89-1665 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � /��� BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun 'l Resolution Presented By .�� � Referred To Committee: Date q��/�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: A request has been ma e by Mr. Richard B. Schweitz, Jr. DBA Schwietz's Bar at 956 Payne Avenue for a one day extension of service area on Sept�ber 14, 15, and 16, 1989, between the hours of Noon and 12:30 AM in conj ction with the Payne Avenue Harvest Festival. Therefore be it RESOLVED: That the service are will be extended to the parking lot adjacent to the rear of the S hweitz's Bar building. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� �_ I Favor Goswitz Rettman a B Sc6eibel gai n s t Y Sonnen VVilson SEP 1 1989 Form Ap roved by Ci A rney Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Pas ouncil r r gy ' � �� . sy� �p� P � � R7N� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council A►ppr e Mavor: Date � � By SEP 2 31 89 '� � ��9-���' DEPARTMENT/OFFICEIOOUNC�L TE IlU7ED Finance/License GREEN SHEET NO. 5 3 7 6 INITIALI DATE INITIAI/DATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PNONE �DEPARTMENT.DIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqL Kris Van Horn/298-5056 N� � �qTy ATTppNE1f �CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON OOUNqL AQENDA BY(DATE) �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN7) � ('.n»n r i 1 TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES CLI ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) �criori REOU�: Three i Request for a �ne-Day E ension of Liquor Service. HEARING DATE: September 12, 1989 RECOMMENDA71oN8:Approw(IU a Rsject(R) CO CIL C RCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANA YST PHONE NO. _PLANNINQ COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION _q8 COMMI7TEE _ 00 ENTS: _STAFF _ _D18TRICT COURT _ I . SUPPORTS WIiICN OOUNqL 08JECTIVE4 INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When, Wh Mr. Richard B. Schwietz, Jr. DBA�Sc wietz's Bar at 956 Payne Avenue requests Council approval of his request for an e�te sion of his liquor service. The request is for September 1G, 15, and 16, 1989. Th extended liquor service will be confined to the parking lot adjacent to the �ea of the Schwietz's Bar building and w�ll be limited from Noon to 12:30 AM. I I ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: I I I � � � DISADVANTA(iES IF APPf�VED: �ECEtVED i SEP 0 81989 .� i CITY CLERK D18ADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED: � � Counc�l Research Center. SEP 7 19$� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION I COST/REYENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTMTY NUMOER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) r . . � ; . � . . �-,���.�' _ _ �._ .. r , ,,.. :. _.._. . __ I�:v ,�'�, ::jl �;"' 4+. .. � .. U• �'•� �.eyust 3q, '1989 Richard E3 . 5chwi �t�, Jr . , d/b/a Schwiet�'s 13�r 9�6 Payn� Avenu�: 5� . Pa�al , �i i nriesot a �;�;•1 U•1 Jnseph Carchedi City Licen�E Ins�ector 203 Courthouse 5t . �'a�al , M i nnesota :,��1Uc Dear �ir . Carchedi , 7he Payn� Avenu� fiarv�st Fe tival celebrakiUn will take wlac� S�ptEmh��r •14th thro�agl7 thE 'Ibth . Once aclain we �re ask ing �a�rinissior� to e:t�nd our 1 icensES ta incl�acl � k�nt on a�lr• �arl< ing 1at adj�cEnt tv th� rear G•f o+ar h�.� ildincl. r'as in tl•i� past , a11 rey�lla� c�ris i°ry�irding dac�rmen , nc�r�-qlass containers �Juring the p�rade, �� urity �nrJ fcncing etc . wi11 �ar_ o�.i•r gireat cGnc�rn and at t�nt i an . W� have h�d n� �arcat�1 enis w i 1 1 t h i s e::t�nsion in the past m�ny yEars The dates wauld lae 7h�.ni°sday Se�atember `I4th at n�on �lnt i 1 `I2:30am. , Fr i day Septeniber •15th at noon �.in i 1 '12:3C7am. and S�t�lyday noc�n �lnt i 1 •i�?:3Cl a ni. We hope this wi11 m�et yo�li° a�proval �nd ta tl•iank you for yo�ar at tent i an i n th i s r�y�.�e�t . :C•f y �1 have any �'�arthcr quest i ons ��egard i n g this ni�tter , �1�:�s� �i'��1 i�re� ta cantact me �t !7'h-�3£3�30. Sinc�r�ly, � � � 5� � I � ) ft i c�h�r d E3 . S c.17 w i e t�r J i� . RE3�: nik,j