89-1663 WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll �� � //J� CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY O SA I NT PAU L File NO. �� • /�`� BLUE - MAVOR Coun 'l solution - �> �� ; Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application ( D #66515) for a Class A Gambling License by the Fraternal 0 der of Eagles at 287 Maria Avenue, be and the same i s hereby approved/d�iect. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman O Scheibel _ A 1 n S t BY Sonnen Wilson SEP 1 �¢ 1989 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �/�`/ By 7 Certified Y s d� o nci cre By . ...; A►pprov d Ma �ate _ - 1 5 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy � BY PUBL� S Ep 2 � 198 _ � . . . . . , ,�,�,---�i��3 DEPARTM[NTIOFfl�J00UNqL DATEIN ATE GREEN SHEET No. 503� Finance/License INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON d PHONE DEpAqTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNpL Chri sti ne Rozek/298-5056 g CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpI A(iENDA BY(DATE� �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.BERVICEB DIR. 9-14-89 �tiu►voa�oR�s�srnNn � Cni�nri 1 Re TOTAL N OF 8KiNATURE PAOES (aIP L OCATIONS FOR SIQiNATURE� ACTION REWE8TED: Approval of an application fo r newal of a State Class 8 Gambling License. Notification Date: Hearing Date: 9-14-89 RECOMMENDATION3:Approve(A)a Ry�d(R) MITTEEli�8EARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COAAMISSION _qVll SERVIC:COMMI8810N �� PMONE NO. _pB COMMITTEE _ OOM ENTS _STAFF _ _DIBTRICT COURT _ 8UPPORT8 WHICH OOUNCII 08JECTIVE? IPNTIATIN(i PF�BLEM�188UE.OPPORTUNITV(Who�Wha,When�Whsn.Wh�: Gene Swenson on behalf of Fr te nal Order of Eagles Aexie #33 St. Paul requests City Council approv 1 f their application for renewal of a State Class B Gambling Licen e t 287 Maria Avenue. Proceeds from the pulltab sales will be used f r pecial charities and special needs. All fees and applications ha e een submitted. ADWINTJM��E81F APPROVED: If Council approval is give , raternal Order of Eagles Aerie #33 St. Paul will operate a pul ta booth at 287 Maria Avenue. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: dSADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: Council Research Center SEP 11989 TOTIlL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a COST/iiEVENUE SUDt#ETED(GRCLE ONE) YES NO RUNDING 80URCE ACTIVITY NUMOER flNANGAI INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) • • • • • � ���~/�� DiVISION OF I.ICENSE ANI) PERMIT A.I)MINI TRATION DATE � jcf � l � ZU g INTERDF.PARTI�fEI�'TAL KEVIEW CHECKLZST A.ppn P ocessed/Rec ive by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �V'C�..��y��L DV� r Ot; ��PS Home Acidress ��,Q � � /U(�. C� � � Business hame ��� •� Home Phone y ��' Ds�'�' Business Address Type of License(s) �Q y�p�,,, —�'SS Business Phone ��(:m �n�n �.( C�¢.,-,S-eJ Public Hearing Date � / O ( License I.D. �6 �p(p5�s at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Cha bers 3rd floor City Ha11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� � tf�" llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� IU�/-�' to Applicant Pederal Firearms �� ��{-} Public He�.iring DATE TNS ECTIUN REVLEW VERFIED ( OMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved' ot A roved � Bldg I & D � N � , Health Divn. � � ; � i Fire Dept. ' ( i � � I Police Dept. �n �- �f� ��� •� Z �/L � in�lc��� Gt�p rou�l License Divn. ' _ J ��� i � o�t nQ��c`�W�S�t vllbrh�G.�(Or City Attorney � ��Z� , o � Date Received: Site Plan u G To Council Research � 3` b Lease or Letter N Da e from Landlord A' % , • , � City f Saint Paul . . . Finance and Management ervices%License & Permit Dfvision C� .,��� ' INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION FO PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLIVG GA:IE IV SAINT PAUL (To be used with the followi g: New A & C application, renew A & C Licenses, a�d riew and renew B in Private Clubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organiaat on which is applying for licens�' FRATERNAL ORDER � OF EAGLES AERIE ��33 2. •Address where games will be held 2 7 MARIA AVENUE ST PAUL MN 55106 . Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this applic tion who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games GENE E SWENSON Date of Birth 4/8/29 (a) Length of time manager has bee member of applicant organization 27 years 4. Address of Manager 1618 ORTH GROTTO ST ST PA 11 Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this applica ion is for VARIOUS THROUGHOUT THE YEAR. 6. Is the applicant or organization o ganized under the laws of the State of MN? t"ES 7. Date of incorporation 8. Date when registered with the Stat of Minnesota 9. How Iong has organization been in xistence? 92 years 10. How long has organization been in xistence in St. Paul? 92 years. 11. What is the purpose of the organi ation? FRATERNAL BENEFIT TO RAIE MONEY FOR S HAR E S AND S PE NE E S 12. Officers of applicant organizatio : Name pERNON A NELSON Name PHILLIP J(JACK) RUNNING Address 2092 E CASE AVE Address 1728 NORTH ABEL ST. Title pRESIDENT D�B 3 4/3 Title SECRETARY DOB 7/16/33 Name GEORGE T MITCHELL Name JOHN MELIi1S Address 3 9 THOMAS AVENUE Address 729 OAKDALE AVE �k204 Title VICE PRESIDENT DOB 12 9/ 2 Title TREASURER DOB 7/7/40 13. Give names of officers, or any o her persons who are paid for Sel"V1C2S t0 the organization. Name Name Addrzss Address Title Title (Attach sep rate sheet for additional names.) 14. Attached hereto is a list of names nd addresses of all members of the organization. • 15. In whose custody will organization' records be �ept? �i��V�" Name PHILLIP J(JACK) RUNNING • Address 2g7 MARIA AVENUE 16. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name GENE E SWENSON Name RTCHARn B�v7.F S - _ � Address 1 1 Address �R2R M(1NTANA a,vF dk Member of Member of DOB 4/8/29 Organization? S DOB 2/20/41 Organization? �_ Name Name Ad'dress Address Member of Member of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? 17. a) Does your organization pay or tend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes X no b) If you do pay accounting fees, to whom will such fees be paid? Name JOHN WALLISCH Address 417 E NEBRASKA AVE ..� DOB 5/16/1915 Member o Organization? YES c) How are the accounting fees c arged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) flat rate 18. Have you read and do you thoroug ly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the op ration of Charitable Gambling games? yes 19. Attached'hereto on the form furn shed by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes alI receipts, ex enses, and disbursements of the applicant organiza— tion, as well as all organizatio s who have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prep red, and vezified by 1�1ARY L KOHLER 658 CONWAY STREET ST PAUL, MINNESOTA 55106 Address who is the MADAM PRESIDENT OF T AUXILIARY TO THE of the applicant organization. ame 20. Operator of premises where game will be held: Name FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGL S AERIE ��33 Business Address 287 MARIA A NUE Home Address 287 MARIA AVE . . �J-/(o�3 'L1. Amount �of rent paid by applicant or nization for rent of the hall: 22. The proceeds of the games will be d'sbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the followin purposes and uses: � 23. Has the premises where the games ar to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? g 24. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? �_ If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If a swer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant ass ciation may be made only with the consent of the City Council. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES AERIE ��33 Organization Name Date JULY 14, 1989 By: GENE E SWENSON � Manager in charge of game VERNON A NELSON Organization President or CEO a � � z = zi li � _ _ �, . .. - ^ _� y o ,9 < 3 ! � � � ? - f7 .�7 f0 � � ('l S J �O r► '� = 3 A A t '1 ./i � {r' A " ' ° ,,�0 � . -. � 9 � � � � r► � n 3 e� x�MnM^n^^ I� T � �a � '� ��',.-{, r. r. � � � 3 3 ����. � ,e `� r► � �1 ►+ ' = _ � a � � � 3 �- � � , 3 �'''�� ` 7 i � 7 � '7 � - �0 — - 3. = n � � o � � 3 3 r' 9 = 3 � :. � � ^ . �7 . � � -SI-J `, I 1 '+ •'' ' 3 I ,�► �t 9 :'f � x � H ,�„� -� �� a a � I,� - � �c � r. � b C � � ��� ;� � t � � 3 - G� :- � •. 'fr !O m m� . '` ,p m � 9 I � � A ° r � 9 = � `qV' .i .i v '7 � 9 � '<� N G � i + � I yr� � ":I� a '- = � � "� _ � � ` � r+� f0 'f '��.L � � � ' ' � � ,9 I a � � :7 A 9 '� : � � cr _ " 9 � S . r0 C^. � �i ' - .. ' � �� 'f — n J .� t ct J ' � - � � � b I �C ca ; � � ' r► � S 7 � //'��' a � . 7 � ^► � � I I ?, � ; f� � /WWVYyti � � ; _ ('7 T � � � �.1.� ' '� I- - r D .' � � �` �+ A I d � � � � � � � � i � � a 7 9 J b + i � � i� _ � � � v A 1 ` �r � ,� '0 O t1 � . ! �+• ' '� � � `0 •• I 1 7 �. .. .,. T..... . .,;,,�� -... .:. _ . .. .. _ - ... _ . . . . . .-:.�N`i:....�M1t.-•..,rsr�s^w-a, ar++P• .. .. . . _ . . . .. .. .. . . ��l� ity of Saint Paul Department of Fin nce and Management Services License and Permit Division ��/�� 203 City Halt St. Paul, innesota 55102•298-5056 APPLICA iON FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. ew Aenew a � � Date —� 19 � Code No. � Title of License / o From �` 19�.gTo 19 /C� 3 ���,� ���' ,� ,��' ,� . A Ilcant/Company Name - '° '`�����c,.� �'.�3 100 Business Name �f 7 � ,3 ,� a�� ��1�a- ��. o.� Business Address , Phone No. 100 ���� �f _� a�� «�� � 100 Mail to Add ess � Phone No. ,00 �� ; ��� ����� ManaperlOwner•Name 100 _�1...�.-�' . ��9 a�y 100 AtanagerlGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Appticatfon Fee 2 Sp n ' Received the Sum of 1� � ��.X� � S��� � �. ManagedOwner•City,State 3 2ip Code• 100 T tal 100 . � LiCense InSpBCtOr By: Siynature o(Applicant Bond• � Company Name Poliey No. Expiration Date Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiratfon Oate Minnesota State Identification No. 4 �� Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Piate Numbsr Serfal Number �tf18f: THIS IS A R CEIPT FOR APPLICATION . THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your app�ication for license will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions oF the zoning. ordfnance and completion of the inspections by the Htalth Fire, Zoning andJor�iCense InspeCtor�. $15.00 CNARGE OR ALL RETURNED CHECKS 7-�CJ �I �� �, � ���-- ' . C ty of Sainc Paul Pags 1 ' � � . Department of inance and Managemenc Servicea � � Division of L1 enae and Permit Administration ��///`'[/_ � � IJNIFORH CHARIT LE GA?tBLINC FZNANCIAL REPORT • ' nau ,T T�T.v 14_ 1989 i. Name of OrganizationFRATERNA ORDER OF EAGLES AERIE ��33 2. Addrasa vhera Charitable Camblin is coaduetad 28� I"I!'RI�' AVENUE , 3. Rnport for period eovering ',.ti 1 19 88 through .�Y 31 19 89 4. Total number of dayo Played � 5. Crose receipts fot above period ; 38,034,5� 6. Groas prize payouta for above p riod (includa eash short) s 28.57 9.�� 7. Net receipts – lina S minua 11a 6 � 9.�+55.5� , 8. Sxpenaes lncurred 1n conducting and operating gae: A. Gross vagee paid. Attach v rker lise vith namea, addreeaes, groos wag e, numbar of houra ; 1 00,00 vorked, and amount paid pet hour. � B. Rent for veeks ; n - n C. License fee : 1�5.�� D. Insurance S E. eond � 12S.�� P. Dishonored checks not reco ered � 2�+0.00 � G. Accounting Expenae ; H. Employere F.I.C.A. ; I. Pulltab Taa Paid to Depart ent of Revenua i 1,116.38 J. tiinn. U.C. 'fax s R. Federal Faccise Tax b St s L. Stata Cambling Ta�c ; 69.78 H. Hiscellaaeous Expeasep. dentify tha amount and to vhom paid.g�AL E TATE 3,500.0(� CITY OF ST PAUL�'RAM9�'� GOUN£Y � 1• GAMBLING EQUIPMEN ; 5�0_00 JACK RUNNING 2�OST OF GOODS : 1,303.81 MN TIP & TAB BOARD 3, OFFICE SUPPLIES = 235.05 SARATOGA COMPANY a. STAMPS ; 25.00 �09T OFFICE GAS & LIGHTS 500.0 0�� ;NSP ��gq0.02 9: Total Facpenses l0. N�t Iocose – line 7 aiaus li s 9 i 1.Sf�S.48 _— 11. Checkbook balanea beginning f period ; 2,315.37 12. Total of liaa 10 aad 11 f 3_880.85 � 13. Total coatributions (from at ached vortsheet) ; 4,168,14 14. Checkbook balanca end of rep rting period - � line iz i@ss iine i3 i -287•60- rfi�06.92) �,. . , LAwFUL PURPas CONTRIBUTIONS - WORKSNEET �� . - . . . . . (,��y-lG(a3 �. "�_� Line �13 - Total Lawful Purpose Contributions. S ,��„ 15 ;. . , , . -'i;.�-- : L�st below all checks writ en from gambling funds which are ' ��;` ' �charitable lawful purpose ontributions. The total dollar � t'- 'amounts of these checks mu t match the amount claimed in �. a:.`. line �13. Use additional heets as necessary. ' CHECK # OATE ' PAYEE CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE -,: j. 1072 10/8/88 WHOLESALE CLUB ��.00 CANDY FOR CHILDREN'S HALLOWEEN PARTY � `, Z. 1073 10/22/8 SUZANNE MARIE'S ANCE SC 75.00 ENTERTAINMENT FOR HALLOWEEB �s. . PARTY rw'= 3. , 1074 10/30/88 CITY WIDE �dOUTH HLETIC 399.95 REQUIRED BY CITY OF ST PAUL ' FUND t` 4. 1076 � 11/26/88 CITY WIDE YOUTH HLETIC 52,80 REQUIRED BY CITY OF ST PAUL FUND �:; : 5. 1079 12/1/88 BOY SCOUT TROOP � 9 102,50 CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS ��. 6. 1080 12/1/89 BOY SCOUT TROOP � 29.00 CHRISTMAS WREATHS � . 7. 1082 12/19/88 llADIES AUXILIARY 45.95 SANTA'S BEARD s - '�-� 8. 1092 3/23/89 ART EHRMAN CANCE FUND 340.00 CANCER RESEARCH �,� �' 9• 1095 4/23/89 KOUNTRY KOUSINS 120,00 DANCE BAND FOR CHILD ABUSE a� f' 10• 1097 4/28/89 CHILDREN'S HOME C ISIS 1200.00 CHILD A�3[JSE . �°-`' NURSE RY � �:' 11. 1098 4/28/89 JIl�'Il�IY DURANTE CHI D 50,00 CHILD ABUSE ABUSE FUND '-: 12• 1101 6/12/89 HOME DN THE R1s1RGE FOR BO 25.00 REGULAR CHARITY �.� ``13. 1102 6/12/89 MINNESOTA �HERIFF BOYS 25.00 REGULAR CHARITY AUSTIN, MN �`�' RANCH _ ��-`^. TOTAL CHEC AMOUNT S 2155.20 a�: carried forward, ��;> NOT�: These expenditures will be pro ided to Council Members at your Council hearing. � . Be sure that your financial re ort is complete and accurate. �` ' . �: . � . _ _ � � 3 � .. ',� �', .r � � •. y � � • s � A � � �,:: - ^ '� .�. i > � a � � .�i 0 Q w s,r.- _ � . � �+ � '� � .� y w � s - t �Mn� ,�,� � y p ` •• �r � i O � ` "'� ' ��-�.. �' ��"..� a i i � s : r • � � a „=� �"� 1� � .� .� + � v " v T ! � _ � �. 3 �'��/i i .� S 7 � a � � i =+' � � � ,�';. , • �. • r � r • N 1� �'�_ � o > ~ � � ~ � � 7 � O t�� ' p ,� .� � � � • '� J� 3 �`-' < 3 _ � - � : 'a I � � s ` s ' � w ' a e� • � � _ . _ i + � � ( � i a w � � � ~s � a, `.. . ' . r A • ` � �� ,� � � wvv � i� A � ! � � -^ - . : � �i w � d � � I r w � , f�1 h'� 7 � � !:. -, + ' + e � . _ ' • � � Q I s � � �� ,- � '� 7 I • i � � ' ( � � s • s� "." r ^ ! a I s �" � :S .� � �} � � � � �'-.. . ' ' O �� � � � ! i� a = � g.- c � � . :. , .` al � r� s . . �y � I _(� ^•��,\\\ .s 7� • ` �� i � i , �. _ . . _ LAWFUL PURPdSE CO TRIBUTIONS - WORKSHEET �:_;. . . . . . . . .�,:: �� � ,,.� -/ . Line #13 - Total Lawful Purpose Co tributions. S 2,405.20 � ;����. • continued from pr v�ous gage : � ' : List below all checks writte from gambling funds which are � y.. Y;;: _ � �charitable lawful purpose co ributions. The total dollar � Y':_ 'amounts of these checks must atch the amount claimed in ��. -"'' line #13. Use additional sh ts as necessary. ' .}�. ,�.� . �`"_-` CNECK # OATE � PAYEE CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE ._�` 14. 1103 6/12/89 OUR LADY OF GOOD C SEL "�,.Qq CANCER HOME "� CAN CE R HOME ' �'i•, 1104 6/12/89 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 25.00 REGULAR CHARITY �,. '� Z$.. 1105 6/12/89 �AGLES MAKE A WISH FUND 25,00 REGULAR CHARITY �i: ' . :a;: 147., 1107 6/12/89 HUMAN GROWTH 25.00 PITUITARY GLAPTD DYSFUNC�ON �� f6., 1108 6/12/89 EAGLE SCOtiT AWARD 25.00 REGULAR 'CHARITY _ . �; , ? �9., 1109 �/12/89 CAMP CONFIDENCE 25,00 HELP CHILDREN ENJOY LIFE '`' CRIPPLED CHILDREN & MEN'T�LLY RETA'r a:: �}i'.': �4, 1110 6/12/89 MINNESOTA KIDNEY F ND 25,00 REGULAR CHARITY _s;; ,;... �1, 1111 6/12/89 MINNESOTA B(IABETES FUND 25.00 REGULAR CHARITY ,�r •f � ='` C�L•, 1112 6/12/89 GOLDEN EAGLE (SR TIZEN 25,00 REGULAR CHARITY �;`1�►, � 1113 6/12/8 9 MINNE S OTA TALK ING B0013 2 5.00 F OR BL IND AND HARD. OF Ms, �, FOR HANDICAPPED HEARING PEOPLE � `� 11. �,'' _ 12. • ���� 13. . �;:: - "` TOTAL CHEC AMOl7NT b 2405.20 � NOT�: These expendjtures will be pro ided to Council Members at your Council hearing. -� Be sure that your financiai re ort is complete and accurate. t,';. . � � �;:.: .' .r _ . .r . a � : s 3 -'� = •� _ � � ,,,7, � .�. i > � e � _ � 3 C s i . � � - � w {7 ` � + + y Q ` '�'n .r•.?..: � 1 ; O � a .► �; ! � i o � S = � � � 1 O ! � �� � • � � r w r w ..� ! � . 3! 1i``:�� , i v ? ! S /� s � i = � 7� C • .. • � ° " • w w � � �, � r 7 l� 'q � r � 7 r ;T � '� � • 7 � O s � �.::. � � � 'a .��. s � � s � : � � � "� s 7 � • ` s � e e I � i 7 • • � � A � ! . r � v�rv 7r = � .� • ; ; �.r� •� � i � • ,� : � 4 N ... . '� � s w • %,_�� . � r w • O � �1 V • .. . .� : r � � f �� s;-.�' � O � � - a a � i a .� � � . a � � 3 �.. • � ,�. i� � � i ' 3 � i ' � � � � � � � I � � �� f"- � - 1 0 �� C � � e I = � � � � t �1 � � i� ni s J � • s � • ( yl J{ i I I i � i:. �', . ✓": �