89-1692 WMITE - C�TV CLERK ��/��� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl BLUERV - MAPORTMENT GITY O SAI�NT PAUL File NO• Counc Resolution ��� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Z Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on Jul.y 13 , 1989, the Division of Public Health conducted an inspection of 1992 Clea� Avenue and determined that a nuisance existed thereon nsisting of trash, brush, scrap metal , scrap wood and scrap mater ' 1 in a `brown van and a green trailer; and WHEREAS, on July 14, 1 89 said Division caused written orders to be sent to Larry Propot ik of 1992 Clear and David A. Pettit, 3526 Polk Street, N.E. , Mi eapolis, owners or interest holders in said property, advising th m of the exact nature of the nuisance and giving them until July 20, 1989 to correct the condition; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 989 Larry Propotnik filed an appeal of said orders with the City Clerk and on August 8 , 1989 the City Council conducted a publi hearing on the appeal ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that afte due consideration the City Council affirmed the clean-up or er and directed that the work be ac- complished within 24 hours from the publication of this resolution; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, t at all trash and scrap metal from the Brown Van and Green/Blac trailer License #W43-113 . Al1 trash on ground, rubber hoses, bro en fan belts, white plastic straps, used lead wheel weights, dog eces, cardboard boxes on table, illegal garbage cans, cardboard y garbage cans, fluorescent tube. FURTHER RESOLVED, t at in the event the work is not completed within the time provided the City may proceed to do so with the costs incurred therefrom collected in the same manner as provided by law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �^ COMMUNITY SERVICES-PUBLIC HEALTH DIV. Long `� I Favor � Rettman B Scheibel gai n s t Y �ee� Wilson Z i �89 Form��by C't ne Adopted by Council: Date � Cert�fied a- ed by Counc.il Secretar BY g , /l t�,-' - � �'��-' l 9 Appro by Mavor: Da � � Approv d by M o ubmission to Council .� ��tK=� ��� �. �BtlSl� S t P �; 0198 _ „� . . • . ����I V ' ����i� pEpApTMENTlOFFlCFJCOUNdL DATE I fT1A D Community Services/Public Health 9- -8 GREEN SHEE�T No. 4iNhu��� CONTACT PERSON�PHONE pqq'iMEM p�pEC'►pq '—I �CfTY OOUNCIL Steve Roy 292-7718 CRYAITORNEY 0cmaeau MUBT SE ON�UNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. ASAP wu►voa�oR�ssisr TOTAL#OF 81GNATURE PAQES 1 (�IP�AL LOCATIONS FOR SICiNA ACTION REQUESTED: SEP 81989 REC�IyE City Council approval at the attache� r solution. C ITY AT sEP o�� �� REOOt�MyIENDAT10N8:Approve(Iq a Rsjsct(R) N COM REPORT OPTIONAL yg'r PFIONE NO. �- _PLANN�NO COMM18810N —GVIL 9ERVICE COMMI3810N , �- _GB COMMITTEE _ ME _8TAFF — � _DISTRICT COURT ' — suPPOR�rs wt+ict+couwa�oe,iecnvE� AYOR'S OFf ICE INITIATINO PF�BLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(INho.Whet,Whsn,Whsro,W ): On July 13, 1989 the Saint Paul Div�si n of Public Health conducted an inspection of 1992 Clear. The inspection determined tXas , brush, scrap metal etc. existed on the property. On July 14, 1989 orders were issued' to the owners. On July 19, 1989 the owners filed an appeal with the City Clerk. On �Au st 8, 1989 a public hearing was held before the City Council. The City Council di�ec ed the work be accomplished within 24 hours from the publication of this resolution. I$ t e work is not done the City will do the work and collect the costs. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: ' RECEIVED The nuisance will be abated. SEp 131� • CI?Y CLERK DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: The City ma.y have to spend money `an effort to abate the problem. DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: The nuisance may rema.in. 'v��:i'�;� ��'.c',�����C� ���IL�r ;���' 121���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 800.OO CpgT/pEVENUE BUDQETED(GRa.E ONE) YE8 NO �uN�a sou� Summar Abatement ACTIVITY NUMBER 03230 FlNANCIAL iNFORMATION:(IXPWN)