89-1716 WHITE -• CITV GLERK COUflCII PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L 9 CANARY - OEPARTMENT File NO• ` _/�jG BLUE - MAYOR Return �opy to: �o nc 'l Resolution - �::y--�, Real Estate Division - Rm. 218 (RM) (6th) / Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul , by resolution C .F. 88-1704 a proved October 28, 1g88, vacated land described as follows : PARCEL N0 . 1 THAT PART OF WEST SIXTH TREET, lying outside of a 162 .00 foot radius circle . The cente of the said circle is the intersection of a line 96 .00 feet sout westerly of and parallel with the southwesterly line and it southeasterly extension of Block 2 , ST. PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N . 1 , and a line 57. 57 feet southeasterly of and para lel with the southeasterly line and its northeasterly extenaion o Block 3 , ST . PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N0. 1 ; and lying northerly o a line that is 35 . 00 feet northerly of and parallel with the fo lowing described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of aid ST . PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N0 . 1 ; thence northerly along t e most westerly line of said ST. PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N0 . 1 , a istance of 286 .04 feet ; thence deflecting to the right 25 degrees 55 minutes 37 seconds , a distance of 193 .98 feet , to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence eas erly on a tangential curve to the left , having a radius of 763 .g feet , a central angle of 31 degrees 32 minutes 30 seconds , and n arc length of 420. 55 feet, to the intersection with the so theasterly line of the ST . PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N0. 1 and there said line terminates. Said intersection being 51 .46 feet northeasterly of the southeasterly corner of said ST . PAUL COMPANIES PLAT N0. 1 . Also lying southeasterly of the fo lowing described line : Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 5, Block 5, said Addition; thence southwesterly along the northwesterly line of said Block 5 , a distance of 34 . 63 feet o an angle point on the northwesterly line of said Block 5; t ence continuing southwesterly along the northwesterly line of s id Block 5 , a distance of 308. 56 feet ; thence deflecting to th left 138 degrees 08 minutes 37 seconds , a distance of 161. 58 fe t; thence deflecting to the left 5 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Fln �& Ma.nage � ' �� [ Favor - co�;� � �;1 Rettman B r Scheibel gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson � Form Appro d 't ttorr� Adopted by Council: Date / t. I"L � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, Approved by Mavor. Date _ Appr v Ma or or Su6ta�ssion to Council By \ � _ . .� . � . � CF �l/7/� degrees 42 minutes 38 sec nds , a distance of 60 • 30 feet ; thence deflecting to the right 5 degreea 42 minutes 38 seconds , a distance of 124 • 28 feet m re or less to the southeasterly line of said Block 5 and to the p int of beginning of the line to be described ; thence continu ng easterly on the previous described course 141. 17 feet more o less to the intersection with the southeasterly line of sai S^1 . PAUL COMPANIES PL�T N0 . 1 , and there said line terminate . Said intersection point being 379•75 feet southwesterly of the most easterly corner of said ST . PAUL COI�IPANIES PLAT N0 . 1 . PARCEL N0 . 2 ALL THAT PART OF MAYALL LLEY, in Block 5 , ST. PAUL COri7PA1VIES PLAT N0 . 1 , which lies between the northwesterly line of West Seventh P-lace and the so theasterly line of West Seventh Street . PARCEL N0 . 3 ALL THAT PART OF WEST SE EY`iH PLACE which lies southwesterly of the east line and its no therly extension of Block 2 , Rice and Irvine ' s Addition to Sai t Paul, and which lies northeasterly of the following described ine : Commencing at the northwest corner of Lot 5 , Block 5 , S'1'. P UL CONiPANTES PLAT N0. 1 ; thence southwesterly along the orthwesterly line of said Block 5 , a distance of 34 . 63 feet t an angle point on the northwesterly line of said Block 5 ; th nce continuing southwesterly along the northwesterly line of sa d Block 5 , a distance of 103 . 14 feet ; thence on a tangential c rve to the left , concaved to the northeast , having a radi s of 35 •00 feet , a central angle of 138 degrees 08 minutes 37 se onds , for an arc length of 84 • 39 feet ; thence easterly, tangent to the last described curve 265 • 27 feet more or less to the nort westerly line of West Seventh Place and to the point of beginnin of the line to be deacribed; thence easterly to a point on t e south line of said Block 2 , Rice and Irvine ' s Addition to Sai t Paul, said point being 94. 00 feet west of the intersection of t e southeasterly line of West Seventh Place and the south line of said Block 2; thence easterly along the south line of said B ock 2 to the intersection with the southeasterly line of We t Seventh Place and there said line terminates . PARCEL N0 . 4 AIR RIGHTS FO SKYWAY OVER WEST SIXTH STREET The West 27 feet of the East 82 . 08 feet of that part of West Sixth Street as dedicat d with the plat of RICE AND IRVINE ' S ADDITIOIV TO S'r . PAUL , R msey County, Minnesota lying west of the C q � 12�� 2 . . �� � . � ��' �'9-���6 west right-of-way line of Washington Street as dedicated with said RICE AND IRVINE ' S AD ITION TO ST. PAUL and its extensions ; the bottom plane of the v rtical space contained within said deacription shall be elev tion 805 . 62 feet (based on National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1 29 Adjustment ) and the top plane of the vertical space of said de cription shall be elevation 834• 29 feet. WH�REAS , Condition N . 6 of this resolution states that the effective date of the vac tion of Parcel No. 1 as described shall not take place until Dece ber 1, lg8g ; and , WHEREAS , this date o vacation was requested by the Nlinnesota Department of Transportat ' on for the purpose of keeping Parcel No. 1 open as public righ -of-way until such time certain necessary work was comple ed on I-35E through downtown Saint Paul ; and WHEREAS , the Minnesota Department of Transportation has now released this restrictio on Parcel No . 6; and, WHEREAS , the Petiti ner has requested that condition no . 6 of that resolution be am nded as it pertains to the effective date of the vacation of est Sizth Street (Parcel No. 1 ) in that the effective date shoul be amended from December 1, 1g89 to the effective date of this a endment resolution. THEREFORE BE IT RES LVED, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby amends condi ion no . 6 of resolution C.F. 88-1704 to read as follows : That the petitioner, its successors , and assigns , shall pay all costs and expenses for t e removal of the improved streets within the vacated area , includ ng but not limited to costs for removal of paving, traffic signa s , boulevards , curbs , gutters , sidewalks , street lighti g , parking meters , street signs and all other improvements as de med necessary and approved by the Department of Public Wor s . This work with the exception of West Sizth Street described a Parcel No. 1 above, shall be completed within sixty (60) days o the publication date of the resolution. C � 1L2�� 3 WHITE - C�TV GLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY F SA I NT PA U L Council (/��� CANARV- DEPARTMEN7 7_� 7��_ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Return copy to: Coun il Resolution Real Estate Division Rm. 218 (RM) (6th) Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Unlike the other etreets n this vacation, the effective date of the vacation of said West Sigth Street (Parcel No. 1 ) shall be the effective date of thi amendment resolution. The petitioner, its successors , and assig s , shall remove the street improvementa as indicated above from s id Parcel No. 1 within sigty (60) days of this amendment. BE IT FURTHER RESOLV D, that in all other respects , resolution C .F. 88-1704 s all remain in full force and effect. (6th) COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��s In avor <-7 6eew+ra- �6;�j � Ag inst BY � Di ector Sonnen Wiison �P � Form Approve b Attorn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pa s Council re By �, (1 �( By t�pprov 14a 2 � �89 Approved by Ma r for u miss'on to Council : _ , - . ; B �' �— � �' , PUB�t�l�0 0 C T 1989 . � � �' p�+i 7/�G DEPARTLAENT/OFFlCFJOOUNpI I TE Finance/Real Estate Division y GREEN SHEET NO. 3i� CONTACT PERSON 8 PMONE � Dick McCann 298-5317 ��"�A°'�aRE� Finance ❑pTM��� � � �CRY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DA7� NO �BUDOET dAECTOR �FlN.�MOT.SERVICES DIR. Q MAYOR(OR A8818TANT) � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGES (CLI ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATUR� �r+�cuesreo: Approve resolution am nding the vacation of West Sixth Street, West Seventh Place'y a d Mayall alley for the St.,Pa�1., Cpmpanies. ,�:_..,,_. . .._.. REOOMMENDATIONS:Approvs W a Rej�ct���ED dl COMMITTEE/REBEARCFI REPORT OPTIONAL . r�; `, P�'� _PLANNINO COAAMISSION SERVICE COMMISBION � - I q8 OOIiMiAITTEE A rt� ooM errrs: �. ,- _sTAFF �Zr Q , � .._ �1;= � ,_. ..l,ir:.i�i`. . _����� _ p� '�+ � I ) .'f '.t.. �� �o�E�' � I����'1�� �_. 8UPPORTB WHICH COUNCIL OBJECf�AYOn S�r ,�� � �� `� � .. :n�I'��a� * � �. 3 _ INITIATINO PROBLEM�188UE�OPPOR7LNRY(Who.WhN.WMn.Nlhxe�',Why)_ The vacation was approved Octobe 28, 1988 except that the effective date for the Sixth Street portion was to December 1, 1989 'at the request of Minnesota Department of Transportation. M nesota DOT has now rescinded this restriction which will allow property to acc e to petitioner. ADVANTAf�EB IF APPROVED: Petitioner can now proceed wi�h eir new building construction project in this area. as�wv�wr�s��o: l�on ' Councol Research Center. S E F 13 i�89 DISADVANTAOE8IF NOT APPROVED: Unknown TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 0 COST/REYENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO N/A FuNOUrci Sout� N�A ACTIVITY NUMOER N/A �w►nc�►�ir�wu►7ioN:(ocPwM