89-1775 WHITE - C�TV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COURCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT GIT OF SAINT PALTL /'7� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• - City Attny/JTH Co ncil Resolution �i .�,,_ Presented By �--����� � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date RESOLUTIO SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE SEVEN PLACE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT AND TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN WHEREAS , the Counci of the city of Saint Paul (the "Council") has the statutory respon ibility under Minnesota Statutes Section 469 .028 to approve redev lopment plans and projects of the Housing and Redevelopment Author ty of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (the "HRA") , and under M'nnesota Statutes Section 469 . 175 Subd. 3 to approve tax increment financing plans and districts proposed by housing and redevelop ent authorities within a city, in each case after a public hear'ng thereon; and NOW THERE, BE IT RE OLVED by the City Council of Saint Paul , P�innesota that the City lerk scheduled a public hearing for 9 : 00 a.m, on November 9 , 1989 y publishing the attached public notice in the appropriate legal anner . RESOLVED FURTHER tha the City Attorney is directed to prepare and present to the City C uncil following the hearing draft resolutions approving the aforesaid plans in order that the Council have the option of approv ng the same prior to final adoption of the 1990 City Budget , COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �e-� _�_ I Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � A ainst BY �-8eesew. Witson �GP Z �{989 Form Approve ity Att ne Adopted by Council: Date Certified P-s b Counci c ry BY By A►pproved avor: Date 2 � Iv�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council - BY p���►�}� OCT � . � _ �-� , 7 �� WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1�1C1I CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY F SA I NT PAU L 1 BLUE - MAYOR . F�le NO. City Attny/JTH Cou cil Resolution Presented By "'L � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ' RESOLUTION ETTING A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE SEVENTH PLACE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT A D TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN WHEREAS , the Council f the city of Saint Paul (the "Council") has the statutory responsi ility under Minnesota Statutes Section 469 .028 to approve redevel pment plans and projects of the Housing and Redevelopment Authorit of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (the "HRA") , and under Min esota Statutes Section 469 .175 Subd. 3 to approve tax increment f nancing plans and districts proposed by housing and redevelopme t authorities within a city, in each case after a public hearin thereon; and NOW THERE, BE IT RESO VED by the City Council of Saint Paul , Minnesota that the City C1 rk scheduled a public hearing for 9 :00 a.m, on November 9 , 1989 b publishing the attached public notice in the appropriate legal m nner . RESOLVED FURTHER that the City Attorney is directed to prepare and present to the City Co ncil following the hearing draft resolutions approving the foresaid plans in order that the Council have the option of approvi g the same prior to final adoption of the 1990 City Budget. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel Ag inst Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approve ity Atto ne Adopted by Councit: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By By , � _� ` ��� ^., ���e Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� -a,�r,� ,Y ����. r�vtdfs .cisr��..��'�,.v.���.'�?`}����.k °�z�"an`�'a:�?.�'c;i`��.�"'c'i3`.'�_..r;�.".,:�,°;z."''•. � y NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GI N that a public hearing before the Council of the City of S ' nt Paul will be held in the City Council Chambers, City H 11, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota, at 9 : 00 a.m. on November 9', 1989, to consider proposals of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) to adopt a REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT and a TAX INCR MENT FINANCING PLAN FOR DOWNTOWN AND SEVENTH PLACE DISTRICT, AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. Copies of the REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AMEND ENT and TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN are on file with the City Cl rk, Room 386 City Hall, and with the HRA, 13th Floor City Hal Annex, and are available for inspection during regular business ours. Additional information may be obtained from Dave Spran ers ( 612 ) 228-3223 . Upon said public hearing all interested persons will be given opportunity to be heard r submit written comment and the City Council will consider, mong � other matters, as provided in Minnesota Statutes Secti n 469 .175, Subd. 4 ( 1) whether the Redevelopment Plan Amend ent and Tax Increment Financing Plan conform to the Saint Pau Comprehensive Plan, ( 2 ) whether the Redevelopment Plan Amen ent and Tax Increment Financing Plan will afford maximum oppo tunity consistent with the sound needs of the City as a whole f r the development of the Project in cooperation with the pri ate enterprise, and ( 3 ) whether the Redevelopment Plan Amend ent and Tax Increment Financing Plan should be approved. Dated ► 1989 - Albert B. Olson City Clerk