89-1733 - CITV CLERK .Kc - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA LT L Council 4 BLUERV - MAVORTMENT File NO. V � /��� Cou il Resolution `� �_ � / a Presented B '��� _` Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application ID #45891) for a Parking Lot (A) License (to 25 cars) by C rl S. and Mary Kaye Pedro DBA Carl & Mary Kaye Pedro 242 E. 8th Street, be and the same is hereby approVed. .:� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond �og [ Favor r6eswil� Rettman 0 B Scheibel gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson SEP � J W Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • Certified Pas e ounc.il , ret By �'//' sy t#pprove b 1(lavor. � a �_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council .S-�`� � _.. .a\�-- fn--- B gy _ Y � ��m� 0 C T 7 1989 . • • r � �I + /��/� � DEPARTM[NTIOFFIICEJCOUNpI OA INITIATED Finance/l.icense GREEN SHEET No. 5040 INITIAL/DATE INITIAL/DATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE �PARTMENT DIIiECTOR CITV COUNpI Chri sti ne Rozek � [�]cm�rroaNev �CITY(�ERK MUBT BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY(OAT� �BUOOET aRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. 9-26-89 ❑�voR�oR�s�r�wn m.�nunc.i 1 TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 (CLI ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATURE� ACTION REGUESTED: Approval for an applicati n or a Parking Lot (A) License (to 25 cars) Notification Date: 9-8-89 Hearin Date: 9-26-89 RECO�AMENDATIONB:A�ow(AI o►�(A) CO REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _pVIL 8ERVI�COMMIS81pN � PF�JE NO. _pB OOMMITI'EE _ _BTAFF _ COM ENTS: _DISTAICf OOURT _ SUPPORTS NMICM COUNGL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINU PROBL�1�ISBUE.OPPORTUNITY(1NIw�Whst.WNen.Whero, Carl S. and Mary Kaye Ped o e uest City Council approval of their application for a Parking Lo �A) License (to 25 cars) at 242 E. 8th Street. All fees and applications ha been submitted. All required divisions - Zoning, Police and Licens h e given their approval . ADVMITAQE8 IF APPROVED: � RECEIVED � SEP 131989 � � � �c��� c���:��, DISADVANTA(iE81F APPROVED: DI8ADV/WTAQE3 IF NOT APPROVED: ���"��� F�es�urch Center SE�' 12 i�89 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE BI�iETED(C�I.E ONEj YE8 NO FUNDM�Ki SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � _ • y � , , �, ��� . . . . • � . . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAItABLE IN THE PURCHAS1NCi OFFI�E(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Bsbw are preferred routings for the flve moat frequent typea of documaMs: CONTRACTS (assurt�es authorfzed COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend� Bdgts./ budgst exista) Accept. Granta) 1. Outsids Agency 1. DepeRm�►t Directa 2. Initiating D�partment 2. Budget DUector 3. City Attomsy 3. Gly Attorr»y 4. Mayor 4. NI�yoNA�taM 5. Flnance d�Mpmt Svcs. DUector 5. CUy Councfl 6. Finanoe/kxounNng 8. Chkt Ac�couMeM, Fln d�Mp�M btires. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (�8��, OOUNqL RESOLUTION (��)�N� 1. Activfty Man�ger 1. Inkiatinp Dspeubrwnt DlrecEor 2. DsputmsM Accountant , 2• �Y AttOf^�Y 3. D�eRmsnt Director 3. MayoNAesistaM 4. Bud�et Dirsctor 4. City Council S. Gty Clsrk 6. Chief AcxouMent, Fin b Mgmt Stirca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all othsn) 1. Initiating DepartmeM 2. Gty Attorney . 9. Mayor/Aseiatant a. cny ae� TOTAL NUMBER OF 31(iNATURE PAC;ES Indicate the#�of pagea on which signatur�s ars roquired and paperclip sach of theee� ACTION REGIUE3TED Dacribe what the proJect/requ�t sNks to acoanplish in eithsr chronolopi- cal wdsr or ordsr of importance,whichswr is moet approprists for the iawe. Do not write complete sente�ss. Bepin ach item in your Ilet with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete H the issue in qus�tion hes bs�n pr�ntsd b�ars any body, publ� . a prlvate. 8UPPORTS WHICH COtJNdL OBJECTIVE? Ir�icete which Coundl obl�(s)Y��P��'s9��PP�$bY listinp the key wo�s)(HOUSINO, RECREATION, NEIOHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE UST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) CQUNGL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 RE�IJESTED BY OOUNCIL INITIATINC3 PROBLEM, 133UE,OPPORTUNITY Expiain the situatbn or conditions that c►seted a need for�our project or request. ADVANTAC3ES IF APPROVED Indicate whether thfs ia simply an annwl budpN procedure required by law/ charter or whether thero are sp�ctHc wa in which ths Gty of SeiM Peul and its citizons wfll bensfit from this pro�tlaction. DISADVANTAtiES IF APPROYED What nsgative eflects or maJor chanpes to axistiny or pest procxsaes might this project/request produce ff it is psssed(s.g.,traffic delays, noiae, tax increases or essesamenb)?To Whom?When4 For ha�r long? DISADVANTAl3ES IF NOT APPROVED What will be tM negative oonsequenc�s if the promised action is not approved? Inability to dNiwr senr�e�ConUnued high traffic, noise, _ accident rate?Loas of rovenue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Althou�h you must teibr the infamation you provide hsre to the issue you are addressing, in gsnsrel you must answer two questions: How much ia it �oin�to cost?Who is goinp to payt . � c�' Sq— � � 33 UiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�:RMIT AD INISTRATION DATE � O�S D� / ? O�.� o / INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIS Appn Proc ssed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicaut � `f �V � � Home Address � a L �cu� Rus ine s s Iv'ame Home Phone ���'j -' �� 0� Business Address a�O� � � � Type of Lic.ense(s) '"�U � K�h� �-oT � Business Phone �e� -��O � P�`J C Public Hearing Date o�p� License I.D. 4� l'� � � � at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chamb �rs, � �� �a 3rd floor City Hall and Courthous State Tax I.D. �I a � llate Notice Sent; p p� Dealer 4� 1l���' to Applicant /"-��6 Federal Fi.rearms �6 � �' Public Hearing -� DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VEKFI D (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A rove Not A roved � Bldg I & D (�f� I r ' g � �"� ic- Health Divn. j � �� � � � � Fire Dept. I I � �i ; � R f � Police Dept. se�n'� �'Zg � x � �1 �tC. � License Divn. ' Q S �' � �� City Attorney � Q �i ' o � Date Receiv d: Site Plan �j Z� D-i S To Council P.esearch tZ � ! Lease or Letter .��r 1!nS� � ZU Date from Landlord u��� 0 �� o��rLe.v�e n� . . ' � G�' 8��- 173.3 City of Saint Paul Department f Finance and Management Services �5,� / Li ense and Permit Division 203 City Halt St. Paui, Minnesota 55102-29&5056 APP ICATION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. New Renew L� � �- � 0 � Date �"� ---- tg�� Code No. ; Title of License c7� From �—��19�To 7�� 19 �c�, 5� I �.(,00 r�..y +' � ► h� Q G� �,��1 C: '?N%'�.!�1� �C`"t' — �' L,�.�J� /�(L�••J� APPlfcanUCompany Na 100 --� � � �": �� �' I Y%1N(LI �.E��rc '`r�'G" 100 Buelness Name i� � �� -�, � Business Address G:� Phone No. 100 _._ i� � f 1�rr��.,� !I�� .�jfr�l /�� ���h<�� u.J / .;�( ' � 100 Maii to Addres �\�� �-�-.�,� Phone No. 100 �l��.11�' �5! ��, ManaperlOwner•Name 100 100 Afanager/Gwner-Home Address Pho�e No. 4098 Application Fee 2 5p Received the Sum of C 100 (�i Ii- �=Jf1G�"��1 '-�{�TIr'�L�-r21/�� �`����� �� (. � ManagerlOwner•City.State d Zip Code 100 Total 100 � . t�� P 7/Zg �P LiCense In5p8CtOl By. f Applicant Bond: ►� Company Name Poiicy No. Expiration Date Insurance: � Company Name Poliey No. Expiration Date - Minnesota State Identification No. r �� Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plate Number Other: THIS I A RECEIPT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your applica on for license will either be granted or reJected subject to She provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion of the inspections by the eaith, Fire, Zo�ing andlor License Inspectors. $15.00. CH G6 FOR ALL RETURNED CHEC,KS c�o��m�r' � .. �,rj,a rr,� �CG�� �'� �;'�v,�, �� �-�"� �.�-l.I r,.�,� ,�c�.?►��� � ��"`�rK r+���.�t;.,� � • , . � �g-173..3 C TY OF SAINT PAUL License Div sion, Room 203 City Hall St. P ul , Minnesota 55102 APPLICATION FOR PARKING LOT/RAMP LI ENSE NAME OF LICENSEE C�-�-� $ �NA ��-� /���E /�EARo TELEPHONE �z-c1-�5�'9 Name of corporati /partnership, sole owner TRADE NAME OF LOT/RAMP � � � ADDRESS OF LOT/RAMP TO BE LICENSED No. z-`�� Street C- `c� � S , NAME OF APPLICANT a�� �� o DATE OF BIRTH__'��`7` 51 ADDRESS OF APPLICANT a'/.27 SP�'� � PLA<< Zip �S ��� HOME PHONE yL9��Sv9 NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES � � LIST ALL� PARTNERS/OFFICERS OF THE ORPORATION, GIVING THEIR NAMES, TITLES, RESIDENCE AODRESSES, AND DATES OF BIRTH: Name Title Residence Address Date of Birth L-t�L ...5'. (�6��o o�7 S��'v c c �L- .� S 7 /'1'l�(��/ /�C/�Y� /�/��G �/�27 SP�'uc� P�- .2 0 � ' nature of Applicant