89-1759 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO11flCII CANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL BLUE - MAVOR File NO. / . i Council Resolution �q `_!,. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �/��--- Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paui is in the fi h year of a ten ye� program to separate its sewer system and the City receives Fe al and State Grant funds to partially pay for this progam, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the ity of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the filing of an applica�on for a Federal Envir mental Protection Agency Step 3 Construction Grant to partially pay for the 'st of the consb�uction of the City of Saint Paul's 1990 Combined Sewer Overflow A atement Project; and BE IT FURTHER RES�LVED, that the C uncil of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize and direct Roy E. &edahl, Ma ger, Combined S�eet and Sewer Program, or his alterr�ate, Roger Puchreiter, Assist t City Engineer, to act as the representatives to sign atl documents a ociated with the construction grant and to administer the gant. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Pub1j G WOrk,G (1�T1�� $-31,^$� Lo� [n avor Goswitz Rettman Q Sc6eibel A i n s t BY Sonnen �Ison QCj — � Form App v d by Cit ttorne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass cil S y BY _ / �By Approve b Mavor: Date _ ��++ � Appr Mayor for Sub i si to�ouncil By i B -p�� 0 C T �: 1989