89-1756 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE ' C I TY F SA I NT PA U L Council /�/�/�/. CANARV - OEPARTMENT � � /�% BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �� • /�� , � Co il Resolution � , Presented By Refe Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, many neighborhoods, par icularly inner city, are experiencing deterioration in the face of ram ant criminal drug activity; and WHEREAS, chemical abuse affects drug users as well as family members and friends and robs the community o fiscal and human resources; and WHEREAS, the Institute on Black hemical Abuse has established an Advisory Task Force on drug free zones r resenting the police, prosecuting attorney's office, landlord organizations, ommunity neighborhood groups, social service organizations, schools, chemical dependency programs and individuals; and WHEREAS, the drug free zone pro ects are to: 1 . reduce drug availabil ty on the streets and eliminate the visible signs of rug involvement in the neighborhood 2. reduce the fear of cr me instilled by the traffickers and users who frequent or reside in a neighborhood 3. respond to and invest gate drug related complaints, regardless how minor r how little information is provided 4. follow-up to eliminat or displace high concentrations of crack trafficking and inform complaints of results; and WHEREAS, continued links of co unications will be established between the police department and the neigh orhood; and WHEREAS, cooperation and assis ance will be provided to rental property owners to assist in evicting drug dealing tenants; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� In avor Goswitz Rettman B �be1be� Ag lnst Y Sonnen wa�oo Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Yfavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BN ., . , � .. ..� _ . • .+�t r. s� � ?� ; - . ,� �$�,�� �"��wHITE�•— �1.7V-" LE K , ._ :s,. . � � -. . . ." . PINK — FINA��E� � ��`� �-qw� , y~'�, �G�`�.::: O � SA I NT PA�LT L CO1ncil � y� _ GANARY — DEPAl7t�T� S�` �� . � ��.I i�� �. BLU� � —'MAVOR S � � File .. N0. �� � ? .. :� � : y ,_.�:, . . . ' � . �.. . _ '� . � '.� Resvl�tio�. �� � , -. �� : � � - � , � ,�. _ _ . . . . . . - . , _ . : , , , _ �,: . . Presented By ` Ref - Committee: :�' Date - _ _. , Out of Committee By Date , . .. .. . . . . . . . f . ... . . . � . � ... � . . . ��: . . - . . . .. .. . . . . . . .. . q��� . � . . � ,��� . . � . � . . . �`.. ' . {,�WHEREAS, many neighborhoods,.'-� �ar icula�ly inner city, are experiencing - .-- �deterioratian in tfie face of a ant cri�trtal drug ��ivity; a�d` � � ` ' WHfREAS, chemical abuse affe: ts drug users as well as family niembers and . � friends and robs the communit o , fiscal and_ h�a� reso,urces; �d: MI�fREAS, t.he Institute on Bl� k hemica� Abuse #�s establlshed arr Advisory � Task .Force on drug free zone,s re resentirtg.the po�ice� pa�asecr�ti�� attorney's �� office, landlord organization , ommun�t� neighborhoed groups,. social serv��e organizations, sehools, chemi al depend�ncy prog�ams and indi�viduals; and � WHEREA�; the drug free zone ro' cts are to: � ' �� a . reduce drug availa i1 ty on .the streets and eliminate the visible signs f rug involvemen't in the` neighbor�ood . r�duce the fear `of cr me instilled by the traffickers and : � .: . . - i ' ": _ _ . � �'_� users who fr�equert� er reside in a;neig�►borhvod � :_:_ � . . � . � °� 3. respond.. to and inv st ,�ate drug related complaints, ° � ` . ' regard1ess hoNr min r ' how little fafor,watio� is ,, - ; provided . 4:. follow-up to elimi at or displace high conc�ntrations � � � of crack trafficki g and inform comQlaints of res�u:lts; and r -� � WHER,EAS, cantinued links of co unications will be established between the police dep2�rtment and the n ig borhood; and WHEREAS, cooperation and as is ance will be provided to rental propert� owners to assist in evicting drug ea ing tenants; and; ' ;1 . ` COUNCIL MEMBERS _ _ � ;: - j Requested by I�+spartment of: . 3 Yeas Nays � .� � Din�ond Lon� IR aVOt Gos�vlti Reaman A inst �x schdbd Sonuei, I : WUi son I Form Approved by Ci#y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary I By , By � . Approved by �lavor. Dat� �pp�oved by Mayor for Submission t�Council s B B _ y ��.; Y '' , , I ,; , :^ i .. ._... �� � s•�> . _. . _. . .. _ M - , . -.>.'..., �� ... . . . � .. . � . .� s �l . .- . WMITE �— CITr CLERK � -� � COIlI1C11 � � BLUE — MAVOR E � � • -� ,...: � GIT�Y ��� O SAINT PALTL CANqRY — DEPARTM�NF '�� •+"'� . �_ File N 0. � �7� Co� ' 'l Resolution . .�, Presented By °' �— Refe ``�- Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, many neighborhoods, par icularly inner city, are experiencing °deterioration in the face of ram ant criminal drug activity; and WHEREAS, chemical abuse affeicts drug users as well as family members and friends and robs the communit�y fiscal and human resources; and , WHER�AS, the Institute on Bla�ck hemical Abuse -has established an Advisory Task Force on drug free zones� r resenting the police, prosecuting attorney's . office, landlord organizatior�s, on�nunity neighborhood groups, social s�rvice _- organizations, schools, chemi;cal dependency programs and individuals; and WNEREAS, the drug free zone pro ects are to: � l . reduce drug availabil ty on the s�reets and eliminate the visible signs of rug involvement in the neighborhood 2. reduce the fear of�cr me instilled by the traffickers and users who frequent�or reside in a neighborhood � 3 3. respond to and inv�st gate drug related complaints, regardless how minor r how little information is provided 4. follow-up to elimi�at or dis.place high concentrations of crack trafficking and inform com�laints of results; and ` ; WHEREAS, continued links of co unications wil] be established between the police department and the neiig orhood; and WHEREAS, cooperation and ass�is nce will be provided to rental property owners : ;•�,p assist in evictfng drug dealing tenants; and - CQUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � .. Dimond �� �n avor Goswitz Rettman B scheine� _ Aga nst Y ` Sonnen Wilson ' ; ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY , By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By i BY . � � : _ r,�;, ,. � +,i �► .�- .,.�.� �wc . . _ ,- , � � . . . . ...w . WHITE — Cf�.�V GLERK . +:,. " . . . � C NARV —DEP,t TMEH`t �. � -.� , G I�'T�' F �SA I NT PAITL � F le ci1N0. ���� /� ��'+�"�" BLUE — MAVOR i�a� ^A�` -� f - , , .Co� s cil Resolution ; . .� �- Presented By #� � `� �. � , �' .��.-; _ `! I . Refei�ed��d�. � ; Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ; i i WHEREAS, many neighborhoods,� p ticularly inner city, are experiencing deterioration in the face ofi� r pant criminal drug activity; and ��" � WHEREAS, chemical abuse aff�ect drug users as well as family members and friends and robs the cor�nuni�y f fiscal and human resources; and WHEREAS, the Institute on Bl�ck Chemical Abuse has established an Advisory Task Force on drug free zone� r presenting the police, prosecuting attorney's office, landlord organizatio�s, community neighborhood groups, social service organizations, schools, chem�ica dependency programs and individuals; and WHEREAS, the drug free zone �ro'ects are to: 1 . r.educe drug availa�il ty on the streets and eliminate the visible signs bf rug involvement in the neighborhood ; 2. reduce the fear of'� cr me instilled by the traffickers and users who frequentior reside in a neighborhood , 3. respond to and inv�st gate drug related complaints, regardless how min r r how little information is provided 4. follow-up to elimi�at or displace high concentrations of crack trafficki�g and inform complaints of results; and WHEREAS, continued links of � o unications will be established between the police department and the ne�igh orhood; and WHEREAS, cooperation and assist nce will be provided to rental property owners to assist in evicting drug d�ai ng tenants; and COUNCIL MEMBERS � � Requested by Department of: Yeas ��a Nays i �;; �� Gn F vor Goswitz ' Rettmaa � ��;� A�gai st BY soncen Wdson i � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: `Date CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary � BY _ i By ,�: A►pproved by AAavor. Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i By BY ; � i WH�'--�V CLERK -... - ` ` PINK - FfNANCE ` G I TY F SA I NT PA U L Council �/'/� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � ](/// /��� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. V� � � - � Coun il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, priority treatment pla ement will be negotiated for persons residing in the zone; and WHEREAS, cooperation will be ac ieved with appropriate social service agencies to provide priority service for individuals and families living in the zone; and WHEREAS, every good faith effor will be made to organize block clubs on each block within the drug free zone so that a zero tolerance of drug trafficking can be achieved; and, now, ther fore be it RESOLVED, that a Drug Free Zone is hereby established bounded by Lexington Parkway, Concordia, Grotto and aurel Avenue and that all citizens, agencies, institutions and organizations re called upon to unite in a common bond to eradicate drug trafficking and eturn control , safety and peace to the neighborhoods. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n F vor Goswitz Rettman B Sc6e�be� _ Agai st Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By. Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY .� ,.� .. ,�;.._.�...-,� ..�_ .� � � . � � �+/ «;� �. � : WNITE — CLERK : '� . . � �_ . . ,5�'�. - , � - COIIACll {��/ � CANARY —OE ARCTMEN�� ����' �� G I�"�- F SA I1�TT .._FAU-L l /� . . ��-�����/ �a-.. �. . B L U E —�M A V O R ' wa�liM �� � '� Fl1O N�/ - � �� F. � . .. . . . . - . - �o : il �Zes�l���n __ - . . . _ ;� Presented By Referred:To ' ��mrt;ittee; Date _. _. ,,. ,_ . Out of Committee By '. � �_ .- Date `, �' �IHfi�EAS; praority treat�nt p ac nt will � negotiat�d far persons residir� `�; ° � ' f.� �he ��one;,and � . ... � ,k;: . • . . . . '' ... .. . .( . . . . . .. w. .� .. .... ' WH��EAS, cooperation will be +ch eved with �tppropr�ate social s,ervi�e agencies - _ , to. pro�ide priority service f r ndividuals_ and �amilies `living`in the zone; ,_ and WFt�fAS,' every good faith eff rt wi�� be made t�_organize block clubs on each ,, blo�cic within the drug free zo o that a zero ta�erance of drug trafficking can be .achieved; and, now, th re are be �t RESOLVED, tfiat a Drug Free Zo e s hereGy estati'Iished bounded by Lexington ,_ Parkwa�,�Concordia, Grotto an L urel Avenue and�that all citizens, agencies, � institvtiorrs at�d organizatipn a e catlled up� ta unite in a con�non bond' to � eradicate drug traf€ick�ng a" r turn control, safety ar�d peace to tt� "` � ne�ighborboads. . - _ ,. - ,� _ . _= . � _ � . , . .. . ��1: ..r. . . - .. ' . ' , . � . �. � . .. . � � . . - . . . - . . .. �. .. . . . . .. .. Y{x � k t COUNCIL MEM$ERS .. _ , . ; ` � - ° ;. ; Yeas Nays : Requested by DepactmeM of: � � D�ond �ng [n av r Gosvitz . Rettmsn B &heibet A gali n s Y Sonnen . �, �Vilson ` ; . Adnpted by Council: Date � Focm kpproved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY= By �: A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to CounCil By BK ' _ . ' I �t f =� , . d` r, s :: _ . , . ,T � . r�. «.�. : , � .. . . ,�. WHITE � CIERK - ' • � � �� � 9LUE - MAYORCE � r:..�:� ��,-�� GITY! F SA�INT� PAUL Council ��_ ���,�'�, � . CANARV - DEPARTMEN � � File RIO. � Cou±n :il: Resolution - .� Presented By . .. .. Referred To Gommittee: Date � ,- Out of Committee By � �'� Date . : � - WHEREAS, priority treatment �la ment will be negotiated for persons residing - i n the zone; and z�� WkIEREAS, cooperation will be '�ac 'eved with appropriate social service agencies- to° provide priority service fbr ndividuals and families living in the zone; and - � WHEREAS, every good faith �ffprt will be made to organize block clubs on each block within the drug free zone o �hat a zero tolerance of drug trafficking - �. can be achieved; and, now, there ore be it ,..� RESOLVED, that a Drug Free Zo�e s hereby established bounded by Lexington .,� �� �� Parkway, Concordia, Grotto and L urel Avenue and that all citi.�ens, agenc�� s!""° institutiorrs and organization� a e called upon to unite in a con�mon.bon�"�o erad�icate drug trafficking and r turn control, safety and peace- to the neighborhoods. ; s � ; , � _ � x ; . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond - �os [n �av r Goswitz Rett�an B Scheibel A g�Ii n S Y . Sonnen Wilson i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . " Certified Yassed by Council Secretary � By By: _:, iApproved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � By � � -�; � -- ., . ,�- . �„ � ,c.y� . WHITE �(CIER��,� � ? }i ' � � .. 't�~ -F ��� PINK - F:l'�VK'fVGE � � .��� ! . �� . • ��f f �F .- o COUQCiI BLUERr - MAVORrME _T ,�.,,�' ,"�,' G I��Y F SA I NT PAII L File �N0. � - �t ��°�` ���� _ . . � _ �our� a ��Resolution � ^_ .. �:.. , j� . �. . . . . . - . .a. Presented By � Referred To � Committee: Date_: Out of Committee By ' Date �,�°� � _ � WHEREAS, priority treatment pla�em nt will be negotiated for persons residing -� in the zone; and ! � -�:- WHEREAS, cooperation will be achie ed with appropriate _social service agencies _ � '= to provide priority service for; in ividuals and families li�r�ng-in �the zc�ne� ;.�� �; and ����' : - , ' -�„.�f . . - Y�: . . ' . �tWEREAS, every good faith effor�t 'l�j be made to organize block clubs on ea� � ` - block within the drug free zone� s that a zero tolexance of drug traf�YCking can be achieved; and, now, .therlef e be it ,� _ r� ; _ r RESOLVED, that a Drug Free Zon� i hereby established bounded by texington Parkway, Concordia, Grotto and ;La el Avenue and that all . citize�s, agencies, �� institutions and organizations !ar called upon to unite in a con�qton bon�d to `"-- eradicate drug trafficking' and ;re rn control;, safety and peace�� the , � . neig�borhoods. � ,, �.. ..: ... � ,_ � : � _ � •.�. �, , � ,j- ``_ ,� �, ' � I ' �� - -=�. - �,;, , i: � � � ; � � � t, _ �, , � ��` ; � �:. � � �� �. - •:, �k t . k ' . _ , .._ �, � COUNC�IL MEMBERS - j_ Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Dimoud I Lons In �av r - Goswitz ; �� A ins By Scl�inel g�� __ Sorieen Wilson - ` � _'...-�_. � � `° _� ; Form Appcoved by City Attorney,- ; -�i�ldopted �1: Date _ ° "`; .. _ . I y ... ", ` ,; �d Yassed by Council Secretary By _ i � i '-.� � _ ; � .�,. B , . ,., ,,�,�,:.,�.; �.� A►pproved by iNavor: Date Appruyed by Mayor �or,Su,�mission to Council ., _ „ , . ,. By BX ,f • '' . _ . � ' ' - ' -- � �-���� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNqL DA IN TED � GREEN SHEET No. 5 2 6 8 CONTACT PER80N 8 PHONE • INfT1AU DATE INITIAIJDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNGL �CITY ATTORNEV �GTY CLERK MUST BE ON CaINpL/10ENDA 8Y(DAT� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.Q MOT.SERVICES OIR. 9-2 8-89 �Nu►voR coR�ssisr�wn ❑ TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIF►AL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Appxoval of a xesolution establ%shir�g drug-free zone and calling fox a united effort to eradicate drug trafficking. in the z ne. � � r�_cEiv�.� REOOMMENDATIONB:Approve(p a Hejsct(R) CpU C MMITTEE/pEBEARCH HEPORT IONAL _PLANNINO OOMM18810N _GVIL 3ERVICE COMMISSION �AL , PM��C:; _qB OOMMITTEE _ O�AM NTB: RT•� �" _STAFF �• � _�... _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTB WHIG41 OOUNpL OBJECTIYE7 INITIATINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPO(iTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Whero,Wh�: The sale and di.stxibution of ��1e al dxu;s has negative impacts on St. Paul neighboxhoods including a threa.t o the safety and well-being of our residents. ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED: Encourages a cooperative ef.fort be ween c�tizens, �.genca,es, instztutxons and organizations to unite in a common bond to eradicate the traffick�ng of illegal drugs. DI$ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: None. . DI3ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: � A possible lack o� attention or �ai re to develop comman e££oxt to exadicate drug tra£fi.cking a,n a specifi.ed a;re of the city. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = —O— C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER FlNANpAL INFORMATON:(EXPLAII� ,