89-1735 �'911TE - C�TV CLERK PINK � FINANCE COI1RClI � BLUE�'v - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ��'' ���� - City Attny/JTH • • � Cou cil Resolution Presented By ��-, � � � �^r`�'�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date EIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL P RKING PROGRAM GUIDELINES WHEREAS , there exis s in many neighborhood commercial areas within the City a lack o adequate parking to service neighborhood requirements ; WHEREAS , the Counci allocated $600, 000 in the 1989 City budget to address this problem nd requested the Department of Planning and Economic Development (PE ) and Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) to develop program proposals ; WHEREAS, PED has pr pared and HRA has recommended for approval a document entitled "Nei hborhood Commercial Parking Program Pilot Phase Guidelines" dated eptember 6 , 1989 (Program Guidelines) ; WHEREAS , the Progra Guidelines provide for financial assistance on a matching fund basis to applicants who may be neighborhood business associations , individual or groups of businessmen or commercial property owners , and dev lopers to provide off-street parking facilities ; WHEREAS , PED and H propose a pilot phase period of one year within which the effecti eness of the Pro�ram and �rocess may be evaluated and recommenda ions made to the City Council regarding steps which might be tak n to improve or expand the Program; and WHEREAS , the City C uncil has considered the Program Guidelines and proposals for the pi ot phase of the Neighborhood Commercial Parking Program; now the efore, be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Plannin & onomic Develo m ��g n Favor Goswitz Rettman `� sche,t�� gainst BY ` .. . Sonnen Wilson Form Approved b Attomey� Adopted by Council: Date / Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ��� By Approved by Ylavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �NHITE - CITV CIERK PINK , -- FINANCE GIT OF SAINT PAUL Council �/1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��/��J� � B.LUE� - MAVOR File �0• � " /� Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- RESOLVED by the Co cil of the City of Saint Paul acting pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 19 9, Sections 459 .14 Subdivisions 1 and la, that the Neighborhood Commerc al Parking Program Guidelines dated September 6, 1989 are he eby approved and PED is directed to implement said Program in accordan e with the Guidelines and the approved budgets as a twelve month pilot ndertaking. RESOLVED FURTHER th t PED shall initiate a public review process involving District Counc' ls and neighborhood business associations regarding the Program an submit the results of said review and its recommendations for the rogram. RESOLVED FINALLY th t during the pilot phase of the Neighborhood Commercial Parking Progr the City Council remains open to consider- ation of site specific p posals for provision and financing of parking facilities of a 1 rger scope than that contemplated under the Program. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Dimond Plannin & Ec omic Develo m t �°g �[1 BVOi � ..+Eee�vii�. Rettman (� B �he1�� Ag inst Y Sonnen Wilson SEP 2 6 89 Form Approve City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date is��''`�'/ Certified Pa s y Council retary BY sy � ;� �' ' �� Appr d y Mayor for Sub is io to Council Approved Mavo . ate — � � , By - \T�.._. � �-�'-'Z_��-� p��Li�p 0 C T 1989 . ; . ����' DEPARTMENT/OFFlCFJCOUNdL r D INITIATED PED-Nei hborhood Develop. ' -13-89 GREEN SHEET NO. 4 (��Q CONTACT PER�N A PHONE , INITIAU DATE IN A TE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNCIL Vi nce Hol schbach X3304 ' M�� CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE�1 COUNCIL A(�ENDl1 BY(DAT� ' TING BUDfiET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. EN 9/19/89 ' M,�►voRcoa�seisr�wn /� vEP.v��t:� q-�3- TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAGES � (C IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� ACTION REGUES'TED: Approval of a City Council Resollut on adopting Guidelines for a new Commercial Area Parking Program ' RECOMMENDA7IONS:/►ppravs(N a Rs�sct(R1 UNCIL RCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMM18810N _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSI0�1 A �Y8T PHONE NO. _pB COMMITTEE _ � MMENTS: _3TAFF _�„��,� X HRA Board su , wt+i Na�os.iecrne� ' �A�►YOR'S Of f ICE Ne��or�io�od� Development ': INITIATING PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When.W .W �: The provision of offstreet parki�ng 'n neighborhood commercial areas will meet commercial parking needs, alleviate neighbolrh d residential-commercial parking conflicts, remedy parking shortfall for grandfathelre commercial uses, resolve parking demand for proposed corranercial expansion, i'pnp ve aesthetics, signage and safety. ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: The parking program will addresi,s e problems and needs noted above. DISADVANTA(3E8 IF APPROVED: ' None Co ncil Research Center , SEP 2 01989 DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Problems of congestion will conti,'in as will conflicts, safety problems and loss of business in competition with sublur n locations. � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI�1 s IbST/f�VENUE BUDGETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO i FuwoiNa sour� � , �crrvmr NuMeeR 36802 � FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(DCPWN) ' � - � C��'-��- l��ilJSlK• ��Q REQEYELOPt�EAET � HORiTY OF THE CtTY QF SA1KT FA►U!, ��tdi�E80T1� _ � ItE�PORT TQ TNE COMM18310NERS DATE September 6, 1989 RESaaoiNe ESTABLISHMENT OF GUIDELINES FOR THE NEIGHBORH OD COMMERCIAL PARKING PROGRAM (PI T PHASE) BACKGROUND As part of the 1989 budget res lution, the Saint Paul City Council provided $600,000 from UDAG Revolving L an Fund to fund a Neighborhood Commercial Parking program. The City Cou cil instructed the Department of Planning and Economic Development to develo proposed guidelines for the program. In order to develop the guidel nes, PED circulated a questionnaire to District Councils and Neighbor ood Business Associations. Responses to the questionnaire have been incorp rated in the Neighborhood Commercial Parking Program. Today, PED is bringi g the program guidelines before the HRA Board for review and adoption with t e understanding the adopted guidelines be considered a pilot phase. Dur ng the next 12 months PED would implement the program and continue to solici public review and comment. At the end of 12 months these guidelines would e reviewed and necessary program amendments brought to the HRA Board for r view and action. Pro�ram Features The primary purpose of the pro osed program is to relieve existing parking problems within and around our neighborhood commercial areas. In order to achieve this, the program will provide matching grants and deferred loans to develop shared parking facilit'es in commercial areas outside of the downtown area. Grants and deferred loa s provided through the Program must be matched by private funds in a ratio of at least 1:1. The maximum grant and deferred loan available through the Program will be $200,000. Private match may take the form of special assessments, land donations, and/or private borrowing. Allowable costs for the development of lots, decks or ramps include: - acquisition - lighting - construction - landscaping - site preparation - other reasonable fees/costs - architectural and engineering design - relocation Eligible applicants include: - neighborhood business associations - a group of business owners - a commercial property owner - for-profit and not-for-profit developers Project Selection: A three stage selection process will be used: 1. Submission of a preapplication which includes a demonstration of need, design options, evidence of neighborhood support and site control. 2. Submission of a final application includes design elements, operation plan and facility financing as well as district council review and business association input. 3. A Neighborhood Commercial Parking Committee established within PED will review and approve each project within this program. In order to qualify for the Program, applicants must demonstrate a need for parking. All possible shared parking arrangements must also be exhausted. Two or more businesses must be served by the proposed facility. Applicable zoning and building codes mus be followed. The City reserves the right to require design elements and s urity considerations which go beyond the minimum site plan review stan rds. Staff Recommendations: Staff recommends approval of t e proposed program guidelines as a 12 month pilot phase during which PED 'll implement the Program and continue a public review of the Program. Staff urther recommends that at the end of 12 months, the program guidelines be eval ated, modifications identified and amendments brought to the HRA Board for r view and action. Submitted by: Vince Holschbach Jim Zdon VH/JZ:rab VHHRARPT.RAB . . �� ,y�- NEIGHBORHO CO�II�IERCIAL PARKING PROGRAM PILOT PHASE GIIIDELINES eptember 6, 1989 A. Program Purpose; Authori ation, Term 1. Purpose The purpose of the Neighborhood Commercial Parking Program is to develop shared off street parking facilities in neighborhood commercial areas w ich face severe parking shortages, and where potential shared p rking arrangements do not exist or are inadequate to meet the need. A further purpose f the Program is to create incentives for commercial strips o deal with such issues as: � o Allevi ting commercial area on-street parking conges ion. o Allevi ing neighborhood residential-commercial parkin conflicts. o Remedyi g "Parking short-falls" for grandfathered commerc al uses not currently meeting up-to-date parking requirements. o Resolvi g parking demands for proposed commercial expansi n or development and neighborhood commercial strips. o Improvi g parking lot aesthetics, signage and safety. o Assisti g small business to provide parking for their patrons 2. Authorization. Term The Program will be carried out pursuant to authorization contained in Minnes ta Statutes, Section 459.14. These guidelines are intended to be ffective only for the pilot phase of this program. At the en of one year these guidelines will be reviewed and amended as nece sary. 1 B. Program Funding Program funds will be provided in the following ways: 1. Publically Owned Facilities City funds will be provided for up to one-half the total capital cost of approved City owned parking projects, up to a maximum of $200,000. 2. Privately Owned Facilities Deferred low interest loans will be provided for up to one half of the total capital cost of approved privately owned parking pro�ects up to a maximum of $200,000. Loans may be made at no interest if the need to do so is established in the application process. These loans will be due on sale or if the property is no longer to be used as a shared parking facility. 3. Leased Facilities Leasehold improvements will be partially funded through this program when the City leases land for parking from a private owner. 4. Other options consistent with Minnesota Statutes Sec. 459.14 may also be implemented. 5. Required Match At a minimum program dollars must be matched by private dollars in a 1:1 ratio. Higher private levels may be negotiated depending upon the specific characteristics or needs of the project. Funds matching City grants or loans will be required from one or more of the following sources: a) Private Match Sources Private sources such as cash and land contributions, construction material donations, construction loans and assessments can be used as a match for citywide parking program funds. For instance, the value of private land (as determined by the county tax assessor) donated for the parking pro3ect could be counted toward the match. b) Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) This program was suthorized and funded by the State of Minnesota (Chapter 386, Laws of Minnesota for 1987) , and provides for the revitalization of distressed neighborhoods in Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Only certain census tracts meet the eligibility criteria established for URAP activities, as shown on the attached map (Attachment A) . 2 URAP funds m y fulfill up to one-half of the total match requirement i.e. , one-quarter of the total pro�ect cost) , and private unds must make up the remainder of the match. c) S ecial A se sments Minnesota St tutes, Section 459.14, subd. 7 suthorizes special asse sments against benefited property owners for the purpose f financing parking facilities. For this pro ram, special assessments will be used only in areas where ma�ority of benefited property owners agree (by petition) to be assessed for the project. The exact amo nt to be paid through assessments will depend on the extent of benefit to assessed properties and on the amount of ot r funds available to match the city allocation for the proje t and total pro�ect costs. 3. Allowable Costs Neighborhood Parkin Program and matching dollars may be used for any of the followin costs in developing parking lots, decks or ramps. --acquisition, --construction, --site preparation, --architectural and engineering design, --relocation, --lighting, --landscaping, and/ r --reasonable fees a sociated with any of the above costs. 4. Unallowable Costs Neighborhood Parkin Program dollars may not be used for operations and main enance of the facility, or operations and maintenance-related fees. C. Eligible Applicants and A eas 1. Applicants The following perso or groups are eligible to apply for this program: --neighborhood busi ss association, --group of business wners, --commercial propert owner, --group of commercia property owners, --for-profit develop r, or --non-profit develop r. 2. Areas Pro�ects must be sit d in neighborhood commercial areas (areas zoned OS-1, P-1, B-1 B-2, B-3' or B2-C) . 3 Projects sited in the central business district or the central business fringe area (areas zoned B-4 or B-5) , in industrial areas (I-1, I-2, or I-3) , or in residential areas (R-1 to R-4, RT-1, RT-2, or RM-1 to RM-3) will not be eligible for this program. D. Pro�ect Requirements 1. Tar¢gt Area and Demonstration of Need Proposed pro�ects must designate a specific target area which includes all the properties to be served by the proposed facility. The neighborhood commercial area under consideration must demonstrate a need for the facility by meeting both the following requirements: a) The current supply of off-street parking spaces falls short of the current demand for businesses in the target area, as determined by the parking requirements in the city zoning code. b) All possibilities for shared parking arrangements (such as use of a nearby church or institutional parking lot for weekday parking demand) have been explored and cannot fill the gap. 2. Shared Parking Facilities built through this program must serve the parking needs of two or more businesses. 3. City Zoning and Building Codes The proposed pro�ect must meet all applicable zoning and building code requirements, and must go through the city's site plan review process. New vs. Existing Commercial Uses This program is intended to relieve parking problems of existing businesses rather than to subsidize off-street parking required for new commercial developments. The parking needs of new commercial developments may be included in a proposal; however, at least 51� of the proposed spaces must meet the needs of existing commercial uses. 5. Redevelopment of Existin� Parking Lots The city will consider proposals to finance the resurfacing or reconstruction of existing parking lots, if the lots in question will make new spaces available to target area businesses. Special attention should be paid to the potential to combine existing private lots and make existing lots available for community use. 6. Desien The design of the proposed facility must be compatible with surrounding neighborhood uses. The city reserves the right to require design elements which go beyond the minimum site plan review standards, including the use of a common logo to identify these parking facilities throughout the city. 4 Applicants are enc raged to include fees for a design consultant in their project b gets. 7. Security Plan The pro�ect propos must include a statement describing all measures to be take to ensure the security of the proposed facility. For an open lot, th s statement should include, but not be limited to, plans for light ng so that all spaces may be observed from the adjoining public st eets, alleys, or walkways. For an enclosed lot this statement should include, but not be limited to, plans f r lighting, a television monitoring system, and/or uniformed se urity personnel to patrol the parking. Security plans must conform to Chapter 417 of the Saint Paul Legislature Code. 8. Facility Ownership Parking facilities eveloped under this program may be publicly or privately owned. P ivate lots or land may also be leased through the program to prov de community parking. Leases must be of a sufficient length t capture the benefit of public investment for community use. If he lease term is shorter than the useful life of the improvements the private owner will be required to repay a pro-rata portion of the public investment. 9. On- oin 0 erati ns and Maintenance Plan The operations and aintenance of the parking facility will be the financial responsib lity of the involved building owners/developers. The pro�ect proposal must include a plan delineating arrange ents for operations and maintenance of the parking facility. addition, one year of operating costs will be prepaid and will ecome part of the total capitalization of the project, but will b allocated to the applicant's portion of the project capitalizat' n. The benefited prope y owners will be financially responsible for ongoing operation a maintenance of the facility. If the facility will be pub icly owned, the facility will be leased to the applicant, who 11 then be responsible for making arrangements for fac'lity management. If desired, the city will work with all projec applicants to arrange for common management of all parking faci ities financed under this program. E. Roles 1. Applicant Role _ The applicant must b prepared to: a) submit pre-app ication and formal application to PED; b) designate a si e for the proposed new parking facility; 5 c) gain the formal support of other affected neighborhood and commercial groups--District Council, business association, etc. ; d) gain a sizable ma�ority of support of all property owners in the benefited area. e) be accountable for ongoing operations and maintenance of the facility. PED Role PED staff will: a) disseminate program information to neighborhood business associations, district councils, local development corporations and any other individual, group or organization that may be interested in applying for financing through the program; b) provide assistance with conducting a study to determine the need for off-street parking facilities (as required in item D.1 above) ; c) provide assistance with finding a design consultant for each pro�ect as needed, and conduct a review of the proposed facility design; d) provide general technical assistance in the development of the preliminary and final applications. F. Application Process 1. Pre-Agplication Before being considered for the parking program, the applicant must complete a pre-application which will include: a) An assassment of need for an off-street parking facility. The application must show the existing off-street and on-street supply and the existing and pro�ected demand for parking. The pre-application also must document all attempts to remedy the parking deficit through shared parking agreements. The city will review the applicant's analysis of parking need and if necessary, conduct a more detailed analysis to confirm the need estimates. If the need for additional off-street parking spaces is confirmed, the city will support development of a full proposal. b) Designation of Preferred and Alternative Sites for the Facility. The applicant must describe possible sites for the proposed facility, and designate the preferred site. c) Evidence of neighborhood, business association and property owner support for the facility. The applicant must display written evidence of support for the proposed facility at the preferred site. 6 d) Evidence of site control for the final proposed site. 2. Final Application Once the need for a facility is determined, the applicant will work with city st ff to complete a final application. Included in the application w 11 be descriptions of: a) Size and ty e of facility needed (this will be based on the findings fr m the needs assessment) . b) Estimated c st of the facility. c) Anticipated revenues for the facility (either user fees or developer/p operty owner contributions or both) . d) Estimated f nancing gap--proposed amount needed for city subsidy. e) Arrangement for on-going operation and maintenance of the facility. f) Formal lett rs of support for the pro�ect from neighborhood groups, bus ness associations and from surrounding property owners. 3. Pro'ect Review an A roval Each project will be referred to the appropriate District Council for their review nd approval. In addition, input will be solicited from th appropriate neighborhood business associations. Once a final appl cation is submitted and the contents are completed to the atisfaction of City staff, City staff will negotiate a contr ct between the applicant and PED. A Neighborhood Comm rcial Parking Program Committee will be established withi PED and will have sole discretion in interpreting the rogram policies and guidelines and in determining how w 11 individual projects meet them. This committee will ha e the authority to approve or disapprove projects submitte through these guidelines. If a special asse sment district is to be created, it will be brought before th City Council as per Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes. 4. Application Fee A fee of $100 wil be charged at the time a pre-application is submitted. An ad itional administration fee of 1$ of the total project cost will e due at closing. 7 •...•..•..•...�.•.•...........•!..•.•.•..... • ..•..........s.........+...•.•.•.......•...�.�s•....�... N . 0 � ° ( . � ' � � r— - - � O � �� -- I � f-- r. — 0 !'! � ^ N ...r—: •N C e�'f � O :a�+ � i ��.r. 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