89-1667 WNITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O SAINT PALTL Council (/�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. (, r ��� BLUE - MAVOR Counc l Resolution �7�; � � _ Presented By , q l�Referred To ' Committee: Date � �f �/ Out of Committee By Date An Administrati e Resolution changing the rate of pay for Refe tory Supervisor in the Salary Plan and Rates of Co pensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate f pay for the classification of Refectory Supervisor be changed from th rate set forth in Grade 04U, Section ID1, to Grade 21, Section ID1, of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; a be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that he incumbents in the aforementioned positions shall be eligible for retroa tive pay in accordance with the negotiated bargaining unit agreement; a d be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that his resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay peri d after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �, Dimond ��e '-� [ Favor Gosw;tz Re� t�� � __ gainst BY c Sonnen ���/ ��ss �� �{ � Form prove by ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date A� Certified P�ss d Coun � S ta By g�. A►pproved by \+la r. �liT 5 R�i� Approved Mayor r S mi on to Council c)� / �. �r� �j�� - �" BY— - v C�"' p�� � 0 V -� � 1989 � i j� � � � ��/ = � � ��6?' . -� �_ �� DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNGL DA INITI D � PERSONNEL & LABOR RELATIONS 8/'14/ 9 GREEN SHEET NO. SN�A�ZE OONTACT PER PHONE �'6p�p��DIRE �CITY COUNqL S he r � �CITY ATTORNEY �qTY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNGL AOENDA BY(DA7� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.BERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OH ASBISTAN7] � TOTAL N OF 81QNATURE PAGES (CL P A L LOCATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: � I �� � Title of Refectory Supervisor. ;�.. _.. Change the rate of pay from Clerila Grade 4U to Clerical Grade 21. ' ,. ,, ; RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprars py a Rejsct IR) NC REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMNSSION _CIVII SERVICE COMMISSION Y �N �.» ✓ '� "--� _dB COMMITIEE _ —$T� — MME . AU G N ' 1989 —����«,� _ i 8UPPORT8 WHICN OOUNCiI OBJECTIVE9 I i�' �+! r'•. � � l.`����� i d���� � � INITIATINQ PROBLEM�ISSUE.OPPORTUNiTY(Who.What.N�h�n�Whsre� �. As part of the 1988 labor agree n between the City and AFSCME Clerical, the Office of Personnel and Labor R la ons was required to study the Refectory Supervisor class. The Parks an R reation Division has increased the responsibility of Refectory Sup rv sor positions as part of a broader revision in their Golf operations. The Ref ct ry Supervisor now has supervisory, bookkeeping, and inventory responsibilities or similar to those found in other clerical titles. The QES evaluation pla ed the Refectory Supervisor class in Clerical Grade ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: It will allow for the class to e quitably compensated based on the QES evaluation of the duties and responsibilit�ie . _ `r�E"` C.�' "� �- ��� �2�,,, ,w�c- ,�- -w. .�O �� � �-C, ` ��,�,..,� � g,,� ` -�„�a. . � �� �- z ��g °'s�°��"�"►�ES�F"�R°�°: I RECEIVED sEP o s 19a9 �u� 2 z �s8 � 9 j CITY CLERK BUDGET p� rr•-� It will require the City to ps�y ack-pay in the amount of approximately �3�,708.40 for hours worked from Januaryl2, 1988 to the effective date of the accompanying resolution. I OISIIDVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: . i ! The employees and their Unio � charge that the City intends not to honor the agreement for back-pay set f�rt in the bargaining agreement. i ae..rt+rf-e.L� � Q _�$ " $ � See atta he for additional cost breakdown) TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 15 854 an ua COSt " �.'`�"�;p�T/REVENUE OIJDOETED(qRCLE ON� vES No FUNqNO 80URCE ACTMTY NUM9ER FlWWCIAI.INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � � � .- _ . . � � .(,r,��-��� Cost Breakdown: Grade 4U Gr de 21 Additional Cost Starting: 6.71/hour 9.27 our(741.27 biweekly) 2.56/hour 5-yr-rate: 6.71/hour 11.48 our(918.11 biweekly) 4.77/hour Cost per person: Person 1 paid in Grade 21, Step B t $9.67/hr ($9.67/hr * 1124.5 hours worke per year = $10873.92/yr) - ($6.71/hr * 1124.5 hours worke per year = $ 7545.40/yr) _ (addit onal cost = $ 3328.52/yr) Person 2 paid in Grade 21, Step B t $9.67/hr ($9.67/hr * 1259.0 hours worke per year = $12174.53/yr) - ($6.71/hr * 1259.0 hours worke per year � $ 8447.89/yr) _ (addi 'onal cost - $ 3726.64/yr) Person 3 paid in Grade 21, Step F at $11.48/hr ($11.67/hr * 1774.0 hours wor ed per year - $20702.58/yr) - ($ 6.71/hr * 1774.0 hours wor ed per year � $11903.54/yr) _ (addi ional cost = $ 8799.04/yr) Total add tional cost a $15854.20/yr Note: Hours worked per year are ba ed on actual 1988 hours worked in the Refectory Supervisor title. The total additional cost w'll not be this high for subsequent years. Person 3 receives Step F (5 yr-rate) based on longevity. This person will retire in June of 1990 and he position would then be filled with a Step A salary. The backpay award for the t ree individuals dating back to January 2, 1988 will result in approximatel $31708.40 to be divided arnong the three incumbents based on their h urs worked between January 2, 1988 and the effective date of this reso ution. The $31708.40 estimate assumes that each Refectory Supervisor will rk similar hours in 1989 as were worked in 1988. . .. � � �-/� � I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Of tce of Personnel end Labor Relations Cla stfication and Compensation Division 265 City Xa11, Saint Pau1, MN 55102 612-298-4221 July 11, 1989 Jerry Serfling AFSCME Council # 14, local 250 267 Lafayette Rd. S. Saint Paul, MN 55107 Dear Mr. Serfling It has been determined that t class specification of Refectory Supervisor should be revised reflect a revision of duties performed and a change in the inimum qualifications. I have attached a copy of the class pecifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days f receipt of this correspondence, if you wish to discuss this acti n. If I do not hear from you within that time-frame, I will assum agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a r solution changing the rate of pay for Refectory Supervisor from Gra e 4U to Grade 21 of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Sincerely� . � Richard Kreyer, Personnel Sp cialist Classification and Compen�at on Division I hereby waive the time rem ining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this cl ss specification. . Jerry Serfling Date . ��� �� � 7 Finance Committee Report October 16, 1989 18. Resolution 89-1671 - amendin the 1989 budget and Approved adding $125,000 to the Finan ing and Spending Plans for Civic Center Building Ma ntenance/Asbestos Ceiling Replacement. (Refer ed from Council September 19) 19. Resolution 89-1672 - amendin the 1989 budget and Approved adding $57,890.44 to the Fin ncing and Spending Plans for Community Services Library Special Revenue. (Referred from Council Septe ber 19) 20. Resolution 89-1673 - amendi the 1989 budget and Approved adding $12,000 to the Finan ing and Spending Plans for Community Services/Park and Recreation Summary Abatement. (Referred from ouncil September 19) 21 . Resolution 89-1778 - amendi g the 1989 budget by Approved adding $100,000 to the Fina cing and Spending Plans in Fire Administ�ation to 1 ase two medic units. ;Referred from Council Octo er 5) 22. Resolution 89-1780 - retain'ng the law firm of Laid over two weeks Jardine, Logan & 0'Brien t represent and defend the City in tort liability cas s at rates not to exceed $98.00 per hour. (Referre from Council October 5) 23. Resolution 89-1810 - amend ng the 1989 budget by Approved adding $3,377 to the Fihan ing and Spending Plans for PED Print Shop. (Referred from Council October 10) 24. Resolution 89-1812 - amend ng the 1989 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $62,350 to the Fina cing and Spending Plans for Public Works asphalt fund. (Referred from Council October 10) 25. Resolution 89-1666 - esta ishing the rate of pay for Approved License and Permit Aide i Grade 22 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Com- pensation Resolution. (R ferred from Council September 19) . Resoluti n 89-1667 - cMan ing the rate of pay for Approved Refectory Supervisor to G ade 21, Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred fr m Council Se tember 19 2 . e ion 89-1668 - chan ing the rate of pay for Approved Storeroom Manager from Gr de 8 to Grade 10, Professional Employees S ervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and R es of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council S ptember 19)