89-1712 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �/f /�r - � Cou c 'l� Resolution � � �� Presented By � � �� Referre o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , a Grant of $13 , 000 rom U. S. West Communications was given to the Minnesota Foundation to estab ish the Martin Luther King, Jr. Tutors ' Program; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Found tion wishes to forward this Grant to the City of Saint Paul for the purpos of coordinating the Tutor Program; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10 . 07 . 1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify hat there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of thos estimated in the 1989 budget ; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommen s that the followin� additions be made to the 1989 budget : Current Amended FINANCING PLAN Budaet Chanaes BudRet 001 General Fund 3699 Other Mise . Grants -0- 13 , 000 13 , 000 All Other Finaneing 125 , 258 , 535 -0- 125 , 258 ,535 ----------- ------- ----------- 125 ,258 , 535 13 , 000 125 ,271 , 535 SPENDING PLAN 001 General Fund City Council 00002 Couneil Research 00002-0219 Fees-Other Professional Services 59 ,020 13 , 000 72 , 020 00002 All Other Spending 613 , 367 -0- 613 , 367 All Other Spending 124, 586 , 148 -0- 12�4 , 586 , 148 ----------- ------- ----------- 125 , 258, 535 13 , 000 125 , 271 , 535 NET CHANGE + 13 , 000 RESOLVED, that the proper ity officials are hereby authorized and direeted to aecept this grant f om the Minnesota Foundation to the City of Saint Paul , and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Couneil approves these ehanges to the 1989 Budget . Approved as to Funding : Approval Recommended : . � Direetor oF Finance and Budg iree�or COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng I Favor --6esrile- Rethnan � �be1�� __ A ainst BY - Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date SEP 6 Form Ap ov by C' Attor ey Certified P-5 d Counci . BY gy, A►pprove M r: � ? 7 �89 Appro d by Mayor for Submission to Council �__� • B � �' BY p�eus� o c T '� t989 • ; . � ^ - � 89- /7�� �P,►� ,��� �,►��'��► 0 9 9 9 City Council 0' i� is9 GREEN SHEET No. ,Nm,►�� coHr�cr��a�e 298-4646 �o��orr.a�croA 0 cmr couNa� Councilman William Wilson N� �cm�rroRr�v ❑cm c�uc MU8T BE ON OOUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� BUDQE�DIRECT�i �FlN.d MQT.BERVICE8 WR. MAYOR(OR ASSIBTANn TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (�1 AL LOCATIONS FOR 81ONATURE) ACT10N REOUE8TED: � � Approval of attached Council Resol�ti n RECOMMENDATION3:Approv�W a Rs�ect(F� I� CQ pQN pEpQp'p ppTIQNAI, _PLANNINO OOMMI3�ON _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION i YST PHONE NO. _q8 COAAMITTEE _ ME . _8TAFF _ _DI8TRIC'T OOURT _ BUPPORTS WHICH O�1NqL OBJECTIVE? i INITIATIN(i PROBLEM�18SUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,WMre, The Minnesota Foundation has gran�ed $13,000 to the City of St. Paul to enable the City to coordinate a Tutors' Program i� S . paul. This program consists of recruiting and training five students from e�.ch of the eleven high schools in St. Paul to tutor small groups of minority el�eme tary school children. ADVANTAdES IF APPF�VED: i Both the High School tutors and �he Elementary school children will benefit. I DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: N°ne �ounci� Research Center SEP 1�i989 DI8ADVANTIU�EB IF NOT APPROVED: An opportunity to help minoritX e ementary school children, and to broaden the experience of high school tuto�s ill be lost. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 13���� (�T/qE1►ENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLB ON� � YES� NO Grant from Minnesota;Fo ndation 00002 FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER___ FlWWGAL INFORMATION:(EXPIJUN) i i �i1TE � CITY CLERK P,NK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council BLUER� - MqypqTMENT File NO. ���/� Co nc 'l Resolution Presented By , Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, the City Council recently a proved by unanimous vote (C.F. 88-505) an amendment to the city charter whic authorized Legislative Advisory Committees (LACs); and Whereas, the charter now specifies ection 3.01.8) that such Legislative Advisory Committees must have a duration o no longer than one year, that members of such committees will serve without a per diem allowance, and that methods of removing members must be specified in the i strument which appoints them; but provides no further guidelines or procedures for establishment of such committees; and Whereas, Legislative Advisory Co 'ttees differ in some respects from committees which are appointed by the Mayor ubject to Council approval, and therefore cannot always follow the policies establish d in the Administrative Code, Chapter A-14; and Whereas, there is a need for clear nd consistent policies and procedures to govern any Legislative Advisory Committees ay be formed; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Council ad pts the following policies on Legislative Advisory Committees: POLICY CONCERNING LE ISLATIVE ADVISORY COMMITTEES (LACs) 1. Legislative Advisory Committees shall be created by Council resolution. This resolution hall define: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� I Favor soswitz Rettman Scheibel ai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary gy By. Approved by Wlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY a. The charge to the ommittee b. The committee's ties, the e�ected work product and due date, and the life �cpectancy of the committee. The committee's term hall not last for a period longer than one year from the firs committee meeting. c. The number and eneral qualifications or categories of members, and th method of removing members. 2. Members of each LAC ha11 be appointed by a Council resolution separate from the resol tion creating the committee. a. Openings on the committee, the role and requirements of the committee and t e application deadline shall be announced through the Ear Notification System. A standard application for will be used for all applicants. 45 days shall be allowed for embers of the public to apply for the positions; the 4 days shall begin the day after the ENS notices are mai d. b. The Council R search director shall review the applications and make a re mmendation to the Council President as to who should be ppointed. The President shall introduce a City Council r olution listing those recommended for appointment. e research director also shall provide Councilmemb s a listing of those who were not��=recommended for appointm t. 3. Committee members ip shall meet the terms of the Council resolution creating t LAC and the following: a. LAC member shall be residents of Saint Paul whenever possible, unle s the purpose of the committee requires skills or qualificati not readily available from a city resident. b. Efforts will b made to ensure that committees include representativ s from protected classes (race, religion, nationality, s x, disability, age), and geographic distribution across the ci . c. No person s all be appointed to serve on two or more LACs at one time. enever possible, no person shall serve on a LAC who se es concurrently on another city board, committee commission. Page Two . . ��q�./�/3 4. LAC membership shall be established and maintained by observing the following provisions: a. Members who nus three LAC meetings without excuse may be dropped from t e committee. b. Councilmembers ay fill vacancies by amendment to the appointments res ution. c. The Council at it discretion may appoint alternates when appointing co ' tee members. If appointed, an alternate sha11 attend co 'ttee meetings in the absence of the member, and sha 1 fill the vacancy if the member is unable or unwilling to c mplete the appointment. 5. LAC meetings shall ob rve the following rules: a. All committee eetings shall be open to the public. b. Except for co 'ttees comprised wholly of city employees, meetings should be held in the evening when possible. c. Notices and ag das for each committee meeting shall be filed by commi ee staff with the City Clerk no later than seven days bef re the meeting. An up-to-date list of committee me bers also shall be kept on file with the City Clerk. d. Committee m bers shall receive no compensation for their service on the C, for attendance at meetings or for etcpenses. Ho ever, e�ense reimbursements may be approved if n cessary to permit low income persons to participate. 6. LACs shall receive s aff support from the City Council Investigation and Research Cente unless specified otherwise in the resolution creating the commit ee. Page Three �"4N1TE 1 CITY CLERK . � PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA IT L Council (/,� CANARV - DEPARTMENT T+ `'�/3 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Counci Resolution Presented By ���= Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date and be it, Further resolved, that a copy of thes policies be given to any person appointed as a member or altemate to any Legislati e Advisory Committee. Page Four COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long- I Favor �esswil�- Rettman � Scheibel A ainst BY Sonnen �u�a OCT 2 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas• ' r Council re By gl, Approv Yfav : _ n0 — � �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy �� By p�� N�V u 1