89-1796 WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C31 CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PA U L "'�� /7 � BLUE - MAYOR File NO• Counc 'l Resolution �3� Presented By __ ._ . ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (T #65538) for a Massage Therapist License by Mary Lynn Dorr D A Sister Rosalind's Professional Massage Center at 1999 Ford Parkway, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Dimond Long In avor Goswitz Rettman � B s�6e;�e� _ Aga nst y Sonnen Wilson OC'r ' S � Form App ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' ' n Certified Pas d C un ' ec t BY � `�/� By A►pproved avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �! OCT 141989 . ���'""��q(p DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCE/COUNpL` DA INI TED Finance/�icense GREEN SHEET No. 5075 OONTACT PER90N 6 PHONE IN11�U1U DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCII Kri S VanHorn/298-5056 g t�TY AITORNEY �CITV CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE) �BUDOET DIRECTOR �flN.8 MOT.SERVI(�S aR. �MAYOR(OR AS813TANT1 ��.O.I�n.G�� TOTAL N OF SK�NATURE PAGES ( P L LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATURE� �ctww�uesree: Application For a Massage T e pist License. Notification Date: a� �s� Hearin Date: =r �coM�Na+noHS:�vo►�•w p�c� aePO�'r oPT�ON� _PUWWINO OOMM18810N _qVIL BERVI�COMMI8SION A Y PNONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ M . �- _8TAFF _ _DIBTRICf COURT _ ��,��,����o�►E�,�, SEP 2�i96.q iwrwn�Pr�oe�,issue,or�TUNm�uuno.wna.wn.�.wnwe. . :,r �..� Mary Lynn Qorr DBA Sister o lind's Professiona1 Massage Center requests Council approva1 of her ap 1i ation for a Massage Therapist License at 1999 Ford Parkway. A11 fe, s. nd applications have been submitted. A11 required departments have e ewed and approved this application. �awr�►c�es iF��u: asnu�r�rrr�s��aPROVEO: Councii Research Center SEP 21 i989 D18ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROYED: TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION COfT/NEYENUE BUDOETED(CII�LE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVI'1'Y NUMdER fl�uwGa�wwpn�unoN:�ocPUir� . . . ��-/79� UIVISION OF I.ICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINI TRATION DATE �3 �� / $'13��l`J INTERPF.PARTMENTAi. REVIEW C:HECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant � �Gr--� _ Home Acldress ���b �- rn� r�n�q�y. Rusiness Name ► �� � � - � Home Phone � �u - l 5 S S'� Bu:;iness Address �j���j '���; C� Type of License(s) pS,�ciGO��B2_ � Business Phone � _ j Public Hearing llate License I.D. �� ��`,��� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chauibe� , 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� aSS�Cj� 7 llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� n I� to Applicant Pederal Pirearms �6 � �(� Public He�_iring DATE T. 'SPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIE (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved Bldg I & D I 8 �a� � � Health Divn. l � ,��a� � o� � Fire Dept. � c ' I � � � I � Yolice Dept. I �� � �� License Divn. � ' I � � ' D City Attorney �) � ! �� Date Rece' ed: Site Plan To Council Research �j�ZO��j Lease or Letter Date from Landlord u ' ' - �� CI Y OF S'i. PAUL C�(� ���� D�PARTMENT OF FI 'ANCE ANT MANAGEMENT SERVIC°S LICENS AND PERMIT DIVISION Please a.nswer a11 questions fully and c mpletely. This application is thorough?y checked. Any falsification will be cause for de 'a1. �q Date � — 3 19 �/ 1. Application for /u SS�(�t 2./��15 I �License)(Permit) 2. Name of applica.nt � L O 3. If applicant is/has been a marrie female, list maiden name � �. Date of birth ���p-�/Age 3 Place of birth1c7` ��}'Gl L 5. Are you a citizen of the United S ates�Native Naturalized 6. Are you a registered voter ere b'j� ���-- D 7. Home Address � �g �� N �� �/%PfJ'�C-L��7Te ephone 7��!J�� 8. Present business address �1�4� S''"P/}lC�usiness Telephone 6�f$^�i�-3 MN S�'/� 9. Including your present business/ mployment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five yeax . Business/emplo�ent. Address � �o,v /� J13� x�r/,�/R�� /ytA��L���Ss-i�5 P� u �e �.s � ��e�J t-�S. A�2���sr� � �°/��— T - �,v �cE3 C��,�� L�4J� �71b ST�N't.�°/ l0. Maxried I�D if answer is "yes ', list name and address of spouse 11. If this application is for a assage Therapist License, list time so occupied. Years 7 Months. 12. Have you ever been axrested d if answer is "yes" , list dates of arrests, Where, chaxges convictions and sent nces. Date of arrest 19 Where Chaxge Conviction Sentence __ Date of arrest 19 �ere Charge Conviction Sentence � y n . , . . ���_,���/ � � 13. Give ^.ames a.�d addresses of :��ro pe�s ns, residents of St. Paul, Minnesota *�rho can give infor�ation concerning you. !VAME ADDRESS d .v �D►2J2 /`5�' ,P dSS ST��-��'�CJ S��6 !�4-T." �f/o�s�-rL _ �G F1-� ��Z 6 �Z�-�K1o�- 5� ,D�u� �C� �r/a,s— State of ,Qinnesota ) ) S3 County of Ra.msey ; be ng first 3uly sworn, 3eposes and says upon oath tnat ::e :=as read t:e °oregoir_g staLemen bearing his signatl;re and �snows the contents thereof, and that �Y:e same is t:ue of s own knowledge except as to �hose matters therein stated upor. informatior. and be 'ef and as to those matters he believes then to be true. Subscribed a^3 sWOrn t efore me G�����/ S gnat�.,�re of Applicant th� a . 19 . "1ot f �uo _c, �a.�sey t�r, �Ii. ot . ?.iy Ccam.iss_on expire :�:��'�•�.. MARC LA . SCHILLINGER ��► � NOT MINNESOTA .e� RAMS COUN7Y �''�+�A�:' My Commissio Expires Mnr.21,1991