89-1818 WHITE - C�.TV CLERK PINIi ♦ - FINANCE COUI1C11 (�' �j � CANw.�"O__- CpPARTM,NT GITY O SAINT PALTL File NO. s7��o� � �B L U E - NI�C�V O R' , � �� Counc 'l Resolution '� ' Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Council o the City of Saint Paul passed a Resolution (C.F. No. 89-49 ) stating its intent to establish a five member Program Eva uation Task Force; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Cou cil of the City of Saint Paul hereby creates the Program Evalua ion Task Force which shall consist of five persons with exper ise and training in �he design and conduct of systematic progra evaluation and drawn from the areas of private businesses, non- rofit institutions, and governmental units ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that ppointments to the Program Evaluation Task Force shall be made y Lhe Mayor according to the open appointment process witn t e consent of the Council ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council requests the Mayor to direct �he City' s Budget d Finance Directors to collaborate with the Council Research irector in preparing a work program for the task force; and, be t FURTHER RESOLVED, tha the task force shall prepare for the Council and the Mayor May l , 1990, a report recommending the procedure to be used in setting up a program evaluation process, the methodologies to be used in evaluating programs, and which programs would b good prospects for evaluation and which would not; and, be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman B s�he;be� __ A ga i n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date B �,,��_ �9, `�.��-� 2-l��39 Certified Yassed by Council Secretary 3' � � - �' + By Approved by IV►avor: Date _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE � - CiTV,GIERK COUtiCll G P1N" - FIfJANCE GITY O� SAINT PAUL �CAN'A4Q_-�Dk�,'.�ARTMENT �✓/a/ ,BLUE-' - MAVOR File NO. - � Counc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINALLY RESOLVED, tha the task force shall present its report and recommendations o the Mayor by May l , 1990, at which time the Council will eval ate whether the task force should continue in operation. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimond I.ona In Fav r coswitz � d _ Agains BY --se� wa�n OC'r 1 O 1 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya s unci re BY sy� ' �riT � � � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council A►pp d by Mavor. D t — �.r� ...,T n a 9��J BY �� � � 1 �n . ' ��� ��r�' OEPAR7�AENT/OFFlCE/00UNdL � " ' DA IN TED Bob Long � � GREEN SHEET No. 5 2 61 CONTACT PER�N A PHONE INITIAU OATE INRIAWATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL - NU ❑�ATl'OHNEY �CITY(�ERK MUBT BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(DAT� �BUDOET WRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES OIR. �AAAYOR(OR ASSISTANI] � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PA(iES (CLI A LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACT10N REQUESTED: The resolution authorizes establishmlen of co�ittee that was set up in a C.F. 89-497. I I RECOMMENDATIONB:Approw(ly a Reject(R) NC COMMITTEE/RESEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL Y PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMM18810N _CIVIL SERVICE OOMMISSION _CIB WMMITTEE _ E _BTAFF _ i _DI8TRICT COURT _ i 3UPPORTS NMICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE7 I iNmnnrio PROe�M,�ssue,o�oaruNm�mo,wnn,wn.n,wnsre,wny�: , , The eesolution adopted earlier did $�o contain all the requirements necessary to set up the Program Evaluation Task Force. An �d tional resolution was necessary to define membership selection, and the task. I I RE�EIVED ��1� ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: � �,I�y G�. The activities of the Program Eval�a on Task Force can proceed. DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: I None , ,., . .� � _.__ . , - ,'„ �':'3��i' � : ;.� � �-� .,-�,,17 � a)L..1 �.! � E ti-.�J . i DISADVANT/UiE3 IF NOT APPROVED: il The intent of C.F. 89-497 will not b fulfilled � I I i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a ! COST/REVENUE 9UDOETED(qi�LE ON� YES NO FUNDINa SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM�R FlNANCIAL INFORAAA710N:(EXPUUI� I