89-1713 ���� �� / � - �'y- �� WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY F SAINT PALTL Council ��,,f3 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Cou c 'l Resolution J�' Presented By �.�� /� 3 � � �� Referred To Committee•: Date � Out of Committee By, Date WHEREAS, The `,City Cou cil recently approved by unanimous vote (C.F. 88�505) . an ame dment to the city charter which authorized Legislativ� Advis ry Committees (LACs) ; and WHEREAS, the char'�ter ow specifies (Section 3.01.8) that such Legislative Advisor� C mmittees must have a duration of no longer than one year, that- m mbers of such committees will serve without a per diem allowa ce, and that methods of removing members must be specified i the instrument which appoints them; but provides no furthe '�guidelines or procedures for establishment of such commit ee`�; and � WHEREAS, Legislative dvis ry Committees differ in some respects from committees wh ' h are appointed by the Mayor subject to Council approval , and herefo e cannot always follow the policies established in the Adminis•�rative Code, Chapter Ah14; and `^� �4 WHEREAS, there is a ne d for clear\`rand consistent policies and procedures to govern any Legislative �dvisory Committees may be formed; now, therefore, b it RESOLVED , that the C ' ty Council ad pts the following policies on Legislative Advi ory Committees: � ;� COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department+,of: Dimond Loa� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B �hQ1�� _ Ag inst Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY ��� �� !�� `�-�� '�� gy, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By 1 � - � . C�' S9-/�/3 DEP NTKjFFlCE/C�UNqL DA INYTI TED 5 3 2 9 Cit"' Council 9' �s s9 GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �OEPARTMENT DIRECTOH �GTY OOUNGL Karen $W2IISOII 5�87 F� ��ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNCAL AQENDA BY(DAT� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8813TANT) � TOTAL A►OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 ( P A L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REGUE8TED: i � Approval of policies for Legislative A visory Committees. RECOMMENDATION8:Apprare(/y a Rejsct(F� UN L COM REPORT OPTIONAL Y PNONE NO. _PLANNIN(3 OOMMI8SION _dVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _GB COAAMITTEE _ MM . _3TAFF — ' _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTB WHICH OOUNdL OBJECTiVE? INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Nmat,WMn,Whsre, Recent City Charter amendment perm�ts City Council to establish Legislative Advisory Committees. Before any LACs beginp t ere is a need to have uniform policies to govern LAC operations. ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: I First LAC can begin work. All LA�s ill operate in consistent, Council-approved manner. , as�ov�wr�aES iF��oveo: ; Council Research Center None. SEP 18 jg89 DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Unclear whether LACs would haveito follow rules for mayoral committees, some of which do not apply, or whether LACs would h ve no operating procedures. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = NA COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING 80URCE ACTIVIT1f NUMBER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� _ , � �. . . � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the flve most frequent rypes of documeMs: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budget Director 3. Ciry Attorney 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssistaM 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 8. Finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Depsrtment DirecWr 2. DepartmeM Axountant 2. City AttornEyr 3. Department Director 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Budget Director 4. Ciry Council 5. Ciry Gerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and reli each of these pages. ACTION RECIUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest aeeka to aa;omplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most appropriate for the isaue. Do not write complete seMences. Begin each item in your list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue fn question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUOGEI', SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMIITEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY OOUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget prxedure required by law/ charter or whether there are speciflc wa m which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens wfll benefit from this pro�ict/action. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, noiae, tax increases or asaessments)T To Whom?When? For how long? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inability to deliver serviceT Continued high traffic, noise, accidentrate? Loss M revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you muat answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who is going to pey? . . �4- �7�,3 POLICY CONCERNING LEGISLATIV ADVISORY COMMITTEES (LACs) 1. Le�qislative Advisory Co mittees shall be created by Council resolution. This reso ution shall define: a. The charge to the ommittee b. The committee's d ties, the expected work product and due`•date, and the life expectancy of the committee. The committee's te m shall not last for a period longer than o�e year from the first committee meeting. c. The number and ge eral qualifications or categories of members, and the m thod of removing members. 2. Members of each LAC shall be appointed by a Council resolution separate rom the resolution creating the committee. a. The Councilm emb r (s) who sponsored the resolution creating the LAC hall recommend LAC appointments to the full City Cou �il by resolution, with the advice of Council Investiga ion and Research Center. b. Availability of a poin,tments will be announced through an open appoint ents, process established by the Council . 3. Committee membership shall m�et the terms of the Council resolution creating th LAC and t,he following: a. LAC members shal be residents of Saint Paul whenever possible, unless he purpose of the committee requires skills or qualif ' cations not r�adily available from a city resident. b. Efforts will be ade to ensure tha� committees include representatives f om protected classes (race, religion, nationality, se , disability, age� , and geographic distribution acr ss the city. c. No person shall e appointed to serve. on two or more LACs at one time Whenever possible, no person shall serve on a LAC w o serves concurrently on another city board, committee or commission. 2 f U ��7`�/ ��- 17f3 4 . LAC membership shall be established and maintained by observing the following provisions : a. '�, Members who miss t ree LAC meetings without excuse may `. be dropped from th committee. b. Cquncilmembers ma fill vacancies by amendment to the appointments resol tion. c. The Council at it discretion may appoint alternates when appointing c mmittee members. If appointed, an alternate shall ttend committee meetings in the absence of the me ber, and shall fill the vacancy if the member is un ble or unwilling to com plete the appointment. 5. LAC meetings sha11 obs ve the following rules: a. All committee rn�e ings shall be open to the public. b. Except for com' ittees comprised wholly of city employees, meetin s should bP held in the evening when possible. c. Notices and agend s for each committee meeting shall be filed by committ e staff with the City Clerk no later than seven days b fore t'l�e meeting. An up-to=date list of committee me bers al�,o shall be kept on file with the City Clerk. d. Committee membe s shall re�eive no compensation for their service on he LAC, for attendance at meetings or for expenses. H wever, expense reimbursements may be approved if nece sary to permit low income persons to participate. 3 / v ,/�-�'� . . fo _�y-�9 WHITE - C�TV CLE�7K PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PAIT L Council /y CANARV - DEPARTMENT / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � � I / Coun il Resolution Presented By ` - � iv Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � \ �� . 6. LACs s�all receive st ff support from the City Council Investig�,tion and Resear h Center unless specified otherwise in the re�`lution creati g the committee. `� and, be it �� FURTHER RESOLVE�, that copy of these policies be given to any person appointed ��s a me ber or alternate to any Legislative Advisory Committee. \ j ♦ � \ � ` \ � � > `� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n F vor Goswitz Rettman B s�he;bei _ A gai s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY ���-�/�� ���� 1D"'/�'G�'�1T_ By� A►pproved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By --� BY WHITE = C�TV CLERK � C NARV - DE�R MENT GITY F SAINT PALTL Council � ' /� e�uE' - n..nroa File N�. �� / �/v r Coun il Resolution , � :3.3� Presented By - Referred � Committee: Date ��� o�/, /(l'�`� Out of Comm� tee By Date � .� \ � ,� `,\ � ` Whereas, the CiTy Council r�ently pproved by unanimous vote (C.F. 88-505) an amendment to the city charter�vluc authorized Legislative Advisory Committees (LACs); and ��. ., ,, Whereas, the charter now specifies S�ction 3.01.8) that such Legislative Advisory Committees must have a duration o n�longer than one year, that members of such committees will serve without a per dienmr.allowance, and that methods of removing members must be specified in the i trume�t which appoints them; but provides no further guidelines or procedures for establish�nent of such committees; and Whereas, Legislative Advisory Co 'ttees differ�i' some respects from committees which are appointed by the Mayor bject to Coun 1 approval, and therefore cannot always follow the policies establish in the Adminis ative Code, Chapter A-14; and Whereas, there is a need for clear d consistent policie d procedures to govern any Legislative Advisory Committees m y be formed; Now, the fore, be it Resolved, that the City Council ado ts the following policies on,jLegislative Advisory Committees: 1. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng Ifl 8 VO[ Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel _ A g n s t Y � (���C�/ — Sonnen � � Wilson ,Cl�fs /� Form Appro� �J Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By • gy, tapproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by By BY wNir� -= c�r ,cr.e�c �; , � ; .�' . � .:,�, ` . PINK i' ��f4., ��,��►s:� � C�QCII - . ����,����EN� � ' G I T Y O . S A I 11j T PA�T L ew�. '� ' Fite NQ , ,5. �� �. , -, ,, , , �-- ��� . � - • , . .: z _ ,' , . , ,�.. . , �, Cou �1��`ion - = -�_ .. • r . �. . . . _ , � :� . , � Pcesented R}► . r Referred T �` � -Committee: Date �-�:.-s���'�f'�--- Out of Committee By`' o D�ate �' � '�� � K '•� '�\ ` + � ' ��� ,. . _ � : , , y r „ . . � -: , , `, _ . r .t . , : - , , . �v;__ � �� , �� . _ _. ;s. _ .. ,.'`i : � . . ... ! . . .. Whereas, the City Council r�en a rowed by �€nanimous vote (C.F. 88-505) an � a�endment to the city cbarter`��v 'ch authorized L.�;;�iislaxfve Advisory Comrnittees . � (I-�4Gs�� and �.� - � �� �;,. ' y fi ��,. --. � ... - . � - . _ ��, - , . . . � -,, . .. . Whereas, �he charter aow spe�ifi ctitin�01.8) that�i�ch i,.egi�lative Advisory - Cci�n�ittees must ha�e a duratio of n'�loager than one�iear, that members of sueh committees will s�erve v�i�t�rout a r 'e� a�owauce, an�t Yha,t methods of removing� , ; � ,_. members must be specified in th ' trum �which appoints tbem; bu� provides no � . further-guidelines or proced�res r stab ' e�t of such committees; and ' " Whereas, Legislative Advisory , �ttees diffe . som��espECts from committees v ' �` which ar;�.appointed.by the Ntay r'_s bject to Co ' aPProval, and theref�e c�ot� f „� ; _.always��llow the p�#cies estab ' e in the Adn�uis ative �ode, Chapter-�-�4; and . °_ `� `. , _ , _ f , •. � , Whereas, tb.ere is a need for d ; �stent �olici and procedures to govern �i:.y >. ,,,. Legislative Advisory Committees m �e or�eti; Novv,. re, be it .,� . . , . . „. Resol�ed, that the City Council t�e follovir�ing p�licies o4� Leg�slative Advisory`. ��. " ' �, � Committ�es: �, � :::;� , , ._ . - $. , t , . . . . - ,; . ,- L ... . _ <� � �' _ ' COUNCII. MEMBERS < - �` Y� N� Requested by Department of: - Dimond . - Lo� n . vor _ Goswitz lZetfinen scn�n�t ��a� St By sonnen . � Wilson k�,_ Fsxm Appraw�td by City�Attoraey ' - . �. `�':Adopted by Council: Date ,`> _ . Cerlified Passed by Council Secretary BY� � ° , By �`� , .: ,� Approvea by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , By By �n: —,�'M ��a. _ � WlII7E .3.(�'7�1( CLERK • ` . . .�:. � . -. .< � . � CIANA�T�DEP,.a . NT�: � �.��� ' G I TY !� O ..SA I NT P.AUL � Council _, � y e��E . �.,�oR File NO. � � �" � �_ �����; Cou� ��esolution Presented By ,� �> � II � ' Referred T�-�' ' f' �^� � Committee: Date ��,�-� ��� % '� ;J ' Out of Committee By ' � Date _ i - �, Whereas, the City Council recentl� a roved by unanimous vote (C.F. 88-505) an amendment to the city charter wh�ch authorized Legislative Advisory Committees (LACs); and � , Whereas, the charter now specifies ( ection 3.01.8) that such Legislative Advisory Committees must have a duratio of o longer than one yeax, that members of su���� committees will serve without a p�er 'em allowance, and that methods of removing members must be spec�ed in th� ment wluch appoints them; but provides no � further guidelines or procedures �r stablishment of such committees; and Wher�as, Legislative Advisory Col 'ttees differ in some respects from committees which are appointed by the Mayo� s ject-to Council approval, and therefore cannot always follow the policies establishe in the Administrative Code, Chapter A-14; and Whereas, there is a need for clea� d consistent policies and procedures to govern any Legislative Advisory Committees bma be formed; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Council adop the following policies on Legislative Advisory � Committees: 1. h I COUNCIL MEMBERS I Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ; Dimond ��S �� F VOi Goswitz � . Retiman ��;�� A�ai st BY sonnen �Vilson Form Approved by City Attorney . Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary ' By By '; � � A►pproved by �lavor: Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � � ti � � � By By I � a 4 e � WH1���-_ � ERK f► _'t . . � . � . ..� . -' � . ���"�`-�`� p.:� N*'�� � � G I T Y O S A I N T PA U L Councii �; � � f �f�. BLUE �. +er,n�'�o� � - . _ File NO. - - -. , . �� �� : Cou� ���esolution s ,� � : Presented By `�� }r r ' ���' .�-r'� ---- - Referred To�- "�1 -�' � ' I" '` ' Committee: Date r r , ,�,�r.- � j l Out of Committee By ' Date , � ,. �� Whereas, the City Council recentl a roved by unanimous vote (C.F. 88-505) an amendment to the city charter w ch uthorized Legislative Advisory Comm�ttees ���)� �d !� Whereas, the charter now specifie� ( ction 3.01.8) that such Legislative Advisory Committees must have a durarion of o longer than one year, that members of such committees wiil serve without a r em allowance, and that methods of removing members must be specified in the ins ment which appQints them; but provides no further guidelines or procedures f�r e tablishment of such committees; and � Whereas, Legislative Advisory Co tees differ in some respects from committees which are appointed by the Mayo�± su ject to Council approval, and therefore cannot always follow the policies establisl�ed the Administrative Code, Chapter A-14; and Whereas, there is a need for cleari an consistent policies and procedures to govern any � Legislative Advisory Committees �a.y be formed; Now, therefore, be it I - Resolved, that the City Council ad p the following policies on Legislative Advisory. Committees: � � A . I 1. ', : +� . . ' COUNCIL MEMBERS � _ Yeas Nays i Requested by Department of: Dimond Lo� � � [n;Fa or � cosw;tz Retbnan i B ��,-� Ag�in t Y Sonnen f Wilson ` Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' ` Certi�fied Passed by Council Secretary BY BS . A►pproved by Ylavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submissio� to Council By P BY � . � - � 59-- � 7�3 POLICY CONCERIVING LEGIS TIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEES (LACs) 1. Legislative Advisory Co 'ttees shall be created by Council resolution. This resolution sh de�ne: a. The charge to th committee The committee's uties, the expected work product and due date, and the lif eupectancy of the committee. The committee's te shall not last for a period longer than one year from the fir t committee meeting. c. 'I'l�e number an general qualifications or categories of me bers, and t method of removing members. 2. Members of e h LAC shall be appointed by a Council resolution separate from t ' reso tion creating the coxnmittee. a. The Council ber(s) who sponsored the resolution creating the `` shall recommend LAC appointments to the full City Counc' b�+ resolution, with the advice of Council Investigation a R°e�search Center. .� � b. Availability of ppointm`'e`nts will be announced through the Early Notificati n System'a�s soon as the Council resolution creating the C is adoptec��,,� 3. Committee members p sha11 meet the` erms of the Council resolution creating th LAC and the foll 'ng: � a. LAC members shall be residents of S'' t Paul whenever possible, unles the purpose of the com�i'ttee requires skills or qualificatio not readily available frori`�a city resident. �, �. b. Efforts will be made to ensure that committees include representative from protected classes (race, religion, nationality, se , disability, age), and geographic distribution across the ci 2. . � � 89- i�i 3 c. No person sha11 appointed to serve on two or more LACs at one time. Whe ever possible, no person shall serve on a LAC who serves oncunently on another city board, committee or co 'ssion. �4. LAC membership shall e established and maintained by observing the following provisions: Members who s three LAC meetings without excuse may be dropped from the committee. b. uncilmembers may fill vacancies by amendment to the ap intments res lution. c. The Co cil at i s discretion may appoint alternates when appoint�ngtico 'ttee members. If appointed, an alternate sha11 attend 'ttee meetings in the absence of the member, and s 11 fill the vacancy if the member is unable or unwilling to c lete the appointment. 5. LAC meetings shall ob erve`t�e following rules: a. All conunittee eetings sh 1 be open to the public. b. Except for co 'ttees compri d wholly of city employees, meetings should be held in the e�ening when possible. c. Notices and age das for each committee meeting shall be filed by commit ee staff with the City �lerk no later than seven days befo e the meeting. An up-to-date list of committee me ers also shall be kept on file with the City Clerk. d. Committee me bers shall receive no compensation for their service on the C, for attendance at meetings or for eupenses. How er, expense reimbursements may be approved if nec ssary to permit low income persons to participate. 6. LACs shall receive st support from the City Council Investigation and Research Center nless specified otherwise in the resolution creating the comxnitte . 3. WHITE - CITV CLERK CAN�A'RV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL CO�lI1C11 — BLUE -.MAyOR • FIIe NO•-�� ` �/�� Coun�i �Zesolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date and be it Further resolved, that a copy of thes policies be given to any person appointed as a member or altemate to any I.egislati e Advisory Committee. 4. � .�. �� , ,,� � � �, � \ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [ Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy� Approved by Mavor: Date _ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY „F, �, �!�' . .:�.,,�--"t..�, .s . ��. _ � . �:°' _ �' `° . "�'64''��; s>�,: :. +� . . � ',�'��... . . ,: � � .CtERK . � � � .,�. ,. . ;. .y ; ` i , . � �'�' �E r COlU1C11 ¢,� r , a�rMEN�r c.� ��CiIT- ,� ��'�'Y'- �AITL �,/r � :..v -� � .�. . Fite N0.1L1'� �=..r--- �. � �� �o ���es��ci�i�� . ,� . .� : .. :.k � . . � - . � Presented By . . ,,� , Referred To Committe�: Date _ Oat of Committee By - Date -,� . . ,; r -, and be it .� � �rther resarlved, t�i�t a � o th se " • �, cx� p�s�e��e given to any pers,�o� appoiatec� as a ' ` member.or alternate;�i aa� Le .sl tive �`Cc�mm�ttee. - _ � , -, . , . : .. >, :: : . . . . . .. .4� . , . . .. � �... - � � . . . .. . . . .: . . ... . --� . �.:r .. .� . � -.. . . . ... .. �..�. �.� . � .._.... � . � � . ... . . f+� � _. W, � � �. � �� _� �. . . . a. ' � . .: � . r� _=''^�'._ ” � - . ... . . . . Yz _ ` i,y;f - ��. 4. h : -, . M'.. ^ . . . .`.� . . . ..., . . . .. . . . - . ". ' . . . ��. . ',"' J . .- _ _ _� . . ..�. . e , � . . � . � .... . . .� . . �. . .. . . � 1 - .. .. _ . . . . . ., .,. . , ..,. . . , , . . ' . . 't . . .. . . . _ .. .. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: T yeas Narys � Dimond �ng In avor � - Goswttz _ a � � . Ag inst BY , - . . Sonnen -� Wileon : ` ; ' , ; . Foena Approved by City Attamey � - Adoptied by Council: Date : . . . ; Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By � 'Approved by Mavor. Date " " APPto�ed by Mayoc foc Submission'wM Codncil ._�: : ' By �, i � �:. , .. ,�,�-� . : �.. . , CM�I�T�R'�M��v TMEN T�` ,� ' ~ Y� . . ..+ .�CO11flC1I ! j . B��E � •, GITY � SAINT PAUL File N0. �� f ��-„� � . .jct' tion . r. : . � �� Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date : and be it Further resolved, that a copy of the�e olicies be given to any person appointed as a member or altemate to �ny Legisla�ive Advisory Committee. � i , 4. , � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond �� [n Favo Goswitz � Against .. BY Sonnen Wilson ; Form Approved by City Attotney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By _ By , A►pproved by Mavor: Date. Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council - By � gy ; ., e . .I� ' � .. � . . - �.. � - � . �, � , , ,� . � �;: � : . � WMI�y TY CLERK �� � ,r > ° � � � P��'�`��<.W�E � ,�� , " COUQCII �`` 's ff :.� a�+E „�R�Tt�ENT GITY � SAINT PAUL File NO. �� �'� �� �--t �+ � C0�2 Z '�eSO�Z�tZO�Z _ � . � k - Presented By , - Referre To>` Committee: Date Out of Committee By � Date �I F � li � � and be it �, Further resolved, ttiat a copy of thes ` 'cies be given to any person appointed as a member or alternate to any Legislati�►e dvisory Committee. ' � , � '��,.o . i �. ' 4. , ' i i . , � i 1 COUNCIL MEMBERS ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond �� In Favdr .. , Goswitz Rettman ' �be��� Against, BY _ . Sonnen � Wilson I Form Approved by City Attorney � Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary I BY By ` f- A►pproved by 1Aavor: Date i Approved by Mayor for Submission�to Council I - By BY . �' CITY O SAINT PAUL •���:�c,�y c'j; `''��' OFFICE O 'i`AE CITY COIINCIL Rul s and Policy Co mittee Report Members: Staff: Kiki Sonnen, Chair �' � Oct er 6, 1989 Meeting Donna Sanders, Secretary Roger Goswitz � Jane McPeak, Attorney Bob Long Janneke van der Ros, Policy Analyst R~�.�I�/r_n 1. Approval of minutes of the Septe ber 1, 1989 meeting. ��T17i989 � COMMITTEE APPROVED , 2. RESOLUTTON #89-1713 Adop ' g policies for the Legislative Advisory Committee (referred to Rules and Policy Co 'ttee 09/26/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION 3. RESOLUTTON #89-1741 - Urgin Port Authority and Housing eve o ment Authority Commissioners to adop the City's Early Notification Policy and Procedures. (Referred to Rules d Policy Committee 09/28/89) (Jerry Jenkins, Ken Johnson, Jim Bellus) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE APPROVAL 4. RESOLUTION #89-1253 - Amen ing Section 16B of the Civil Service Rules pertaining to Cause for Discharge Reduction or Suspension and protecting employees from retaliation when porting violations of law, etc. (Refened to R & P Conunittee 7/18/89 and Laid er in Committee 9/1/89 (Bruce Anderson) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE APPROVAL 5. ORDINANCE #89-1324 - which ffords protection to employees who report a suspected violation of law, partici te in investigation, or refuses to perform an action that employee believes viol tes law, rule, etc. (Referred to R & P Committee 7/27/89 and Laid Ove in Committee 9/1/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE ORDINANCE 6. Disposal of Surplus Data Processi g Equipment to enable donation of old computers to community groups. ( inda Camp, Gerry Strathman) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE APPROVAL OF SUBSTITUTE RESOLUTION TO BE DRAFTED AND SENT O THE FULL COUNCIL 7. City attorneys' time in council co 'ttee meetings; finding more efficient ways to obtain legal advice in council co 'ttees. (Gerry Strathman) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDE APPROVAL OF STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS ON A O -MONTH TRIAL BASIS AT THE DISCRETION OF THE COMMI E CHAIR CTTY HALL SE NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 •�.4e WHI7E� - CITV CLERK COII[1C11 /y� I �PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PAU L � CANARV - DEPARTMENT Q � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ` Co �c 'l Resolution �, . �3 Presented By � Referre � ��- '�/�'`� � Committee: Date � �'`�'�`'� '4�� Out of Committee By Date Whereas, the City Council authorized ' C.F. 89-828 the Toxic Chemical Task Force, a legislative advisory committee which the charge to hold public hearings and make recommendations to the Council reg ding rules, regulations and possible banning of non-organic chemical fertilizers and p sticides; and Whereas, the Council notified prospe ive applicants of the availability of inembership on the Task Force, and received resp nses from a number of well qualified persons, now therefore be it Resolved, that the following people s all be members on the task force in the categories listed in C.F. 89-828: Environmentalist group Patricia J. Leonard-Mayer Bette Kent Lawn care industry: Brian T. Swingle Mark Miles Soil and Water Conserv tion District: Philip Gelbach COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman B �be1�� _ A gai n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By g3'