89-1814 WH17E - C1TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council �/' /�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT yy /y/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �o /' a - - ounc l Resolution �j�`� Presented By .�'�.� �_�- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RE90LY�, that t,he p�oper Citp ici.als are hereby authorized ar�d directed to execute a contract wi the Co�ty of RamseY� �Y Department of H�lth; W��Y, the City sha11 provid�e 'cal corisultation services fram a physician who is duly licensed a physician in the 3tate of I�IInnesota. These servioes are to be provid ' throu�h the 3aint Paul Divisi� of Health aocording to the terms of 'd c�ntract, a copp of which is kept � file and on record in the t of Finance ar�d Mar�aBement Services. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays � Communi ty Servi ces -= Ei vi si on of Publ i c Heal th Lo� In Fav r coswitz � D _ Against BY � r-�a Wilsoa ,�'T � � Form A rov by C'ty tot Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P ss o cil cre B — � �g Bl, ...._— ! A►pprove y IVIa Da _ ' ` Approv Mayor for Subm' i � ` _ �Ug1t�ED 0 C T 2 11 89 . . ' ��=���� DEPARTMENT/OFFICElOOUNGL DA INI TED 9 2 9 GREEN SHEET Na 4,N��,��E r cr r�a� ��er�r ar�c�a �cmr couNa� `�"uay �arr �L92-7712 � ATTORNEY CITY CLERK M N L DA BY(OA BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �NIIIYOR(OR ASSIST � TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PA�iES 4 (CLI�A LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REWE8TED: Resolution to allow City signatures onc �ontract between Ramsey County and the Division of Public Health for the Division to proWi Medical Consultation Services . RECOAAMENDATION3:Approw(Iq a Rsject(F� CO C COMMITTEE/1�SEARCH REPORT OPTI _PLANNINO OOMM18810N _CIYIL BERVICE COMMISSION Y PH . _CIB COMMITTEE _ �'�F� n —STAFF _ CO EN . ' v Q f ✓ _DI8TRICT COURT _ >/ �V p-... �� SUPPORTB WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE? � � "� �� , ���1['1/ INITIATINQ PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who.What.WMn.Whsro.Wh�:� Ramsey County is requesting to contra�t ith the St. Paul Division of Public Health for medical consultation services from a ph ician who is duly licensed as a physician in the State of Minnesota. The funding is a� a rate of $55.00 per hour not to exceed $1760 for the year 1989. ', IRE�FIVF� ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The St. Paul Division of Public Healthi w ld be reimbursed for ro edical consultation servi ces to Ramsey County. � I p �������`��� � RECEIVED ' ��03� � ' v DISADVANTAdES IF APPROVED: r�oNE , Councii Research Center_ ' OCT 0 21989 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: Ramsey County will not receive medical', c sultation services. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 55 er hOUr I'' C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE Ramse Count �cr��m NuMe� 33254 FlNANqAL INFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN) � Attached Council Resolution Orginal contract & 3 copies', . - �r� ���� - � �� C���' �� , - AGREEMENT FOR MEDi CAL CONSULTATION SERVICES AN AGREEMENT, made and enter d into this first day of September 1, 1989, by and between the ity of Saint Paul, a municipal corporation of the State of innesota, hereinafter referred to as the "City" , acting through i s Division of Public Health; and the County of Ramsey, a politica subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter refer ed to as the "County" , acting through its Public Health De artment; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City has physic an services; and WHEREAS, the County is permi ted to contract for Medical Consultation services; and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interest of both parties to contract for said service; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTU Y AGREED by and between the City and County as follows: 1. That the City agrees to provide to the County, medical consultation services f om a physician who is duly licensed as a physician in the S ate of Minnesota. 2 . That the services the C ty will provide the County regarding medical consultation ar listed on Addendum I . 3. That the County shall p y the City Public Health Division $55 .00 per hour for med cal consultation services. 4 . That the County shall p y for a minimum of eight hours per month of inedical consul ation services . 5 . That the medical consul ation for the County shall be provided to the County n a mutually agreed upon basis � � � ��y-���`� � -. - 2 - between the Saint Paul ivision of Public Health' s Public Health Services Manager' and the Director of the Ramsey County Health Departmen . 6 . That the City declares he Public Health Services Manager responsible for the com liance with the terms of this Agreement. 7 . That the City agrees to submit to the Ramsey County Public Health Department, quar erly, the number of hours of inedical consultation provided t the County. Upon receipt of such report, payment will be made by Ramsey County within 30 days . 8 . That the City agrees to defend and hold harmless the County for any damages, claims, or suits arising out of the performance under this greement up to the limits of its statuatory tort liabili y. 9 . That at all times the C'ty agrees that its employees, agents, and volunteers re independent contractors as to the County and not employee of the County. 10 . That nothing in this Ag eement shall be construed as limiting the right of i dependent operation of either the City or the County or t e affiliation or contract with any other institution while' this Agreement is in effect. 11. That this Agreement may' e terminated by either party with or without cause upon t irty (30) day written notice. - Charges which have accr d for services rendered shall survive any termination of this Agreement. 12 . That any alteration, va iation, modification or waivers of the provisions of this greement shall be valid only when _ � � ���-���� � - - 3 - they have been reduced o writing, signed by each party and attached to the origina of this Agreement. 13 . That this Agreement sha 1 be in force and effect as of September 1, 1989 and s all remain in effect until terminated by either pa ty hereto pursuant to paragraph 11 thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the part es have set their hands the date first written above: COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Activity Code 33254 �VF� � Terry Sc tten Director, Department of Executive irector Date Finance and Management Serv. Date Department Reco endation f irect r, Department of , ��, ; `' � , , ommunity Services Public Health Depa �tment Date —Z � Aptzroved a,� to fo APROVED AS TO FORM r � f Assistant Ramsey County Attor ey City Attorney Insurance Approved Date �-Z�—�� �e-c. s-� ,�. G��e.�-u.� • � f 3l� Risk Mana ement Funding Available _ code: y3i0f- 0,�0/C5 �Bl,�h,0 ,.f-�cicv ��?.�or�I � i 8 g'' Budget and Accounting - .. � ����`��� A DENDUM I DUTIES OF EDICAL CONSULTANT Provides consultation for pr tice decisions . Provides case consultation t nursing staff when client has no physician. Assists the Community Health ervices Advisory Committee in the public health planning and p licy development process. Assists with the identifications of oblems and the establishment of program priorities for resol ing those problems . Establishes standing orders r medical emergencies such as anaphylactic reactions . Serves as an advocate for Pu lic Health programs, preventive health measures and public h alth in general in the physician community as well as the ove all community. Responsibilities in Disease evention and Control: Reviews laboratory procedure eports and makes recommendations for follow-up. Assists with the development f and approves protocols for immunizations; tuberculosis reening and follow-up; blood pressure screening and follo -up; and lead screening and follow- up. Assists with the development f and approves protocols for investigation of communicabl diseases. Orders biologicals for immun'' zation and drugs for Tuberculosis and sexually transmitted dis ases . Assists as needed in coordin ting cooperative programs between Ramsey County Public Health epartment and the Saint Paul Division of Public Health. Reviews responsibilities in ome Care: standing orders and protocols annually. Advises the Professional Rev'ew Committee for Medicare required program review. This Commit ee establishes and annually reviews the Home Health Agency' s pol'cies governing the scope of services offered, admission and disch rge policies, medical supervision and plans of treatment, emer ency care, clinical records, - personnel qualifications and program evaluations . Serves as an intervener with patient' s private physician when nursing staff question appro riateness of inedical orders which differ from usual and custom ry medical practices . Reviews and advises on stand rds for other programs, i.e. , Early and Periodic Screening, Nutr'tion and Environmental Health.