89-1808 WMITE �- C1TV CLERK ' �.
PINtiC - F7NANCE COUnCll �j.�
BLU� - MAVOR File �O. `� I ��
' Coun 'l esolution
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Presented By �
Referred T��l � � / Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, General College suppo ts educational outreach, continuing
education and community service proj cts that extend the University of
Minnesota's influence to area junior and senior high schools and community
agencies; and
WHEREAS, General College has b en in the vanguard of mutually beneficial
cooperation between the University o Minnesota and Minnesota community,
technical , state and private colleg ;
WHEREAS, the University Minne' ota Board of Regents in 1986 voted
unanimously to continue the General College with a newly refocused mission to
emphasize the effective combinatiorr of college-level academic skills and
course content to facilitate studen success in the larger University; and
WHEREAS, General College's ne home in the remodeled and expanded
Appleby Hall is a tangible reflecti n of the College's continuing and vital
position with the University of Min esota; and, now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Mayor and ity Council of the City of Saint Paul
declare Friday the sixth of Octobe , 1989, GENERAL COLLEGE DAY and urge all
persons who value educational oppa tunity to join General College in
celebrating the dedication of its ew home in Appleby Hall .
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�� [n Fav c
Rettman '� B
Scheibel A ga i n Y
�'�� �+ ' `� �v Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pass y ouncil Secr ry BY
A pr by Mavor: Dat "5 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
� ��T 141 89
Office of the Dean
TWIN CITIES 109 Appleby Hall
128 Pleasant Street S.E.
Minneapolis,Minnesota 55455
September 25, 1989
Mr. Bill Wilson
St. Paul City Council
Room 719 City Hall
15 West Kelly
St. Paul, MN 55102
Dear Bill:
I hope that this note reaches u before you keel over from the
exhaustion that must be associated ith your reelection efforts in the coming
election. I am writing to solicit your s pport for an activity that my staff and I
have planned relative to a week-lon celebration commemorating 57 years of
service that the General College ha provided the state and the metropolitan
During the week of October , 1989, Appleby Hall, the new home of
General College, will be formally re edicated. The 60,000 square foot structure
constructed in 1912 has been rece ly expanded and renovated at a cost of 7
million dollars.
An exciting week of activitie has been planned including a ribbon
cutting ceremony on Monday, Octo er 2, and a dedication ceremony on Friday,
October 6, with President Hasselm leading an academic procession from our
former residence, Nicholson Hall, t Appleby. We expect electronic media
coverage during the week includin' articles in both the Tri n and Dis a ch.
To help us celebrate the de ication of Appleby, we would like a General
College Day proclamation from the mayors of the two metro cities. I am
enclosing one suggested GC day roclamation to make this request less
burdensome. The suggested pro amation may be changed, augmented,
deleted, or reordered according to your priorities, as you think appropriate.
Would you please shepher this either through the Mayor's office or
through the City Council . . . whic ever issues proclamations in St. Paul?
If possible, I would like to h ve the proclamation by Friday, September
29. If that date is too close, then nytime prior to the dedication ceremony on
Friday, October 6.
� 9 _� � �� �
Bill wilson
Page 2
September 25, 1989
Please contact Bruce Schelsk who will pick up the proclamation or
provide information if you have any q estions about the proclamation.
David V. Taylor
Bruce Schelske
Upward Bound Program
General College
2722 University Ave. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55414
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