89-1745 WHITE - CITV CI.ERK COUflC1I f PINK �� - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L �'j—���-7 CANqRV� DEPARTMENT �:BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - unc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The Mayor has propose budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 199 in accordance with the City Charter and Administrative Code ; and WHEREAS , Minnesota Statute ch pter 275. 065 subd 1 , commonly referred to as the "Truth in Taxation Law" require that all cities , counties , and school districts adopt of a Proposed Tax L vy by August lst in order to estimate property tax impact for taxpayers so that th y can influence decision making at public hearings ; and WHEREAS , Commissioner John Ja es has used authority granted to the Department of Revenue to instruct local units f government to adopt a proposed tax levy by October 1 , and WHEREAS , chapter 275. 065 subd 6 limits increases between the herein Proposed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax Levy t be certified later; and WHEREAS , those same chapters were modified and included in a 1989 Omnibus Tax Bill vetoed by Governor Perpich; a d WHEREAS , those same chapters are now expected to be modified and adopted in a new tax bill of a 1989 Special Leg slative Session, and WHEREAS , the 1989 special se sion may significantly adjust other state provided revenues such as Local Go ernment Aid and School Aid that could result in a greater or lesser need for prope ty tax levy to finance the budgets of local governments ; and WHEREAS , it is the intent of the Saint Paul Mayor and City Council to follow both the letter and the spirit of statute 275. 065 in effect September 28th 1989 , while providing for changes necessary with action of any 1989 Special Legislative Session; now therefore , be it Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne�nei _ A ainst BY Sonnen Wilson Form Ap ro ed by City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date _/ Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By • gy, A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date _ Appr d by Mayor for Submission to Council By ----T--- BY WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COII�ICIl x��(�I1, CANARV = DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• '� L ''� � � - �BLUE - MAVOR � � Counci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , the City Council doe hereby adopt , subject to the City of Saint Paul receiving Local Government Aid n the amount of $51 , 753 ,000 , the Mayor ` s Proposed Tax Levy for financing the 990 City Budget : BUDGET F NANCING SHRINKAGE LEVY GENERAL FUND . $51 , 95 , 924 $1 ,039 ,038 $52 , 990 , 962 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE . $13 , 85 , 314 0 $ 13 ,855 ,314 ----- ------ --------- ----------- TOTAL LEVY $65 ,8 7 , 238 $ 1 , 039 ,038 $66 ,846 ,276 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , t at the City Clerk certify a copy of this resolution and transmit it to the R msey County Assessor , and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , t at the Proposed Levy increase of 4. 1y be used in the public hearing notice being repared for the Saint Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press for the purpose of advertizin the City Council ' s public hearing , and AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , hat prior to final adoption of the 1990 budget this Council declares its intent t reduce both the levy and spending increases proposed by the Mayor , but the Cou cil also recognizes that the final certified property tax levy is dependent upo the amount of Local Government Aid distributed to the City of Saint Paul thru act on of the 1989 Special Legislative Session. �� ;� o_ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � ' � Dimond � ; �� Lo� Favor .�es�itg. Rettman ,�,;�" s�ne;be� D gainst BY Sonnen Wilson � 2 8 �g89 Form Ap ro ed by City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas e ourtcil r BY B� ti �/ Approve y INavor. Date S f�8 Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By By _ _ _ , , T..� _ _ _ _... , , . . , ...�._. .w, Q,e::. { .. . : t 4 ,3a.. _ � , � _ . .. v . - � WHITE_. — CITY CLERK . � :: .' -�� " �I/� * `COIIfICII ....� � PIIVK3,�'— FINANEE GI,TY F SAI� � 1 �ALTL ■■ � CANAItY — OEPARTMENT�� - i i�!� BLUE —MAYpR � • . : ��Flle " N V.''� . . un i so��tia� . . .Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date ' �-, iiH;ZBAS, ?he tia�or hss pra�ose bndsets #oz tha Cit� of Stiat Fs�I for tks fiscal �e�,r tiegiaai�� Ja�asr� Y`, 1!9 in aees�3sa�e with the Git� Cbarter a8c� Adnisistratife Code; and � iiHExEAS, �iiui�esat: St=t�ete ha ter t73.065 sabet 1 , aoaiaoul� refasred to s� . L,�e "?rat'h in'�:?a�cattion LaM' re�ni es ' tl�:t ali siti�s, eotiaties, and sc6sol � iistri¢ts ;dopt af a Propa►sed Sax L � b� A���st 1st i� or�er ta �stisat: �re�iert� taac ispact f.or LazpsJrers s� tbat � y ea�� iaflne�ce deei�ion �akiaa at p��Iic ti�ariags; :�d - ;..;�.:., P "t filiEBEA�,� Co�sis'rionsr Joha J'a es <ha# �sed �et�orit� �rs�pted to th: Depar��e�t � ��--H�vea�a to ivatruct laeal uai s f go�erasen!t to adopt a ��to�osed tsz le�y b� _�e'ta►ber 1 , aad T Nl[SAS�S, -aeh�pCer 2�5.(��3 s b 6 11�its tacreases b.et�►ee� the hereie Propv�sd T�k La*� a�d the Adopted ?�ez l.e�� o be certlfied latsr; sad ' > ". . i��BaEAE, those s:�t +ehap.te�ra wer�e tiodified' asd i��I�ded i�� a 14�# �t�taibas Tsz 1�=11 ��to�d D� GoYernor lerple�;I a e� - "ilflzAEAB. Ehose� sa�� chapt rs are so�r e:pecteA to be s�od�.fied tad ail��ted in s aew taz bill ot a 19�9 Special as slati�e Sesaioa, asd ifHBEEAf, ��• _ 19a9 special g sion ss� signitica+�t2� adjast othez state �te�ide� �r�e�eaxes sacb as Loeal G er�oaeat itd aa� Schaol Aid tL�t co�eld resalt ia ` s sreater or lesser need far �pt p rt� t�tz iev� to f3aasce' the iud�ets o! 2�rc:i . �►eraaeats; sad � . . SiHEtEAS:� it is tbe iateat � ' . I o the Ssist Yau.� Iia��ar and Cit� �ooaeil t.� follo�w betlr the letts�r a�d t�e spirit lof siatrt� 275.fll��i in� eftect $tptstel��r 2!!th i9$!, tr�tile prori�in� for changss ne�es ar� with actic►u of aap !!a9 Spe�iil te�is�,ati�e �esaioa; nev t��refore, tie it . ` : fPa�e 1 0�' 2 -_ ____ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ; Di�ond Lo� __± n Favor cosw�tz Retams�n i s�ndna gainst By -- — � � Form A��red by City Aito ey Adopted by Council: Date � �; ,. - I Certified Passed by Council Secretary By '' , •, � By _ , A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date Appcoy�d by Mayor for Submission to Couacil By By _ ( ,. _�.. ` -,� , ,�." _ ,� ...: � ...._ . �: � • ' : � -ri1tITE - Cy4'T,Y. CI:ERK � � � . .-. PINK -�FINANCE � COIII1C11 {/�+ CANARY - DEPARTMENT - �G I TY OF A I NT PA iT L . � ��J������'���� � � BLUE . -MAYOR - - . - � � , �]le NO• r - a�nci eso�ution .. . � Presented By ..'".�' , f. � _ Referred To Com�ittee: Date 's" � t, Out of Committee By ' �, _ Dat�e . RBSQL�SD, t�e City Conseil dae h reby sdo�t, , subject to the Citf of Sai�t �'s�l tec�ivios Local 6avers=c�t Aid a be s��aat of $3I ,7S3,00�, t�a Ma�q,r's 'Pra*osed �:z Ler� for fiaasci�� il�e � CitT ����et: .BQD�E? �' H �CI�fG ° �8��1t&AGB LE�T ` 6�aE�AL lII�D : 1 ,95t , 24 1 ,tt39,03s_ $3Z;l�0��,9l►� � . 6EN�l11L DEE'� 3�8oICS : �13,855R_ 1�► ;� $2�,35!';3I4 , j . .. . _. . . � � � ��� � .. �y�.r� r.�r� .��.�..� .�r��� .. . .. . T82AL LSYI �65,$t�Ts 3a #� ,039s038 �b6,846,276 i � A�tB 3E �? .�U�TABB RL��t�LVED, t at :tl� Citf Clert eextif�,; a co��. of �bis re�ol�tion aad traas�it it°" to ths :t tis � Cogi�ty lssesser, a�a � - � A8D DB I? FIIR?flBt E8S@L�BD, t a t'�e trcposed Le�y isareasa of 4. I� 6e gse� Sa the l�blic keariag aoti�e bei�g r psred �`�rr t�� Ssiat ls�t1 Dispatch i Pio�aer , �Presa for tha: �arpose sf 'ad+►et't��zi g he �ti�� C�����'� :�a$►11e hs�s�i�E, aa� -- A1tD .11� I� FI�tALLY BBS�LYED, ba prior ta ` fi�al� sdaptioa of ths 1990 b�dget ;�his Conaeil d+eelares its intest t r dgae botL the ie�Jr asd speadias i�aresses psepoaed bp the :!liyor, but the Can c1 slse� recog=.isas tti.:t the fi�tal tertified . prape;t� ta: 1ev; i.s depe�Rd�eat �pc � a�oanE �f Loe�sl Ga�er��ent A!g dirt�rib�tea to t�e Ctt� of Saint Panl thrn act o o!� tbe 1�la! 8}saisl �e�i�latirx�e ��safoa. `�� � � � '� � i � �! . , � . � I . t i � I � � e" Y�OUNCILs;MEMBE� . I Requested by Department of: # Di�►nd ( �.an� " F vor � Rettman schdbel � ga� St BY Sonnen VVilson � 2 8 �9 Form Ap o ed by City Atto ney � Adopted by Council: Date �`1 ..- /�. Certified Pas e ouncil r By . . , t�� r �-k B�' .� . � S . ��. � � � A► roved b iNavor: Date S Approved,�y Mayor far Submission to Council PP Y i By � By : ; � wHiTe - Cirr CLERK� ° COUIICII [� ( /� "'��' PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF A I NT PAUL �� .� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � "j�+�'I�i1)'- BLUE � - MAVOR File NO. � ► r � unci�l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date t .fiN8�8Affi, ihe Kagcr hss prolose�i nd�ets for the Cft� at Ssi�t PaBI t�r the �i�cal �ear begin�ing Ja�aar� 1 . I99� n ae�ordsnee �rith the Cit� Ct�sfter asd ♦d�tieeistrati�e Caee; aad fiHBitELS, Hianesota Statst• ch�tpt r 273.06rS •abd 1 , cauoalT rsfeYred to as` the "?ratb ia. ?sxatiom La�" reqnir�� t at aI2 eities, caantfes, a�d se600l @istrieis adopt of s lropo�ed ?az Le�� b� Au�ast 2st in orae�r t� tsti�ats -g*+�pertT taz isp.sc[ for tazps�ers •s tbat tbt� a� int2ns�te decieia� t�atin� st �ublic he,�ttrags; and �HEtELS, Co��eissio�►�r Jo�t Jshe bas sss� snthorit� �r�at.ea te t�e Depart��at of l��rss�e to instrect loeal enits �►f sa�erx�seat to adopt a -�roposed t:z le�� by Octoler 1 , asd NHSi8A8,, ahaptar ZTS.t16S •�b� 6 lirits inQ•res��� betveen the fierein Propose� '!ax LefT ��i tbe Adopted Sas t�vT !�o e rer�ifi�d lateY; aad iiHEtE�l�, those ssse cbapLsrs v e� �odified sad iACldded in a 14a9 O�wibas Tas �121 •etaed b7 6a�eraor P:rp��h; a�d iiHBlEAS, tboo� s��a chwpters� a e �o�r �zpsete� td be �o�iffsd sad afl@ptea in s aew ts: bill of a 1989 S�scial Le�is ati�e 3��sfon, aad � RHBRB�S� tbe I989 a�eeial s�ss nn �s� si�aificantl�r ad3ast otl�er stat: provi�ed r��esaes saeb as Eoeal Gq�e wseat Aid aad 8chaol LiB t�at c��Id res�iL i• a great�r or lesser Qa�d for propqrt taz l�i� ta finsnee tha ���sat• ot 2oe�l �a�r�eraseat�; aad ' IiAEtE�a, it is tl�e iateat o� he Sai�t Psal �a�ar aad City Coa��i2 to f�llov bot� tbe latter a�d the apirtt ef� s atnte Z75.A6S fs �fiect 8spts�bsr 2Stb 1l�9, :hile �rovidi�s tor chasges nec�slaa y Mith aatios ot an� 19S! 8}teial Legislsti�e tession; aa� tberefore, be it lagc 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Departmenf of: Yeas Nays � Dimond c.ong [n F vor Goswjtz Rettman B s�ne�ne� A ga' s t y Sonnen , Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified F'assed by Council Secretary By By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . WHITE - CITV CLERK � ' � � � ,� PINK =`FINANCE GITY O-F � AINT PAITL /��f - ( �+�-. � BLUERr - MAVORTMENT ,. F I�I�NO• 4� - � Council esolution Presented By : Referred To Committee: Date r Out of Committee By Date gBSOLVBU, the Cit� Cpnueii �ea� re�� adopt, sab��tt to t�e Cit� sf 8aint �s�►l� taaelwinS Locs� 6oY�ers�sat ♦id ia the asouet of �52 ,75l,Q0�, the KijOt�• ��Fe�osed Yas Lerr� for fi�a�eis� ths 1! � Cit� 3�eda�t: aDD6E? 1►'�1i ItCIli6 8HRI��AC� LB12 6BitESAL 1811� : $51,95�i , 2i 1 , 3l,���t 352,990 962 �El�iAAL �ES? SSRiTICB s $I3,�SiS, li A 323,835,3i4 .: ��4� �.. ��w���w.w� r.r.�.i�����.�.. . �� � � ?�'i`L LE�7 $63.Sa7, 38 $1 ,03l,A3i �56,546.276 _ - AHD �E IT TDS'tflE� BBSOL9SD, t�at the Cit� Clerk certif� a eo�p at' tbla rasole�io� a�d transsit 1t ta the taa � Cn�s�t�► Ls�essor, as� �HD fE IT ltitTB�e i'EB�LfED, tha tbs Propoa�� Le�� �fi�rea�e sf 4. 15 b♦ ased in the publie h+ssria� aotic� beiaa ��pr pare� t'or t8� ����inE Ps�l Dio�atcti i !l�eer lress for tAe =:p�rrpoae of �d�trtisit� bt Cit� Ca�ct2's psU2i�c l�earl��, asd �y - f '31bD '3E I! lIli1LL? tZ80LYED. Gl�a #rio= to ii�awl a��ptioa of� tbe 19�0 badR�rt �his Cosaeil daclsr�s its inteac t� r agce �ott� Ehe Ze�� �wd speadi�� incrtases proposed b� the Ms�or, �st th�r Corti�f •lso saeo��is�s tLst ths fina2 c�rtified prop�rt� taz 2e�T is da�pendest npo�► t s, s�asnt oi Lacsl Go��rateft Aid distrfbuted to tbe Git� o! Sai�nt Patil t6r� actia ef tbe 19�9 Spe+�ial Lasisiativs �eseiea. 2� COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Departmeat of: Yeas Nays Dimond �r� ���,� ��8 � �t� F Ot ," ••�� � � ��� v Agai st BY sonnen �Vilson �P' Z 1� Form Ap�oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed Council Secretary By - — By �`i � � A►pproved by Navor: Date _ � 2 9 � Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council � By BY �' / r � �� •y CITY O SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTM NTAL MEMORAN�UM October 2 , 1989 TO: City Council ATTENTION: Bob Long Chairman, Finance Committee FROM: Greg Blees, Budget D� rector ���.� � RE: Reconsider Council ' le #89-1745: Certifies Maximum Levy For Pay 1990 On Thursday, September 28 , 19 9 City Council passed C. F. #89-1745 which certified a maximum tax ievy for payable 1990 based on the 1988 Tax Law. Since then, the City has rece ved a special notice from the State Revenue Commissioner (see att ched) and the Minnesota Legislature passed a new tax law. I recommend that the City Cou cil reconsider C. F. #89-1745 and deny it. A substitute resolution wil prepared based on the Special Session Law, sometime in Nov ber, after the State Revenue Department estimates our Loc 1 Government Aid amount for 1990. cc: Mayor Latimer �� Qison Gerry Strathman � Gary Pederson � Budget Staff , � 9001-89cREMAXLEVY � ♦ • v � C � �- � � _ C � o� . ,�'n'ES� �4 "` �'s�; F���= -S t..k ��,��'.� � � � v� � - y��. �� � � �: .._:. ���� STATE OF MINNESOTA OEPARTMENT OF REVENUE .��?°���P'�r,�� Mail Station 3340 St. Paul, Minnesota 55146-3340 ��.r N .� �o�y (612) 296-0185 fax-- (612) 297-2166 ��'Y�°'-%��`:i +�tir r;��: September 27, 1989 TO: Chairs of County Boards and County Auditors;Mayors,City Managers and City Clerks of Cities with 2,500 or more population;Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Regional Transit Board RE: Compliance with Truth in Taxation for Payable 1990 Because of the likelihood of changes in the upcoming legislative special session, the Department of Revenue is cancelling the October 1 and subsequent deadlines for certifying your proposed levy,publishing the notice of your public hearing and the holding of your pubiic hearing. The tax bill establishes new dates for certifying your budgets and holding public hearings. If you have already certified your proposed levy, then do not publish the notice of your public hearing. If the notice has been sent to the newspaper but not yet published, contact the newspaper and cancel the publication of the notice. If the notice of your public hearing has already been published, then you must hold the public hearing. However, do not adopt your final levy at the public hearing. At this time, the 1989 Tax Bill changes for this year only the October 1 deadline for . certifying proposed levies to mid-November. In addition, the bill changes the November 9 deadline for certifying final levies to December 28. Under the bill, the publication of the notices and the public hearings would take place between mid- November and the end of December. If you have any questions, please feel free to call our office at 296-0336. tr � ohn jam Commissioner AN EOUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER �� ; -:��i � � g� " �, t # �+r ,� � ''f u._ C' .�,�Y '� ._ �"a s k fi f,w `'' #. i K 4(' 'i��-• k�,J .. "` " �v 4 F` ��� `�m-. ��r C ?A � '� �� y�' 'E' -2 1 i,. � ... r��, �*''� +r` ., �E 'y. t 'S r� Y, J'� }.� : �j > � <se f t . � i�.i yy . 1 {3.�''�} 5-;� i r >G �t� +i } i':1'.I F'S 'P \g� .fN 9�, �#a4„ . Yt {J�n�' '�M �'{^jd IYa. � ' k� f �,�s,�� f�{�� �' � s i°�s� '� i;,��` �[��'t}y�tf* �. r � k '.g r��:'� 5 ,t;�i€..r F ,5� ^E �' �:: �. � x. Cr z�. ,^ k+. �� o ? �= Y I 'Sy$< .t f ,': i 4., . ��, � �d p,�..r d, j ; �,y " i �l _ :-a �4� F# `ra<ky;�: �n i"��rti �, m � '' � � �s� c u� =i���, �, 7t�" � ,� < x'�„ id���s�+ �.'.�y.Y��ta`. '.a� i C..� : � x � �,9' ', +i'�` � qfr �^ ^f. � W. } Y� ' t�tx�:: . ,0..,.� 1- �'� � 4 �j � x �1 tA i� � `i h a s t�,� � a't 1 � y.';"t A"y��'"k.�.� �� 6 t �vii -�� 5,�,`?� ' ���'t��r,� �. 0 1 � s� '� \ -�� .� 1 '� c 21 y, a �. �a. 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PINK - FINANCE � � CO�II�C1I � � "��� � a��ER" =Mp�oRTME�* GTTY O�I�' �AINT PAUL ;�" '-- �%' :� • File N0. �!� � � ,-, unc�l Resolution Presented By ":�"���-�'�.r��:��.- : , Referred To Committee: Date Out,of Committee By Date i�HEt61lS, '�tie l�a�or kas proposeid ndg�ts for ehe CitY o� Saiat Fa�l far t6a ti�tal �ear be�iosis� JsOUar� 1 , I49�8 � staor+lanee �ritb Ll�e Cit� Cb�rter aad ,idsiaistrati�e Cod:; and i � i[HBtBA�, ltiane�ots StatoEt c��pt r 27�.065 Nabd 1 , coueaZT referr�d �o as the '?rntb is ?azati+�n L�a�r' rsqoir�� at s!1 �fties, ce��tles, aad s�l�so3 distri¢ts ad�pt of a lroposed Tss L�ea �f La�tst Ist iw ordsr to :stiss�e �rQpert� tsx ispact for cazpa�ers so tbat t�i�e� can iaflaeac� d�cisiaa aati�� at p�blit l�sari�sa: aad . , iiHE�E18, Co�tnissieaar Joba J�i�es t�ss xsed antbo�it� �rwated to t�e D�t�arts�tat ai te��wa� to inatraet lacsl esite !sf SoY+�r�re�t to sdopt a propss�d ta� les� b� aetobe: Y . �ua i1BE�BAB, clspter 27S.Q�S aab� 13�tts incrssses bet��an ttie �ar�is Fropdsed ?ax Le*� a�d tt�e Adopted 2az La�rT �o be �erti#ied Iat�er; asd iiN�►�EIE, t�oae saae chsptirs! w re �odifi:d asd iacluded ie a t9a9 ��eaibas Tas SiII t�tosd b� Goverr�or Per�icb; aia� itflEt�A8. �hose aa�e cbspterri a +� nor e:pected t• be �odtfisd asd adopted ia a aew tax �i12 0� a 1l89 Special Le�i• ati�e Sessio�, aed ii�BxEAS, tbe 1459 specia2 s�s ios sa� si�nf�ic�nL2� ad�net oth�r stste rso�i��d re►e�aas sa�N as Loc:I G � trsss�t A!d sad Schoal .Aid that tv�l� r�s�lt ia a �r��ter or l�sssr ae�ed foz p=op�� ' tax Ie�a to ti�aaee tb� �sds�ts of lscai sossr�eeats; aad i ti�BftSAB, it is tbe iatent f he Satat Ptul Mt�ar a�a Cit+� Couaeil to lol2o�r i►oth the 3aCter aad Ct+a a�irit o� s atot� 275.Ob5 ie �ff�et Stpts�b:r 28th 19t9, Mhile providie� ta� ahaogas neea�s � fiEb aetioa �f sa�� 1l89 Spseial Ls�islatiYe Sessioa; nox tm�tcef�re. be it la�+e 1 ai 2 ,, COUNCIL MEMBERS , Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Dimond �os In avor Goswitz Rettman ��;� Ag inst By Sonnen Wilson ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by fVlavor. Date _ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY , �. I ' , `;. WHITE CIT:Y CI.ERK ' ' . :- � .. � .., PtNK �'FINANCE {� COU�ICII � �t � CANARV — DEPARTMENT GITY O}' AINT PAUL File NO. ���• { � � m'F`� BLUE — MAVOR � � Counc�l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date gES9LYBH, th• Cit� Coa8cil doa�► exsb? wdo�t, s�irjaet to tl�s �it� �f Sai�t Taal ric�iria� Local Garrern�sut Aid �n the l�OMBt o� �51,753,084, tLe 14s�or's Prapos�� Tax LaY� for fin��+ci�a tbs �1! Q CitT fudsats Hf3D68? P!�� CI1tG �1lEI11U68 L�9F CE11l�lAL tUl�i? s 51,95;1 , 2� 1 ,t139,03!! $SZ,Q 96� cE�tERSL DES� saavicE : �I3,SS;5, 14 Q 313,8SS,334 -__--.�- -_- _________ ___�_______ T�?I�L LE�T �65,8E�7 , 3S 3t ,�?39,Q3s a66,84b,276 A�D 11� IT 1�i�ItT�Bx tB�4L9�D, t1�at th� CitT Cls�rk certit� e �ep� o� this r�seietiaa aad traae�it it to tha S��s �r Con�t� llssa�ssr, sed L1D �E IT i►ARFHI�R B$8t1L7t�, t�eet the tropo+��d LstT iwcrsa�s �! i.l� b� ased i� tb� p+�Dlic ti�ari�s �otfca beia� �rre :�ed ior t6e ffiaitt lani Histatch i Pfoa�er ?rsss tor t�s p�rp�a� af advertisfa� e Cit� Con�ci2•s ptcblic hesrfas, �twd lKH ft IT t211Ai.LT RS$OLYLD, tba prior to fia�1 �advptia�a sf tbe 1996 bad�et „ti�is Can�til �selss�ss ics fNtcat toi r daae botb tbe ls��r aa8 spendie� isere�ses �prepose� bY tDe IEs7or, bat tbe Ca�ajc! sis• recc��sisas thst tb� fissl eertifis� "pto��rt� tsz les� i• +�egao�eet ��osi t e a�e�aC of Locsl �+��►as�tssst ♦id dfstri�stR� to tLe Cit� af �aist Pa�l thru sstiin�a af tLe 1l34 gpecia3 LsSislattfe Sessioa. i I � � . �� __ ..� . , r, , � ' COUNC�L. MEMBLRS ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , s r'� nd Dimo ., I.o (n Fav r oe �_; .,, z �.��.�.. - Goswitz t "�n �,� r, scne�net -�----- AB�i� By �, sonnen Wilson � S�P 7 � �, Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By gy, ; � .�1 � � ' . y ' .1,..... a�ww,_. .` �,. -,..T ' .. Approved by IVlavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By , BY � � °� - I� �-� CITY O SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTM NTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Bob Long Chairman, Finance, M nagement & Personnel Committee FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Directo �-� ��.��i �, DATE: September 26, 1989 RE: Council Options for Adopting 'Maximum" Proposed Tax Levy by October l , 1989 The 1988 Truth-In-Taxation Law req ires that the City Council adopt a proposed property tax levy by Oc ober l, 1989 . This levy becomes the maximum levy for the City's 19 0 budget, subject to changes in State Law regarding Local Governme t Aid and Levy Limits. This proposed levy is the amount that m st be advertized in the required Public Hearing. General Comments: 1) The bigger the increase in th levy, the more citizens you will draw to the public hearing. f you adopt a smaller proposed levy closer to the Finance Committ e's tentative levy reduction amount, the less flexibility the Coun il may have to respond to public hearing concerns. 2) I recommend against adopting maximum levy based on the Perpich Proposal" or the "DFL Leadership Compromise" as both are subject to change and re ire Legislative consensus. 3) The 1988 Certified Tax Levy or the Adopted 1989 City Budget was $64 , 200, 959 . See the attached worksheet for t e following "MAXIMUM LEVY" options: a) MAYOR'S PROPOSED 66, 846, 276 4 . 1% b) 1988 TAX LAW 67 , 752 , 304 5. 5% c) FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIR'S TENTATIVE 66, 106, 688 2 . 8% RECOMMENDATION AS OF 9-22-89 d) 1989 VETOED TAX LAW 66,902 , 295 4 . 2% I recommend that the City Counc 1 use Option A (Mayor's Proposed) . Attached you will find resoluti ns, for options a, b, & c. " ' � .� CC: A1 Olson N O� . Gary Pederson . � �, Jerry Strathman ��, �� �� �� . . ',�,v � � o o N o o N o o � � � ° � J � tp pp N a0 � V O � r- O � W .-1 U Q cD n �t r- �' � O M ^ M � N � � a O t�D � � M � N �i' (MD t�A �j � � � � M C") M V 00 Ch � 1 W � M t7' tn t1') M 1� � � �- a � m i i o 0 0 o a o � � � � � � Q � 3 � (�p � r 00 � N O � � Q�j N I � -� � � pp � M �p � M cp tn N � w I W �( (fl � � O o0 Q�i ,^ � O Q M tD O vJ � F- F- M � N C7 M (D O 1 � p�p M t� � tA .- tD � � � I � O I i; � o ��o O O Q �' .: � ���'�: � I � � ;M<.M � p�p O 0�..."" ; CS.:........<�;: I <O � ;f�:00 00 r- r- ' � M C'� ;�y: a � 00 Q � �' M � T � � � : i � J CO t0: �t [A tn tn M flp. op GO 00 h O I r- X M r.0; N M M h � I H M �' � �A r- cD � e. � ;<; � � ' T I � o 0 0 0 0 \ \ \ \ \ I CO � O N � N ° °o � � n � I (/� W � � � O OO �? � � M N � i � � � ('�j � c� � M O �A (D � � C'� i� � � a0 00 j � n. M � � N M (D I Q � M tn � � � (O I � � � , a ► � ap o pp o o M o o �p M � ° � � � CD 00 OO � � (D V O tn �A N r- W � d� � co I� cO oo rn O Q� �p � 1-' 1� (vj N C7 1 C'7 M f� O � � � O � � � (O N � � Q M (p 00 � � N � �t � CO T � O Q O � O O O O� 0 � � CV � ap � O tn O QNj M p (D W n � � O N N M r '- � � � OD � pp � I M ^ d' c0 t0 N W � a � � � � V � J � � � M � � � (O � � F"' 00 o O o o n o o � Q� O ° Q �,r� � p N �A �y � � 1� Q> (� M � (1J c� (•j O ct ch N f� O) a0 d' M �!j 0�0 d � � � N M 00 � 00 � � � t1) � Ch N � � T Q M I� tl) CO � �A � Q r M �f V r- tD � � U C � 3 '^ Q� V! C ^ . � � • O ° Z � � Q U LL a>�i f" 0 a F- Z � a. Z ~ Z a o N O � O � � � N L � J � Q � a Q � 3 � '1 J �.i Q d o � o m ~ o m C � } o } � � � Z rn c�7 a> � ¢ rn � J �' ° � v> W � C J C � W C � � � J � � � Z ZL QtL n' tt a� a� a � U W aU pU � Ucn � � y 0 U (�} cn � a I— C7 C7 F- SUMMARY:FINANCE COMMITTEE'S CH GES TO 1990 GENERAL FUND BUDGET FINANCING PLAN U OFFUND TRANSFER PROPERTY OTHER BALANCE W TAXES REVENUE DESCRIPTION SPENDING ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- l989 ADOPTED BUDGET 123,907,608 1,282,091 3,2�2,931 47,611,673 71,760,913 1990 MAYOR'S PROPOSED BUDGET 133,367,666 459,618 4,353,392 51,951,924 76,602,732 1989 BUDGET AMEI�IDMENTS CIS Central Computer (228,000) (143,254) (84,746) Morning Beat Patrol ����200) ���200 Liquor License Study (I1,000) I1,000 New Mayor Transition Expenses (20,000) 20,000 Don't Do Comp Worth Market Study 68,625 __ (62,625) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SUBTOTAL, '89 BUDGET AMENDMENT (228,000) (122,829) 0 (99,171) 0 COUNC[L REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS Loss Of LGA For Vetced L989 Law 54,920 (54,920) Loss Of LGA For 1988 Tax Law 833,342 (833,342) Parkinb Meter Revenue From PED (2�0,000) 250,000 License Revenue Increase (100,000) 100,000 NSP Franchise: Electric Rate Increase 187,159 (327,071) 514,230 Sewer Permit Revenue To Fund 260 20,000 (20,000) [ncrease Use Of Street Permits (15,000) 15,000 Hot.el Motel Tax (50,000) 50,000 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SUBTOTAL, REVENUE ADJUSTMENTS 187,159 0 0 166,191 20,968 FUND BALANCE DEDICATION Ext.raordinary Severance Pay (189,000 (189,000) ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- SUBTOTAL, FUND BAL. DEDICATION (189,000 (189,000) 0 0 0 F(NANCE COMMITTEE NET CUTS City Clerk's Office (1,63 (1,630) Community Services (72,78 (72,78�) Police (220,89 (220,892) Fire (83,33 ) (83,332) Public Works (329,40 ) (329,401) Finance& Management Services-Balance (61,85 ) (61,855) City Attorney Office (1,58 ) (1,580) Personnel Office (20,63 ) (20,637) City Council Mayor/Budget PED -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- SUBTOTAL, COMMITTEE NET CUTS (792,1 ) 0 0 (792,107) 0 ADJUSTED 1990 BUDGET 132,345,71 147,789 4,353,392 . 51,226,837 76,623,700 . CHANGE FROM: 1989 Adopted Budget 6. % -88.5� 33.8% 7.6% 6.8% __...._......_................. 0 ?::g:�>`> 20 968 311 829 <;2.��!..�.. 's Pro sed ::::>:�..�:..,......�,.,�..:..`:: , ......�: + 1990 Ma or ;<:.::.:�.:;s....�,�..;:.:�:.:::::�: � ) >>:,.:�:.;;;::�.;:.::.:.:.. Y P� 854 310 0 :`:::>:`.`�'::::`'.::'`:.::.':: 311 829 >::;:':I.� .S .429. :::><:<:::>::>::::»::>::::>::::>:>;:;:>��::::::»:><:::>:::::::: >::>>:; Ma or's Pro sed, If LGA � 1989 Law :. :::>`:::<:`:.:!��s�':�:�:;: .::.:.�> � , ) '::.;:.;:�.;:.�.;:.;:.>:.;:�:.;;;:.;:.:�:. , <:::>::::»::> Y P� , 7I3:ADOPT90.WK1.ALL BUDGET:BJ 22-Se 89 2 • OPTION A : Mayor�s Budget = 4.1% WI�RF.A.S, The Mayor has proposed bu ts for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1990 in rdance with the City Charter and Ac�ninistrative Dode; and Wf�REAS, Minnesota Statute chapter 75.065 subd 1, co[[4nonly referred to as the ��Truth in Taxation Law�� requires that all cities, oounties, and school districts adopt of a Proposed Tax Levy by August ist in order to est�mate property tax i�act for taxpayers so that they influence decision making at public hearings; and Wl�REA.S, Darmissioner John James used authority granted to the Depaztment of Revenue to instruct local units of g errnnent to adopt a proposed tax levy by October 1, and Wf�REAS, chapter 275.065 subd 6 1' 'ts increases between the herein Pro}.�osed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax Levy to be ified later; and W�.S, those same chapters were 'fied and included in a 1989 �mibus Tax Bill vetoed by Governor PeYpich; and Wf�REA.S, those same chapters are expected to be modified and adopted in a new tax bill of a 1989 Special Legislat ve Session, and W�S, the 1989 special sessio may significantly adjust other state pro�vided revenues such as IACal Gov t Aid and School Aid that oould result in a greater or lesser need for property levy to finance the budgets of local gaverrnnents: and WI�REA.S, it is the intent of the Saint Paul Mayor and City Council to follo�a both the letter and the spirit of sta te 275.065 in effect Septe�nber 28th 1989, while praviding for chanqes necessary 'th action of any 1989 Special Legislative Session; now therefore, be it RE.SOLVID, the City douncil does ereby adopt, sub'ect to the City of Saint Paul receiving Local Gaverrm�ent Aid ' the amount of $51,753,000, the Mayor�s Proposed Tax I�evy for financing the 1 90 City Budqet: BUDGEP � �'�1Y GQ��l2AL F'(1AID . $51,951 924 $1,039,038 $52,990,962 GII�L DEBT SEI�VICE : $13,85 ,314 0 $13,855,314 ------ ---- --------- ----------- TO'I'AL LF7VY $65,80 ,238 $1,039,038 $66,846,276 AI�ID BE IT FURT��R RE.90LVED, t the City Clerk certify a oopy of this resolution and tran.snit it to the ey �ty Assessor, and At�ID BE IT FUR�'f�R RE.SOLVED, t the Proposed Levy inc of 4.1� be used in the public hearinq notice being for tt� Saint .Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press for the purpose of advertiz' the City Ooiuicil�s public hearinq, and � ' p� gE TT Frrrnr T.y g�,spI,VID, t prior to final adoption of the 1990 budqet this douncil declares its intent to reduce both the levy and spendi� increases proposed by the Mayor, but the il also revognizes that the final certified property tax levy is dependent upon the amount of Local Gaverrgnent Aid distributed to the City of Saint Paul thru aati n of the 1989 S��ecial Leqislative Session. 3 . cPy'- �7�" � OPTION B : 1988 ( ent) Tax Iaw = 5.5% W�, The Mayor has pro�osed ts for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginninq JanuarY 1, 1990 in rdance with the City Charter and Adniinistrative Oode; and WI�REA.S, Minnesota Statute chapter 5.065 subd 1, camionly referred to as the '"i'YUth in Taxation Law�� requires that 1 aities, oounties, and school districts adopt of a Proposed Tax Levy by t ist in order to estimate property tax im�act for ta�ayers so that they can influence decision makinq at pa�blic hearings; and WfIEREAS, �issioner John James used authority granted to the De�rt�ent of R�evenue to instruct local units of gav t to adopt a pr.oposed t� levy by October 1, and Wf�RE�.S, chapter 275.065 subd 6 1' ts increases between the herein Proposed Tax I�evy and the Adopted Tax i�vy to be ified later; and Wf�REAS, those same chapters were 'fied and included in a 1989 Amiibus Tax Bill vetoed by Gavernor Perpich; and W�EAS� those same chapters are e�ected to be mpdified and adopted in a new tax bill of a 1989 Special Legislati Session, and W�.S, the 1989 special session y significantly adjust other state pravided revenues such as Local Gov Aid and School Aid that oould result in a greater or lesser need for property levy to finance the budqets of local gavernments; and Wf�tEAS, it is the intent of the ' t Paul Mayor and City Council to foll�a both the letter and the spirit of statut 275.065 in effect September 28th 1989, while providing for chanc�es necessaLy wi action of any 1989 Special Legislative Session; naw therefore, be it RESOLVED, the City dotmcil does h adopt, sub'ect the City of Saint Paul receiving I,ocal Gavert�ment Aid in e am�unt of 0 864,738, a Px�oposed Tax Levy for financinq the 1990 City Budqet: BUDGEP � I�E,'VY (�,I, F[R�ID . $52,840,18 $1,056,804 $53,896,990 GII�L DEBT SERVICE : $13,855,31 0 $13,855,314 TO'I*AL LEVY $66,695,5 $1,056,804 $67,752,304 At� BE IT FURTf�R RE790LVID, that e City Clerk certify a aopy of this resolution and transmit it to the Coimty Assessor, and At�ID BE IT FURTI�R RFSOLVID, that e Px�oposed I�vy increase of 5.5� be used in the public hearinq notice beinq p for the Saint :Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Pre,ss for the purpose of advertizing th City Qoimcil�s public hearinq, and ` ' pt,ID gE IT Fn�T.r,y g�qpL�p, that rior to final adoption of the 1990 budget this �il declares its intent to both the levy and spendinq increases proposed by the Mayor, but the dotuicil so reaognizes that the final certified property tax levy is depp.ndent upon the a�t of Local Gaverrnnent Aid distributed to the City of 3aint Paul thru action o the 1989 b'�ecial Leqislative Session. � . , �'Q --/� �� ' OPTION C : Finance �atmittee Chai 's tentative plan of 9-9-89 = 2.8% Wf�S, The Mayor has pi�osed bucjg ts for the City of Saint Paut for the fiscal year beqinning Januaiy 1, 1990 in rdance with the City Charter and Ac�ninistrative Dode; and Wf�RE�.S, Minnesota Statute chapter 5.065 subd 1, ao�nnanly referred to as the �"I'ruth in Taxation Law" requires that all cities, aounties, and school districts adopt of a Px�op�osed Tax Levy by Augu.st ist in order to estimate property tax im�act for ta��ayers so th,at they can influence decision making at public hearings; and W�S, Cannissioner John James u.sed authority granted to tlie D�azfia�ent of R,evenue to instruct local units of q t to adopt a pro�osed tax levy by October 1, and Wl�REA.S, chapter 275.065 subd 6 1' 'ts increases between the herein Pi�oposed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax I�evy to be ified later; and W�.S, those same chapters were 'fied and included in a 1989 omnibus Tax Bill vetoed by Governor PeYpich; and Wf�REP,S, those same chapters are e�ected to be modified and adopted in a new tax bill of a 1989 Special Legislat ve Session, and W�S, the 1989 special sessio may significantly adjust other state provided revenues such as I,ocal Gav t Aid and School Aid that oould result in a qreater or lesser need for property levy to finance the budqets of local qaverrnnents: and W�S, it is the intent of the Saint Paul Mayor and City O��cil to follow both the letter and the spirit of sta te 275.065 in effect S�te�t�bex 28th 1989, while providinq for changes necessary �th action of any 1989 Special Legislative Session; naw therefore, be it RESOLVID, the City �imcil doea hereby adopt, sub' to the City of Saint Paul receiving Local Gaverrnnent Aid ' the am�unt o 51,698,080, a Proposed Tax I,evy for financinq the 1990 City Budq t: gtJDGEp �Il�IQ� I�;VY GII�RAI, F[7I�ID . $51,22 ,837 $l,02 4,537 $52,251,374 G�L DEBT SEnVICE : $13,85 ,314 0 $13,855,314 Tota1 I,evy $65,08 ,151 $1,024,537 $66,106,688 APID BE IT � RE90LVED, t the City Clerk certify a oopy of this resolution and transmit it to the dotmty Assessor, and ArID BE IT FVRTf�R RF.90LVED� t the Praposed I,�vy ' rease of 2.8� used in the public hearing notice bei�g repared for the Saint Pa ispa & Pioneer Press for the puxpose of advertis' the City Doamcil�s public hearing, and • • ArID BE IT FII�mLLY RE90LVID, t prior to final adoption of the 1990 b��dqet this Cauncil 8�clares its intent reduce both the levy and spendi.nq inGre�ses pro�osed by the Mayor, but the il also reoognizes that the fi.nal c�rtified proQerty tax levy is �t tLe mpaimt of Local Gaver�nent Aid clistri.buted to the City of Saint Paul thru on of the 1989 Special Leqislative Session. 5 � �r-;��' , � � ,�, � , `,f`�;-,c,ti �_ �. , r WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council CANARY - DEPA TMENT BLUE - MAVO� File NO. � Council Resolution ��� . � Presented By ��� Referred To �� Committee: Date Out of Committee` y Date WHEREAS , The May�r has proposed b dgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning J�nuary 1 , 1990 i accordance with the City Charter and `e�dministrative Code ; and,�,_ \ � M`'y WHEREAS , Minnesota St�tute chapt r 275. 065 subd 1 , commonly referred to as the "Truth in Taxation Law" ]�equires t at all cities , counties , and school districts adopt of a Proposed4Tax Levy by August lst in order to estimate property tax impact for taxpayers so th�t they an influence decision making at publi�c . hearings ; and °� ', WHEREAS , Commissioner John mes has used authority granted to the Department of Revenue to instruct local units�f overnment to adopt a proposed tax levy by 4„ October 1 , and '�.,� WHEREAS , chapter 275. 065 subd 6 imits increases between the herein Proposed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax Levy to e �ertified later; and WHEREAS , those same chapters we e md,�dified and included in a 1989 Omnibus Tax Bill vetoed by Governor Perpich; and � �� WHEREAS , those same chapters ar now e�iected to be modified and adopted in a new tax bill of a 1989 Special Legisl tive Se�ion, and WHEREAS , the 1989 special sessi n may sig ificantly adjust other state provided revenues such as Local Gover ment Aid a d School Aid that could result in a greater or lesser need for propert tax levy to finance the budgets of local governments ; and WHEREAS , it is the intent of t e Saint Paul M't�yor and City Council to follow both the letter and the spirit of st tute 275. 065 irla, effect September 28th 1989 , while providing for changes necessar with action of"�•, any 1989 Special Legislative Session; now therefore , be it page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In F or Goswitz Rettman B �he1�� A gai s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr v d by City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � ,' v By i� t�pproved by Mavor: Date _ App< <' by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY . �;>9 -/7,�' WHITE - CITV CLERK COUQCIl PINK - FINAN�E G I TY OF A I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO• � Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , the City Council does h reby adopt , subject to the City of Saint Paul receiving Local Government Aid in he amount of $51 , 698 ,080 , a Proposed Tax Levy for financing the 1990 City Budget BUDGET FINA CING SHRINKAGE LEVY GENERAL FUND . $51 , 226 , 8 7 $ 1 ,024 , 537 $52 ,251 , 374 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE : $ 13 , 855 , 3 4 0 $13 , 855 , 314 --------- -- --------- ----------- Total Levy $65 ,082 , 151 $ 1 , 024 ,537 $66 , 106 , 688 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the City Clerk certify a copy of this resolution and transmit it to the Rams y County Assessor , and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Proposed Levy increase of 2. 8% be used in the public hearing notice being pre ared for the Saint Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press for the purpose of advertizing t e City Council ' s public hearing , and AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , that prior to final adoption of the 1990 budget this Council declares its intent to re uce both the levy and spending increases proposed by the Mayor , but the Council also recognizes that the final certified property tax levy is dependent upon th amount of Local Government Aid distributed to the City of Saint Paul thru action f the 1989 Special Legislative Session. page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��� ('� ,��� ��g [n Fav r Goswitz , n Rettman B s�he;n�� _ Agains Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B' ( f ; Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approved�Mayor for Submission to Council By By ' � ._ r'. ;:;n. t� �. - �, , �l- l 7�r WHITE - CITV C�4 ERK PINK - FINANC4 COI1flC11 BLUERV - MAVORTa�E"T . GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date e WHEREAS , The Mayor`��has proposed b dgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning Jan�ary l , 1990 i accordance with the City Charter and Administrative Code ; and � WHEREAS , Minnesota Stat�te chapte 275. 065 subd 1 , commonly referred to as the "Truth in Taxation Law' re� uires th t all cities , counties , and school districts adopt of a Proposed x Levy y August lst in order to estimate property tax impact for taxpayers ' so that they c n influence decision making at public hearings ; and ` ;� WHEREAS , Commissioner John Ja es has used authority granted to the Department of Revenue to instruct local units o overnment to adopt a proposed tax levy by October 1 , and WHEREAS , chapter 275. 065 subd 6 i its increases between the herein Proposed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax Levy to b c rtified later ; and WHEREAS , those same chapters wer mo fied and included in a 1989 Omnibus Tax Bill vetoed by Governor Perpich; and WHEREAS , those same chapters are now exp cted to be modified and adopted in a new tax bill of a 1989 Special Legisla ive Sess on, and WHEREAS , the 1989 special sessio may sign icantly adjust other state provided revenues such as Local Gover ent Aid an School Aid that could result in a greater or lesser need for property tax levy to inance the budgets of local governments ; and , WHEREAS , it is the intent of th Saint Paul May�r and City Council to follow both the letter and the spirit of sta ute 275. 065 in e'��ffect September 28th 1989 , while providing for changes necessary with action of a�,}� 1989 Special Legislative Session; now therefore , be it � page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g In Fav Gosw;tz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr by City Attor y Adopted by Council: Date ,i� - / Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By ��/ Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY � � . � �-��� 'NHITE - CITV GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A I NT PAU L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � — RESOLVED , the City Council does h reby adopt , subject to the City of Saint Paul receiving Local Government Aid in he amount of $50 ,864 , 738 , a Proposed Tax Levy for financing the 1990 City Budget BUDGET FINA CING SHRINKAGE LEVY GENERAL FUND . $52 , 840 , 1 6 $1 ,056 ,804 $53 , 896 , 990 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE . $13 , 855 , 3 4 0 $13 , 855 , 314 --------- -- --------- ----------- TOTAL LEVY $66 , 695 , 5 0 $1 , 056 ,804 $67 , 752 , 304 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that he City Clerk certify a copy of this resolution and transmit it to the Ramse County Assessor , and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that he Proposed Levy increase of 5. 5% be used in the public hearing notice being prep red for the Saint Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press for the purpose of advertizing the City Council ' s public hearing , and AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , that prior to final adoption of the 1990 budget this Council declares its intent to re uce both the levy and spending increases proposed by the Mayor , but the Councfl also recognizes that the final certified property tax levy is dependent upon th amount of Local Government Aid distributed to the City of Saint Paul thru action f the 1989 Special Legislative Session. page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Dimond � /` �+�� �ong In Favor Goswitz n /1 Rettman �'' r � - �he1be� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro ed y City Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By r gy, ` Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved��//Mayor for Submission to Council gy _ BY WHITE '. — CITV CIERK .. . .� �.� .� � ,. , ' . . �i � :.:: l .. '.: . .. . '.. .. , . " PINK � — FINANCE �,. : ITY O� AINT PA�TL Council . CANARV —DEPARTMENT � � BIUE —MAVOR File �0. � o�inc�l Resolution Presented By i Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By I Date �fE4Lrl�0, t6� Git� Co�acil do�l� erab� sdo�t , "sebjeect Co the Cit3 of �+�i�t �+�s2 zscsi�ia� Leasl Gotesas�tt I►�d Iln tb�e ass�at of $SO,e6i,73s, • Pra*o�sd Taz Lef� for lisaacia� L�e 19�0 Ci�� fnd�e : f1t�6ET 1►IIB �CI�6 �61!llNt�►6E �E'►T CEY�i�i. t1��D s �S2,a , s �1,0 4,ltfl4 �53,l1 �4!!4 GEAEE`L BSE'f EB1tYIC8 : ;I�,�SIS, 1� 0 S1),855,3Y4 ------+— --_ _______.._ .._-______ _ TG?iL LE�? �b5,bll5, QA $1 ,C136,�t3t ;67,752,��4 ♦1�D DE �? 1►UEl�lER tB:OLY�@* ti�st ttie CiE� Cisxt easti#T s eop= sf t�is sssa2rtioa amd traAS�it it to thf Z,�w+� � Co�trtt� ♦ss:ssar, s�� � . di�D 3E IT aeazda� tB3QL�ED, t*at the lroposed Ls�r� ieet�ea+re o!` S.SZ be �r�ed iw tD� p�blie Ye�ri�s soiite ��i�� �� ared for tl�e Satat la�l Dis�afeL i ltoxsa� �lrert for tA• �sr�e�e at sj��rtisin� r� Cit� Ca�ACil•s pa��ie h�sriw�, aud AiiD �E �T 1►Ilt�6L? tE$QLTltO* t'�: prior to tisal sdoptiea wE tbe i990 ha��st . tbis Co��efl d�elsrss i.ts ietest ts; r d�ce both th� is�� amd •treiias ia¢ra:s�s proposs� b� tha M*�ar, ti»t th• Courj�i �1se s:cogais�s tbat tti�e �t�al eertifild propsrtT tax ls�T is �ep�md�nt ��oslt e aaa»at ot Lacal tie��rrawesE At� dtstrise�ad to tt�R City ef Saitt Bs�l Ehra ae�ij�n o� the 1l39 �pettat Le�i�2atl.�� aesaton. , pasa 2 s i t i . ; I � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ' ,�d� DIIII(/Itt� � ��� ;�,z��� .� 1` /�jw' -.�' . Long In �a r + �- Goswitz Retfman � Sche;bel A g�in By Somen � `�,,. - Wilson i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , F B Certified Passed by Council Secretary y By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i gy ' BY , �� , - � 1 U P��a � � _ �'i�;,�,.�-�. � - y,r`� �'�i'- /��� , �; <. �MMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FIN4NCE COUnCiI BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The Mayor has proposed udgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1990 n accordance with the City Charter and Administrative Code ; and WHEREAS , Minnesota Statute chapt r 275. 065 subd 1 , commonly referred to as the "Truth in Taxation Law" requires t at all cities , counties , and school districts adopt of a Proposed Tax Lev by August lst in order to estimate property tax impact for taxpayers so that they can influence decision making at public hearings ; and WAEREAS , Commissioner John Jame has used authority granted to the Department of Revenue to instruct local units of government to adopt a proposed tax levy by October 1 , and WHEREAS , chapter 275. 065 subd 6 limits increases between the herein Proposed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax Levy to e certified later; and WHEREAS , those same chapters w re modified and included in a 1989 Omnibus Ta: Bill vetoed by Governor Perpich; and WHEREAS, those same chapters -a e now expected to be modified and adopted in � new tax bill of a 1989 Special Legis ative Session, and WHEREAS , the 1989 special sess on may significantly adjust other state provided revenues such as Local Gove nment Aid and School Aid that could result in a greater or lesser need for proper y tax levy to finance the budgets of local governments ; and WHEREAS , it is the intent of he Saint Paul Mayor and City Council to follow both the letter and the spirit of s atute 275. 065 in effect September 28th 1989 , while providing for changes necessa y with action of any 1989 Special Legislative Session; now therefore , be it Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimor�d �ng In avor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A ga n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form ApQro ed by City Atto ey Adopted by Councit: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, . , . . .. , .. , -- - -- ------�, WHITE � - CITY CLERK COUI1C11 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL CANARV - DEPARTMENT 'BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , the City Council does h reby adopt , subject to the City of Saint Paul receiving Local Government Aid in the amount of $51 , 753 ,000 , the Mayor ' s Proposed Tax Levy for financing the 1990 City Budget : BUDGET FIN NCING SHRINKAGE LEVY GENERAL FUND . $51 , 951 , 24 $1 , 039 ,038 $52 , 990 , 962 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE : $13 ,855 , 14 0 $ 13 ,855 ,314 -------- --- --------- ----------- TOTAL LEVY $65 ,807 , 38 $ 1 ,039 ,038 $66 , 846 , 276 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the City Clerk certify a copy of this resolution and �transmit it to the Rams y County Assessor , and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED ,� that the Proposed Levy increase of 4. 1y be used in the public hearing notice being pre ared for the Saint Paul Dispatch & Pione�r Press for the purpose of advertizing t e City Council ' s public hearing , and AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , that prior to final adoption of the 1990 budget this Council declares its intent to r duce both the levy and spending increases proposed by the Mayor , but the Counci also recognizes that the final certified � property tax levy is dependent upon t e amount of Local Government Aid distributed to the City of Saint Paul thru action of the 1989 Special Legislative Session. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ��, � /y !f Dimond ��;t,�1,1� (.'�,,�f�.C-C Lo�g In Fav r , � R�n B � e J f ii..�," Scheibel A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Form Ap ro ed by City At�x ey Adopted by Council: Date � CertiEied Passed by Council Secretary BY � � B� Approved by Ylavor: Date Approve� y Mayor for Submission to Council By By � ' � e�T rc N [7 = �: S � WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR , Flle NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The Mayor has proposed budgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January l , 1990 in accordance with the City Charter and Administrative Code; and WHEREAS , Minnesota Statute chap er 275. 065 subd 1 , commonly referred to as the "Truth in Taxation Law" requires that all cities , counties , and school districts adopt of a Proposed Tax Le y by August lst in order to estimate property tax impact for taxpayers 'so that the can influence decision making at public hearings ; and WHEREAS , Commissioner John Ja s has used authority granted to the Department of Revenue to instruct local units f government to adopt a proposed tax levy by October 1 , and WHEREAS , chapter 275. 065 subd 6 limits increases between the herein Proposed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax Levy t be certified later ; and . WHEREAS , those same chapters were modified and included in a 1989 Omnibus Tax Bill vetoed by Governor Perpich; a d WHEREAS , those same chapters are now expected to be modified and adopted in a new tax bill of a 1989 Special Leg slative Session, and WHEREAS , the 1989 special s ssion may significantly adjust other state provided revenues such as Local G vernment Aid and School Aid that could result in a greater or lesser need for prop rty tax levy to finance the budgets of local governments ; and WHEREAS , it is the intent f the Saint Paul Mayor and City Council to follow both the letter and the spirit o statute 275. 065 in effect September 28th 1989 , while providing for changes nece sary with action of any 1989 Special Legislative Session; now therefore , be it page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Dimu�d �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr by City Attorq y Adopted by Council: Date / ,� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By ` - - - WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII BLUERV - MAPpqTMEN7 GITY OF AINT PALTL File NO. � Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , the City Council does h reby adopt , subject to the .City of Saint Paul receiving Local Government Aid in he amount of $50 , 864 , 738 , a Proposed Tax Levy for financing the 1990 City Budget BUDGET FINA CING SHRINKAGE LEVY GENERAL FUND . $52 , 840 , 1 6 $1 ,056 ,804 $53 ,896 , 990 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE : $13 ,855 , 314 0 $13 ,855 , 314 --------- -- --------- ----------- TOTAL LEVY $66 ,695 , 500 $ 1 ,056 ,804 $67 , 752 , 304 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the City Clerk certify a copy of this resolution and transmit it to the Rams y County Assessor , and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Proposed Levy increase of 5. 5% be used in the public hearing notice being pre ared for the Saint Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press for the purpose of advertizing t e City Council ' s public hearing, and AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , that prior to final adoption of the 1990 budget this Council declares its intent to re uce both the levy and spending increases proposed by the Mayor , but the Council also recognizes that the final certified ' property tax levy is dependent upon th amount of Local Government Aid distributed to the City of Saint Paul thru action f the 1989 Special Legislative Session. page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � • Dimoad ��,c,��. /� ��? Lo�a in Fav r -� Goswitz L� � . � Rettman Scheibel Against BY ' Sonnea Wilson Form Appro ed y City Attorne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, tappruved by Mavor: Date Approved���/Mayor for Submission to Council By BY • `- . Uf^i��in.' � = 2,��� ��-/��� WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUILCIl BLUERY -_MAVORTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , The Mayor has proposed b dgets for the City of Saint Paul for the fiscal year beginning January 1 , 1990 i accordance with the City Charter and Administrative Code; and WHEREAS , Minnesota Statute chapte 275. 065 subd 1 , commonly referred to as the "Truth in Taxation Law" requires th t all cities , counties , and school districts adopt of a Proposed Tax Levy y August lst in order to estimate property tax impact for taxpayers so that they an influence decision making at public hearings ; and WHEREAS , Commissioner John James has used authority granted to the Department of Revenue to instruct local units of overnment to adopt a proposed tax levy by October 1 , and WHEREAS , chapter 275. 065 subd 6 imits increases between the herein Proposed Tax Levy and the Adopted Tax Levy to b certified later; and _ WHEREAS , those same chapters wer modified and included in a 1989 Omnibus Ta� Bill vetoed by Governor Perpich; and WHEREAS , those same chapters are now expected to be modified and adopted in � new tax bill of a 1989 Special Legisla ive Session, and WHEREAS , the 1989 special sessi n may significantly adjust other state provided revenues such as Local Gover ment Aid and School Aid that could result in a greater or lesser need for property tax levy to finance the budgets of local governments ; and WHEREAS , it is the intent of th Saint Paul Mayor and City Council to follow both the letter and the spirit of sta ute 275. 065 in effect September 28th 1989 , while providing for changes necessary with action of any 1989 Special Legislative Session; now therefore , be it page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long Itl �eV t Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr v d by City Atto ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � v By / � - -- . _ . . . . .. .. _ _ - ��_ �� ��.. WHITE - G�TV CLERK / PfNK - FINANCE COUflCIl ''CANARV - DE�ARTMENT G I TY O�F A I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File �O. � Council esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED , the City Council does h r.�eby adopt , subject to the City of Saint Paul receiving Local Government Aid in he amount of $51 , 698 ,080 , a Proposed Tax Levy for financing the 1990 City Budget BUDGET FINA CING SHRINKAGE LEVY GENERAL FUND . $51 , 226 , 8 7 $1 ,024 , 537 $52 ,251 , 374 GENERAL DEBT SERVICE . $13 , 855 , 3 4 0 $ 13 , 855 ,314 --------- -- --------- ----------- Total Levy $65 ,082 , 1 1 $1 , 024 , 537 $66 , 106 , 688 AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that he City Clerk certify a copy of this resolution and transmit it to the Ramse County Assessor , and AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the Proposed Levy increase of 2 . 8% be used in the public hearing notice being pre ared for the Saint Paul Dispatch & Pioneer Press for the purpose of advertizing t e City Council ' s public hearing, and AND BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED , that prior to final adoption of the 1990 budget this Council declares its intent to re uce both the levy and spending increases . proposed by the Mayor , but the Council also recognizes that the final certified property tax levy is dependent upon th amount of Local Government Aid distributed to the City of Saint Paul thru action f the 1989 Special Legislative Session. page 2 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Longna In Favo -����:/L� � �'�l� E� Goswitz � n Rettman B !�--� �, j?,1 Scheibel _ Against Y � Sonnen Wilson Form Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� : / Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY l y , gy. � /� ` L� i Approved by �Vlavor: Date Approved hy�Mayor for Submission to Council By By