89-1776 WHITE — CITV CLERK COl1flC11 (J�j /y� s PINK — FINANCE C I TY .O SA I NT PA LT L CANARY — DEPARTMEN7 z BLUE �,MAVOR , FII@ NO• V � `� � � Counc l Resolution �� �� 2 Presented By , Referced To Committee: Date Qut of Committee By Date WfiEREAS, Hurricane Hugo caused enormous amo nts of destruction last week, leaving tens of thousands of people desperately in need of help to rebuild their lives, and WHEREAS, the damage and destruction to ho s, schools businesses and people in South Carolina alone has been estimated at betw en $1 and $� billion dollars, and many people are still without water or electricity, a d WHEREAS, The Mayor of Charleston has aske for assistance from other cities to bring relief and aid to the thousands of citize s affected by this natural disaster, and WHEREAS Soo Line Railroad and Delta Airl nes have generously offered their assistance to the �ity of Saint Paul transport City mployees and equipment to answer this call for help, and WHEREAS, $25,000 is an estimate of the Ci y's costs to pay the salaries of those City of Saint Paul employees who have vol nteered to travel to the disaster area and assist with the clean-up, and WHEREAS The Saint Paul Companies has pr ised to pay $25,000 to the City of Saint Paul to reim�iurse it for such above-stated co ts, and the City Council hereby accepts such commitment and funds for the purposes au horized by this resolution, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and dete mines that the expenditure of all such funds, and the provision of its employees' services and use of city equipment, is for a public purpose based on the above findings, its knowledge of the disaster resulting from Hurricane Hugo communications to it by concerned itizens of Saint Paul, statements and information prov�ded by the executive branch� and fu ther finds that these expenditures will benefit the City of Saint Paul and its citizens n their expresseed desire to extend humanitarian aid to the citizens of Charleston, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriat n revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the follo ing changes to the 1989 budget: COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Favor A inst BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ���'e- �' 7����� B5' Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITG - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council /�/�/�� �Z'� " CANAI�Y - DEPARTMENT Flle NO. o • BLUE - MAVOR � � - Coun 'l Resolution ��z �g Z Presented By Referred To _Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINANCING PLAN Current Amended Budget Changes Budget 001 General Fund ------------ ------------ ------------ 6905 Contribution From Outside Agenc 0 25,000 25,000 All Other Financing 124,818,835 0 124,818,835 ------------ ------------ ------------ SPENDING PLAN 124,818,835 25,000 124,843,835 001 General Fund Community Services Department Parks & Recreation Division 03197 Tree Trimming 03197-0111 Full Time Certified 548,994 20,000 568,994 03197-0141 Overtime 10,000 5,000 15,000 03197 All Other Spending 68,465 0 68,465 Al1 Other Spending 124,191,376 0 124,191,376 ------------ ------------ ------------ 124,818,835 25,000 124,843,835 NET CHANGE 25,000 RESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of the City of Saint Paul in recognition of the importance of lending aid to fellow citizens in times of crisis and of the generosity of local companies hereby declare support fo these volunteers who will give so generously of their time and expertise, and ncourages other cities and private industry to do the same. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council appr ves these changes to the 1989 budget. Ap roval Recommen e� �_ �i_ Budget ir tor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �ilC�nd Nays � Goswitz [n Favor �- Community Services Dept. . _ Retttnan � A ainst �y endl.wkl) 5cheibel g Sonnen W].lSOri SEP 2 81989 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P s by Council S re By ���" �" ' `���fif"��.t�- 9-•Z�-8'�J By. c A► rove iVlavor: Date Approv y Mayor for Subm By B ¢!!R�.lS!� 0 C T 7 98� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANC�E � � COIlIICll �s � CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL f �-���y OI.UE -MAVOR �- _ Flle NO. � Counci Resolution ��z � 2 Presented By Referred To _Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NANCING PLAN Current Amended - Budget Changes Budget 001 General Fund ------------ ------------ ------------ 6905 Contribution From Outside Agency 0 25,000 25,000 All Other Financing 124,818,835 0 124,818,835 ------------ ------------ ------------ '�PENDING PLAN 124,818,835 25,000 124,843,835 001 General Fund Community Services Department Parks & Recreation Division 03197 Tree Trimming 03197-0111 Full Time Certified 548,994 20,000 568,994 03197-0141 Overtime 10,000 5,000 15,000 03197 All Other Spending 68,465 0 68,465 All Other Spending 124,191,376 0 124,191,376 ------------ ------------ ------------ 124,818,835 25,000 124,843,835 NET CHANGE 25,000 :ESOLVED, that the Mayor and City Council of he City of Saint Paul in recognition of the .mportance of lending aid to fellow citizens n times of crisis and of the generosity �f local companies hereby declare support for these volunteers who will give so ;enerously of their time and expertise, and e courages other cities and private industry :o do the same. 'URTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council appro es these changes to the 1989 budget. Ap roval Recommen e� __ _ �i_ Budget ir tor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � [n Favor Community Se vices Dept. • - ' A ainst �y endl:wkl� g Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By _ Approvea by 1�tavor: Date Appcov�y Mayor for Subm touaciL-. V . - - ^ ... . . WHITE - C�TY GLERK - PINK - FiNANCE COIlQC1I BLUERV-MAYORTMENT GITY _OF SAINT PAUL File NO. � Counei Resolution �°� �� z Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Hurricane Hugo caused enormous amou ts of destruction last week, leaving tens of thousands of people desperately in need of elp to rebuild their lives, and WHEREAS, the damage and destruction to home , schools businesses and people in South Carolina alone has been estimated at betwee $1 and $� billion dollars, and many people are still without water or electricity, and WHEREAS, The Mayor of Charleston has asked or assistance from other cities to bring relief and aid to the thousands of citizens affected by this natural disaster, and WHEREAS Soo Line Railroad and Delta Airlin s have generously offered their assistance to the �ity of Saint Paul transport City em loyees and equipment to answer this call for help, and WHEREAS, $25,000 is an estimate of the City s costs to pay the salaries of those City of Saint Paul employees who have volun eered to travel to the disaster area and assist with the clean-up, and WHEREAS The Saint Paul Companies has promi ed to pay $25,000 to the City of Saint Paul to reim�iurse it for such above-stated costs and the City Council hereby accepts such commitment and funds for the purposes autho ized by this resolution, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds and determi es that the expenditure of all such funds, and the provision of its employees' services, a d use of city e4uipment, is for a public purpose based on the above findings, its kn wledge of the disaster resulting from Hurricane Hugot communications to it by concerned cit zens of Saint Paul, statements and information provided by the executive branch= and furt r finds that these expenditures will benefit the City of- Saint Paul and its citizens in heir expresseed desire to extend humanitarian aid to the citizens of Charleston, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10. 7.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation evenues in excess of those estimated in the 1989 budget; ,.and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the followin changes to the 1989 budget: COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays In Fav r Agains BY Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Gertified Passed by Council Secretary By gy. Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council A1 Olson City Clerk G I TY O F S A I N T P AUL 386 City Hall {4 5 10} ;;����j j�1° Sai nt Paul, MN 55102 OFFICE OF AE CITY COIINCIL ��c�_�v�n DCT16i�gg October 16, 1989 CITY CLERK NOTICE OF ANCELLATI N OF THE RULES AND POLICY COM E MEETING SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1989 AT 10: 0 A.M., IN ROOM 707 CTTY HALL (ON NEIGHBORHOOD EMPOWERME ). THE NEXT MEETING OF THE R S AND POLICY COMMITTEE (ON ORDINANCES & RESOLUTIONS) BE HELD ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1989, AT 10:00 A.M. IN ROOM 707 HALL. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE R ES AND POLICY COMMITTEE (ON NEIGHBORHOOD EMPOWER ) WII.,L BE HELD ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1989, AT 10:00 A.M IN ROOM 707 CITY HALL. CTTY HALL S ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s��.4e SAINT UL PLANNING COMMISSION �E-""`°'vr� City all Annex, 13th Floor ���c�� 25 West Fourth Street 0 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 � CITY CLERK ctober 20, 1989 9:00 a.m. A G E N D A 9:00 I. APPROVAL OF MI ES OF OCTOBER 6, 1989 � 9:05 II. CHAIR'S ANNOUNC ENTS 9:07 III. PLANNING DIRECTO 'S ANNOUNCEMENTS 9:10 IV. ECONOMIC DEVELOP ENT COMMITTEE Midwa Center W rds Site Plan - Recommendation and set public hearing Street Li htin olic - Staff Briefing 10:00 V. NEIGHBORHOOD AND HOUSING COMMITTEE UR.AP Guidelines Release 10:30 VI. ZONING COMMITTEE Fred Tire Com an #10552 - To allow use of the property as auto repair serv' e. (411 South Wabasha Street - Zoned B-3) Milton Brink Mil-Ore Pro erties #10549 - To consider rezoning and a sp cial condition use to allow expansion of the existing structur and the addition of gas pumps. (Parkway Drive - Southwest corner of Hoyt Avenue and Payne Avenue - Zoned RM-2 and B- ) 10:50 VII. OLD BUSINESS 10:55 VIII. NEW BUSINESS 11:00 IX. ADJOURNMENT } �r+ ... . �y3 �-� . { „ . " ; CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNES '.' � � r°""""-'�,,, ` BOARD OF W TE1�-�OMI�AIS��O � �' � � � �� .� � �+�'��_:..� � � � � . . ° � .MOGREN � R� W� ' T •. BERNIE R.StlILERT M — °�` � , �j i ���i ' °�� ���► �� DEB�R � ��� ��S+ �. Supt.of V�'ater E?iStribution � - - - - - t �, �,: ``''+, _a1lER N � �.� ��� � ` �� I i I�tiF ROGER lk,�'lF��k4R ` Y� � rqdtrCtiOrrEi'�neer �. � _.����:��. '�� KIKI SO � � . ` , e:c,a�"�',,,�;,�r_�._�.. _ �. � • - ,'- �Cr�,-��- °. ., _ �` t� � _:..�.'"� � ..�. •-?""_ . � . .��, �� ���������� � � � :. - � � s. � �R���-�� � �' � � � ^ ;, ' , "° _- . �#��.- .�e. -.� ^``�.�_�, e ��•_ .. _[+�;j�°.c°'_r "°`��'..�'�,��, x „°p ,� � , "�" A � ... . -°. '��"'�"�'� ry�REi4T �; PUMPING F)1 October 16, 1989 E��{,.- ,� .,,_ll/�t� NOTICES T0: Roger J. Goswitz, President OCT1 si�89 Deborah Bachrach, Vice President CITY CLERK Commissioners---Thomas R. Dimond Raymond L. Eyler Kiki Sonnen R E M I N D E R MEETING OF THE PO 0'.? kTATER COMMISSIO:JERS ON THURSDAY, OCTOB 26, 1989 AT 3:00 P. M. IN ROOM 707, CITY COUNCIL CO:�IMITTEE ROOM. � - ����Z��"� ����� ; ., , � Verne E. Jaco � en ��� ��,� Z� Secretary __ • ��/� cc: City Clerk v ' Mr. Jerome J. Segal .�'��'���u�.`f'�'� � Saint Paul Dispatch-Pione r Press Reporters }°�a sE�', 4TH FLOOR CITY HA ANNEX - ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � � ��C � � � � a11� CITY O SAINT PAUL �iiisifiialu � �� OFFICE F THE CITY COUNCIL JAMES SCHEIBEL Counc�7 President EMORANDUM T0: City Councilmembers FROM: Council President Jim Sc ibe RE: REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE F M CHARLESTON, S.C. DATE: September 27, 1989 Through the U.S. Conference of Ma rs, the city of Charleston, which was devastated by the recent hurricane, has requested volunteer assistance from other cities throughout the Unite States. A critical need is for assistance in clearing fallen trees from cit streets. The Mayor's Office has informed me that volunteers have come forw d from the Forestry Division to comprise a crew to contribute a two-week effo t. I am also informed that the cost to support this assistance would be proximately $25,000, primarily in kind. I will be bringing a resolution to authorize this action under suspension at tomorrow's (September 28) Council eeting. I hope you will join me in supporting Saint Paul's participat'on as recovery efforts begin in this critical situation. - JS/smj CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 s.�ss . Print on IOOaJo Recycled Paper WHITE � CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 /� CANARY= CEP RTMENT GITY O SAINT PALTL % � ��LUl� - MAVOR File NO. �-./�" ( r Co nc l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The St. Paul Comp ies has made invaluabie contributions to the City of Saint Paul er the past 136 years ; and WHEREAS, these contribution have made real the best visions of the most talented and creative itizens of the community , and developed new 1 eadershi p, for the ben f i t of al 1 who 1 i ve here as wel 1 as for future generations; and WHEREAS, the outstanding ecord of good works by The St. Paul Companies includes not onl some of the most important physical improvements in the City of Saint Paul , such as the Ordway Theatre, District Heating , Lowertown , and the Riverfront; but also numerous social and educational iss s, including literacy, juvenile crime prevention , public art, ho sing issues and the revitalization of neighborhoods ; and WHEREAS, The St. Paul Comp nies was one of the first corporations in Minnesota to recognize he needs of the newest of Saint Paul ' s citizens , the Southeast As ans, and to find ways to assist these New Americans , once again t king a leadership role in a vital city issue, proving a commitme t to building a stronger future by investing in our essential human resources; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Fa or Gosw;tz Rettman B sche;n�� _ A gai n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By �# ro y 1+lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ By