89-1672 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 //� �CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PALT L //O I\ BLUE �- MAVOR File NO. ( `� � ` Coun il Resolution �� ��J �. Presented By � eferred To Committee: Date ��1���� Out of Committee By Date WiEREAS, The Deparhnerrt of Camxmity Services, Div sion of Libraries wishes to use a pmject manager to irrplement its newly developed staff trainirig arid developrrent p ram fran Septerriber 29 thra.�h Deceriber 31, 1989, and have determin- ed that funding is available in 1988 Fimd Balance cover salary and fririge benefits (.2 FTE), arid W-�RFAS, The Division of Libraries will cartract ith a consultar�t to caxJuct perforniance appraisal training sessions for Library Division supervisors, and �ERFAS, The Division af Libraries has determined the need to �grade furnishings and equipment in its Public Irrfornia- tion Office in order to irrprove the work flav, ff productivity and cost effectiveness of said office, arid W-IEREAS, The Mayor, pursuarrt to Section 10.07.01 the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those in the 989 budget for the Library Special Revenue Fund, and VJF�REPS, The Mayor recamierids the follaving cha s to the 1989 Library Special Revenue Fund budget: CGN�AVITY SERVICES - libraries Current &adget Changes Prr�nded Budget FIN�V�CING PLAN 349-33400 Library Special Revenue -9890 Use of f�md balance -0- $57,890.44 $ 57,890.44 All other financirjg $276,000 -0- 276,000.00 7 ,000 7, . ,890. SPE]�DING PIAN 349-33400 Library Special Revenue -0111 Full-time certified -0- 9,198.00 9,198.00 -0219 Fees, other professional services 6,100 13,886.55 19,986.55 -0271 Building repairs 35,000 5,272.89 40,272.89 -0381 Books, periodicals, etc. 187,500 7,500•00 195,000•00 -0439 Frirx,�e ber�fits -0- 2,299.00 2,299.00 -0815 Desks, chairs, etc. -0- 5,401.00 5,401.00 -0816 Cabinets, bodccases, etc. -0- 4,491.00 4,491.00 -0818 Other furniture -0- 3,000.00 3,000.00 -0831 Shop equip�tent -0- 1,000.00 1,000.00 -0857 Data pr�ocessing hardware -0- 1,402.00 1,402.00 -0858 Telephaie equipinent purchase -0- 800•00 800•00 -0859 Other crnputer equipr�t -0- 340.00 340.00 -0898 Building improvements 11,A00 3,300.00 14,700.00 All other spending 36,000 -0- 36,000.00 , � • � - COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays Dimond �ng I Favor Gosw;tz Rettman B s�ne�be� __ ga i n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form A roved by City ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY /� � By .. Approved by Mavor: Date _ Appr ed by Mayor for Submission t Council j By WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUnCII // h� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAUL � Yj f BLUE �- MAVOR File NO• Coun 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVm, That the City Camcil approves these cha to the 1989 budget. Apprnval Recorrrrierxled: I f/ � 1 ^ DI COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long I Favor Goswitz Rettman scheibe� � _ gainst BY Sonnen ur..+w:es� . �CT 1� � Form App o ed by City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date + ��,� `�� � N Certified • -s�by Counci Secreta By te--''��1 / L B�, 7�t�1 ��% Approv 14av • 0 Appro by Mayor Eor Submission to Council � By By P1161iSl�D ��� v - 419 89 ' �����z,� n��eNrro�c�couNa� re i irwreo � p� � Camt.�it Services - �ibraries 81 /89 GREEN SHEET No. o OONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITWJDATE EPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY OOUNCIL Cerald W. Steenberg 292-6211 �M � crn Arro�eY CfTY CLERK MUST�ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) O BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR AS8ISTANT) TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQlE3 ( IP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUE8TED: APproval of Ca.a�cil laesolution RECEI�d�� REC�1 F D ; AUG 0 719 9 RECOMMENDATIONB:Aprxovs W a Rs)ect( ) COU CIL COMMITTEEIf�SEARCN I gT PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COMMISSION ��I�IylaSQ11�E�810N 1r"'q � u � � , _CIB COMMfiTEE _ Ull N� '' ; � l.�''`• COM ENTS: _STAFF — _o�ucr cou� MAYOR'S SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE? INITIATINO PROBLEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,Whsn.WMn Wh�• . Departrnent of Ca�mmity Services, Divsion L braries wishes to use a project manager to irr�le�rerrt its newly devel ed staff training and developnent program ran S�tember 29 - Decer�ber 31, 1989 arid have determined that f�.ncling is available to cover salary and fringe benef ts .2 FTE) and contract with a consultant to conduct perforniance apprais 1 ��ainir�g sessions for supervisors. The Di isi of Libraries has de�termir� the need to �.�grade furnishings and equiprr�en�t in its Public Information Office in rder to improve the w�ork flow, staff pr�oductivity and cost effective- ness of said affice. This r�ould also all li rary to complete various projects begun in 1988. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVEO: I Allow Library to implerr�t staff training � elopinent program. Allow Library to train s�.�ervisors in pe o appraisal acininistration. CLr/V�D Allaw Library to upgrade its Public Info ti OFfice furnishir�gs and equipment s Al law Library to crnplete various proj in 1988/1989 �p 08�98 i �eT Y���R 9 � � DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: I � � � A G 2 4 1989 i e DGET o�F�c� �o��:��� �eseurch Center � �UG 2 9 i�89 DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: I � Newly develq�ed staff training and devel progr�n wuuld nat �t implenented in a timely fashion - s�.�ervisors would rrot g�t needed training in perfo appraisal adninistration and Public Irrtorniation Office would not receive �grading in furnishings and equ�. . Pirojects beg�m in 19�8 could not be crnpleted. i i TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION �$ COST/REVENUE BUD�iETED(CIRCIE ON� YES � V FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER ���� FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) i Finance Committee Report October 16, 1989 18. Resolution 89-1671 - amendi g the 1989 budget and Approved adding $125,000 to the Fin cing and Spending Plans for Civic Center Building aintenance/Asbestos Ceiling Replacement. (Ref rred from Council September 19) 19. Resolution 89-1672 - am�nd ng the 1989 budget and Approved adding $57,890.44 to th� F nancing and Spending Plans for Community Servic s/Library Special Revenue. (Referred from Council Sep ember 19) 20. Resolution 89-1673 - amend ng the 1989 budget and Approved adding $12,000 to the Fina cing and Spending Plans for Community Services/Par s and Recreation Summary Abatement. (Referred from Council September 19) 21. Resolution 89-1778 - amen 'ng the 1989 budget by Approved adding $100,000 to the Fi ncing and Spending Plans in Fire Administration to lease two medic units. (Referred from Council Oc ober 5) 22. Resolution 89-1780 - reta ning the law firm of Laid over two weeks Jardine, Logan & 0'Brien o represent and defend the City in tort liability ca es at rates not to exceed $98.00 per hour. (Referr d from Council October 5) 23. Resolution 89-1810 - amen ing the 1989 budget by Approved adding $3,377 to the FSna cing and Spending Plans for PED Print Shop. (Referre from Council October 10) 24. Resolution 89-1812 - amen ing the 1989 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $62,350 to the Fin ncing and Spending Plans for Public Works asphalt fund. (Referred from Council October 10) 25. Resolution 89-1666 - est blishing the rate of pay for Approved License and Permit Aide in Grade 22 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the S lary Plan and Rates of Com- pensation Resolution. ( eferred from Council September 19) 26. Resolution 89-1667 - cha ging the rate of pay for Approved Refectory Supervisor to rade 21, Clerica7 Standard Ranges in the Salary Pla and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred f om Council September 19) 27. Resolution 89-1668 - cha ging the rate of pay for Approved Storeroom Manager from G ade 8 to Grade 10, Professional Employees S pervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and tes of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council S ptember 19)