99-1164-A,,r�,a ��, — � �. �� ( ��
Referred To
Council File # �,q, —\( G �
Green Sheet # 1 D 4 �► 9
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, major improvements in public transit planned and anticipated far the region will undoubtedly have a
2 significant impact on the future development of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested that the Planuing Commission "analyze LRT and other transit
alternatives in the Central Corridor, and evaluate specific issues related to construcrion impacts, design with respect
to traffic and parking, redevelopment impacts and design aesthetics" and "obtain community input on LRT in the
Central Corridor with respect to the aforementioned issues, evaluate the previous positions of the City on LRT
development, and consider making specific recommendations on LRT development in Saint Paul;" and
.. : ' - �r• � � . .--. - . -. -� . --.. .� -
' -.: � .. • .. .. - - - .. - � -
1 . - . .- � - -
11 WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission only found that significant changes due to improved technology made
12 University Avenue an option for light rail transit, reported those findings with conclusions and recommendations in
13 a report entitled Light Rail Transit on University Avenue: A Review of the Potential; and
14 WHEREAS, the Raznsey County Regional Rail Authority will be undertaking amajor study ofthe Central Corridor
15 beginning next year that will include consideration of potential alignments; and
16 WHEREAS,developmentpolicyadoptedbythisCouncilintheSaintPaulComprehensivePlanestablishesapriarity
17 for the Central Corridor Options linking the two downtowns for major new transit; and
18 WHEREAS, it is important to continue to review alternative alignments carefuJly and continue to clarify our
19 intentions concerning potential light rail development in order to participate appropriately in regional decisions.
20 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report entitled Light Rail Transit on University Avenue:
21 A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999; and
or. l�.r�;v �cs:�- Av ev�v.e.'
22 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ci ouncil requests that PED continue to participate as appropriate on
23 behalf of the City in the study of light rail
24 ' ,
25 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority�
26 include consideration of���m�ents in their study of the central corridor, and onl�
�a."vc.�s �� Av �n�.�
27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council thanks the Planning Commission and the citizens and
28 arganizations who participated in the study.
�� -�t�y
Requested by Departrnent oE
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adoption Certifled by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: "
Approved b fayt�: Date �� 1�?��
By: �� � l'� v�/��
AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �� , � \qq�
�`t —��c,y
Ic.L. . ,•. a:
No 104491
[- : F- � '� �
F � , ❑ 'UIYI1TiO11IEY
RIYYJI1LtFR111CFY0R. ❑ Ii11111GLiER11/I{CR6
MYOItI���lllf) ❑
Accepting the report entitled "Light Rail Transit on University Avenue: A Review of the
Potential" and requesting the Department of Planning & Economic Development to continue to
participate on behalf of the City in the study of light rail alignments underway by Ramsey
County and include consideration of all light rail transit options in the Central Corridor,
and requesting that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority include consideration of
potential alignments in their study of the Central Corridor.
Has tnis a�rm ever warked under a cantract f« this deparlmem?
Hes Mfe pereoMrm aver heen e city empbyce7
Doec Mis peisoMm� P� a sldN ro[ normallYO� bY anY curreM city emWoyee?
Is tlus peieonnrfirm e taryMed vendoR
Brian Sweeney, Director
,�+, l y.9
,i� .��
R0. -���y
Norm Ca(eman, Mayor
2i West Four7h Street
Saint Pau[, � 55102
Telephone: 651 d 66-6655
Facsimile: 657-2283314
City Council Member Jerry Blakey
Tom Harren
A1 Lovejoy
Joel Spoonheim
23. November 1999
Planning Commission LRT Study
.� .._ . 'r�rai
� R4A
.. . �
This memo is to clarify the scope of the Planning Commission's recent study on LRT. The
decision not to include a significant discussion regazding alignments on I-94 and the Great
Northern Corridor was the result of narrowing the scope of the study. While the study
concentrated on University Avenue, this was done with the understanding that LRT remains
feasible in the I-94 and Great Northern corridors. The Commission found that technology and
other changes in recent years could now allow LRT to work well on University Avenue and that
it could have significant potential economic development impact.
On November 10, 1999 you were presented the Planning Commission's recently completed
study Light Rail Transit on Universiry Avenue: A Review of the Potential. This study was
requested by the City Council to aid in your decision and recommendations to the Metropolitan
Council and State Legislature as they debate the future of LRT in the east metro.
We reviewed the earlier studies of LRT and consulted experts from around the nation regarding
the three key alignments. Based on this research we reported to the Commission that building
LRT on I-94 and in the Great Northem Corridor remains feasible as was concluded in eazlier
studies. Furthermore, there is no reason to expect that the conclusions of the 1994 analysis of
economic development potential for an I-94 alignment have changed.
We were advised to research the impact that new technologies and better understanding of transit
related development could have for University Avenue. As the Planning Commission report
states, new technologies address some of the issues that created major problems for building
LRT on University Avenue. Parking and four lanes of traffic can now be retained for most the
Avenue. Stations are less obtrusive and fit into the built environment. Noise of trains is minimal
due to new rail technology. Construction times are shorter than in eazlier years, thus disrupting
��l —��c�y
commerce less.
Additionally, the consultants indicated that the economic development impacts of LRT would
likely be greatest on an urban street corridor such as University. This issue was not well
understood or documented in earlier studies.
With this information, the Planning Commission determined that their study should focus on
University Avenue where new information could impact previous decisions. The study
presented to you explains the impact of new technology and information for University Avenue
and concludes that this alignment is feasible.
H.\SharetnSpoonhe��I.RTwuncd ll _I9_99.wpd
FILE No.441 11i19 '99 AM 10�47 ID�MIDWAY CHAMBER rHX�b51 b4b C�ar rHUc
�� —l\c�y
Based on these key findings and the political climate that appears ready to embraca a
University Avenue alignment, the Task Force recommends that the Midway Chember of
Commarce endorse the fol(owing policy statement:
University Avenue is the preferred route for LRT. University Avenue ie the epine
connccting two major downtown areas; the University of 2vTinnesota; more than 50,000
workers in St. Paut's Midway alone; and one of the most densely populated residemiai
communities in the rogion. In addition, University Avetrua enjoys the highest trensit
ridership in the region, and has a right-of-way that can essily accommodate LRT. Finally,
University Avenue is home to a regional shopping area and an increasing number of high
density office uses. Locating LRT en busy and important commarcial straets allows for
the greatest positive economic devatopn,ant impact and sarves tha greatast transit need.
2. 'Che impact of constructing the line on austing University Avenue businesses must be
carefuUy and aggressively managed. All businesses must be consulted early in the planning
and construction process to discover special needs. The City must prepare a small
business suppoR plan to assist existing businesses that are especially vulnerabte to the
disruption caused by the LRT constn. ,.��6.. We strongly urge that new LRT technologies
(LRT light) be carefully considered so as to minimize the impact of construction on
existing businesses. Access to exisGng businesses must be preservad during and aftar
construction and on-straet and/or off-street parking must be available for txisting
businesses during and afier construction. Design of left turn options must also be carefuliy
considered to protact the interest of existing businesses.
University Avenue LRT sfiouid includa a$50 million dadicated economic development
fund for University Avenue that focuses ^� moderate density office and housing
development; retains light industrial m aufacturing businesses adjacent to the Avenue;
supports existing regional shopping �ses; and protects the burgeoning Asian businesa
community on the east and of the Avenue.
4. The design of LRT on University Avenue should make the street more pedestrian-fiiendty
and enhance the streetscape through Iandscaping, street furniture, etc. to add to tha
aesthetics of the area.
S. LRT must be part of a lerger inveetment and re-design of the public transit system secving
the Central Corridor. Bus service on University Avenue must be re-designed to retain
high quality (ocal servica and bus scrvice on north/south streets must be expanderl end
b. The next regional priority for LAT investment shou]d be University Avenue. This
corridor hes the strongest potential ridership and the presents the greatest aconomic
development benefits.
__ ---_ --- __ _ _ _
� Nancy Anderson Council Fiie 99 1164 � �� � � _. _ �_. __ __ __ _,. _ _ ,_ __ _ . Page,1
Nancy Anderson
12/7/99 2:15PM
Council File 99-1164
�q_ rl�y
C.F. 99-1164 (LRT) was inadvertently left off of the Council Agenda for tomorrow, December 8. This
resolution was brought in under suspension on November 24 by Councilmember Blakey and laid over to
December 8, as a discussion item.
Therefore, I am notifying you of this additional item on tomorrow's agenda. Copies of the resolution will be
distributed and delivered to your offices this afternoon.
CC: Byrne, Phil; Lovejoy, Allen
Council File # gg���
Referred To
Green Sheet # � � ►-� 1� q
Committee Date
i WHEREAS, maj or improvements in public transit planned and anticipated for the region will un oubtedly have a
2 significant impact on the future development of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods; and
3 Wf�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested that the Planning Commission "anal e LRT and other transit
4 altematives in the Central Corridor, and evaluate specific issues related to construction' pacts, design with respect
5 to traffic and parking, redevelopment impacts and design aesthetics" and "obtain c unity input on LRT in the
6 Central Corridor with respect to the aforementioned issues, evaluate the previo s positions of the City on LRT
7 development, and consider making specific recommendations on LRT develo ent in Saint Paul;" and
11 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission only found that signific t changes due to improved technology made
� University Avenue an option for light rail transit, reported those dings with conclusions and recommendations in
report entitled Light Rail Transz� an Jniversity Avenue: A view of the Potential; and
14 WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority 'll be undertaking a major study ofthe Central Corridor
15 beginning next year that will include consideration of tential alignments; and
16 WHEREAS, development policy adopted by this Co cil in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan establishes a priority
17 for the Central Corridor Options linking the two,downtowns for major new transit; and
18 WHEREAS, it is important to ccc�u..ue to Yeview altemative alignments cazefully and continue to clazify our
19 intentions concerning potential lig�it rail development in order to participate appropriately in regional decisions.
20 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report entitled Light Rail ' ' " Avenue:
21 A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999• and • ��� ��
r UMfbCN'St
23 behalf of the Ciry in the studg. of light raii
continue to participate as appropriate on
2� � RTH r ,�a e City Council requests that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Autho�
26 include considera�n o ' in their srixdy of the central corridor, and ���
4ttyfXS1� �VCUlU.
� E IT FURTHE , t the City Council thanks the Planning Commission and the citizens and
rganizations who participated in the study.
� �
Requested by Department of.
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Form Approved by Ciry Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date
-A,,r�,a ��, — � �. �� ( ��
Referred To
Council File # �,q, —\( G �
Green Sheet # 1 D 4 �► 9
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, major improvements in public transit planned and anticipated far the region will undoubtedly have a
2 significant impact on the future development of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested that the Planuing Commission "analyze LRT and other transit
alternatives in the Central Corridor, and evaluate specific issues related to construcrion impacts, design with respect
to traffic and parking, redevelopment impacts and design aesthetics" and "obtain community input on LRT in the
Central Corridor with respect to the aforementioned issues, evaluate the previous positions of the City on LRT
development, and consider making specific recommendations on LRT development in Saint Paul;" and
.. : ' - �r• � � . .--. - . -. -� . --.. .� -
' -.: � .. • .. .. - - - .. - � -
1 . - . .- � - -
11 WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission only found that significant changes due to improved technology made
12 University Avenue an option for light rail transit, reported those findings with conclusions and recommendations in
13 a report entitled Light Rail Transit on University Avenue: A Review of the Potential; and
14 WHEREAS, the Raznsey County Regional Rail Authority will be undertaking amajor study ofthe Central Corridor
15 beginning next year that will include consideration of potential alignments; and
16 WHEREAS,developmentpolicyadoptedbythisCouncilintheSaintPaulComprehensivePlanestablishesapriarity
17 for the Central Corridor Options linking the two downtowns for major new transit; and
18 WHEREAS, it is important to continue to review alternative alignments carefuJly and continue to clarify our
19 intentions concerning potential light rail development in order to participate appropriately in regional decisions.
20 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report entitled Light Rail Transit on University Avenue:
21 A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999; and
or. l�.r�;v �cs:�- Av ev�v.e.'
22 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ci ouncil requests that PED continue to participate as appropriate on
23 behalf of the City in the study of light rail
24 ' ,
25 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority�
26 include consideration of���m�ents in their study of the central corridor, and onl�
�a."vc.�s �� Av �n�.�
27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council thanks the Planning Commission and the citizens and
28 arganizations who participated in the study.
�� -�t�y
Requested by Departrnent oE
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adoption Certifled by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: "
Approved b fayt�: Date �� 1�?��
By: �� � l'� v�/��
AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �� , � \qq�
�`t —��c,y
Ic.L. . ,•. a:
No 104491
[- : F- � '� �
F � , ❑ 'UIYI1TiO11IEY
RIYYJI1LtFR111CFY0R. ❑ Ii11111GLiER11/I{CR6
MYOItI���lllf) ❑
Accepting the report entitled "Light Rail Transit on University Avenue: A Review of the
Potential" and requesting the Department of Planning & Economic Development to continue to
participate on behalf of the City in the study of light rail alignments underway by Ramsey
County and include consideration of all light rail transit options in the Central Corridor,
and requesting that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority include consideration of
potential alignments in their study of the Central Corridor.
Has tnis a�rm ever warked under a cantract f« this deparlmem?
Hes Mfe pereoMrm aver heen e city empbyce7
Doec Mis peisoMm� P� a sldN ro[ normallYO� bY anY curreM city emWoyee?
Is tlus peieonnrfirm e taryMed vendoR
Brian Sweeney, Director
,�+, l y.9
,i� .��
R0. -���y
Norm Ca(eman, Mayor
2i West Four7h Street
Saint Pau[, � 55102
Telephone: 651 d 66-6655
Facsimile: 657-2283314
City Council Member Jerry Blakey
Tom Harren
A1 Lovejoy
Joel Spoonheim
23. November 1999
Planning Commission LRT Study
.� .._ . 'r�rai
� R4A
.. . �
This memo is to clarify the scope of the Planning Commission's recent study on LRT. The
decision not to include a significant discussion regazding alignments on I-94 and the Great
Northern Corridor was the result of narrowing the scope of the study. While the study
concentrated on University Avenue, this was done with the understanding that LRT remains
feasible in the I-94 and Great Northern corridors. The Commission found that technology and
other changes in recent years could now allow LRT to work well on University Avenue and that
it could have significant potential economic development impact.
On November 10, 1999 you were presented the Planning Commission's recently completed
study Light Rail Transit on Universiry Avenue: A Review of the Potential. This study was
requested by the City Council to aid in your decision and recommendations to the Metropolitan
Council and State Legislature as they debate the future of LRT in the east metro.
We reviewed the earlier studies of LRT and consulted experts from around the nation regarding
the three key alignments. Based on this research we reported to the Commission that building
LRT on I-94 and in the Great Northem Corridor remains feasible as was concluded in eazlier
studies. Furthermore, there is no reason to expect that the conclusions of the 1994 analysis of
economic development potential for an I-94 alignment have changed.
We were advised to research the impact that new technologies and better understanding of transit
related development could have for University Avenue. As the Planning Commission report
states, new technologies address some of the issues that created major problems for building
LRT on University Avenue. Parking and four lanes of traffic can now be retained for most the
Avenue. Stations are less obtrusive and fit into the built environment. Noise of trains is minimal
due to new rail technology. Construction times are shorter than in eazlier years, thus disrupting
��l —��c�y
commerce less.
Additionally, the consultants indicated that the economic development impacts of LRT would
likely be greatest on an urban street corridor such as University. This issue was not well
understood or documented in earlier studies.
With this information, the Planning Commission determined that their study should focus on
University Avenue where new information could impact previous decisions. The study
presented to you explains the impact of new technology and information for University Avenue
and concludes that this alignment is feasible.
H.\SharetnSpoonhe��I.RTwuncd ll _I9_99.wpd
FILE No.441 11i19 '99 AM 10�47 ID�MIDWAY CHAMBER rHX�b51 b4b C�ar rHUc
�� —l\c�y
Based on these key findings and the political climate that appears ready to embraca a
University Avenue alignment, the Task Force recommends that the Midway Chember of
Commarce endorse the fol(owing policy statement:
University Avenue is the preferred route for LRT. University Avenue ie the epine
connccting two major downtown areas; the University of 2vTinnesota; more than 50,000
workers in St. Paut's Midway alone; and one of the most densely populated residemiai
communities in the rogion. In addition, University Avetrua enjoys the highest trensit
ridership in the region, and has a right-of-way that can essily accommodate LRT. Finally,
University Avenue is home to a regional shopping area and an increasing number of high
density office uses. Locating LRT en busy and important commarcial straets allows for
the greatest positive economic devatopn,ant impact and sarves tha greatast transit need.
2. 'Che impact of constructing the line on austing University Avenue businesses must be
carefuUy and aggressively managed. All businesses must be consulted early in the planning
and construction process to discover special needs. The City must prepare a small
business suppoR plan to assist existing businesses that are especially vulnerabte to the
disruption caused by the LRT constn. ,.��6.. We strongly urge that new LRT technologies
(LRT light) be carefully considered so as to minimize the impact of construction on
existing businesses. Access to exisGng businesses must be preservad during and aftar
construction and on-straet and/or off-street parking must be available for txisting
businesses during and afier construction. Design of left turn options must also be carefuliy
considered to protact the interest of existing businesses.
University Avenue LRT sfiouid includa a$50 million dadicated economic development
fund for University Avenue that focuses ^� moderate density office and housing
development; retains light industrial m aufacturing businesses adjacent to the Avenue;
supports existing regional shopping �ses; and protects the burgeoning Asian businesa
community on the east and of the Avenue.
4. The design of LRT on University Avenue should make the street more pedestrian-fiiendty
and enhance the streetscape through Iandscaping, street furniture, etc. to add to tha
aesthetics of the area.
S. LRT must be part of a lerger inveetment and re-design of the public transit system secving
the Central Corridor. Bus service on University Avenue must be re-designed to retain
high quality (ocal servica and bus scrvice on north/south streets must be expanderl end
b. The next regional priority for LAT investment shou]d be University Avenue. This
corridor hes the strongest potential ridership and the presents the greatest aconomic
development benefits.
__ ---_ --- __ _ _ _
� Nancy Anderson Council Fiie 99 1164 � �� � � _. _ �_. __ __ __ _,. _ _ ,_ __ _ . Page,1
Nancy Anderson
12/7/99 2:15PM
Council File 99-1164
�q_ rl�y
C.F. 99-1164 (LRT) was inadvertently left off of the Council Agenda for tomorrow, December 8. This
resolution was brought in under suspension on November 24 by Councilmember Blakey and laid over to
December 8, as a discussion item.
Therefore, I am notifying you of this additional item on tomorrow's agenda. Copies of the resolution will be
distributed and delivered to your offices this afternoon.
CC: Byrne, Phil; Lovejoy, Allen
Council File # gg���
Referred To
Green Sheet # � � ►-� 1� q
Committee Date
i WHEREAS, maj or improvements in public transit planned and anticipated for the region will un oubtedly have a
2 significant impact on the future development of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods; and
3 Wf�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested that the Planning Commission "anal e LRT and other transit
4 altematives in the Central Corridor, and evaluate specific issues related to construction' pacts, design with respect
5 to traffic and parking, redevelopment impacts and design aesthetics" and "obtain c unity input on LRT in the
6 Central Corridor with respect to the aforementioned issues, evaluate the previo s positions of the City on LRT
7 development, and consider making specific recommendations on LRT develo ent in Saint Paul;" and
11 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission only found that signific t changes due to improved technology made
� University Avenue an option for light rail transit, reported those dings with conclusions and recommendations in
report entitled Light Rail Transz� an Jniversity Avenue: A view of the Potential; and
14 WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority 'll be undertaking a major study ofthe Central Corridor
15 beginning next year that will include consideration of tential alignments; and
16 WHEREAS, development policy adopted by this Co cil in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan establishes a priority
17 for the Central Corridor Options linking the two,downtowns for major new transit; and
18 WHEREAS, it is important to ccc�u..ue to Yeview altemative alignments cazefully and continue to clazify our
19 intentions concerning potential lig�it rail development in order to participate appropriately in regional decisions.
20 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report entitled Light Rail ' ' " Avenue:
21 A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999• and • ��� ��
r UMfbCN'St
23 behalf of the Ciry in the studg. of light raii
continue to participate as appropriate on
2� � RTH r ,�a e City Council requests that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Autho�
26 include considera�n o ' in their srixdy of the central corridor, and ���
4ttyfXS1� �VCUlU.
� E IT FURTHE , t the City Council thanks the Planning Commission and the citizens and
rganizations who participated in the study.
� �
Requested by Department of.
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Form Approved by Ciry Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date
-A,,r�,a ��, — � �. �� ( ��
Referred To
Council File # �,q, —\( G �
Green Sheet # 1 D 4 �► 9
Committee Date
1 WHEREAS, major improvements in public transit planned and anticipated far the region will undoubtedly have a
2 significant impact on the future development of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested that the Planuing Commission "analyze LRT and other transit
alternatives in the Central Corridor, and evaluate specific issues related to construcrion impacts, design with respect
to traffic and parking, redevelopment impacts and design aesthetics" and "obtain community input on LRT in the
Central Corridor with respect to the aforementioned issues, evaluate the previous positions of the City on LRT
development, and consider making specific recommendations on LRT development in Saint Paul;" and
.. : ' - �r• � � . .--. - . -. -� . --.. .� -
' -.: � .. • .. .. - - - .. - � -
1 . - . .- � - -
11 WIIEREAS, the Planning Commission only found that significant changes due to improved technology made
12 University Avenue an option for light rail transit, reported those findings with conclusions and recommendations in
13 a report entitled Light Rail Transit on University Avenue: A Review of the Potential; and
14 WHEREAS, the Raznsey County Regional Rail Authority will be undertaking amajor study ofthe Central Corridor
15 beginning next year that will include consideration of potential alignments; and
16 WHEREAS,developmentpolicyadoptedbythisCouncilintheSaintPaulComprehensivePlanestablishesapriarity
17 for the Central Corridor Options linking the two downtowns for major new transit; and
18 WHEREAS, it is important to continue to review alternative alignments carefuJly and continue to clarify our
19 intentions concerning potential light rail development in order to participate appropriately in regional decisions.
20 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report entitled Light Rail Transit on University Avenue:
21 A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999; and
or. l�.r�;v �cs:�- Av ev�v.e.'
22 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ci ouncil requests that PED continue to participate as appropriate on
23 behalf of the City in the study of light rail
24 ' ,
25 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council requests that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority�
26 include consideration of���m�ents in their study of the central corridor, and onl�
�a."vc.�s �� Av �n�.�
27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council thanks the Planning Commission and the citizens and
28 arganizations who participated in the study.
�� -�t�y
Requested by Departrnent oE
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adoption Certifled by Council Secretary Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By: "
Approved b fayt�: Date �� 1�?��
By: �� � l'� v�/��
AdoptedbyCouncil: Date �� , � \qq�
�`t —��c,y
Ic.L. . ,•. a:
No 104491
[- : F- � '� �
F � , ❑ 'UIYI1TiO11IEY
RIYYJI1LtFR111CFY0R. ❑ Ii11111GLiER11/I{CR6
MYOItI���lllf) ❑
Accepting the report entitled "Light Rail Transit on University Avenue: A Review of the
Potential" and requesting the Department of Planning & Economic Development to continue to
participate on behalf of the City in the study of light rail alignments underway by Ramsey
County and include consideration of all light rail transit options in the Central Corridor,
and requesting that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority include consideration of
potential alignments in their study of the Central Corridor.
Has tnis a�rm ever warked under a cantract f« this deparlmem?
Hes Mfe pereoMrm aver heen e city empbyce7
Doec Mis peisoMm� P� a sldN ro[ normallYO� bY anY curreM city emWoyee?
Is tlus peieonnrfirm e taryMed vendoR
Brian Sweeney, Director
,�+, l y.9
,i� .��
R0. -���y
Norm Ca(eman, Mayor
2i West Four7h Street
Saint Pau[, � 55102
Telephone: 651 d 66-6655
Facsimile: 657-2283314
City Council Member Jerry Blakey
Tom Harren
A1 Lovejoy
Joel Spoonheim
23. November 1999
Planning Commission LRT Study
.� .._ . 'r�rai
� R4A
.. . �
This memo is to clarify the scope of the Planning Commission's recent study on LRT. The
decision not to include a significant discussion regazding alignments on I-94 and the Great
Northern Corridor was the result of narrowing the scope of the study. While the study
concentrated on University Avenue, this was done with the understanding that LRT remains
feasible in the I-94 and Great Northern corridors. The Commission found that technology and
other changes in recent years could now allow LRT to work well on University Avenue and that
it could have significant potential economic development impact.
On November 10, 1999 you were presented the Planning Commission's recently completed
study Light Rail Transit on Universiry Avenue: A Review of the Potential. This study was
requested by the City Council to aid in your decision and recommendations to the Metropolitan
Council and State Legislature as they debate the future of LRT in the east metro.
We reviewed the earlier studies of LRT and consulted experts from around the nation regarding
the three key alignments. Based on this research we reported to the Commission that building
LRT on I-94 and in the Great Northem Corridor remains feasible as was concluded in eazlier
studies. Furthermore, there is no reason to expect that the conclusions of the 1994 analysis of
economic development potential for an I-94 alignment have changed.
We were advised to research the impact that new technologies and better understanding of transit
related development could have for University Avenue. As the Planning Commission report
states, new technologies address some of the issues that created major problems for building
LRT on University Avenue. Parking and four lanes of traffic can now be retained for most the
Avenue. Stations are less obtrusive and fit into the built environment. Noise of trains is minimal
due to new rail technology. Construction times are shorter than in eazlier years, thus disrupting
��l —��c�y
commerce less.
Additionally, the consultants indicated that the economic development impacts of LRT would
likely be greatest on an urban street corridor such as University. This issue was not well
understood or documented in earlier studies.
With this information, the Planning Commission determined that their study should focus on
University Avenue where new information could impact previous decisions. The study
presented to you explains the impact of new technology and information for University Avenue
and concludes that this alignment is feasible.
H.\SharetnSpoonhe��I.RTwuncd ll _I9_99.wpd
FILE No.441 11i19 '99 AM 10�47 ID�MIDWAY CHAMBER rHX�b51 b4b C�ar rHUc
�� —l\c�y
Based on these key findings and the political climate that appears ready to embraca a
University Avenue alignment, the Task Force recommends that the Midway Chember of
Commarce endorse the fol(owing policy statement:
University Avenue is the preferred route for LRT. University Avenue ie the epine
connccting two major downtown areas; the University of 2vTinnesota; more than 50,000
workers in St. Paut's Midway alone; and one of the most densely populated residemiai
communities in the rogion. In addition, University Avetrua enjoys the highest trensit
ridership in the region, and has a right-of-way that can essily accommodate LRT. Finally,
University Avenue is home to a regional shopping area and an increasing number of high
density office uses. Locating LRT en busy and important commarcial straets allows for
the greatest positive economic devatopn,ant impact and sarves tha greatast transit need.
2. 'Che impact of constructing the line on austing University Avenue businesses must be
carefuUy and aggressively managed. All businesses must be consulted early in the planning
and construction process to discover special needs. The City must prepare a small
business suppoR plan to assist existing businesses that are especially vulnerabte to the
disruption caused by the LRT constn. ,.��6.. We strongly urge that new LRT technologies
(LRT light) be carefully considered so as to minimize the impact of construction on
existing businesses. Access to exisGng businesses must be preservad during and aftar
construction and on-straet and/or off-street parking must be available for txisting
businesses during and afier construction. Design of left turn options must also be carefuliy
considered to protact the interest of existing businesses.
University Avenue LRT sfiouid includa a$50 million dadicated economic development
fund for University Avenue that focuses ^� moderate density office and housing
development; retains light industrial m aufacturing businesses adjacent to the Avenue;
supports existing regional shopping �ses; and protects the burgeoning Asian businesa
community on the east and of the Avenue.
4. The design of LRT on University Avenue should make the street more pedestrian-fiiendty
and enhance the streetscape through Iandscaping, street furniture, etc. to add to tha
aesthetics of the area.
S. LRT must be part of a lerger inveetment and re-design of the public transit system secving
the Central Corridor. Bus service on University Avenue must be re-designed to retain
high quality (ocal servica and bus scrvice on north/south streets must be expanderl end
b. The next regional priority for LAT investment shou]d be University Avenue. This
corridor hes the strongest potential ridership and the presents the greatest aconomic
development benefits.
__ ---_ --- __ _ _ _
� Nancy Anderson Council Fiie 99 1164 � �� � � _. _ �_. __ __ __ _,. _ _ ,_ __ _ . Page,1
Nancy Anderson
12/7/99 2:15PM
Council File 99-1164
�q_ rl�y
C.F. 99-1164 (LRT) was inadvertently left off of the Council Agenda for tomorrow, December 8. This
resolution was brought in under suspension on November 24 by Councilmember Blakey and laid over to
December 8, as a discussion item.
Therefore, I am notifying you of this additional item on tomorrow's agenda. Copies of the resolution will be
distributed and delivered to your offices this afternoon.
CC: Byrne, Phil; Lovejoy, Allen
Council File # gg���
Referred To
Green Sheet # � � ►-� 1� q
Committee Date
i WHEREAS, maj or improvements in public transit planned and anticipated for the region will un oubtedly have a
2 significant impact on the future development of Saint Paul and its neighborhoods; and
3 Wf�REAS, the Saint Paul City Council requested that the Planning Commission "anal e LRT and other transit
4 altematives in the Central Corridor, and evaluate specific issues related to construction' pacts, design with respect
5 to traffic and parking, redevelopment impacts and design aesthetics" and "obtain c unity input on LRT in the
6 Central Corridor with respect to the aforementioned issues, evaluate the previo s positions of the City on LRT
7 development, and consider making specific recommendations on LRT develo ent in Saint Paul;" and
11 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission only found that signific t changes due to improved technology made
� University Avenue an option for light rail transit, reported those dings with conclusions and recommendations in
report entitled Light Rail Transz� an Jniversity Avenue: A view of the Potential; and
14 WHEREAS, the Ramsey County Regional Rail Authority 'll be undertaking a major study ofthe Central Corridor
15 beginning next year that will include consideration of tential alignments; and
16 WHEREAS, development policy adopted by this Co cil in the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan establishes a priority
17 for the Central Corridor Options linking the two,downtowns for major new transit; and
18 WHEREAS, it is important to ccc�u..ue to Yeview altemative alignments cazefully and continue to clazify our
19 intentions concerning potential lig�it rail development in order to participate appropriately in regional decisions.
20 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council accepts the report entitled Light Rail ' ' " Avenue:
21 A Review of the Potential dated November, 1999• and • ��� ��
r UMfbCN'St
23 behalf of the Ciry in the studg. of light raii
continue to participate as appropriate on
2� � RTH r ,�a e City Council requests that the Ramsey County Regional Rail Autho�
26 include considera�n o ' in their srixdy of the central corridor, and ���
4ttyfXS1� �VCUlU.
� E IT FURTHE , t the City Council thanks the Planning Commission and the citizens and
rganizations who participated in the study.
� �
Requested by Department of.
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
Form Approved by Ciry Attorney
Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adopted by Council: Date