89-1666 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARY - OEPARTMEN T G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Counc 'l Resolution ��;�, � Presented B� Referred To . Committee: Date ���� O / Out of Committee By Date An Administrative R olution establishing the rate of pay for License and Pe it Aide in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolu ion. RESOLVED, that the rate f pay for the title of License and Permit Aide be set at the rate set f rth in Grade 22, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard Ranges in he Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this esolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after t e passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond & R T c.ong I Favor � .6e�ir Rettman �� � � gainst BY J Sonnen p Q✓ �i#�en /�i� �r,T Z � �989 Form A�roved by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date / °� .. Certified P s-e by Counci , cr ry By By� T C/ 2 5 �- Approv by or ubmission to ouncil A►pprove � vor. te — By � '�--�$-�$9 BY , :�c - _��,, , . � _ . .. �;����o� Y ,:e�o�f P�rusonnel & Labor Relatio s�8iN14-69 GREEN SHEET NO. 4i�n�vo�C� (/1CT PERSON 3 E DEPAFtTMENT DIHECfOR �CITY COUNqL Sheryl / ick Kreyer 4221 � qTV��Nev �crtvc��ac MU8T 8E ON COUNGL AOEMOA BY(DAT� ROU711�3 BUDOET OIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A881STANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIONA'fURE PAGES � (CLIP A L ATIONS FOR SI�iNATUR� ACTION REOUESTED: Establishing the rate of pay for the ne t tle "License and Permit Aide." i j RECOMMENDA'110N8:Apprwe W c►Rskc1(Fn RECEIV �V M _PIJWPNNNf3 OOMMIBSION —GVIL SFRVICE OOMMI8810N ��Y� w PHONE NO. ����I��D _CIB OOMMITTEE — r ��� g �,E —�"� — � ` AUG N ti 1989 —������ — ; SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? i ; ; � t �v- �,��i � i a�'� r-� . INITIATINti PROBLEM�ISSUE�OPPORTUNRY(Who�What.Whsn�WMr�.N�h�: i , ! RECEIV�D See Attached j � SEp o 81989 I \� � � CITY CLERK i ADVANTAQE8IF APPROVED: � See Attached e�� ,�' � � �,y � 6 ���a � � � �� � � �� � �f—z 1�� DISADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED: None RECEIVED i' ; ' l�al�G 2� � ' BUDGET pFFICE i ; i DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: i The City may have to continue tt�e ovisional appointment of a Fire Aide (the Fire Aide class was found to provide the �lo est match to the new position) to ensure that the duties are accomplished. ; ��. (��„ g-zs-8� (See attachment for additional, fu ding information) TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION WST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONEj YES NO I FUNpqI(i gpURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) I � - ' ' . ' • / c9� ' � d Y . --- `��1� �~ � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Office of Personnel and Labor Relations , Classification and Compensation Division 265 Cfty Ha11, Saint Paul, MN 55102 612-298-4221 T0: Gene Schiller, irector Finance and gement Services FROM: ��'�ltick Krey � rsonnel Specialist Classification and Compensation Division DATE: June 27, 1989 RE: T`wenty-Day Not ce It has been determined at the class specification of License"<and : Permit Aide should be e tabiished.,' I have attached a copy of the class specifications fo your review. Please •notify me within twenty days of receipt of this correspondence� if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not he r from you within that time-frame, I will assume agreement and wi 1 proceed with the process. I will also be processi g a resolution to establish the rate of pay for License and Permit ide in Grade 22 of the T�chnical Standard Range. ' . cc: Ron Guilfoile . a I I I I I hereby waive the ti e remaining on this 20-day notice for the purpose of establishi g this class specification. Gene Schiller Date u � . . � . . . �g_ �Gd ,b . . Contact Person & Phone: Sheryl Le/Rick Kreyer x4221 Initiating Problem, Issue, Opportunity: This title was established as a result f the reassignment of Fire Alarm System inspections from the Police Department o the License and Permit Division. A new title, License and Permit Aide, which w 11 be responsible f_or the required alarm inspections has been created through a wenty-day notice to the AFSCME Technical Bargaining Unit representative and the inance and Management Services Director. Pending Council approval of_ the rate of pay for the License and Permit Aide class, a provisional Fire Aide appointment was made to handle the inspection overflow. The Fire Aide position provides the closest description to the new class, however, the Fire Aide class specification descriUes many additional duties that will not be performed in the Licensing Division po ition. Advantages If Approved: The City can test, hire and fill the p sition in the License and Permit Division with an appropriate title at the prope rate of pay. Funding Information: BI- EKLY ANNUAL Fire Aide: $823 77 $21 ,418 License and Permit Aide: $766.63 $19,932 Savings 57. 14 $ 1 ,486 Actual savings could be higher as the City no longer is using the higher paid Police Officer title to perform these tasks. Finance Committee Report October 16, 1989 18. Resolution 89-1671 - amendin the 1989 budget and Approved adding $125,000 to the Finan ing and Spending Plans for Civic Center Building Ma'ntenance/Asbestos Ceiling Replacement. (Refe ed from Council September 19) 19. Resolution 89-1672 - amendi g the 1989 budget and Approved adding $57,890.44 to the Fi ancing and Spending Plans for Community Service /Library Special Revenue. (Referred from Council Sept mber 19) 20. Resolution 89-1673 - amendi g the 1989 budget and Approved adding $12,000 to the Finan ing and Spending Plans for Community Services/Park and Recreation Summary Abatement. (Referred from ouncil September 19) 21. Resolution 89-1778 - amendi g the 1989 budget by Approved adding $100,000 to the Fina cing and Spending Plans in Fire Administration to 1 ase two medic units. (Referred from Council Oct er 5) 22. Resolution 89-1780 - retai ing the law firm of Laid over two weeks Jardine, Logan & 0'Brien t represent and defend the City in tort liability cas s at rates not to exceed $98.00 per hour. (Referre from Council October 5) 23. Resolution 89-1810 - amend ng the 1989 budget by Approved adding $3,377 to the Finan ing and Spending Plans for PED Print Shop. (Referred from Council October 10) 24. Resolution 89-1812 - amend ng the 1989 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $62,350 to the Fina cing and Spending Plans for Public Works asphalt fund. (Referred from Council October 10) 25. Resolution 89-1666 - e�ta ishing the rate of pay for Approved License and Permit Aide i Grade 22 of the Technical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Com- pensation Resolution. (R ferred from Council 1�9 26. Resolution 89-1667 - chan ing the rate of pay for Approved Refectory Supervisor to G ade 21, Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred fr m Council September 19) 27. Resolution 89-1668 - chan ing the rate of pay for Approved Storeroom Manager from Gr de 8 to Grade 10, Professional Employees Su ervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and R es of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council S tember 19) � � �-- i� � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ffice of Personnel and Labor Relations C assiffcation and Compensatfon Division � 265 City Xa11, Saint Paul, MN 55102 � 612-298-4221 June 27, 1989 Jerry Serfling A.F.S.C.M.E. Council #14, Loc 1 1842 267 Lafayette Rd. S. Saint Paul, MN 55107 Dear Mr. Serfling: It has been determined that t e class specification of License and Permit Aide should be establi hed. I have attached a copy of the class specifications for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this corre pondence� if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear fro you within that time-frame, I will assume agreement and will pro eed with the process. I will also be processing a r solution to establish the rate of pay for License and Permit Aide i Grade 22 of the Technical Standard Range. Since ly, � Richard Kreyer, Pers el Spe ialist Classification and Compensati n Division I hereby waive the time remai ing on this 20 day notice for the purpose of establishing this lass specification. Jerry Serfling Date