89-1765 WMITE - CITV CLERK P�INK -> ��FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council � �7��— CANARV - DEPAf7TMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Return �opy to: Counci Resolution ��� Real Estate Division Rm. 218 I� , (Polski) (RM) Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date /G(�9 Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that upon th petition of Monica A. Polski and Gloria l. Gatea , per Financ Department File No. 11-1g89, that part of Maryland Avenue and Earl Street in J. A. and W. M. Stees Addition and bounded by Cyp ess , Hawthorne, Earl and Maryland , hereinafter described, be a d the same are hereby vacated and discontinued as public prop rty. The vacated property i described as follows : Beginning at the s utheast corner of Lot 30, Block 7, J. A. and W. M. Stees Addition, thence along the east line of said lock 7 on an assumed bearing of North a distance o 61.00 feet ; thence East a distance of 1. 20 f et; thence South parallel with the east line of s id Block 7 a distance of 62 . 20 feet; thence North 8g degrees 44 minutes West, parallel with the outh line of said Block 7, a distance of 45 . 20 eet; thence North 0 degrees 16 minutes west a dis ance of l. lg feet to the south line of said Block 7, ; thence Southeasterly, along the south line of sid Block 7 to the point of beginning and ther terminating. This vacation shall be subject to the following conditions : 1. That the vacat' on be subject to all the terms and conditions of hapter 130 , codified March 1, 1981 of the St. Paul L gislative Code, as amended. 2 . That the petit ' oners , their heirs and assigns pay to the C ' ty a $500.00 administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the pu lication date of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor � � croswitz /�, Rettman ( � s�ne�bei Against BY Sonnen �3�,�t%i Wilson Form Appr City tor y Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY ( g 2S By Approved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WMITE - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 7�j�� PYNK -' + FINANCE �� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAUL ��// Y/�/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO• R�turn �oPy to: Counc l Resolution Real Estate Division Rm. 218 (Polski) (RM) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 9���—� Out of Committee By Date 3 . That the land escribed above is being vacated to accommodate a uilding encroachment and that upon removal , recon truction, alteration, demolition or otherwise non- zistence of the encroaching building the vacated la d shall revert to the City of Saint Pa�}1 as street ri�ht-of-way without cost or charges to the City. 4. That the petit ' oners , their heirs and assigns , by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation agree to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees fro all suits , actiona or claims of any character bro ht as a result of injuries or damages received or su tained by any person, persons , or property on a count of this vacation, or petitioner' s e of this property, including but not limited to a laim brought because of any act of omission, neg ect or miaconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance wi the law whether by the petitioner or any of its ag nts or employees . 5. That the peti ioners, their heirs and assigns , shall within 60 day of the publication date of this resolution fi e with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of th conditions of this resolution and shall within he period(s) specified in the terms and condition of this resolution comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng [n Favo Goswitz ^ Schebel � _ Against BY ��� Sonnen �Ison �i�� — J Form Approve City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ounc' Secr ta BY C �� � By Appro by 1Vlavor. Date ' 'S _ Appr ed by Mayor for Su i sia � to�ouncil B — BY �,.� OCT 141989 �-�,��' OEP/�pTME NqL DA I Finance & Management Services GREEN SHEET NO. 3 6 6 6 iNmw�►� INITIAUDATE corn'�cr PeRSOH a�e �DEPARTMENT WRECTOR Finance ❑cm oouNa� Dick McCann 298-5317 �CRY ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNqL AQENDA BY(Dl1TE) �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.a MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR I18SIST ❑ TOTAL#►OF SIONATURE PADES � (CLI AL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATUR� RC710N REOUE8TED: Approve resolution vacat�ng '1. foot strips on Maryland Avenue and Earl Street bounded by Cypr�ss Hawthorne, Earl, and Ma.ryland. �c�oM�no�s:�.w«��CEIVE� c� �+r oPrwN�� _PLANNINfi COMMI8SION _qVIL SERVICE COMMIS810N ANAL PHONE NO. �.. �MITTEE ---�� COM E P�1BL C WORKS COI�IIrIITTEE HEARING: Sept 20, 1989 —oierRicr couar s�,�o�s,�n„c�,couNa�oe,,EC�j,YOR'S OFFICE COUN IL HEARING: oct 3, 1989 wrtu►nrua P�M,�ssue.oPPORTUNm Nvno,w�,wh.n,wnsrs,w�: Owners of property at the come of Maryland and Earl determined by survey that their building enc ached into the street by 1.2 feet. ADVANTAOES IF APPFiOVED: Vacation of the encroachment; fo the life of the building will clear the title of the property. RECEIVED A DISADVANTIKiE3 IF APPROVED: OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR Unknown. DEPARTMEN7 OF FINANCE �•ND MANAGEMEN7 SERVICES DISADYANTAOE8IF NO'T APPROVED: If the vacation of the encro�.c ent is not approved, the defect to the property title will continue. Cot�rcrl Research Center, S�P 5 ��89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 5 C08 ENUE DOETED(qRCLE ON� � NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER 11.,n1_(1(1�S(1_�ft�Z Flwwcu�iNFOr+wwnoH:(ocPwM