D00724CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � Approved Copies to: - City Clerk (Original) - Pinance DepYs AccounBng Division - Requesting Oept ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION 105,507 26,958 7,841 1,136 734,513 875.955 ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, ConsisterR with the authority graMed to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departrnent of Finance & Manaqement Services to amend the 1995 budget of the Real Estate Management fund, the Director of the Finance and Management Services Deparhnent is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner. DEPARTMENT&DIVISION: CURRENT APPROVED AMENDED LEDGER,FUND,ACTIVITY,OBJECT,PROJECT BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET Real Estate Management Fund City Hall Annex - Operations GL-160 71050-0111 Fulf Time Permanent GL-160 11050-0261 Fire Insurance GL-160 11050-0311 Supplies - Plumbing GL-160 11050-0550 OtherAssessments All Other Spending • by: Approved by: Budget No: � !o�-� Date: � 4 ° ' �� 8,000 (8,000) (1,500) 1,500 0 lo z� S� Date 1b•�t ��75 Date ��-��-�fs` Date 113,507 18,958 6,341 2,636 734,513 875,955 ���.� - Aeal Bstate Division Date: 10 f30(95 g� SLeet Nnmber. 34046 tau Pe�son and Phone N�bcr. ��d CL ` � FPAR11�ffi�if DIRECfOR QiY COUNCQ, 'O° (TSY AITORNLY 3 Q1Y QERK ..m.� Dave Nelson 266-8850 � ? ErDII2ECfOR rrr nccouxr.vvr 4 CEACCOUNIING COUNCQ,RRCRARQ; ust be on Council Agenda by. OTAL # OF SIG23ATI3RE PAGES 1 (CL7P ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� criorr �u�.srFn: Amending the 1995 budget in the Division of Rea1 Estate (Property Management) by ransfemng money to cover salary upgrades and an increase in the Ramsey County Waste Management ee. RECOMMENDATIDNS: APPROVE (A) OR REJEC7 (R) PERSONAI.SERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHE�OLIAWING: PLANNING CO.MMI SSION A STAFF 1. Has t6e pe�son/firm ever worked under a contraM for this department? YFS NO CIVIL SERVICE COMM _ 2. Has this peison/£um ever been a City employee? YES NO CSB COMMITTEE _ . Dces this person/Fum possess a°skill aot normally possessed by any SUPPORTS UHtCN CWNCIL OBJECTIYE? Budget CurrentCityemp3oyee? YES NO Faplain aU YES anrnexs on a separace sheet aad attac6. TiNG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (Who, hat, hen, hero, Why : ditional dollars are needed in salaries to wver upgrades for Property Management employees in the CY a11 Annex. Also, Ramsey County's Waste Management Fee increased almost 4 times last yeaz's amount. Al� A PR . f approved, there would be no negative amounts in Full Time Permanent Salaries or in Other sessments. RECE4VED � DIOR2 ANI'AGES FAPPRO E: ��V - 81gg5 C{TY CLERkC ISADVAI�'TAG I NOTAPPROVED: Salaries and Other Assessments would have negative balances. otal Amount of Transacfion $9.500.00 CostJRevenue Budgeted YES NO ding Source Activity Number inancial Information: (Facplain) � �