89-1694 WNITE . - GTV.,CIERK COl1I1C1I �} PINK ` -- FINAN�CE � G I TY F SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � ��/� T BLUE - MAVOR File NO. - Cou cil Resolution jy' . �. ) Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, The Mayor of the Cit of Saint Paul, in accordance with Chapter 10 of the City Charter, has ubmitted to the City Council his proposed Budgets for the calendar year 1990, which Budgets have been received and placed on file in the Office f the City Clerk; and WHEREAS, The City Council is required by law and the Charter to hold a public hearing prior to the doption by it of the Budgets for the City of Saint Paul, now, therefor , be it RESOLVED, That a public he riny shall be held on the proposed City Budgets for the year 1990 i the Council Chambers of the City of Saint Paul at 7:00 P.M. on Octo r 19, 1989, which public hearing may be adjourned from time to time; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in ccordance with Chapter 56.02 of the Saint Paul Adininistrative Code, th City Cler.� �hall forthwith publish once in the official newspap�r of th City, the notice of the Council's proposed public hearing. Reconsidered September 26, 1989; Adopted October 5, 1989 Yeas 7 Nays 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond `` �" G .rQr �� �� � I Favor � cs�?� Rettman (� _ A ainst By � Scheibel -Seseen� Wilson JEf 2 � Form App o ed by City tot y Adopted by Counci(: Date i Certified Y-s d by Council Secretar By � j By Appro d y lN vor: Date 2 2 Approv y Mayor for Submission to Council B By � u C T 1 198� .. . � �-�,i�9� . : . � PARTMENT/OFFlCE/COUNqL� DA IN ATED cit Clerk - Records GREEN SHEET No. 1 $8 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR ,�CITY COUNqL Albert B. Olson - 4 31 N � C�'A'�TORNEY �CYfY CLERK MU3T BE ON COUNqL A(iENDA BY(DAT� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �PIN.8 MQT.SERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSI8TANT) � TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES ( IP L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �� :'*- ACTION FiEf�l1ESTED: Approval of attached resolu�io . S�P 11 1989 :_�(m �/ J �� ,�I ��! �Ac.� ��� �V ?r 7f ' REOOMMENDATIONS:Approve(!q w Rsject(F� UN COMMITTEE/�H i�PORT OPTIONAL ., _PLANN�NO OOMMISSION —CIVIL 8ERVICE(:OMMIBSION , �Y PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ M T8: _STAFF _ � _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECI'IVE4 i INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITf(Who.Whe4 Whsn.Whsro. Y): Pursuant to Chapter 56.02 mf he Administrative Code, the clate of hearing on the budget willibe establishecl. � ADVANTACiE3 IF APPROVED: � . DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: , i I DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: � � ..�.;�:�.;�,, i=���;�u�ci� Center ' S t,�' 1� "iy�� ; ; � � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION a C�T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING 80URCE AC7'IVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATWN:(EXPWI� , , I