89-1680 OR iN�NC � WHITE - CITV CIERK CQUflCll r, PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PAU L �--��pd D CANARV�- DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . � � Counc 'l ' 'z �`i` . , � ! � �,� Presented By ''" � ���� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE GRANTING PERMI SfON TQ RON SAX4N FORD, INC.> 225 WEST UNIVERSITY AVENUE, SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA, AND/OR ITS SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST, TO CONSTRUCT, OP ATE AND MAINTAIN A PRIVATE ENERGY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS GABLE U DER AND ACROSS MAR{ON STREET RIGHT- OF- WAY, AT APPROXIMATELY NIN TY FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH RIGHT- OF- WAY LfNE OF UNIVERSiTY AYENU , TO CONNECT THE TWO GARAGES AT 215 AND 225 WEST UNIYERSITY AYEN E. THE COt�NCIL OF THE C TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Thai permission and authority are eby ganted ta Ron Saxon Ford, inc., 225 West University Avenue, Saint Paul, Min esota hereinafter called the "permittee", andlar its successors in interest to constru , operate and maintain, a five (5) inch duct, hereinafter referred to as an energ management systems cable, for the sole purpose of controlfing the use of electricat nd gas energy. Said energy management systems cable shafl be instaNed under and cross M�-ion Street right-of�rn+ay within the City of Saint Paul, at approximately ninety eet north of the na�th right-af-way line of University Avenue,to connect the two garage at 215 and 225 West University Avenue. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Dimond Nays Pub 1 i c Works LCD:sm 8/31/89 �ng [ Favor `��C�� Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel gai n s t Y Sonnen Donald E. Nygaard, Dire Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By� t�pproved by 1Aavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ — BY . . . ��q_���� . ,� /�'���'� - 2 - Section 2. That the Director of the Departm nt of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Ron Saxon Ford, Inc., nd/or its successors in interest for the construction, operation and maintenance of sa' underground energy management systems cable, according to approved plans on fi e in the Department of Public Works, and upon said permittee's compliance with the f Ilowing conditions: a. That said permittee sh II pay the costs of publication of this ordinance and all ordinances and res lutions passed in relation to this ordinance; b. That said permitee shall pay the costs of administration, engineering and inspection incurre by the Department of Public Works because of this undertaking. Said cos are estimated to be a sum of $500.00; c. That said permittee a /or its successors in interest shall furnish and deliver unto the City of Sain Paul a surety bond in the amount of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) f r said energy management systems cable made and executed by said per ittee and/or its successors in interest as principal, and a corporate surety co pany duly authorized to transact business in the State of Minnesota as sure , to and in favor of the City of Saint Paul as obligee, conditioned that in th event the permittee and/or it successors in interest fail to maintain, repair or replace said energy management systems cable to a reasonable standard of safety or fail to remove or relocate said energy management system cable upon order by the Saint Paul City Council, the City of Saint Paul ay undertake the maintenance, repair, replacement, relocation or remova thereof and may recover its reasonable cost incurred thereby from said su ety, which surety bond shall remain in force and effect as long as said en rgy management systems cable or any part thereof remains in that porti n of Marion Street, as shown on the plans on file with the Department of P blic Works. The surety bond shall be in such form as shall be approved b the City Attorney and shall have such surety as shall be approved by the irector of Finance and Management Services; d. That said permittee and/er its �uc��ssors i^ in±eres# agre�s to com�ly arrith Chapter 125 of the aint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to street obstructions in the course of installing or repairing said energy management syste s cable; � � � . � . ��-��- 1��� � e � ��7 ������ - 3- e. That said energy mana ement systems cable shall be removed or relocated by and at the sole cost nd expense of said permittee and/or its successors in interest whenever he Saint Paul City Council shall by resolution determine such remov I or relocation necessary in the public interest and accordingly order the emoval or relocation of said energy management systems cable from sai street; f. That said permittee an /or its successors in interest shall, at its own cost and expense and in accor ance with all applicable ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, statutes o the State of Minnesota, and regulations of public authority having cogn zance,construct, maintain and operate said energy management systems able; g. That said permittee a d/or its successors in interest shall fully indemnify, hold harmless and d fend the City of Saint Paul, its agents, officers and employees from any nd all damages, claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses and on ac ount of all claims of whatever nature for in�ury to persons and/or prop rty arising of or connected with the construction, maintenance, opera ion and/or removal of said energy management systems cable and by the permission and authority granted herein; and that supplemental to all o her obligations on their part, jointly and/or severally, hereunder, said perm ttee and/or its successors in interest shall furnish and maintain, and pay a I premiums and other expenses therefore, casualty insurance coverage with a duly licensed casualty insurance company, naming the permitt e and the City as jointly insured to the extent of $500,000.00 for inju to any person and/or persons in any single incident and to the extent o $200,000.00 for damage to property in any single accident and insurin the City of Saint Paul against liability on account of all claims of third perso s for injury to person(s) and/or property arising from or connected with the onstruction, maintenance, operat�on, relocation and/or removal of said ene y management systems cable hereunder at all times. The permittee shall f rnish a certificate of this insurance policy, from time to time to the Director of the Department of Public Works, said certificate of insurance shall be in such form as shall be approved by the City Attorney; , � � . . � . ��--i��o �� , <�r��� -4- h. That said permittee sh II at no cost to the City repair any damage to said energy management s tems cable which occurs during the normal course of the City's maintenan e and/or construction of public facilities; i. That all construction, pair, maintenance and/or removal of said facility, shalt be done by a co tractor duly licensed and bonded with the City of Saint Paul, and in a anner which will leave the public right-of-way in a condition acceptable o the City's Director of Public Works or his duly authorized agent, and shall be accomplished in full compliance with the "City of Saint Paul, innesota, Department of Public Works, Standard Specifications for Stre t Openings"; j. That said permittee st be registered as an operator under Minnesota's one-call underground utility location system, in accordance with Chapter 216D of the Minnesot State Statutes, and remain as such for the life of this facility; k. That said energy man gement systems cable shall be installed at a depth of forty-eight (48) inches o avoid conflicts with existing and proposed fac�lit�es; I. That upon completio of installation, said permittee shall submit to the Director of the Depart ent of Public Works, a certificate of survey signed by a land surveyor regist red by the State of Minnesota, showing the elevation and exact location o the installed energy management system cable in relation to the abu ing property lines on Marion Street and University Avenue; m. That said permittee shall coordinate all work involving existing utility installations, public or private, with the affected utility companies or agencies; WHITE - CITV CLERK �R�(� ', r �/ 1 C� PINK •- FINANCE COl1flC1I (//� / CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO• �r � �`��� BLUE - MAVOR Coun il ' n ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date i��� Out of Committee By Date - 5- n. That said energy mana ment systems shall only be used to �ansmit electr-onic si is between the facilities awned or operated by the permi ee, and shali not be used for the installation of any oice q�ade telecommunications, cable television or the trans ation of any gas, electricity, water, steam or other energy sour ; o. That said permittee sha , within thirty (34) days from and after the pubiication of this ordinance, file written acceptance thereof, specifical(y ageeing t all of the provisions, terms and conditions herein, with the ity Clerk; ECTION 3 That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its pass e, approval and publication. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Publ ic Works LCD:sm 8/�1/89 �� In vor Goswitz Rettman q B s�ne;be� __ Aga' st y Sonnen Donald E. Nygaard, Di rector Wilson _ 5 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yas o By � _ � gy, TY� Appro d by � avor: Da ' OCT —S Appr v d by Mayor for Submis ' n t Council � By B �� 0 C T 141989 � ���� ��� `�O TO THE HONORABLE CITY COU CIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA. Gendemen: We the undersigned petitioners, h reby accept and agree to comply with the terms and conditions of City Council Fil No. 89-1680, Ordinance No. 17684, adopted by the Council October 5, 1989 reg rding the granting of permission to construct, operate and maintain an energy management systems cable under and across Marion Street, north of University venue. � , /a - �3 - �9 Si Date RECEIVEO �T171�9 CISY CLERK