC and demolition of buildin s (C.F. 89-1826) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROV , WITH AMENDMENT. 5. Resolution initiating offici , special hearings on the St. Paul Port Authority to gather informat'on and solicit public opinions regarding items as listed, requesting estimony of persons listed to review their comments on said information and that the City Council utilize its own . staff and resources (C.F. 8 -1740) COMMITTEE RECOI�IENDED A SIX EEK LAYOVER (or until the recommendations from the Port Authority Boar are available) . 6. Resolution initiating a Sma Area Plan and 40-Acre Study for the Concord-Wabasha-Robert Stre t area (C.F. 89-1819) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPR AL. C1TY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 8�66 , WHITE - C�TV CIERK PIN9L�- -. F'NANCE GITY OF S INT PAUL Council `�aO CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• - Return copy to: Council lution �°� Real Estate Division Rm. 218 �f„ } (RM) (Howard) � �� �_�U1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS , the council of he City of Saint Paul , by resolution C .F. 215625 approv d November 27, 1g63 vacated public land in the City of Saint Pau described as follows : That part of the ea� -and-west alley in Block 5 of Fairchild & Howarda ' earrangement of part of Tracy' s Outlots , lyi g easterly of the east line of the easterly north-�. d-south alley in said block eztended northerly o the southerly line of Lot 9 in said Block 5 WHEREAS , based upon uti ity easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use filed volun arily on behalf of U. S. West Communicationa ; Northern Sta es Power Company; Department of Public Works ; the Water Uti]. ty; Continental Cablevision; Western Union; and District Energy S . Paul , Inc . and made a part hereof by this reference and filed n the office of the City Clerk of Saint Paul , the City for ita lf and on behalf of these corporations and departments waives the right to utility easements in the vacated are as described in the Certificates of Intended Non-Use. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RE OLVED, pursuant to Section 130.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative ode and on behalf of the city of Saint Paul and those person for whom the City has reeerved easements , the council of t e City of Saint Paul does hereby waive and release the retai ed utility easements in the vacated public property as specifie in the Certificates of Intended Non- Use described as follows : COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays n�mond Finance & Mana e ' Lo� tn Fav r A casw�tz __, ___-� � / �he� _ Agains g3�'" �`"'�-� � --"� D'rector . —.. --____----_ Sonnen Wilson Form Approve City Att e r Adopted by Council: Date � l Certified Passed by Council Secretary By 2 . By - h\pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approve,�.�by Ma r Subm sion to Council� 7' _ . � BY _ V �..