89-1717 �.. WNITE - CIyV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I'T �F SA I NT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• -� , ,� , . C ncil Resolution ;,� r 3 � ./�,� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the United States enate Labor and Human Resources Committee recently approved the "National and Co unity Service Act of 1989'; and WHEREAS, this act provides $ 0 million in funding to encourage community service by our young people through sc ols, non-profit youth organizations, and state and local youth service corps and includes provisions for cash stipends, educational assistance and vouchers to help pay for college xpenses or purchase a first home; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul recognizes the value of voluntary service, whether youth or adult, as an important ol in helping communities identify and meet the needs of those who require assistance; d WHEREAS, hands-on voluntary xperience builds self-esteem, encourages positive use of free time, broadens the educa ional experience, develops leadership skills and community pride, provides servic to those in need, and establishes a positive set of values that are carried through a ulthood; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor an Council of the City of Saint Paul in recognition of the value of voluntary youth service ereby declares its support for the National and Community Service Act, encoura es the Minnesota delegation to Congress and the United States Senate to give full i-partisan support for this bill and encourages the President to implement this effo to its fullest potential; and be it further RESOLVED, that the City Cler forward a copy of this resolution to Minnesota Senators David Durenberger and Rudy Boschwitz, Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy and the Minnesota Congressiona delegation. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor .se�. Reaman Q Scheibel A ai n s t gY Sonnen ' Wilson �P 2 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•s Council cre BY By A►pprove b A+lavor: Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By eug��s�n o c r t989 . C�' �J-/7�7 DEPARTMENT/OFFlCE/OOUNpL QATE ITIATED ; GREEN SHEET No. 5�2 6 6 CONTACT P SON d PFIONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY CaINqL tiVi 11 ia.m Wi 1 son M � �cmr�rroa�Fr �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNpI/U�ENDA BY(DAT� �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.3ERVICEB DIR. 9-2 5-8 9 ❑�u►roA cora�►asisT�wT► ❑ TOTAL�Y OF SIQNATURE PAGES 1 (ICLI ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATURL� ACT�N REQUEBTED: Approval of a resoluta�on suppoxti,n the National �nd Cpmmun�ty Sexvice Act o� 1989. RECOMMENDAnONS:Appovs W«Rysct(Fg COU CIL REPORT OPTIONAL gT PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMISSION _GVIL 8ERVICE C�MM18810N _qB COMMIITEE — OOM ENl'S: _STAFF — _W8'TRICT OOURT — SUPPORTS WHlpl OOUNpL 08JECTIVE? INITIATINCi PR�LEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When.Where,l Why) The National and Com�uni,ty Sexv. ce Act pf 1989 i,s cuxxently bei,ng cons�,dexed in the United States Sena,te. Ad pta,an of this resol,ution su�poxts th�,s act and calls for notifying the Minneso a delegation of th�s support. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: �/► V Possible adoption of the act as nationa� �al�,cy. 1g1� S� C�ERK c��y DISADVANTAOES IF APPRONED: None. Councii Research Center, SEP 14 �989 DISADVANTA(�ES IF NOT APPROVED: City fails to take a leadexsh" stand on th�,s issue. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION t ���' C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN)